



  • nted Evening (2010) Montgomery de Piaget and Persephone Alexander
  • The specific epithet persephone alludes to Persephone, the daughter of Zeus.
  • uridice is following him, but it is actually Persephone and the mime Euridice.
  • ssed a sacred grove, a temple of Plouton and Persephone, and an adjoining cave called the Charonion,
  • to Greek mythology are noticeable, including Persephone and Demeter, the river Styx and Charon, and
  • A temple to Persephone at Sparta was attributed to Abaris by Pausan
  • espite this, Pyrrhus plundered the temple of Persephone at Locris before his return to Epirus, an ev
  • he stories of "Cupid and Psyche, Hades and Persephone... Beauty and the Beast, as well as horror cl
  • m - an Englishman (1920) novel (Reprinted by Persephone Books in 1999)
  • a Week, a work that was reprinted in 2008 by Persephone Books and remains relevant today .
  • Gone A-Hunting (1958, republished in 2008 by Persephone Books) and The Pumpkin Eater (1962, reissued
  • Persephone by Pluto
  • The Return of Persephone by Frederic Leighton, (1891).
  • on her wanderings in search of her daughter Persephone came to Misme in Attica, the goddess was rec
  • eus is similar to the ancient Greek tales of Persephone captured by Hades and similar stories of Ado
  • e land on a winged chariot while Demeter and Persephone cared for him, and helped him complete his m
  • rom Norse myth, Fereydoon from Persian myth, Persephone from Greek myth and Kartikeya from Hindu bel
  • haps a votary rather than the maiden Goddess Persephone herself, for her right hand touches her sola
  • y resembles that of Demeter and her daughter Persephone, in Greek myth.
  • described the new genus and species Prodryas persephone in 1878, although the first figure only appe
  • at the pigs, rather than merely accompanying Persephone in her descent, were an original feature of
  • Persephone's Darner (Aeshna persephone) is a species of
  • 399 Persephone is a typical Main belt asteroid.
  • Volutomitra persephone is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropo
  • four sentinels under his command, Fereydoon, Persephone, Kartikeya, and Elvis.
  • Fellow stripper Persephone now had a darker complexion and an accent th
  • She wrote one novel, Persephone of Eleusis: A Romance of Ancient Greece (192
  • an unnamed goddess (generally thought to be Persephone or Dike) on the nature of reality.
  • Persephone, Pierette and Portia Allcorn
  • Isn't ' Persephone' the standard spelling?
  • persephone), the only rock-wallaby in the region not cl
  • She was later conflated with Kore ( Persephone) the queen of the underworld in the Eleusini
  • reserved, and the following titles, Marsyas, Persephone, The Danaids, which have misled Fabricius an
  • Persephone Theatre
  • In 2007, Persephone Theatre moved to its newest facility, the Re
  • der Bay and lastly, artistic director of the Persephone Theatre in Saskatoon.
  • , Ground Zero Theatre and the Calgary Opera, Persephone Theatre in Saskatoon, Yukon Arts Centre in W
  • , Ground Zero Theatre and the Calgary Opera, Persephone Theatre in Saskatoon, Yukon Arts Centre in W
  • Persephone Theatre, is a theatre company based in Saska
  • entre is owned by and the main venue for the Persephone Theatre.
  • mythology, Sisyphus cheats death by tricking Persephone to let him return to the world from Tartarus
  • linked to the land of the Dead: to Hecate or Persephone, to Demeter Erinyes- the angry, bereft Demet
  • Demeter, during her wanderings in search of Persephone, was ill-treated by Colontas, against which
  • e goddess of agriculture & when her daughter Persephone was kidnapped by Pluto in an attempt to forc
  • t of Iacchos, the Holy Child of the virginal Persephone, whose epiphany was at the heart of the Eleu