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  • usch Memorial Stadium on an AstroTurf playing surface in 57F degrees with a 8 mph wind.
  • ed at Veterans Stadium on a AstroTurf playing surface in 68F degrees with a 9 MPH wind
  • ed at Veterans Stadium on a AstroTurf playing surface in 37F degrees with a 5 MPH wind
  • Metropolitan Stadium on an AstroTurf playing surface in 44F degrees with a 27 MPH wind
  • ayed at Metropolitan Stadium on Grass playing surface in 57F degrees with a 12 MPH wind
  • er her completion, U-2331 dived and failed to surface in the sea off Hela, Poland.
  • t entering the glass is refracted at the rear surface in contact with the media.
  • e Louisiana Superdome on an AstroTurf playing surface in 72F degrees indoors.
  • This message was the first to surface in the LGBTQ community in Israel.
  • eristic for satellites that image the Earth's surface in visible or infrared wavelengths (e.g.
  • a result of an accident whilst running on the surface in Plymouth Sound on 8 June 1905.
  • nly the crater's basement rocks remain on the surface in the mountains today.
  • The emergence of the surface in association football stadiums has been con
  • rivers and is found from middle depths to the surface in deeper parts of large rivers.
  • r ablation is to remove material from a solid surface in a controlled fashion.
  • to focus and direct the beam on the specimen surface in an identical way as a conventional SEM.
  • source that drives power is located below the surface in metamorphic rocks.
  • In most cases, the surface in question is surface of a polymer material
  • reviously formed a committee for a second ice surface in the town.
  • topsoil cover will be placed on the tailings surface in preparation for planting.
  • The surface in some is marked either by very fine irregul
  • It was later blasted off from the surface in a separate impact about 15 million years a
  • Its under surface, in contact with the condyle, is concave.
  • COSMOS utilizes the fact that the zero cone surface in the Fourier domain is fixed at the magic a
  • Holes had been made on the rock surface in such a way as to erect round tents.
  • Water-bearing strata come to the surface in more than 30 seeps and springs, providing
  • as later located by divers and brought to the surface in 1980.
  • ed extremely evenly across the target's outer surface in order to collapse the fuel into a symmetri
  • how that the water table is very close to the surface in Thurnscoe, as little as 18 inches below th
  • d Turf was installed on the stadium's playing surface in 2010.
  • he paint has the remarkable ability to keep a surface in direct sunlight only 10 - 12 degrees above
  • a/Saskatchewan border, with most of the water surface in Saskatchewan.
  • at Riverfront Stadium on an AstroTurf playing surface in 38F degrees with a 12 MPH wind
  • ed based on creating a theoretical lenticular surface in a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) model, and
  • The user defines an initial surface in a datafile.
  • crystal tuff from the Silurian age is on the surface in the north of the suburb.
  • ical balls of blastospores that cover the cap surface in maturity.
  • When natural gas flows to the surface in a producing gas well, the gas carries liqu
  • The upper surface in Glisachaemus is shorter than its width, wh
  • ter (evapotranspiration) few meters above the surface in the situation with no wind.
  • a population of 10,380 and it has the biggest surface in Djelfa .
  • 1-skeleton of a Whitney triangulation of some surface; in the case of the Shrikhande graph, this su
  • The woody surface, included in the agricultural space, is of 58
  • Since Taiping island is a coral island, the surface includes fine sand and coral reefs formed by
  • he colonial skeleton, with only the uppermost surface, including the tentacles and mouth, projectin
  • croscopic hairs that can adhere to nearly any surface, including glass.
  • have observed that details on the endocranial surface indicates that some fossil reptiles had brain
  • e Vietnam War, live reports have continued to surface indicating Gene DeBruin remained alive well i
  • large quantity of oil was seen to rise to the surface, indicating destruction of the U-boat.
  • allel lines perpendicular to the lateral lung surface, indicative of increased opacity in the pulmo
  • positive ions and neutral atoms from a solid surface induced by ion bombardment.
  • instability, there was enough rising air and surface inflow to stretch these circulations at times
  • ology involving high-speed and high-precision surface inspection, surface imaging and characterizat
  • e this demonstration, we need to express this surface integral as a volume integral.
  • hematical concept, flux is represented by the surface integral of a vector field,
  • grands, gravity, and constraints expressed as surface integrals.
  • These processes will always change the surface integrity no matter how well controlled; for
  • The surface integrity refers to surface smoothness, hardn
  • The specification defines three parameters: surface integrity, size, and sphericity.
  • spherically molded panels and has a textured surface intended to improve aerodynamics.
  • ral membrane proteins which bind to the layer surface interact with lipids and influence their beha
  • Plasma Surface Interactions
  • If all the rulings of a Catalan surface intersect a fixed line, then the surface is c
  • n becomes two-way Ralph McGill Boulevard at a surface intersection with Georgia 10.
  • This provides a surface into which bone can grow and adhere in orthop
  • Erosion shaped the land's surface into low rolling hills separated by meanderin
  • The mine has the form of an upper surface irregular blotch expanding along the leaf mar
  • Affected objects may show surface irregularities such as blisters or pitting.
  • Taklon lacks these surface irregularities, making it easier to clean pro
  • tes the trees were planted in a pattern, with surface irrigation channels.
  • with semiaxes a, b, c the second surface is given by
  • The surface is faintly cancellated by slight longitudinal
  • A potentiometric surface is the imaginary line where a given reservoir
  • Built primarily for flood control, the lake surface is kept at an elevation of 1,396 feet (426 m)
  • Here a surface is a compact, connected 2-manifold.
  • The now unique fibresand racing surface is quite deep and so makes the track a good s
  • th an area of 280x260m, the total constructed surface is 32,000 m2 (344,445 sq ft) and it has a vol
  • mally produced by the simple spherical mirror surface is canceled out by the opposite spherical abe
  • Its surface is at least twice as hot as the Sun, and it i
  • Once there, they discover that the Moon's surface is covered with lush, tropical vegetation and
  • The whole surface is thickly covered in smooth triangular papil
  • The upper surface is usually dull brown in colour with reddish-
  • The Surface is generally rolling and 2nd rate soil except
  • The upper surface is hairy near the base of the plant while the
  • Its ventral surface is pale, occasionally with markings on the th
  • of points, sometimes called a 0-sphere as its surface is zero-dimensional.
  • nity because the film that forms on the metal surface is porous and/or cracked.
  • Whether or not the surface is singular.
  • It has smooth oblique wrinkles and the surface is smooth and lustrous.
  • hen the portion of the control line below the surface is larger.
  • The cap surface is densely covered with red to orange to yell
  • Informally, an embedding of a graph into a surface is a drawing of the graph on the surface in s
  • nent of the acceleration vector normal to the surface is
  • When an unpolished surface is magnified thousands of times, it usually l
  • This does not apply; instead, the cell surface is a finite thickness polyelectrolyte layer w
  • The exposed surface is approximately 410,000 km2.
  • The upper surface is green and hairless, and the underside is p
  • e timed length will be 500 yards and the road surface is tarmac.
  • nt molecules from data measured on the animal surface is inherently ill-posed.
  • on emitted when electrons are hitting a metal surface is named "Lilienfeld radiation" after he firs
  • Its surface is very dark in color.
  • d, covering at least one-tenth of the Earth's surface, is the largest and the youngest of the tekti
  • The cap surface is pale brown to reddish brown in color, hygr
  • In clay-aqueous systems the potential of the surface is determined by the activity of ions which r
  • Its superficial surface is covered by a fibrous expansion derived fro
  • This portion of the surface is shown hatched in red in figure 2, and proj
  • e-shaped and sometimes toothed, but the upper surface is generally darker and shinier than the lowe
  • The upper surface is shiny, waxy, and olive green in color, the
  • The surface is Tifton #419 Bermuda grass.
  • The stadium's playing surface is AstroTurf.
  • This boundary surface is sometimes what is meant when the "shape" o
  • The lake surface is at an altitude of 1820m.
  • The exterior surface is richly decorated in relief, featuring four
  • The beach surface is a textured nonslip surface that provides g
  • The playing surface is named John Kresse Court in honor of legend
  • is larger and brighter than our Sun, and its surface is at least twice as hot.
  • Its deep surface is separated from the lateral plantar vessels
  • If this inner surface is curved then so must be the outer surface.
  • An articular facet (or articular surface) is a surface where two anatomical structures
  • their formation the Cr/Fe ratio of the metal surface is altered.
  • calm water, the first sea ice to form on the surface is a skim of separate crystals which initiall
  • Its dorsal surface is medium brown, with a lighter ventral surfa
  • s themselves are 5", but the actual recording surface is only 3".
  • The dorsal surface is mostly hairless and shiny when compared to
  • uracy of a right angle (90 degrees); to try a surface is to check its straightness or correspondenc
  • Its anterior surface is in relation with the Thyreohyoideus, Stern
  • The rough and crackled surface is usually lightly sprinkled with confectione
  • The anterior surface is directed forward and lateralward.
  • The playing surface is artificial and encompasses many draining f
  • The width, which has the retro reflective surface, is always wider than the thickness with stan
  • vegetables, and the "scum" that rises to the surface is skimmed off before further ingredients are
  • The right-handed player's favorite surface is carpet, and he is coached by Gert Bolk.
  • The sundial on its surface is the oldest in Britain, divided into the fo
  • Its population is 183 and its surface is 30 km², with a density of 6.1 people/km².
  • lymphatic tissue are dense and nodular, their surface is covered with stratified squamous epitheliu
  • A Brownian surface is a fractal surface generated via a fractal
  • Its posterior surface is convex; its anterior presents a depression
  • Sun, it is much larger and brighter, but its surface is cooler.
  • The high tyre noise generated by this surface is unpopular with nearby residents.
  • Up to isomorphism, the Clebsch surface is the only cubic surface with this automorph
  • The cap surface is sticky when young or wet, but dries out wi
  • The surface is generally rolling; Soil mostly second rate
  • The dorsal surface is a dark grey, and the ventral surface almos
  • The full work piece surface is in constant contact with an abrasive wheel
  • s reading indicates whether or not the chosen surface is sufficiently parallel to the horizontal pl
  • he area is now overgrown, yet a flat concrete surface is visible and the track bed is still apparen
  • The portion of the gland on skin's surface is called Montgomery tubercles.
  • The surface is slightly rugulose.
  • This endosteal surface is usually resorbed during long periods of ma
  • embles a large, yellow green orange; only its surface is roughened and tuberculated.
  • Its surface is 2934 metres above the sea level.
  • Her preferred surface is grass.
  • The surface is smooth apart from small wart-like papillae
  • His favorite surface is clay.
  • Its lateral surface is smooth, and affords insertion to the Tempo
  • The global mean sea surface is close to one of the equipotential surfaces
  • His favorite surface is hard.
  • Its ventral surface is pale, often with dark mottling along the s
  • The surface is ridged and white or pale brown.
  • Although the surface is uneven, the town developed into an agricul
  • Its ventral surface is gray with black on its chest.
  • The crater, which is exposed at the surface, is 1.3 km in diameter.
  • he maximum depth is 30 metres (98 ft) and the surface is 900 x 300 m2 (300 x 1000 ft2).
  • The playing surface is 105 metres long by 68 metres wide.
  • Its population is 12,000 and its surface is 17 km², with a density of 682.76 people/km
  • This portion of the surface is sometimes brought into sight due to librat
  • Besides star spots, about 73% of the surface is covered by active regions.
  • Her favorite surface is hardcourt.
  • Its surface is approximately 8.55 km² and its maximum dep
  • Its surface is 1088 ha.
  • The whole surface is covered in papillae, those at the centre m
  • The uterus inner surface is covered by villi.
  • The surface is matt and the elytra are minutely pitted al
  • ree spiral rows of long spines, otherwise the surface is smooth.
  • This portion of the lunar surface is brought into view during favorable librati
  • The surface is exceedingly dark.
  • This road surface is claimed to be very durable and monsoon rai
  • The inner surface is roughly level, but pock-marked by several
  • The surface is more rugged to the north and northeast.
  • is not available, and no suitable nucleation surface is available, supersaturation occurs.
  • Surface is 12” sand and marl (clay) base with 4.5” of
  • The ventral surface is yellow in females, and a lighter yellow in
  • Her favourite surface is grass.
  • Their upper surface is rough and the underside is the same colour
  • His favorite surface is hardcourt.
  • The surface is smooth, but... there are some bumps on it.
  • The field surface is FieldTurf.
  • In such a case the surface is called trapped.
  • s much denser, but even here the ratio at its surface is roughly 250 parts in a million.
  • Its surface is constructed from a carbon fibre reinforced
  • Its surface is 12 km² and its population density, 1,75 p/
  • The bridge surface is 18 m wide, carrying two lanes of traffic i
  • The track surface is Red and Grey Mondo.
  • feeling of real buttons, though the keyboard surface is smooth.
  • required to raise the ring from the liquid's surface is measured and related to the liquid's surfa
  • The ventral surface is light cream, although in breeding males ca
  • is species has a talus in which the trochlear surface is highly curved and deeply grooved.
  • The whole surface is covered with unequal and irregular threads
  • A Kummer surface is the quotient of a two-dimensional abelian
  • This surface is striated by cracks and streaks, while crat
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