



  • d of being gay, and have been referred to euphemistically as a confirmed bachelor a role closeted g
  • The street was known euphemistically as ‘Tub Row' because of the habit of the
  • countryside to a large cliff, which they euphemistically call "Mulholland Falls", where he is thro
  • These shantytowns are also euphemistically called asentamientos ("settlements") or v
  • hrlinger himself oversaw these shootings, euphemistically called "actions", as a "hardened SS perpe
  • (a military invasion - occasionally used euphemistically), in the future Greek Cypriot component s
  • er a leading candidate for reprogramming ( euphemistically known as "cleansing").
  • litary parlance it is often used to speak euphemistically of the Central Intelligence Agency, parti
  • Euphemistically, people call these shops as "long-living
  • l, it may be possible that he was in fact euphemistically referencing the planet Sunday and its dan
  • The word "oom-pah-pah" is seemingly used euphemistically to refer to both intoxication and fornica