



  • Both road and wind noise have been hushed, as well.
  • reverse guitar riff which drives the song to a hushed finish.
  • this, that long after the controversy will be hushed in silence, long after this turmoil, the agita
  • That said, "I'll Be A Virgin…" is a hushed introspective affair, its sweetly mournful mel
  • Joe Pass and Martin Taylor playing to a hushed, packed house at Union Chapel
  • e range and balance of musical ideas, from the hushed, rhythmic opening through the Andantino for fo
  • zas for alto flute, viola and cor anglais over hushed strings.
  • A forceful orchestral climax gives way to a hushed, tense mood where the cello makes its final st
  • "The hushed tones and careful strumming that dominated '1,
  • disputable: either a serious scandal was being hushed up or a really diabolical libel had been perpe
  • r suspicious circumstances, that her death was hushed up by the police, and that Dr. Almore's mistre
  • The entire incident was "so effectively hushed up" that it is sometimes cited as a classic ex
  • It's true this is somewhat hushed up; it's easy to find references on the web, h
  • f begins quietly with synthesizers and Waters' hushed vocal, in addition to the sounds of certain or
  • ed, moving from choked desire to exultation to hushed wonder."