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  • scension of a Pole to the papacy provided the impetus a clear break.
  • After that impetus abated, construction lagged, and she was not
  • , though indeed it lost much of its power and impetus after the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and Zan
  • ce the 19th century, but the scheme was given impetus after World War II, during which London had s
  • The current Aristotelian theories of impetus and terrestrial motion were inadequate to exp
  • agencies of the government will be given the impetus and the strength and the capacity to do their
  • e advent of World War I, the development lost impetus and no further development was undertaken by
  • Flintoff continued with impetus and trapped Simon Katich lbw for 1, before Ho
  • Paul Connett and his son Michael provided the impetus, and environmental organizations from twelve
  • His arrival gave new impetus and hope to Cretan insurgents, notably since
  • ndon's foremost High Churches, as part of the impetus and money for its founding came from a rich d
  • hivalric romance - that "the poem provided an impetus as well as an object for Chaucer's satire."
  • h serves Port Authority Bus Terminal from its impetus at Elmwood Park, New Jersey during rush hours
  • Patil who was instrumental to give sports an impetus at the college.
  • The project's impetus began in 1996, when Cox inquired about 19th c
  • The overriding theory as to the main impetus behind An Island is that it allegorises Blake
  • us Crew and FC Dallas of Major League Soccer; impetus behind 1966 AFL-NFL merger, coined the name "
  • His activism became the prime impetus behind the obtainment of universal (male) suf
  • assive bulk of the newer building was a major impetus behind the city's 1916 Zoning Resolution.
  • and's first major punk concert, which was the impetus behind a large number of so called "second ge
  • dolescents highlighted that Japan was a major impetus behind child pornography worldwide.
  • The impetus behind this in recent decades can be largely
  • The observatory was also the impetus behind, and provided funds and resources for,
  • ly, the scene escalates to violence, with the impetus being a rock thrown in the direction of the c
  • The Company was founded in 1975 with the impetus being provided by Kirsty Adam, who was then k
  • y-developed branch of the MySQL database, the impetus being the community maintenance of its free s
  • The tourist industry receives a great impetus both from the erection on the road between Ka
  • ristopher Alden, whose career was given major impetus by his partnership with LBO.
  • The impetus came from two directions.
  • Impetus conspirators for the coup is gave Moscow, whi
  • by other scientific publishers, provided the impetus for a study by the The Committee on Science,
  • It is said that the impetus for a collection for a peal of bells came in
  • he Papal charge to evangelize them-created an impetus for a better organized missionary involvement
  • Impetus for this process of development also dates fr
  • The impetus for creating CAFCASS was for primary financia
  • The impetus for its creation was a report by the Board of
  • d for the fresh produce industry, and was the impetus for developing the Georgia Food Safety Certif
  • He was the impetus for the foundation of the Association for the
  • The impetus for the establishment of the FEWC began in 20
  • ferences claim that the accident was also the impetus for the formation of the Civil Aeronautics Bo
  • It provided impetus for improvement of this feature for KDE SC 4.
  • t off the second critical event that provided impetus for Woodstock West.
  • of books drives him insane, and serves as the impetus for his subsequent adventures.
  • Rawlins cited outdated press equipment as the impetus for the move.
  • The impetus for the creation of the commission came from
  • Anti-war protests which were the impetus for the invention of the term.
  • The impetus for the series Twin Peaks was the mystery of
  • Part of the impetus for this measure was dissatisfaction with the
  • ation of the American Brewery may serve as an impetus for further investment in the East Baltimore
  • So maybe a merger would give the impetus for one good article where two stubby ones cu
  • These simulations have provided a major impetus for the development of gravitational wave det
  • of the agreement was to "provide the critical impetus for resolving the northern Uganda conflict."
  • Schwartz's book Pasolini Requiem (1992), the impetus for the film took place in 1962.
  • Order 9835 also was the main impetus for the creation of the Attorney General's Li
  • Much of the impetus for the council was lost during the collapse
  • aul came to Madeira in the 1930s, and was the impetus for the construction of a large aquarium in F
  • This wreck provided the impetus for most railroads to switch to all-steel pas
  • One impetus for this change came from the publication of
  • This provided the impetus for a sustained building programme, and led t
  • th local native groups, and hence provided an impetus for the development of Pidgin Delaware.
  • ntuitive ideas about information has been the impetus for much of my research."
  • The impetus for the program was the belief that film and
  • Palm's design was the impetus for the creation of the highly successful PPG
  • Endre's motive and the impetus for the battalion's formation was that he was
  • o most other developed countries provided the impetus for the development of the comparison microsc
  • e papacy at the time, it is unlikely that the impetus for the change in tradition came from the pop
  • One impetus for Aitken's ending his business comes from i
  • The impetus for this was the announcement earlier that mo
  • widely acclaimed as brilliant and sufficient impetus for HLS's extremely rare award of tenure to S
  • The impetus for the break of the deadlock was a falling o
  • s editor Harry Grayson credited Heston as the impetus for "a turning point from old style football
  • Her recovery was the impetus for a British research programme which result
  • The Saratoga Bend was the impetus for the creation of the town of Saratoga, Neb
  • The impetus for the birth of Biblical Witness Fellowship
  • The construction of the fort provided the impetus for further settlements and trading activity,
  • The impetus for the treaty was the popularity of new, unc
  • The impetus for the album was in 2001, when Air performed
  • and wealthy citizen there, his death was the impetus for the early formation of government in what
  • However, this scandal formed part of the impetus for the formation of salaried public police f
  • The impetus for its creation came from James Madison, who
  • 56-line prologue in which Marie describes the impetus for her composition of the lais.
  • ties while maintaining the peace that was the impetus for their creation.
  • Blake's sermon is considered to be the impetus for the 40-year Consultation on Church Union
  • The arrival of the railway provided the impetus for wealthy Victorian entrepreneurs to build
  • There was further impetus for enlargement as London experienced an acut
  • e assuming the Cabinet post in June, said the impetus for reconciliation came in a meeting between
  • The main impetus for DUSEL is the study of extremely rare nucl
  • , based on the design of Joseph Henry, was an impetus for his electromagnetic undertakings.
  • According to Fitzgerald, the impetus for interreligious dialogue in the Catholic C
  • The impetus for the building began in 1903 as a joint pro
  • The impetus for the NOPB came during the turn of the cent
  • These multiple properties have provided the impetus for a world-wide series of on-going clinical
  • nd the banking system, an event which was the impetus for the creation of the Federal Reserve.
  • cs for the college admission process, was the impetus for NACAC's creation in 1937 and is the found
  • The impetus for real estate development has come from pro
  • are highly similar among animals provides the impetus for the title of this volume, One Medicine.
  • Another important impetus for the founding of the Center was the creati
  • The impetus for the reinstated ferry service continued in
  • its existing 11:00 P.M. newscast as the main impetus for the decision.
  • ce of midtown corporate culture, provided the impetus for her interest in the architecture of power
  • d been growing stronger, providing additional impetus for the rebellion.
  • The original impetus for The Ewok Adventure was an idea George Luc
  • Schulze explained the impetus for this album: "I have wanted to work with L
  • y of Alsace-Moselle may have provided further impetus for the movement.
  • from industrialist William B. Stokely was the impetus for an expansion to the final size of 12,700
  • The impetus for the mosque began in 1966 when the late Ki
  • formation of women's military units provided impetus for private women's organizations to form the
  • The impetus for the legislation was a select group of pro
  • Interestingly enough, the original impetus for founding both BiPAC and the Coalition for
  • Ritter argued that the main impetus for war within Austria-Hungary was internal a
  • ng immediately that would provide the primary impetus for the House of Commons' decision to create
  • They state that it is only by the impetus for restoration coming from the local communi
  • olitical and economic liberalization, and the impetus for cultivating warmer relations and trade wi
  • l A. The success of this relationship was the impetus for a merger that created LOF.
  • For prolonged cases, he states the impetus for such behavior is the "longing for nurturi
  • The impetus for the business was probably the success of
  • eigh to Kenyon Junction in 1864 providing the impetus for the exploitation of coal seams in Tyldesl
  • in the world will "haunt" it and provide the impetus for a fresh interest in communism.
  • The apparent impetus for the deal was a planned broadcast of three
  • hed in the 13th and 14th centuries, receiving impetus from the presence of the court of Edward I in
  • form was centered in Italy but received great impetus from Regensburg, Germany, where Franz Xaver H
  • He said the Peace Prize represented the impetus from the international community, and was but
  • ent that rejected Nazism and instead took its impetus from the likes of Charles Maurras whilst draw
  • This rapid growth continued as the impetus given to athletics by the employment of the f
  • y system which followed from that war was the impetus given to military education; and in 1858 Capt
  • ations of the League is to be ascribed to the impetus given to it by Dr. Ahearne's exertions.
  • Impetus had built in recent years for changes to stat
  • air amount of tension, thereby giving him the impetus he needs to complete his life's purpose.
  • he medical community, and was seen as a major impetus in the development of neurological surgery.
  • rocket cut months off the schedule and was an impetus in reaching the moon before decade's end.
  • There is also this fact: the real impetus in selling books has decisively shifted away
  • “I think it's more or less adding some impetus into the work of the Peace and Security Counc
  • s after they broke up, gives Meethi a further impetus into her delusional world, as she touchingly
  • Impetus is a re-release of the EP Passive Restraints
  • Southern Yacht Club at once gave sailing the impetus it needed.
  • Almost completely devoid of religious impetus, it differs from the more prominent Crusades
  • ce field and coastal gun carriages, and war's impetus led to the quick construction of a large mach
  • Impetus may have been provided by the canal garden ne
  • ion served to inspire his men and provide the impetus needed to carry out the mission after he was
  • f the government's oppressive system, and the impetus of writers broke off its wings, crashing into
  • ccessful, a vector-graphics generator was the impetus of Atari's most successful coin-operated game
  • of St. Mary's Church, Nottingham through the impetus of the vicar of St. Mary's, Joshua William Br
  • g unbroken concerts that echo the unstoppable impetus of the old marabi performers.
  • competitor, one that sweeps the area with the impetus of a gladiator for which he would be frequent
  • Without the impetus of a major hit single, For the Working Girl m
  • Flanders and the Royal Sport Gent, under the impetus of the President Rombaut and co-organizers.
  • all Fine wrote: “Cassavetes, who provided the impetus of what would become the independent film mov
  • ography, that started in late 2000, under the impetus of retired physicist Graham Flint.
  • Under the impetus of the progressive economist Anne Robert Jacq
  • away by the wild enthusiasm of battle and the impetus of his own headlong dash that he started chas
  • of the rowing, the arts of the helmsmen, the impetus of the galleys, and the usual incidents of an
  • ack that is 6:04, all other tracks are of Fan impetus only.
  • Indian sub-continent and escalated with full impetus provided by Muslim elite of United Provinces
  • He provided the direction and impetus that enabled the large, publicly funded Unive
  • organisation initially acquired its name and impetus through promotion of a fundraising 'John Peel
  • n England of Pius's exhortation that gave the impetus to the Ridolfi plot, in which the Duke of Nor
  • ington District to that colony -added further impetus to the Cherokee, who were also being encourag
  • Craan helped to give new impetus to this effort.
  • A subtle, captivating film that gives new impetus to the debate over public education.
  • terests of the Armenians of Van, has given an impetus to education.
  • He gave a great impetus to raising cattle and to the scientific tilli
  • Buttmann's writings gave a great impetus to the scientific study of the Greek language
  • Coy's actions are credited with providing the impetus to avert the coming war.
  • inquiry CFS received additional resources and impetus to improve DNA analysis turn-around times.
  • This did give a major impetus to the students who were toiling hard to get
  • hey jump out of the water first to give extra impetus to the dive.
  • he second half of the 19th century gave a new impetus to the economical development.
  • workers visited the building and provided the impetus to collect the photographs and artifacts on d
  • It gave impetus to eventual political reform and to trade uni
  • ip for the strikers and the strike gave a new impetus to Trade Unionism and a reinvigorated hope fo
  • lexander Pechersky in late September gave new impetus to the escape plans.
  • ing started in modest dimensions but the real impetus to industrial coal mining was given by 1857 w
  • The discovery of The Coral gave Wills the impetus to bring his idea of a new guitar-band label
  • was asked to return to France and give a new impetus to the revival of the French tradition(s) of
  • sport fan, Mr. Baby also provided much needed impetus to the Kerala school sports by revising the c
  • d the breeding of these animals would give an impetus to the canine industry in these regions.
  • He gave a great impetus to French colonial enterprise, especially in
  • was to be constructed which would have given impetus to economic activities in the province.
  • ddresses stroke signs and symptoms knowledge, impetus to call 9-1-1 at any sign of a stroke, awaren
  • ee and consulting engineer), gave an enormous impetus to the development of a British asphalt indus
  • fficult cases in jurisprudence gave a decided impetus to the study of the canons and afforded a key
  • ty and industry communities nor gained enough impetus to form a College of Biotechnology as of this
  • ent of People with Disabilities, an important impetus to the passage of the Americans with Disabili
  • rmation of the Navy League in 1894 gave added impetus to the movement to recognise Nelson's legacy,
  • The post-graduate degree gave impetus to the rapid expansion of the library, and in
  • s manager "The Colonel" proved to be Edwards' impetus to leave pop and rock songwriting; Presley's
  • at while "everyone believed Joey had been the impetus to write the song ... it was actually Dee Dee
  • ally within New Zealand and thus an important impetus to the development of New Zealand Cinema.
  • etection of faint sources, which gave a major impetus to optical astronomy in the United Kingdom".
  • n England of Pius's exhortation that gave the impetus to the Ridolfi plot, in which the Duke of Nor
  • ience with the interim DAR equipment provided impetus to the U.S. development of its own Type DAQ s
  • The impetus to establish a feast day in the Liturgical ca
  • f Germany", and his influence gave a powerful impetus to the agitation which led in 1819 to the iss
  • published in 1956, later provided significant impetus towards the classification of finite simple g
  • ich Schiller's Die Horen, the journal's basic impetus was to extend the reach of classical values i
  • Its original impetus was for use where magnetic compasses were sus
  • Thus a strong impetus was given for formation and progressive devel
  • I'm a guy who comes out of comedy, and my impetus was always to rewrite the line to make it fun
  • This new impetus was largely dissipated by 1970, when many of
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