



  • es suggest Ioannikios reigned briefly before abdicating and became a monk.
  • not seen for a week at court and considered abdicating and living his life as a religious recluse.
  • avaria continued to maintain the Order after abdicating his throne and was succeeded by his son, Rup
  • as Duke of Lorraine briefly in 1624, quickly abdicating in favour of his son.
  • ez (1808) led to the Spanish King Charles IV abdicating in favor of his son, Ferdinand VII.
  • o an end on November 12, 1918 with his uncle abdicating in his name following the German revolution.
  • For several years Charles II had considered abdicating in favour of Ferdinando Carlo, but he delaye
  • f both rebel groups accuse the government of abdicating its responsibility by failing to implement t
  • e country, by warning the government against abdicating its constitutional duty of providing treatme
  • (later to become King Edward VIII and, after abdicating, the Duke of Windsor).
  • ailed to ascertain the truth by “flagrantly” abdicating their responsibility to interview Uganda's g
  • on when she accused Pakistan's government of abdicating to the Taliban in agreeing to impose Islamic