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  • nal knowledge was also of great use during the plague scare in 1900.
  • When plague scattered that community, he went as a monk to
  • 9 June 1920, she unloaded her precious bubonic plague serum and other supplies, touched at Tampico,
  • hen the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague seven days".
  • ot, liver flukes and other problems that often plague sheep in damp pastures.”
  • Poland should create peace in the war, that a plague should come; she talked about the Sun and the
  • The Great Plague show is set in 1551 with a recreation of medie
  • Vinegar has been used to fight plague since the middle ages, and herbal vinegars hav
  • e crowd of heroes who have survived the Zombie plague so far.
  • 1850 Charles Dickens described the area as "a plague spot scarcely equalled for its insalubrity by
  • News of the plague spread through Surat city through the night of
  • Ammianus Marcellinus reports that the plague spread to Gaul and the legions along the Rhine
  • With famine and plague spreading, a peace treaty was eventually seale
  • ge to village and on her arrival in Ittre, the plague stopped.
  • When the bubonic plague struck Florence in 1400, Ghiberti emigrated to
  • In October 1896, an epidemic of bubonic plague struck Bombay (now Mumbai) and the government
  • Plague struck Wensley in 1563, some surviving village
  • Then the plague struck, and a French raid in 1377 destroyed mu
  • d princes, he gained great respect helping the plague sufferers in London, but was found guilty of h
  • y natural enemies, it has become an ecological plague, suffocating the lake, diminishing the fish re
  • any food or supplies coming into the city the plague survivors turn to cannibalism.
  • dramatic vision of the ravages of the bubonic plague, Sweerts's Plague in an Ancient City is clearl
  • Plague swept into Poland and Ukraine; by August 1770
  • His eldest son Benjamin died of the plague ten years later (Jonson's epitaph to him On My
  • ea, cerebrospinal meningitis, leprosy, bubonic plague, tetanus, and syphilis, among others, by using
  • ack to at least the 21st century, when a space plague that afflicted their world was dealt with by t
  • appropriating the planet, both in purging the plague that is humanity and developing a permanent me
  • he replication of the statue came with a brass plague that stated “This statue of the Capitoline Wol
  • historic times, with a special emphasis on the Plague that struck Eyam in 1665.
  • Pelagius fell victim to the plague that devastated Rome at the end of 590.
  • The story follows survivors dealing with a plague that causes its victims to carry out their mos
  • ned by shooting, and a disease called Sylvatic Plague that affects all prairie dogs.
  • in the Eighth Crusade (1270), and survived the plague that killed the king.
  • rld where everyone else has been infected by a plague that has turned them into undead, vampiric cre
  • oly Trinity, raised in 1746 to commemorate the plague that swept the town in 1738-1740
  • ost historians feel that Deusdedit died of the plague that was prevalent in England at the time.
  • all the church crosses were defaced during the plague that struck the town's inhabitants centuries e
  • o eight lanes, eliminating traffic snarls that plague the highway.
  • m, their slanders and insinuations continue to plague the Church, for when a Pope is defamed, the Ch
  • ng readership and distribution issues began to plague the paper, it switched to a once a week format
  • ns after a few days, however; the girl dies of plague, the narrator's brother runs away into the wil
  • A plague the same year caused Sigehere and his people t
  • Mary the Virgin) but following the plague, the main settlement was relocated to its curr
  • (ceruminous gland carcinoma) that continue to plague the fox on Catalina.
  • The Eleventh Plague: The Politics of Biological and Chemical Warfa
  • In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made (2001)
  • holism and other substance abuse problems that plague the poor rural communities in the South Africa
  • As disorder continued to plague the diminishing Lycanth population, the Humans
  • anyo will face many of the same problems which plague the south as he assumes office.
  • o decline, and financial problems continued to plague the college.
  • The Plague, The Fall, Exile and The Kingdom and Selected
  • Internal controversy continued to plague the group, however, including accusations that
  • port's mild and warm climate, freezes began to plague the town and its farmers.
  • there is mysterious force causing bad luck to plague the settlers.
  • Corruption and severe inefficiency plague the Mexican police.
  • unstable mother along with a group of men, who plague the small children of Seth's continually shrin
  • Before he could release the plague, the heroes broke into his throne room, and th
  • shortly after he mentions the outbreak of the plague, the historian J. R. Maddicott felt that both
  • By 665 (the time of the yellow plague) there were 300 monks living in the community.
  • nvas, both in terms of the specific historical plague therein represented and the probable intent (p
  • After outbreak of plague, they had to surrender the next year.
  • but while the college was unguarded during the plague, thieves carried off the money.
  • When a plague threatened her community, she gained the help
  • As a mysterious plague threatens the world's population, UNIT faces i
  • es of Black Death (often identified as bubonic plague) throughout the late Middle Ages.
  • e reason for this unusual siting stems back to plague times, when Frickley village was effectively b
  • Parrish Randall), a man with a plan to use the plague to create even more zombies and line his pocke
  • the boys' arrival, the villagers flee from the plague to a neighboring village, barricading the boys
  • The plague to which Lupton referred was cattle plague, al
  • on in which Athens was "compelled by the cruel plague to pay penalties for the killing of Androgeos.
  • A plague took hold of the city in the winter of 1552/3,
  • Plague Town is an American horror film directed by Da
  • These included incunabula, plague tracts, herbals, books and pamphlets on tuberc
  • who cared for Mary and who herself died of the plague two days later.
  • problem of "joined letters" which continues to plague typographers of Bengali in the digital age.
  • ard and Frauwa died childless in 1441 from the plague, Ulrich inherited the holdings of the Cirksena
  • At the time various wine faults would plague unstable Chiantis because they were not able t
  • solution to the divide was to send a pox or a plague upon the North so they can all just die quietl
  • the Baphomets" uses lyrics and melody from "A Plague Upon Your Hissing", an un-released song that w
  • that his colleagues are planning to release a plague upon the populace, and make a fortune as they
  • ecorded their second CD EP/LP entitled "Like a Plague Upon The Land" for Chris Barnes'imprint label:
  • despread vaccination using Waldemar Haffkine's plague vaccine, although the government stressed that
  • he had been ordered in 1943 to experiment with plague vaccines on concentration camp prisoners.
  • In order to treat patients infected with the plague, various methods were used including sweating,
  • He also discovered and named the plague vector flea, Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild),
  • She died a plague victim in Basel in 1564.
  • In 1720 Tatihou was used for quarantining plague victims from Marseilles.
  • ne who was able to summon the souls of ancient plague victims and, in fact, his spirit was roaming t
  • ls who could not keep their promises of curing plague victims and banishing the disease.
  • Worked as a covert priest in London, and among plague victims in 1636, he caught the plague himself
  • Saint Charles Borromeo Nursing the Plague Victims, Museum of Fine Arts Ghent, 1669
  • with other sanitary precautions while treating plague victims.
  • hen he saves a dying woman from a mine full of plague victims.
  • break and their sentence had been to bury dead plague victims; to survive this punishment, they crea
  • is believed to be the name of an abandoned or ' plague' village nearby
  • To enforce this separation, a plague wall, the Mur de la Peste, was erected across
  • “Rinderpest, known as a cattle plague, was killer of a disease. 
  • Spread of the plague was slowed in surrounding areas, but the cost
  • rest in 1812 after being appointed prince, the plague was already claiming victims in Istanbul, the
  • It was a common belief at the time that the plague was due to God's wrath, caused by the sins of
  • The White Plague was nominated for a Locus Award for best scien
  • Bubonic plague was the area of greatest interest to the docto
  • In 1900, the mortality rate from plague was about 22 per thousand.
  • ng along the main street of Farnworth when the plague was present.
  • ice; and in a short time from this period, the plague was stayed and the health of stock restored, t
  • nglish translation (1720) was released while a plague was spreading throughout Marseilles, and peopl
  • The locust plague was also responsible for death and disbursemen
  • Marion Chisholm came from Edinburgh while the Plague was raging there carrying a bundle of clothing
  • The Plague was originally to be titled "Cross of Iron" an
  • In September 1896 the first case of Bubonic plague was detected in Mandvi by Dr. Acacio Gabriel V
  • of Ittre, which began in 1336, when a terrible plague was raging in the Low Countries.
  • Later on, the plague was over and the villagers thought that Che Ku
  • The area worst affected by the plague was redeveloped.
  • The plague was fearsome only because it was apparently co
  • When the plague was rife in London in 1349 King Edward III mov
  • In the years 1675-1684 a new plague wave originated in the Ottoman Empire (Turkey
  • The initial plague went on to destroy up to a quarter of the huma
  • me to the conclusion that neither that nor the plague were the cause.
  • ation, despite the early loss of his father to plague when he was 12 years old.
  • tion; his mother was acquitted but died of the plague when he was 15 years old.
  • nder the mistaken belief that they carried the plague, when in fact dogs and cats were invaluable in
  • shastry lost his mother Shankaramma because of plague when he was only ten.
  • itude of the people of London during the Great Plague when unlike the great majority of noblemen who
  • er of this blind genius in his refuge from the plague, where he wrote some of the finest poetry.
  • The Black Death or Bubonic Plague, which killed more than one-third of the popul
  • f his death is not known, but he died during a plague which devastated the area.
  • sung in Spanish under the title La Plaga (The Plague), which actually is a Mexican Spanish slang wo
  • is father Suppiluliuma I, who succumbed to the plague which Egyptian captives from his Canaan campai
  • several hundred before being devastated by the plague which ravaged Great Britain and much of Europe
  • lso appeared on the Direct-to-DVD thriller The Plague, which was produced by Clive Barker and was pa
  • ghly contagious diseases, especially the black plague which had led to the Plague Riot in Moscow in
  • ributed to the quick spread of the Black Death plague, which killed one-third to one-half of the pop
  • ) to defeat an infestation of a global genetic plague which slowly turns into a superorganism.
  • In May 1894, the bubonic plague, which had been ravaging China, erupted and ca
  • player is able to create a vaccine to combat a plague, which destroys systems 200 stardays from infe
  • tely, many of the Egyptian prisoners carried a plague which would eventually ravage the Hittite hear
  • The Earth has been over-run by a plague, which turns all forms of life into the undead
  • they thought the picture was a depiction of a plague, which in part it was.
  • od dramatizes legalized governmental terror, a plague which the world at the time realized had not b
  • vastated by two major catastrophes: a virulent plague which killed tens of millions of citizens, and
  • The 1915 locust plague, which lasted from March to October 1915, was
  • 0 (with buildings constructed before The Great Plague), while the neighbour farm, "Haave", ("viking
  • taire, arguing that "in spring those killed by plague will resurrect for the fighting".
  • f a solution to overpopulation (resulting in a plague wiping out 3/4 of the human population), the e
  • mply a generic depiction of the effects of the plague with no specific historical or moral or narrat
  • rrival, the boys find the village afflicted by plague, with piles of rotting animal corpses dominati
  • As the dancing plague worsened, concerned nobles sought the advice o
  • The plague would return to hit the city again in 1762-176
  • stration, in the hopes that the ensuing zombie plague would distract Americans from their gross mish
  • A Journal of the Plague Year (1722)
  • by Daniel Defoe when writing A Journal of the Plague Year (1722).
  • He died in the plague year, 1665.
  • so produced Rapp's 1999 album A Journal of the Plague Year, on which both Damon and Naomi appeared a
  • the Sky, The Now, Get Fucked, and Welcome the Plague Year.
  • Pegasus and stayed behind, then contracted the plague years later, you're jumping to conclusions bas
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