



  • As of 2004, MIT Mental Health is proverbial among students for sending depressed patient
  • ment is that the cathedral no longer has its proverbial basement.
  • PGPfone were available on the internet, the proverbial cat was "out of the bag" and it would have b
  • he only character that could save the film's proverbial day was Duck Dodgers; he then realizes that
  • He can virtually turn, in mid-air, on the proverbial dime.
  • century Englynion y Clyweit, a collection of proverbial englyns attributed to various historical and
  • , "An Indian gift is a proverbial expression, signifying a present for which a
  • His pastoral Eclogues, full of proverbial expressions, were printed at Paris in 1506;
  • Pigs have long featured in proverbial expressions: a "pig's ear," a "pig in a poke
  • Its use in this proverbial fashion is also associated with the 18th-cen
  • he process, he may advance up the universe's proverbial food chain.
  • In 1860 the Irwell was described as "almost proverbial for the foulness of its waters; receiving th
  • hich he has a particular interest), are also proverbial for their effort and diligence.
  • e form of an Amazonian tribe that guards the proverbial fountain of youth and the giant, multi-heade
  • comedy promoter inadvertently threw down the proverbial gauntlet.
  • The second Great Commandment as well as the proverbial Golden Rule calls for others the equal manne
  • ess was their "golden goose" (which laid the proverbial golden egg or wealth) in the words of one ma
  • x and the Monkey", it dwells on the animal's proverbial greed and lack of foresight.
  • "The Proverbial Gun" - 3:43
  • The proverbial hardness of Noric steel is expressed by Ovid
  • empire earning himself the sneer of being "a proverbial Hylas, called after and not seen", David con
  • aphorisms and epigrams which quickly became proverbial in nineteenth century Bengal.
  • mercial vehicles field with the Matador, the proverbial LCV in India.
  • Gandhiji was dressed in his proverbial loincloth but his face projected a saintly a
  • heir meaning, such as villain, knave, and of proverbial or cant words, such as helter skelter, which
  • emic to edit a Festschrift can symbolize the proverbial passing of the torch.
  • A dictionary of the proverbs and proverbial phrases of the English language, relating to
  • area, "under the clock at D.H. Holmes" was a proverbial place to meet someone.
  • rhetorician, who uses dozens of proverbs and proverbial sayings to bring the lovers Troilus and Cris
  • e is credited with the authorship of several proverbial sayings, such as "the surest way to peace is
  • nto and forming rivers of water, joining the proverbial sea: this is the nature of water.
  • city of Rome, Monte Mario is not one of the proverbial Seven Hills of Rome, being outside the bound
  • tsmen were at a distinct disadvantage on the proverbial sticky wicket.
  • ently being moved into the auditorium from a proverbial storage closet and finding their new surroun
  • This paper contains the assertion, now proverbial, that "on or about December 1910 human chara