



  • The song alludes also to La Toya's affectionate pet name for M
  • ious to which Hollywood actor the game's name alludes, Arnie II is not a licensed title and not bas
  • and, like his streetball moniker, "Bizness", alludes, graduated in 2004 with a degree in business.
  • it, but it is also notable for, as the title alludes, mixing a bit of pop and balladry with classi
  • ls Bethlehem, "the house of bread"), probably alludes to the Eucharist and the Passion.
  • a fairy tale with the track Rappunzel, which alludes to the story of the same name.
  • However, the book also deals with - or alludes to - a number of secondary political and soci
  • mong both Palestinians and Israelis, and also alludes to the question of the prospective status of
  • demonstrating his 'abilities' to Morrison, he alludes to the fact that Morrison has a secret bank a
  • The painting's alternative title alludes to the technique Hockney used to create the w
  • placed in front of and over a blue disc which alludes to the waters of the Pacific and Pacific Coas
  • istricts of Tamil Nadu The name "Mukkulathor" alludes to the three roughly designated groups Agamud
  • The title alludes to Odysseus (Latinised into Ulysses), the her
  • he sports desk presenter Alan Partridge often alludes to a fictional incident where Goodhew's hair
  • Although Kassner alludes to current events in his writings and analyze
  • Johnston alludes to this in the film The Angel and Daniel John
  • y economically challenged Julie Cooper, as he alludes to an unraveling marriage to Summer's stepmot
  • as those of various streets in the locality, alludes to the support given to the initial construct
  • ich Muslims find highly offensive because (it alludes to the Koran's promise that Islamic martyrs (
  • Its name alludes to its ineffectiveness: it lasted no more tha
  • from seeds"; German rocket engineer Willy Ley alludes to the Nazi occult fascination with Vril ener
  • The third line alludes to his 1985 film Zamana.
  • Its title alludes to Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents.
  • Eric alludes to Eric Idle, a member of the group.
  • The name of the show alludes to Robinson Crusoe.
  • The title alludes to his first solo album Vom Bordstein bis zur
  • The genus name alludes to the African distribution and its resembles
  • Britten also alludes to the composer Dmitri Shostakovitch, who was
  • His name is alludes to Korean soap opera celebrity Bae Yong Jun.
  • eystone, symbol of the state of Pennsylvania, alludes to the nickname of the division.
  • This alludes to Frosty the Snowman who says this whenever
  • The album's cover art alludes to Franz Kafka's novel The Metamorphosis.
  • he common name for this chemical, denatonium, alludes to this application.
  • a tenso with Guilhem Magret, his interlocutor alludes to his having left the religious life.
  • The name of the taxon alludes to the Arkaim reserve, where the first specim
  • The concept of the EP alludes to the countryside and nature.
  • Blue alludes to the sky, the primary theater of Air Force
  • The title alludes to Cremorne Gardens which had by that time be
  • pled with an exponentially growing population alludes to problems in the future.
  • The title alludes to The Descent of Man, the second book on evo
  • ob Dylan's song "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues" alludes to the novel.
  • e scientific name, tenera, means delicate and alludes to its small size.
  • The name alludes to somewhat intermediate character between MA
  • The title alludes to the first seven letters of the NATO phonet
  • The title alludes to "The Christmas Song", also known as "Chest
  • The iconography of the portrait alludes to Captain Lee's service in Ireland.
  • The specific epithet persephone alludes to Persephone, the daughter of Zeus.
  • basically alludes to forgiveness of enemies and loving all, whi
  • The name of the band alludes to a documentary Armee der Liebenden oder Rev
  • The suffix -ator alludes to the endings of powerful and muscular super
  • It also alludes to what is now considered to be obscure learn
  • Tolkien alludes to his view that such tastes are inherited, "
  • from an aboriginal word for a woman's breast, alludes to the shape of the fruits.
  • The title of the book alludes to the classic fairy tale "The Emperor's New
  • This alludes to how official discourse often used the phra
  • The name Enterdent alludes to a cluster of cottages on the land set in a
  • This song alludes to a cowboy's struggle between the love of th
  • The name alludes to the clock tower of the Palace of Westminst
  • The reference alludes to the propensity for nasal hemorrhage at hig
  • Jonathan Swift alludes to him as a signal instance of a successful h
  • the Ancient Greek terms “upright horn”, which alludes to the upright lateral sepals.
  • The name of the festival alludes to the Low Countries, the region encompassing
  • . Evan Greenfield's sculpture "I'm Lovin' It" alludes to Indiana's image.
  • The title of this episode alludes to the 1957 movie 12 Angry Men, directed by S
  • Ewan McGregor in the 2009 film Amelia, which alludes to his romance with Amelia Earhart.
  • The term "phasor" alludes to the phaser energy weapons used in the Star
  • Its name kiasma, Finnish for chiasma, alludes to the basic conceptual idea of its architect
  • on's name also hinted at this theme, since it alludes to the beach town of Malibu, California.
  • The "Stampede" name alludes to the team's home venue, which hosts the Com
  • His lance alludes to Saint George, the exemplar of the "traditi
  • Snicket frequently alludes to Beatrice in his narration and dedicates ea
  • Donleavy also alludes to the fact that Behan also lent assistance t
  • pdated to a modern Middle-East conflict which alludes to but never specifically mentions the Iraq W
  • Owain alludes to Cadwaladr's descent from Philip (Ffylip) D
  • Zosimus evidently alludes to the same place, though he does not mention
  • The song title alludes to the approximate 21 seconds that each of th
  • r, which in turn inspires the Subaru logo and alludes to the six companies that merged to create FH
  • at big trivia list of everything that somehow alludes to this quote (which is unfortunately rather
  • e Greek word sparasso, meaning "to tear", and alludes to the shape of the floral bracts.
  • The museum's Zebra Cafe alludes to Lord Rothschild's love of zebras and has p
  • The term alludes to the child that was at the mother's knee wh
  • gold background represents the hard labor and alludes to the gold of Corozal, so appreciatd long ag
  • n De Palma and starring John Travolta - which alludes to Blowup - used sound recording rather than
  • In the letters, Paul on occasion alludes to and quotes the teachings of Jesus, and in
  • Giraldus Cambrensis alludes to this tradition, claiming that Gildas destr
  • This line alludes to the dance with crotala (similar to castane
  • senses of sight and touch, yet simultaneously alludes to the Romantic interest in emotion co-existi
  • The video alludes to the idea that permitting gay marriage is a
  • ommon name is the One-sided Bottlebrush which alludes to the arrangement of the stamens of its infl
  • ing the maimed strength of the Prussian eagle alludes to the regiment's part in the Occupation of G
  • new face of Beijing's youth through Jian and alludes to the disillusion of migrants from the count
  • One usage of the term, "Cajun Jitterbug", alludes to the style of Cajun dancing which contains
  • amed Ohel Yaakov, meaning "Tent of Jacob," it alludes to the biblical Jacob, who "dwelled in tents"
  • The parenthetical "s" in the subtitle alludes to the status at the time of "Margaritaville"
  • rs to the legendary Rome founder Romulus, and alludes to the abundance of one of the species in the
  • Its lyrics alludes to dozens of bizarre and brutal ways to carry
  • Spener frequently alludes to him admiringly, and the Schatzkammer has b
  • The Iberian part of its name alludes to the purpose of unifying Spanish and Portug
  • The new title 'Im Krapfenwald'l' alludes to the popular Krapfenwald area of the Wiener
  • na and the Greek word siphon (meaning "tube") alludes to its habitat and the structure of its peria
  • He also alludes to the English piracies committed by Francis
  • First, she alludes to the Bible story of the powerful Judith who
  • On the DVD commentary track, Crichton alludes to the difficulty of editing Looker, which pe
  • The name alludes to the classical result that a cardinal is Wo
  • The lyric alludes to John F. Kennedy, who was the immediate pas
  • Although the script alludes to the character of the Wicked Witch of the W
  • ort interlude of sixteenth notes in the piano alludes to the B section and a final iteration of the
  • Thomas in the second verse, whilst the chorus alludes to Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy.
  • The EP's title alludes to William Butler Yeats's poem The Second Com
  • protest of the Vietnam War, "You and Me" also alludes to the war in its opening line, "There's a le
  • A deeper meaning alludes to "those who judge will be judged" in refere
  • The epithet is Latin for "prince" and alludes to "the stately bearing of this palm and the
  • full-grown cow, one can see what this phrase alludes to in terms of emotional expressiveness.
  • He alludes to this action in a cobla of 1212, a response
  • nce, for example, the "multiple takes" Welles alludes to are not extant on the recording as circula
  • The short's title alludes to the California Gold Rush as well as to the
  • arvesting of the seed of inspiration, it also alludes to Newton, Adam and Johnny Appleseed.
  • The name alludes to the warm sunny conditions experienced on t
  • This addition alludes to the fact that Philip Tartaglia is a Glaswe
  • y The Puritan, or the Widow of Watling Street alludes to Felton through the name Nicholas St Antlin
  • The game's title alludes to the fact that the game is timed, as fuel l
  • The Pilgrim's Tale also alludes to The Wife of Bath's Tale and Arthurian lege
  • ertainer Sammy Davis, Jr., while the "socket" alludes to the socket of his left eye, which he lost
  • The moniker "Killer Ds" alludes to the Killer Bees, twelve liberal Democratic
  • Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Peter Taylor alludes to the cemetery in his book, In the Tennessee
  • The design of the Torah Ark alludes to the Holy of Holies in the Temple of Solomo
  • She also alludes to "Living on My Own" in her song "This One (
  • At this point the text alludes to a rite of name-giving, paralleled in the S
  • fold sleeve of the Shag Times vinyl double LP alludes to a newspaper, whose columns recount The JAM
  • Aubrey also alludes to Sir Walter Long's ostentatious lifestyle,
  • The 'three crowns' emblem used by Munster alludes to the three constituent historic kingdoms of
  • The album was, as its title alludes to, an overt comeback attempt for Sly Stone.
  • The song alludes to, and explicitly states, the lack of freedo
  • cords her own material, however, as the title alludes to, all of the tracks on the album are covers