



  • requires that all information be sourced or attributable, and unless that policy changes, everything
  • , and Newton's fall in vote share is mainly attributable by a slight rise in the Labour vote, and th
  • This increase in demand is attributable, in large part, to the ongoing growth of So
  • Indians, captures Fort Oswego, - a success attributable, mainly, to his intercepting a message to G
  • tions produced a combined amount of 716,000 attributable ounces of gold.
  • tions produced a combined amount of 716,000 attributable ounces of gold, a 31.5% increase from 2008.
  • s inheritance relations and <has> tag shows attributable relations between two concepts.
  • The normal yellow color of urine is attributable to urobilin.
  • This was mainly attributable to old Linux package managers.
  • Sites attributable to the Taltheilei Shale Tradition have been
  • At least fifteen distinct titles attributable to Khuen appeared between 1635 and his deat
  • This use of the valve is possibly attributable to Denis Papin.
  • work was delayed following funding problems attributable to the credit crunch.
  • However, some of the cuts are likely attributable to philosophical differences with the paper
  • e United States approximately 10% of GDP is attributable to the third sector.
  • This led to secondary losses attributable to the storm such as production failure.
  • The noisy incident would become attributable to the pitcher and serve as his nickname.
  • The earliest fossils attributable to the Dorippoidea date from the Late Creta
  • Any phenomena that would seem attributable to absolute space and time (e.g.
  • f these injuries are directly or indirectly attributable to humans.
  • ome on gradually and may not be immediately attributable to anything in particular.
  • Outcomes of this sort are attributable to the federal nature of the system.
  • The final victory was largely attributable to the vigorous and intelligent aid which P
  • Some of his music pieces, attributable to the salon and its entertainment, were Th
  • Most of this urban increase was attributable to migration rather than to natural growth
  • in diameter by 18 feet in height, and it is attributable to the Neolithic age.
  • Nearly 60,000 deaths are attributable to Blobel though during testimony at Nuremb
  • white sand and clear blue waters, which is attributable to its relative inaccessibility.
  • success has surely been, at least in part, attributable to the lead singer's (Kai Wingenfelder) exc
  • ne of the noted fatalities "was shown to be attributable to Raxar."
  • The aggregate amount of turnover attributable to the Company's five largest customers rep
  • rds attaining a strategic bombing force was attributable to several reasons.
  • As late as November 3, the 39th fatality attributable to the earthquakes occurred as perceptible
  • t was realized that the size difference was attributable to age, and Galatheathauma was merged with
  • at in 1959 was believed to have been partly attributable to the opposition of brewery interests.
  • million annually with 11,000 jobs directly attributable to the complex.
  • differ from neighboring rural areas and are attributable to urban development.
  • electromagnetic wave is scattering that is attributable to the intrinsic properties of the material
  • The lack of success may not be entirely attributable to the games; the PlayStation Portable has
  • e to the process of simplification which is attributable to the pace of DDR-Justiz.
  • the University of Pittsburgh Alma Mater are attributable to the 1916 edition of The Owl student year
  • tted knapweed, but this decline may also be attributable to a recent severe drought.
  • affecting mines, there have been disasters attributable to the impact of mining on the surrounding
  • rty tax cannot exceed 2.5%, plus the amount attributable to taxes that are from new real property.
  • w were considered sub-par and camp, largely attributable to the show's small budget.
  • equent disappearance back into obscurity is attributable to the difference in the talent levels of t
  • talanism in his declension, but this may be attributable to the copyist(s) and not Olivier.
  • c effects is unknown, though is most likely attributable to 5HT2A and 5HT2C receptor agonism, among
  • Despite a decrease in violence, partly attributable to Awakening Councils, groups formed by Sun
  • His success as a preacher was inarguable, attributable to the significant time he spent in spiritu
  • Spring snail population and range is likely attributable to human use of the hot springs, although f
  • rect Reed Hall, the school's first building attributable to a single donor.
  • also an alternate text, which appears to be attributable to Sephardic Jews of the Caribbean islands
  • lsh surnames is very small, which is partly attributable to the reduction in the variety of baptisma
  • Also, some new growth is attributable to tree nurseries on the Seychelles, which
  • ions caused by waterborne parasites, mostly attributable to the lack of clean drinking water.
  • rence in quality of life measures, possibly attributable to toxicity of sorafenib or symptoms relate
  • extent to which extreme weather events are attributable to human-induced global warming.
  • This neglect was partly attributable to his having to live, because of his damag
  • y by controlled excavation of a single coin attributable to him.
  • he pterosaur genus Eudimorphodon and may be attributable to this genus, although without better foss
  • iations on a theme between actors, which is attributable to how the script-writers write for the act
  • offset the loss in value of oil concessions attributable to the decline in value of the U.S. dollar.
  • netic material recovered from the scene was attributable to the victims of the offenses, some of it
  • to the decreasing matter and energy density attributable to recurrent cosmic inflation.
  • to as the first modern economic crisis not attributable to an external event, such as a war, and th
  • ortents, as well as unusual dreams (perhaps attributable to memories of his victims), abdicated in f
  • s of the method, finding no differences not attributable to other causes between systems with and wi
  • as experienced rapid growth in recent years attributable to Athlone's rapid expansion, and although
  • such as orciprenaline, are at least in part attributable to stimulation through beta adrenergic rece
  • isher stated that Coleman's absenteeism was attributable to her alcohol dependency, for which she re
  • e south in the park, with minor differences attributable to available materials and the preferences
  • he Court found that the deferred income was attributable to games that were intended to be played on
  • n, and the discovery of electricity are all attributable to the Aquarian Age.
  • omplete setting of the Ordinary of the Mass attributable to a single composer.
  • is a type of leukocyte adhesion deficiency attributable to the absence of neutrophil sialyl-LewisX,
  • if the defendant's loss of self-control is attributable to any substance they consume or not.
  • To a certain extent, this may be attributable to the mechanical copying of the Vercelli s
  • The gain is attributable to savings in expenditures on means-tested
  • explanation that needs further study may be attributable to productivity patterns of the Muslim mill
  • orld War I and died in 1929 from an illness attributable to his military service.
  • ution after the Finnish Civil War, but also attributable to the response of several, formerly a-poli
  • categorised as a Bourgeois tragedy, a genre attributable to Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - Lessing's own
  • automated detection of homologs (similarity attributable to descent from a common ancestor) among th
  • al recovered at the scene of the crimes was attributable to Mr. Echols, Echols' co-defendant, Jason
  • of the LBUSD uniform policy were logically attributable to other factors; such as increased school
  • t flavor in comparison to other root beers, attributable to the unique ingredients used in its creat
  • while other sources felt that results were attributable to the fact that the Hudson County Democrat
  • l increase in pressure within the bottle is attributable to CO2.
  • he bizarre shape of all three districts was attributable to the Legislature's efforts to protect inc
  • musical, some or all of these errors may be attributable to the fact that Marcellus, a former con ar
  • other differential leave policies were not attributable to any differential physical needs of men a
  • e, much of Nutt's early work is not clearly attributable to him, but one early identifiable work was
  • such as collisions, ditchings, and crashes attributable to As time passed, the fighter opposition d
  • of the building up of society, is precisely attributable to the union movement, a movement that I pe
  • dia, the adoption of communism was directly attributable to the Vietnam War, which had spread over t
  • is a type of leukocyte adhesion deficiency attributable to mutations in the gene on chromosome 21 a
  • The early presence of photography is attributable to the fact that one of the energizing forc
  • in any manner based upon, occasioned by or attributable to the execution of these presents, or any
  • Scheme (the failure of which was partially attributable to King William's concession to English mer
  • Gordon's signature sound is also attributable to a bevy of signal processing equipment in
  • agiographic text occupying the inner rings, attributable with relative confidence to Shenxian zhuan
  • ly considering the relative paucity of his ( attributable) works.