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  • esidents voted to adopt a home rule charter to govern the city.
  • , Richard II of England authorised statutes to govern the college of minor canons
  • Data pins govern the data flow propagation while sequence pins
  • d called a Moderator who's duty is to directly govern the church.
  • federate government certified special rules to govern the conduct of partisan rangers.
  • cedure, designated MKDELTA, was established to govern the use of MKULTRA materials abroad.
  • This empowered the township to better govern the provision of services to its increasingly
  • Kaykaus named an Armenian, Rais Hetoum, to govern the mixed Greek and Turkish population.
  • he Pan American Sports Committee was formed to govern the games.
  • There are no laws at the national level to govern the conduct of any primary election.
  • These characteristics will in turn govern the microstructure of the blend.
  • onsistently chose the Ulster Unionist Party to govern the region.
  • is bringing forth a many-membered manchild to govern the world, through whom Christ will govern the
  • and Caldonazzo and the Welsperg family used to govern the town and its surroundings.
  • He would govern the colony for the next six years, focussing m
  • n of money is also bound by the same laws that govern the destruction of other personal property.
  • ptist General Convention of Texas continues to govern the Academy.
  • n a sovereign national conference, which would govern the country until the holding of elections.
  • and led professional sports leagues and helped govern the baseball industry.
  • el word, governing a set of complements, which govern their own complements themselves.
  • ited States to give Puerto Ricans the right to govern their island.
  • estress within cells, tissues, and organs that govern their mechanical stability, as well as mechani
  • de indios), in order to Christianize, tax, and govern them more efficiently.
  • ban VI should be the last pope and that people govern themselves under their own laws.
  • cern are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly.
  • the southwest Indian state of Kerala, but they govern themselves through Islamic law.
  • ow signifies that Tamils' aspiration to freely govern themselves in their own homeland is a fundamen
  • a, refused to pay them tribute, and set out to govern themselves".
  • eader who will become the Zambian president to govern there counrty.
  • Deputy of Ireland, saying "All Ireland cannot govern this Earl; then let this Earl govern all Irela
  • not, according to the equations established to govern those relationships.
  • seed sounds, but rather, the principles which govern those chakras in their place.
  • ', cry the parasite politicians, accustomed to govern together with the highest power and their crie
  • discovered the Ir (immune response) genes that govern transplant rejection (1960s).
  • ternary rather than the usual binary ones that govern unary modal operators often read as "necessari
  • Solomon by Armadel; Book 4: The Spirits which govern under the Orders of the sovereign Creator" (Cl
  • party led by Joh Bjelke-Petersen, was able to govern uninhibited during this period due to the 'Bje
  • a two-man ministry, known as a duumvirate, to govern until a full ministry could be announced.
  • faith, and of its incapacity to protect and to govern us”.
  • thored a tract entitled A Heretical Pope would Govern Validly but Illicitly.
  • of a government having a legitimate mandate to govern via the fair winning of a democratic election
  • ince of Poland, despite Lithuanian requests to govern Vilnius directly from Rome, which however, was
  • also set up in the UK; and the laws that would govern wages, standards, contracts, etc, for that bus
  • His only means to govern was through presidential emergency powers and
  • Maureen Govern was Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at AOL at t
  • orced to proclaim the intention of Henry IV to govern well.
  • The principles govern when and how personal information can be colle
  • wedish law defines two alcohol thresholds that govern where and to whom a given type of beer may be
  • The NDP was able to continue to govern with the support of some Liberal Members of th
  • The PA did not win a majority, but was able to govern with the support of the smaller parties.
  • l force, but according to some residents, they govern with less brutality than in some parts of west
  • allowed the Liberal-Conservative Coalition to govern with a majority in order to block the socialis
  • and the Canary Islands Coalition, in order to govern with additional support from the Basque Nation
  • ne, to men like Oliver Cromwell, who wished to govern with a Parliament voted in by an electorate de
  • ovince's political maturity and its ability to govern without direction from its formal executive.
  • deacons, and told him that he had no right to govern without his permission.
  • time his party would obtain a enough seats to govern without being heavily dependent on third parti
  • es called Eleven Years' Tyranny - attempted to govern without it.
  • It was equally difficult for Drury to try to govern without Morrison, since the latter as UFO lead
  • on and John Frederick Holland and attempted to govern without convening the island's assembly.
  • nts 2. Labor would have found it impossible to govern without the support of the DLP, an extremely u
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