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  • o the formation of tertiary structures on the surface of the molecule.
  • t forms small, soft, olive-brown tufts on the surface of other plants.
  • The diaphragmatic surface of lung is the portion of the lung which bord
  • lla is a genus of mites that live on the skin surface of dogs, cats, rabbits, and humans.
  • ine into the parenchyma, just under the upper surface of the leaf.
  • NGC 2023 forms a cavity in the surface of the cloud, some 450 parsecs from Earth.
  • This chain is put in contact with the inner surface of a Leyden jar, while the outside surface of
  • The upper surface of the male wing is divided by ridged of scal
  • am traces a part cross-section pattern on the surface of the liquid resin.
  • n half of cases, it inserts into the anterior surface of the insertion aponeurosis of the adductor
  • eclipse casts the shadow of the moon onto the surface of our planet, producing the characteristic d
  • Compare this emerging spacetime to a water surface of a lake.
  • icantly below the melting point to finish the surface of a workpiece to ensure better dimensional a
  • "Walking On The Surface Of The Moon"
  • The outer surface of the region II container and the inner surf
  • Distinctive ochra painting was visible on surface of naturally raised area over surrounding mar
  • The upper surface of the body is rough with variably extending
  • ometers, between 516 and 541 miles) above the surface of the Earth.
  • small stones, with the burrows at or near the surface of the sediment.
  • of proteins which interact directly with the surface of the lipid bilayer.
  • into adults, usually less than 1 mm from the surface of the skin.
  • onent powders, the laser melts only the outer surface of the particles (surface melting), fusing th
  • s or suspended substances are adsorbed at the surface of the solid.
  • is a structure directly adjacent to the outer surface of the plasma membrane of an ovum.
  • trical stimulation on different points on the surface of the skin caused distinct warm or cool sens
  • Coagulase is tightly bound to the surface of the bacteria S. aureus and can coat its su
  • The building will have 18 floors and a surface of 44,000 m2.
  • a number of paired muscle scars on the inner surface of the valve.
  • the back and frequently the inner wood veneer surface of the door (becoming the worktop surface) is
  • elaborate ornamentations adorning the dorsal surface of their bodies .
  • ing to the astronauts while they explored the surface of the moon .
  • fruit is a reddish utricle layered around the surface of the seed.
  • s ligament converts the groove on the plantar surface of the cuboid into a canal for the tendon of
  • , evidences a lack of complex organics on the surface of these bodies that has been studied in deta
  • Film (1978), Michelangelo Antonioni, or, the Surface of the World (1986), Coming to Terms.
  • wo nickel-sized leaves lying flat against the surface of the water, and a third leaf always submerg
  • They can be observed at the surface of the skin in hands and feet as epidermal or
  • "Kickin' Back on the Surface of Your Cheek" (Rou, Enter Shikari) - 3:50
  • runs nearly the whole length of the posterior surface of the muscle.
  • Only eroded traces remain on the site's surface of habitation after the Early Dynastic Period
  • The same phenomenon can be observed on the surface of LCD and CRT monitor screens.
  • ies and astronpmical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome.
  • n in the center to have an input on the front surface of a building.
  • The inner dorso-lateral surface of the arms contain characteristic longitudin
  • itoneum that extends from the lower posterior surface of the liver to the anterior surface of the r
  • are four yellowish structures embedded in the surface of the epidermis beneath the radial canals.
  • often supported by algae mats just below the surface of the water.
  • A crater chain is a line of craters along the surface of an astronomical body.
  • articles depositing at some distance from the surface of the ion selective membrane.
  • relation, above, with the clavicle and under surface of the Deltoideus; below, with the tendon of
  • For example, if the side surface of a cylinder (or any prism) is cut lengthwis
  • As the link indicates, we've only touched the surface of this important subject.
  • When they reach the internal surface of the retina they radiate from their point o
  • The surface of the ice is not covered with snow and is "d
  • The outer surface of beach glass shards may also be texturally
  • building's glass facade resembles the rhombic surface of a typical Frankfurtian cider glass.
  • On a surface of 684.06 km² it had a density of 1.2 inhabit
  • d was nor what the current highway did to the surface of the canyon.
  • Radial gravity anomaly at the surface of the Moon in Gal (acceleration)
  • ning will cause excessive cold working of the surface of the workpiece, which can also cause fatigu
  • action it produces a slight wrinkling of the surface of the skin of the neck in an oblique directi
  • stead of stirring it, creating a froth on the surface of the drink.
  • The mine occurs on the upper surface of the leaf.
  • The surface of the sensor chip is coated with affinity pu
  • have metallic blue reflections, with a shiny surface of pronotum.
  • from the lattice site, it is put back on the surface of the crystal and some energy is retrieved b
  • e extracellular loops that protrude above the surface of the membrane.
  • The oil field has a total surface of 1.800 square kilometres.
  • Eggs are laid in clusters just below the surface of the soil or in the roots of plants.
  • anges in the extracellular loops modulate the surface of OpcA, which could affect the proteoglycan
  • Some badly effaced half-bricks on the surface of the mound bore the inscription of Amar-Sin
  • CD78 is a protein expressed on the surface of some immature and all mature B-cells.
  • nsists of a layer of plastic resin, the outer surface of which is heated to a gas which carries the
  • t to identify antibodies that can bind to the surface of red blood cells or platelets and destroy t
  • Two: Destroy targets on the surface of the earth from space without warning.
  • Both the appendage and the lower surface of the lid are wholly glandular, bearing nume
  • uted "Gopher Cam," a camera embedded into the surface of the racetrack, albeit usually outside of t
  • r map with pentagonal faces on the orientable surface of genus 4.
  • Today Sunken Island is several feet below the surface of the lake and is cordoned off to prevent bo
  • The pea-sized meteor grazed the top surface of his left hand, leaving a three-inch burn s
  • The apical surface of these cells consist of eosinophilic granul
  • ow seismologists to map the three-dimensional surface of a subducting slab of oceanic crust and man
  • us in August 1990, and mapped over 95% of the surface of Venus.
  • The hairs make the top surface of the leaf water-repellent, keeping the plan
  • If the revolved figure is a circle, then the surface of such an object is known as a torus.
  • accharide sialic acid which is present on the surface of its target cells, which causes the viral p
  • ater ice are believed to be present under the surface of Mars.
  • The surface of the cap is covered with reddish-brown to g
  • s one preocular scale, extending to the upper surface of the head, and two or three postoculars.
  • of adults are uniformly red, but the ventral surface of the carapace is spotted.
  • sms that live on smooth surfaces (such as the surface of a boulder) have the base of the holdfast l
  • The protein is normally located on the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
  • Its apex reaches the posterior surface of the genu of the corpus callosum.
  • vehicle, Storm Mine 4, is slowly scraping the surface of a vast, barren desert in search of preciou
  • Instrument ports also protruded from the surface of the sphere.
  • This will force the maggot to the surface of the skin as it searches for air.
  • hollow shell with Pellucidar as the internal surface of that shell.
  • designed to operate for about one week on the surface of Mercury.
  • the openness and love that reside beneath the surface of the personality.
  • The surface of Llyn y Fan Fawr lies at about 605 m above
  • It has a surface of 17.5 hectares (including 4,000 m² of green
  • on the position of the Sun and the Moon, the surface of the lake rises about 12 millimeters.
  • is a fibrous band that connects the superior surface of the calcaneus to the dorsal surface of the
  • The spathes produced open above the surface of the water and are about 15 cm long.
  • It has a surface of 781 km², extending over 28 communes of the
  • (≤6 mm wide) typically runs down the ventral surface of the pitcher cup, with fringe elements meas
  • he studied the photometric properties of the surface of the moon as part of the Surveyor and Apoll
  • usual theoretical model is the gravity on the surface of a reference ellipsoid such as WGS84).
  • Most females are flightless and live on the surface of the water or just submersed.
  • osits from this crater cover about 30% of the surface of Adlinda hindering detailed study.
  • It has 18 floors and a surface of 20,000 sqm.
  • olishing brings a shine and smoothness to the surface of stone after cutting into pieces of differe
  • er, the only other compound identified on the surface of Titania by infrared spectroscopy is carbon
  • They inhabit the surface of warm temperate and tropical sea, and feed
  • (c) supramandibular, on the outer surface of the mandible, in front of the Masseter and
  • ned, assuming it is thermal emission from the surface of a neutron star.
  • Leaving a mixed surface of grey, white and bluish/grey bark.
  • ichens that appear as tiny pores on the outer surface of the lichen.
  • o about 240 pounds (110 kg) of payload to the surface of the Moon."
  • During descent towards the surface of Venus, a parachute opened to slow the rate
  • e gases through the stomata, or pores, on the surface of leaves.
  • , strong fasciculus, passing from the lateral surface of the talus, immediately beneath its fibular
  • ogenous, entirely flat and found on the lower surface of the leaf.
  • f the tool penetrates below the original work surface of the workpart.
  • On the surface of lakes, or other bodies of still, freshwate
  • The surface of the table must also be quite flat, to allo
  • produces a nearly uniform heat flux over the surface of the sample under study.
  • pecimens of this species were netted near the surface of very clear, 10-foot-deep water below a bat
  • It has 16 floors and a surface of 14,000 sqm.
  • r elliptical in form and located on the lower surface of the leaf.
  • The layer covering the upper surface of the pelvic diaphragm follows, above, the l
  • It was intended to impact the surface of the Moon, and in doing so become the first
  • re is the largest known body of liquid on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan.
  • upper course of the Ostravice River and has a surface of 3.37 km².
  • The dorsum surface of these smooth and shiny shells is generally
  • ough a container of lubricant which coats the surface of the wire or rod
  • The cocoon is mostly made on the surface of a dead leaf
  • The mine is found on the lower surface of the leaf.
  • ble bird droppings while resting on the upper surface of leaves.
  • unmanned Surveyor program sent to explore the surface of the Moon.
  • ectromagnetic radiation is reflected from the surface of the conductor: internal fields stay inside
  • Titanium is a reactive metal, the surface of which quickly oxidizes on exposure to air,
  • s the largest crater on the known part of the surface of Uranus' moon Oberon.
  • the mercury in the tube - as measured at the surface of the mercury in the cup - equaled the atmos
  • Its floor is formed by the upper surface of the reflected portion of the corpus callos
  • at an elevation of 625 m (2,051 ft) and has a surface of 14.3 km2 (5.5 sq mi).
  • The rear surface of the wings is brownish and closely resemble
  • wo mountains rise in vertical cliffs from the surface of the lake.
  • However, the covered PBS runway surface of Ashford generated a collection of large pu
  • Each point on the surface of an ideal Luneburg lens is the focal point
  • her produces patterns that can be seen in the surface of the finished blade, and this forms the bas
  • e-eyes hatch, they will usually feed from the surface of the water.
  • The leaf stalk is attached on the lower surface of the leaf, not on the base.
  • The inner surface of the region II container was painted black
  • identify a dark strand on the lower interior surface of the anterior section, which they speculate
  • oss, and prevent bacteria from growing on the surface of the carcass.
  • lated by the measured light reflected off the surface of the shutter and/or the film surface during
  • he cosmic microwave background comes from the surface of last scattering.
  • White pseudocyphellae on the upper surface of a lobe of Cetrelia cetrarioides
  • then the spots may be spread over the entire surface of the plate.
  • It is expressed on the surface of pituitary gonadotrope cells as well as lym
  • o make the measuring point clear, usually the surface of the item mentioned.
  • othed out, just as any bumps or matter on the surface of a black hole horizon are swallowed and dis
  • The fertile inner surface of the fruit body is pinkish and either has n
  • ts as a linear gallery occurring on the upper surface of the leaves.
  • Hybrid white balance sensor (on external surface of camera and using CCD)
  • During satellite descent towards the surface of Venus, a parachute opened to slow the rate
  • present in the environment as adsorbed on the surface of soil particles.
  • These fish live just under the surface of the water.
  • The Fresnel reflection from the first surface of the mirror acts as a beam splitter.
  • ission electron microscopy has shown that the surface of the sporangium is covered with crystals of
  • ent is a ligament that runs down the anterior surface of the spine.
  • Lateral surface of the brain with Brodmann's areas numbered.
  • led the invading trees to be removed from the surface of the bog.
  • allery occurring on the lower or rarely upper surface of the leaf.
  • nates the problem of dust accumulation on the surface of the image sensor.
  • They may also be readily formed on the surface of nuclear waste under long-term storage and
  • mythologies which is thought to be under the surface of the earth.
  • rts the proposition of ground ice in the near surface of Mars in this area.
  • on this list are those that are cast into the surface of Whitechapel bells of different dates.
  • teracts with ryanodine receptors (RyR) on the surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
  • at an elevation of 945 m (3,100 ft) and has a surface of 2.5 km2 (0.97 sq mi).
  • roteins (TAGs) are glycoproteins found on the surface of many cancer cells.
  • ften seen circling snorkelers, just under the surface of the water.
  • The surface of the fruit feels fuzzy and velvety.
  • e altitude is 670 m above sea level and has a surface of 100.2 km².
  • Cherry red spots may be present on the surface of the eye.
  • This unmanned orbiter was to map the surface of Venus using high resolution imaging system
  • An epibiont is an organism that lives on the surface of another living organism.
  • current causes the pollutants adsorbed on the surface of the Nyex to be electrochemically oxidised
  • The entire inner surface of the reservoir is covered with an impermeab
  • ed in 2009 as the best suited location on the surface of Earth for astronomical research.
  • On a surface of 857.20 km² it had a density of 1.7 inhabit
  • To an observer on the surface of Mars, the position of a satellite in ASO w
  • It has 13 floors and a surface of 16,000 sqm.
  • The surface of the banns is of 217 ha, the used agricultu
  • solder is a type of solder used to smooth the surface of automobile bodies before painting.
  • PECAM-1 is found on the surface of platelets, monocytes, neutrophils, and som
  • Eggs are deposited principally on the lower surface of foliage, but also on the upper surface.
  • The lower surface of the lid is densely covered with short, whi
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