



  • Cataract: A Study in Diderot (Wesleyan University Pres
  • a, Egypt, went up the River Nile to the first Cataract, and then spent a month in Palestine.
  • am, is an ophthalmic surgeon, specializing in cataract and refractive surgery.
  • ality, vision impairment (due to formation of cataract) and liver enlargement (which may be fatal).
  • Cataract and other eye diseases
  • t are Tuckerman Ravine, the Ravine of Raymond Cataract, and Huntington Ravine.
  • n which the river has deposited silt, in this cataract area, where islands are scattered like a floc
  • several diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cataract, atherosclerosis, and cancer.
  • hipping to pass upstream as far as the second cataract, before a portage overland was required.
  • various parts of the country till 1874, when cataract, beginning to affect his vision, compelled hi
  • earch areas in science include Endocrinology, Cataract Biology, Material science, Nanotechnology, Po
  • stretch up to 30 miles (48 km) upstream into Cataract Canyon
  • y bought new fire engines for the Niagara and Cataract companies.
  • t worked by diverting water from weirs on the Cataract, Cordeaux, Avon and Nepean rivers to Prospect
  • The upper Cataract Creek valley is covered with dense forest and
  • The lake is fed by Cataract Creek on a rock plate at the edge of a precip
  • crystalline lens, which has implications for cataract development.
  • homeostasis such as Alzheimer's disease, and cataract formation, as well as secondary degeneration
  • on, increased eye pressure, increased thirst, cataract formation, confusion, rare cases of dementia
  • crystallin mutations show an association with cataract formation.
  • s in lens epithelial cells (LEC) is linked to cataract formation.
  • enes, gamma-crystallins have been involved in cataract formation.
  • helial cells on the lens capsule in secondary cataract formation.
  • corrective lenses for use after removal of a cataract from the eye.
  • It is the location of the Cataract Gorge and the Trevallyn Dam.
  • At the time, Cataract had 500 engineers and technicians and reporte
  • Since the cataract had to be portaged, the area became one of th
  • r the Temple of Khnum and opposite of the Old Cataract Hotel.
  • best known as the founder and operator of the Cataract House Hotel located near the upper rapids jus
  • alled immunodeficiency with cleft lip/palate, cataract, hypopigmentation and absent corpus callosum,
  • Crowbar, Mastodon, Obituary, Amen, Betzefer, Cataract, In Flames, Slayer, Spawn, Extreme Noise Terr
  • pment was halted due to preclinical toxicity ( cataract) in long term dosing studies.
  • Later in life, Cleaver suffered a traumatic cataract in his remaining eye as a result of his origi
  • Pervais sold Cataract Inc. through an employee stock ownership prog
  • ness with the purchase of the historic (1855) Cataract Inn, in Caledon, Ontario, outside of Toronto.
  • A Galactosemic cataract is cataract which is associated with the cons
  • Lake Trail and Eaglesmere Lakes Trail, above Cataract Lake Loop Trail.
  • ch flows into Cagles Mill Lake, also known as Cataract Lake, before joining the Eel.
  • co Probe, a device "for ablating and removing cataract lenses".
  • its area and affording visitors views of the cataract not seen before.
  • limbing a tree high above the Ga-ha-oose, the cataract now known as Cohoes Falls, the Great Peacemak
  • "The Cataract of Lodore" is a poem written in 1820 by the E
  • ury Lane with a romantic melodrama called The Cataract of the Ganges; or, The Rajah's Daughter which
  • vels inland and names the Augrabies Falls the Cataract of King George
  • -El-Hajar is a stony area south of the second cataract of the Nile river in Sudan, in contrast to th
  • iting himself to crayons on cardboard after a cataract operation in 1976 restricted his vision.
  • The clinic operates on up to 30 cataract patients per week. 
  • Between 1997 and 2008, over 87,000 cataract patients had received free operations.
  • to provide free surgical operations to blind cataract patients.
  • Africa Cataract Project offers a training program for local A
  • The Africa Cataract Project (ACP) is a mission of Turkish NGO IHH
  • lege of Surgeons, International Surgeons, and Cataract Refractive Surgeons.
  • s Amara West and Sesebisudla, when the second cataract region had become part of an Egyptian 'empire
  • to the patients such as cleft lip and palate, cataract removal, straightening of crossed eyes, ortho
  • In the 1980s, he had the cataract removed and received an artificial implant.
  • nternational Society of Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgeons.
  • e International Advisory Council of the World Cataract Surgeons' Foundation and a board member of th
  • ents, and on the average performed around 100 cataract surgeries per year.
  • mp Scheme the hospital will be sponsoring two cataract surgeries per week at a subsidised rate..
  • The project aims at performing 100.000 free cataract surgery operations in ten African countries:
  • id or retina, glaucoma, and a complication of cataract surgery known as posterior capsular opacifica
  • Main article: Cataract surgery
  • The hospital is sponsoring cataract surgery at subsidised rates for people from l
  • Now, ACh is sometimes used during cataract surgery to produce rapid constriction of the
  • One of the cataract surgery techniques that Kelman developed, pha
  • treatment of inflammation and pain following cataract surgery
  • A doctor performing cataract surgery at the Battambang Ophthalmic Care Cen
  • In these clinics, cataract surgery costs about $170, or N25,000, but the
  • for work on corneal endothelial changes after cataract surgery and a Doctor of Science (in Ophthalmo
  • In Mali it remains more popular than modern cataract surgery, despite the fact that the cost of bo
  • Cataract surgery, using a temporal approach phacoemuls
  • ces offered at UCSD Shiley Eye Center include cataract surgery, cornea transplants, glaucoma diagnos
  • of being expanded to hip replacement surgery, cataract surgery, percutaneous coronary intervention,
  • fever and although she recently had undergone cataract surgery.
  • produce miosis after lens implantation during cataract surgery.
  • lication known as floppy iris syndrome during cataract surgery.
  • o research to substantiate this as a risk for cataract surgery.
  • f boiler explosions, and a safety equilibrium cataract, used with the Cornish pumping engine for the
  • o Refractive Surgery with 8 % of turnover and Cataract Vitreotinal Surgery with 18 %.
  • 75 feet (114 m), while the largest individual cataract was 130 feet (40 m) high.
  • ncreases were likely due to the news that the cataract was dried off; decreases in tourists could be
  • r and the kidney with rousing of fire causing cataract with impaired vision".