



  • adultery, breach of promise, seduction, rape, bigamy, abortion, infanticide-all were made by men."
  • entually Georgina Roe discovered her husband's bigamy, and in 1876 Walton left Singapore for Hong Ko
  • case, it was alleged Kearns had also committed bigamy and attempted to sell his daughter to a sea-ca
  • e monarch engineered Ion Antonescu's trial for bigamy, based on charges that she and Fueller had nev
  • spite the fact that Eberhard thereby committed bigamy, being already married.
  • In 2007, he also proved her as a bigamy by producing necessary documents in the court.
  • Henry VII had the bigamy charge against Edward IV reversed, so he could
  • nston House's chapel became the focal point of bigamy charges and legal proceedings against Elizabet
  • When Jay is charged with bigamy, Charlotte decides to defend him in court.
  • , Miss Elizabeth Scrope sued on the grounds of bigamy, claiming a prior Fleet Marriage.
  • Her bigamy frees Evendale to marry Dora.
  • sidered difficult to prosecute polygamists for bigamy, in large part because they are rarely formall
  • h Helene von Vieregg, the morganatic spouse by bigamy of King Frederik; after the death of Vieregg (
  • urts for breach of promise, divorce, adultery, bigamy, seduction, rape; the newspaper reports every
  • ut it was Barbara's History (1864), a novel of bigamy, that solidly established her reputation as a
  • 01, when the 2nd Earl Russell was convicted of bigamy, the House set up a select committee to invest
  • m more trouble than he was worth (the divorce, bigamy trials, debts) and that he was temperamental,
  • Operation Bigamy was a raid during the Second World War by the
  • were different individuals, particularly since bigamy was legal, and practiced by Jacob, a major pat
  • Operation Bigamy was a failure the raiding force was discovered