
  • the act of abdicating
    退位する行為 - 日本語WordNet
  • the act of abdicating the throne
    譲位すること - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • the action of an emperor abdicating the throne
    天皇が位を退くこと - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • the act of abdicating the Imperial Throne
    天子の位を譲ること - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • the act of an emperor of abdicating the throne to someone of higher virtue
    帝王が有徳の者に位を譲ること - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • In March, after abdicating, Takakura carried out Gyoko (imperial visit) to Itsukushima-jinja Shrine.
    譲位後の3月、高倉は厳島神社に御幸する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Common name for Emperor Suzaku after abdicating the throne in "Genji Monogatari" (The Tale of Genji).
    『源氏物語』に登場する朱雀帝の譲位後の通称。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Later, Emperor Suzaku also repaired it and lived there after abdicating the throne.
    後に朱雀天皇が修理、同じく譲位後に居住した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Goshirakawa, after abdicating in favor of Emperor Nijo in 1158, established insei.
    後白河は保元3年(1158年)に二条天皇へ譲位すると院政を開始した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After he abdicated from the throne, he was called Retired Emperor Suzaku-in, named after go-in, which was a candidate place for the Emperor to stay after abdicating the throne.
    退位後は後院の名に因み、朱雀院上皇と称される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1274, by abdicating in favor of Crown Prince Yohito (Emperor Gouda), Kameyama began his cloistered government.
    文永11年(1274年)亀山は皇太子世仁(後宇多天皇)に譲位し院政を開始した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was pressure against the Emperor who hardly accepted abdicating of the throne: insisted by Asao, Imatani and so on.
    なかなか譲位に応じない天皇を譲位させるための圧力…朝尾、今谷ら - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Retired and cloistered emperors typically retired from the dairi (Imperial Palace) and moved to the sento gosho after abdicating, and the satodairi (a temporary palace) was often used for this purpose.
    上皇・法皇は退位後、内裏から退去して仙洞御所に移るのを常とし、里内裏が多くそれにあてられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • But the Emperor Godaigo who was in power at that period did not accept abdicating his position and insisted the Kamakura bakufu's settlement was invalid.
    だが、当時皇位にあった後醍醐天皇は幕府の裁定そのものの無効を主張して譲位には応じなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It seems that it was established during the period of Emperor Saga (around the Jowa era (834 - 848) in Japan), and Emperor Uda repaired it and lived there after the abdicating the throne.
    嵯峨天皇の時代(承和(日本)年間頃)に成立したと見られ、宇多天皇が整備して譲位後に居住。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, Hoshino had little doubt about the work except the parts which were obviously wrong such as the period of Rise and Fall of the Minamoto and the Taira families, or the period until the fall of the Taira family in 1185, and MINAMOTO no Yoriie's abdicating the post of shogun.
    しかし、星野は源平盛衰記の時代、つまり1185年の平家滅亡までや、源頼家の将軍職退位など、あまりにも明らかな部分以外にはほとんど疑いを抱いていなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Following the Heian Period, a system of ceremonies centered on two rituals, one in which the abdicating emperor issued an edict proclaming his abdication, and the other in which the Kenji (the Sacred Sword and the Sacred Jewel) were passed down to the successor (the new emperor) became customary.
    平安時代以後の慣例として、退位する天皇が譲位の宣命を宣布する儀式とその後に行われる継承者(新帝)への剣璽を引き渡す儀式(剣璽渡御の儀)の2つを中心として儀式体系が組まれてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 986, Emperor Kazan was tricked into abdicating and entering the priesthood by FUJIWARA no Kaneie and his son FUJIWARA no Michikane, and Imperial Prince Kanehito (Emperor Ichijo), Kaneie's grandchild from a daughter who married into another family, acceded to the Imperial throne.
    寛和二年(986年)、花山天皇がこの寺で藤原兼家、藤原道兼父子の策略により出家させられ、兼家の外孫である懐仁親王(一条天皇)が帝位についた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Tsuigo of Shirakawa-in comes from the name of the residence from which he conducted his cloistered rule after abdicating the throne (sometimes Tsuigo is considered to be a type of pothumous name, however strictly speaking these are two different names).
    譲位後の院政時の住居の名称により、白河院と追号された(追号も諡号の一種とする場合もあるが、厳密には諡号とは異なる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After abdicating the throne in favor of Imperial Prince Hisahito (Emperor Gofukakusa) in 1246, Gosaga made him abdicate the throne in 1260 in favor of Imperial Prince Tsunehito (Emperor Kameyama), Gofukakusa's brother by the same mother.
    後嵯峨は、寛元4年(1246年)、皇子久仁親王(後深草天皇)に譲位した後、文応元年(1260年)に後深草の同母弟恒仁親王(亀山天皇)に譲位させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In "Oyu-dono no ue no nikki," which was internal information of the Imperial Court, there was a description as 'It is very happy occasion' that the date of abdicating of the throne was determined to be May 7 of the same year.
    朝廷の内部資料である『お湯殿の上の日記』には同年3月24日に譲位が一旦決定して「めでたいめでたい」とまで記載された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Emperor Godaigo, therefore, assured the state of the Nitta army as Imperial army, by abdicating the throne to Imperial Prince Tsuneyoshi, and delegating the authority to Imperial Prince Tsuneyoshi and Imperial Prince Takayoshi.
    後醍醐天皇は皇位を恒良親王に譲り、恒良親王と尊良親王を委任することで新田軍が官軍であることを保証してから下山した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After abdicating and becoming the Retired Empreor, Heizei returned to his birthplace, Heijo-kyo, and when his health recovered slightly, he returned to ruling and started to use the rights of an emperor on his own accord.
    退位して太上天皇となった平城は、生まれ故郷である平城京に移り住み、体調がやや回復すると再度政務に意欲を示し、独自に天皇としての権限を行使しはじめた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Emperor Heizei tried to keep the ruling power after abdicating the throne to his brother, Emperor Saga did not welcome it, which led to a serious conflict between the two, and finally a military confrontation, in which Emperor Saga won (Kusuko Incident in 810).
    平城は弟の嵯峨天皇に譲位した後も執政権を掌握し続けようとしたが、それを嫌った嵯峨との間に対立が深まり、最終的には軍事衝突により嵯峨側が勝利した(810年、薬子の変)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Under such circumstances, Kira lost his hope to gain his position back as Koke kimoiri, and retired after abdicating from the head of the family and handing it over to his adopted son Yoshimasa KIRA on January 9, 1702.
    この状況に吉良も高家肝入職への復帰を絶望視し、12月12日(旧暦)(1702年1月9日)には家督を養子吉良義周に譲って隠居してしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to the Imperial House Act established during the Meiji Period, succession to the Imperial Throne presumes the death of the Emperor, and therefore, it is interpreted that, under the existing law, abdication is not possible while an emperor is still alive (it is said that, when the Imperial House Act was established, the reason for this limit was to prevent the Emperor from abdicating and thereby pressuring the government if there was a confrontation between the Emperor and the government. Also, it is said that Emperor Showa considered abdicating after World War II, but because of opposition from all sides this issue faded away).
    明治時代に制定された皇室典範において皇位継承は天皇の崩御(死亡)を前提としているため、現行法では生前退位は出来ないと解釈されている(明治の皇室典範制定時に皇位継承を崩御時に限定したのは、天皇と政府が対立した時に天皇が退位をもって政府を圧迫するのを防ぐ意図もあったとされている。また、第二次世界大戦後に昭和天皇が退位を検討したとも言われているが、内外の反対で立ち消えとなった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, before he was able to rally from that inferior position, he fell ill and after abdicating the throne to the Prince Noriyoshi (later Emperor Go-Murakami) on August 15, 1339, died at Konrin-ji Temple the next day, leaving as his last will the defeat of his imperial enemy and the recapture of Kyoto.
    しかし、劣勢を覆すことができないまま病に倒れ、延元4年/暦応2年(1339年)8月15日(旧暦)、吉野へ戻っていた義良親王(後村上天皇)に譲位し、翌日、吉野金輪王寺で朝敵討滅・京都奪回を遺言して死去した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In August 1370, when Emperor Gokogon confidentially consulted his advisors in the Northern Court about abdicating in favor of his biological son Imperial Prince Ohito (later Emperor Goenyu), the Retired Emperor Suko insisted that his biological son Imperial Prince Yoshihito was the rightful heir, thus causing a problem over the Imperial Succession.
    応安3年(1370年)8月には、北朝において後光厳天皇が実子緒仁親王(後円融天皇)への譲位を内々に諮問すると、崇光上皇が実子栄仁親王が正嫡であると主張したため皇位継承問題が発生した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1016, Emperor Sanjo was pressured into abdicating his thrown by Michinaga on account of an eye disease he had developed, and because Emperor Sanjo had been isolated in the Imperial Court, agreed to abdicate his thrown to Imperial Prince Atsuhira under the condition that his eldest son Imperial Prince Atsuakira become the Crown Prince.
    長和5年(1016年)、三条天皇は眼病を理由に道長から強く退位を迫られ、宮中で孤立していた三条天皇はこれに屈して敦成親王への譲位を認めるが、自らの第一皇子の敦明親王を東宮とすることを条件とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • One sign was to wed his princess, Imperial Princess Masako to Otomo, but the most significant was when he abdicated the throne to Otomo in 824, he declined the position of Retired Emperor even if it was a position automatically assumed to be taken up by the abdicating emperor.
    皇女正子内親王を大伴に嫁がせたこともそうであるが、その最大のものは、弘仁14年(824年)に大伴に譲位するに際して、もともと天皇が譲位とともに自動的にその地位につくものとされていた太上天皇の地位を辞退したことである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, the districts to which the original Yoritomo administration's actual rule extended are thought to have been limited to mostly the eastern half of Japan; from the area around Kyoto westward, there was strong resistance from Emperor Gotoba and temples; at Emperor Gotoba (who instituted cloister government after abdicating) ordered the post of Shugo abolished, and Koreyoshi OUCHI (son of Tomomasa HIRAGA) of the emperor's darling Shinano Genji was appointed Shugo of 7 provinces around the Kyoto area; and other policies of interference were carried out.
    だが、当初の頼朝政権の実質支配権が及んだ地域は日本のほぼ東側半分に限定されていたと考えられており、畿内以西の地域では後鳥羽天皇を中心とした朝廷や寺社の抵抗が根強く、後鳥羽天皇(退位後は院政を行う)の命令によって守護職の廃止が命じられたり、天皇のお気に入りであった信濃源氏の大内惟義(平賀朝雅の実兄)が畿内周辺7ヶ国の守護に補任されるなどの干渉政策が行われ続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
