



  • re the governing deity of Earth, Sanat Kumara, dwells as the highest Avatar of the Planetary Logos o
  • ptimal growth temperature is nearly 100 oC and dwells at a greater sea depth than the other archaea.
  • The film also dwells at length on the dichotomy between European ai
  • In this last book de Spina dwells at length upon the demons and their hatred of
  • y referred to the axis mundi, and "The One who dwells beyond the seven sages" (1.164) as the polar s
  • s one of locality origin, meaning; the one who dwells by the hedged meadow.
  • earance of the insect suggests that the insect dwells close to the ground in fissures and other smal
  • from] Sisinios and Sisinnia; the voracious dog dwells here.”
  • It Dwells In Me
  • Spongilla dwells in lakes and slow streams.
  • God is love, and he who dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him.
  • It lives in forests, where it dwells in leaf-litter.
  • He now dwells in the Well of Wisdom in Asgard.
  • There dwells in my faint heart no hope...)
  • irit of the moon is a man, a mighty hunter who dwells in the skies.
  • Ulmo the Lord of Waters dwells in Vaiya, below the roots of Arda.
  • aded honeyeaters in the genus Melithreptus, it dwells in dry sclerophyll eucalypt woodland.
  • composed by Nergal except "Ancient" and "Hell Dwells in Ice" which were written and performed by Po
  • The Milky Way Galaxy in which the Sun dwells, in common with many other galaxies of similar
  • Picasso-esque being who moves by tricycle and dwells in a box shaped domain that hovers above a dar
  • with He-No (Mighty Thunderer), the spirit who dwells in the mist-enshrouded cave at the base of the
  • and the other lagmen are under the lagman who dwells in Tiundaland.
  • One day, at Tina's home, the Cat dwells in, Cheung shoots Tina at the shoulder but Ins
  • It dwells mainly in the wild, and its only domestic occu
  • There dwells my Lord, my King, judged here unfit to live; T
  • It typically dwells on rocks.
  • It typically inhabits rainforests and dwells on trees.
  • The Father of mercy who dwells on high
  • Noviere - an aquatic eladrin that dwells on Ossa, the second layer of Arborea.
  • anonymous letter, unfortunately without date, dwells on the controversies and difficulties with whi
  • holia", Balsamon insists on existing laws, and dwells on the relation between canons and laws - eccl
  • The film, which dwells on homosexuality, as per her it is based on he
  • Psalm 19 dwells on three main subjects: The Glory of Yahweh, T
  • The third verse dwells on Christ's birth and describes the simple sur
  • of the beasts" or "The Fox and the Monkey", it dwells on the animal's proverbial greed and lack of f
  • he song Shir Lashalom ("Song to Peace"), which dwells on the impossibility of bringing a dead person
  • This shoaling freshwater fish dwells over sandy ground when young, while adults are
  • In black weed And murky gloom she dwells, Queen of the Dead".
  • tus flows into the river Acheron, across which dwells the underworld, the mythological abode of the
  • his spot the nation took its origin, that here dwells the supreme and all-ruling deity, to whom all
  • ught up in Sabah, Borneo as a child (and still dwells there today).
  • But as she dwells there, Cathryn delves into darker delusions as
  • o is the chief of all wizards in Middle-earth) dwells, to seek help and counsel.
  • If a player dwells too much time in one of the dungeon's areas, t
  • Sion still dwells upon the Heart
  • Azad and Bhagat Singh and today's youth, also dwells upon the lack of appreciation among today's In
  • The Talmud then dwells upon the unpardonable sin of "blanching the fa
  • irth as Siddhartha, this is the realm where he dwells with other Bodhisattvas.
  • She dwells with her companion Sedna at the bottom of the
  • The landmark for this place dwells with the Neelamperoor Palli Bhagavathi Temple,