



  • ed by Rolling Stone, Halpin admired The Who's stamina, admitting "I only played three numbers and I
  • any patients claim to feel full of energy and stamina after undergoing therapy.
  • essed superhuman strength; speed; durability; stamina; agility and the ability to manipulate cosmic
  • ; while he is confident, his strength, speed, stamina, agility, dexterity, reflex/reaction time, an
  • It has large bones for stamina and strength.
  • Each boxer has three attributes: 'power', ' stamina', and 'chin'.
  • It is also claimed to increase physical stamina and provide improved tolerance to cold.
  • dogs had been bred for generations for their stamina and gameness.
  • was a short but strong midfielder with great stamina and a dangerous shot on goal.
  • lers differ in attributes of speed, strength, stamina, and weight.
  • The bands' discipline, stamina, and organisational skills are tested to the
  • Spackman's stamina and unselfishness set up the last goal for Al
  • , while in werewolf form, increased strength, stamina, and invulnerability (except to silver weapon
  • His greatest strengths are his stamina and endurance, enabling him to ride hard for
  • wever, as the day wore on, England lost their stamina, and the lower order batters took over.
  • , which grants him superhuman size, strength, stamina, and resistance to physical injury.
  • He possessed great stamina and was strong in the tackle but his distribu
  • two primary attributes shown on the screen -- stamina and ki, the power of each blow.
  • irk Garthwaite possesses superhuman strength, stamina and durability (bulletproof).
  • as a striker (i.e.) good at jumping, heading, stamina and composure despite his young age.
  • Each character has their own agility, stamina and strength rating, although they are not sh
  • s a horse of strength, good conformation, and stamina and it can used for hard and fast work.
  • continuous assessment of levels of strength, stamina and speed of players.
  • Stamina and the class archetype's base stat, strength
  • ry horse available, due to their temperament, stamina and strength.
  • nt, being very sure-footed, tough, with great stamina and resistant to the harsh environment.
  • l" section, there were contests of knowledge, stamina and skill with Yuma Asami being a big winner.
  • His typical speed, stamina, and defensive skills in the midfield were ke
  • dge, which enhances a user's strength, speed, stamina, and ability to ignore pain.
  • In the telefilm Joanna's stamina and manliness are emphasized as she escapes f
  • eer at Hampshire in 1963 and used his height, stamina and accuracy to good effect with the new ball
  • ront of defense Duljaj possesses unbelievable stamina and strength that leave people with impressio
  • ple, but the incredible speed takes a toll on stamina and endurance.
  • ng are assessed for their combat reflexes and stamina, and they receive training in a wide range of
  • ainst a hologram of that boxer with unlimited stamina and hearts until they defeat him in the main
  • ng schedule, regular exercise for agility and stamina, and pressing his cast and crew to invent the
  • A midfielder with great stamina and strength, he also holds a Spanish passpor
  • ed a new form of hound, with greater pace and stamina and a better sense of scent.
  • s to assist in training and increase physical stamina and fitness, potentially producing effects si
  • heimian pedigree, Skurge's physical strength, stamina and durability were considerably greater than
  • field, her works of charity, and her personal stamina and resilience, in the face of family tragedy
  • ne last night against a younger man with more stamina, and loses for what he knows to be the lack o
  • aying, "He has all the attributes in terms of stamina and work-rate, plus he is mobile and we keep
  • Dickinson, impressing many with his tireless stamina and tough tackling, which lead Duncan Edwards
  • With incredible speed and stamina as his main assets, he also represented Spain
  • i Salvo's methods for his lack of fitness and stamina at Euro 2004.
  • n also be accumulated by eating food when the stamina bar is (nearly) full.
  • th Codrington spent and Bika's experience and stamina being the deciding factors.
  • like Wagner's tenor parts, which demand great stamina but not many high notes, the role of Paul in
  • years of age and, depending on their age and stamina, can have any time in school from half a day
  • on his head, resulting in a reduction in his stamina, charisma, and self-esteem statistics.
  • (in centimetres); affected by drinking milk, stamina, charisma, and self-esteem (face).
  • r the biggest player around, his workrate and stamina couldn't be faulted, and his red hair also he
  • As a player's stamina decreases, movements slow down, making it mor
  • The game can be lost if Orestes' stamina depletes to zero, however this can be restore
  • His stamina, determination and sheer will-to-win were reg
  • Hassy: Most popular stamina drink.
  • in 1-2 minutes of added time, but the loss of stamina due to dehydration would add much more.
  • He has superhuman strength, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes, resistanc
  • Zemo, giving him superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes.
  • n of the surroundings), as well as superhuman stamina, durability, agility and speed.
  • and therefore has superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes, and has a
  • The player revives their stamina during the round interval by pressing the but
  • He has considerable stamina, enabling him to traverse the city by jumping
  • Superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, endurance and durability.
  • + In 1908 Stamina finished first but was disqualified and place
  • on" class, with a focus on building strength, stamina, flexibility, and learning fundamentals.
  • I complain a lot and I've pretty much lost my stamina for bothering with anything new as far as AGE
  • his is also because Hiddink emphasized strong stamina, great power, and agile speed, which are the
  • d the originally insular exiles' never waning stamina in the face of their arduous compulsory labor
  • n the league in 04-05) and an overall lack of stamina in his rookie season.
  • in MSTN predicts sprinting ability and racing stamina in Thoroughbred horses, which describes the i
  • When the player's (or his opponent's) stamina is completely exhausted, the match ends.
  • As the bird had considerable stamina, it could have easily crossed the ocean betwe
  • Her low stamina may also be the reason why she enjoys eating.
  • "Life Speed" (featuring Stamina MC)
  • The character is KO'd after the stamina meter runs out unless the player can press th
  • Both the player and the opponent have a stamina meter, which as they perform actions is slowl
  • delays matches; causing both of the players' stamina meters to fully recharge themselves.
  • blend the speed of the Standardbred with the stamina of the French Trotter.
  • at would stop Furlan and was surprised at the stamina of Furlan and the punches he could take.
  • type, but at the expense of the hardiness and stamina of the original breed.
  • participated in, physical activity requiring stamina or athletic conditioning beyond that of norma
  • ly appear on Being Ridden and are replaced by Stamina, Outher Countries and Nevermind.
  • ly increase characters base stats like +5 SP ( stamina point).
  • Active skills require stamina points (blue bar) to be activated.
  • Stamina points can be recovered through sitting for a
  • s variation of the drill builds endurance and stamina rather than improving precision.
  • no set schedule of games, pitchers did have a stamina rating that once depleted would take several
  • plied to food items to increase the amount of stamina recovered, or recover health or mana.
  • combat), and also possesses superhuman speed, stamina, reflexes, and transvection.
  • a sport in order to improve his strength and stamina, so when he was five years old, they took him
  • hat taanam singing requires a lot of physical stamina, sound knowledge of the fundamentals of class
  • rashman's powers include superhuman strength, stamina, speed, agility, reflexes, equilibrium and du
  • ncrease your stats, composed of intelligence, stamina, strength and dexterity.
  • dribbling and post game controls and the new stamina system.
  • e is quite deep and so makes the track a good stamina test.
  • l Warrior possesses much greater strength and stamina than a human.
  • ave any particular illness, she has much less stamina than normal people, so she finds it difficult
  • He was also known for is stamina, that allowed him to control all the areas in
  • His training regime gave him the stamina that allowed him to circulate for most of the
  • Polonaises require considerable technique and stamina to be performed well.
  • , it may have been an awkward runner and used stamina to catch prey rather than speed.
  • would attempt the part of Paul must have the stamina to stay on stage and sing almost constantly f
  • t, at this time, have the physical and mental stamina to fulfil both of the hugely demanding roles
  • Stamina was never implemented.
  • d in the Targa Florio in Sicily, a race where stamina was as necessary as speed due to the demands
  • Strength, determination and stamina were always among Trueman's greatest attribut
  • g the course of the battle to prevent loss of stamina, which is a status that only they have in Sup
  • He was a tackling midfielder known for his stamina who was regarded as a linchpin for Internazio
  • uired to display a great deal of strength and stamina, with less focus on basic wrestling skills.
  • ng the course of each stage by picking up the Stamina X potions left behind by certain enemies.