



  • Chromosomal aberrations and increased transcriptional expression of
  • Chronic: CrVI can produce chromosomal aberrations and is a human carcinogen via inhalation.
  • ence are considered by many to be extremist aberrations, and not representative of the tenets of Ju
  • .5 mM canaline showed massive developmental aberrations, and most larvae so treated died at the pup
  • ce these more complex shapes reduce optical aberrations and give a larger field of view.
  • farther away than the Galatea, and that the aberrations and eccentricities around Little Gull were
  • exts that claim to follow one of the above, aberrations are a common occurrence and a major obstacl
  • front lens is well corrected for spherical aberrations but introduces coma.
  • It has more aberrations but better contrast and less flare than the
  • m allows for corrections of the wavefront's aberrations caused by scintillation (degraded seeing),
  • Spice Boys culture, as well as by defensive aberrations; dropping points at their previously impreg
  • Simple lenses are prone to aberrations, especially chromatic aberration.
  • but special care is taken to avoid optical aberrations for better image quality.
  • Yet, these are not aberrations from some pure past, but simply a revised v
  • milarly in mammalian cell lines chromosomal aberrations have a tendency to increase over time.
  • its simplest, is that lenses display fewest aberrations if the angle of incidence of light on the l
  • altered by environmental factors, and shows aberrations in diseases.
  • e near the high-water mark set in 1990, the aberrations in the murder rate have been unsettling for
  • same objective and do not differ except for aberrations induced by the binoviewer itself.
  • o not work, causing the severe phenotypical aberrations mentioned above.
  • efront sensor is a device for measuring the aberrations of an optical wavefront.
  • vature sensor is a device for measuring the aberrations of an optical wavefront.
  • nd correction of what he called “historical aberrations”, so that the hatred and misunderstanding p
  • To minimize image aberrations the angle plane of the glass wedges has to
  • To compensate for the aberrations the mirror design introduces, Vixen adds a
  • mic range, in addition to direct mapping of aberrations to the genome sequence and improved through
  • which eliminates secondary reflections and aberrations typical of back surface mirrors.
  • compound lens design that corrects optical aberrations where the lens elements are widely air-spac
  • eurological development to not include such aberrations, with age-appropriate autistic symptoms bei