



  • gels and their fans carried a long history of futility and disappointment.
  • perience at the ground of pessimism is one of futility and the vanity of our attempts to come to ter
  • nts and their fans have had a long history of futility and disappointment since their move from New
  • depressed is the better word -- by the folly, futility and waste of war as a means of resolving man'
  • d the insurgent labor movement of the past to futility and defeat.
  • -like imagery and feelings of resignation and futility as in the debut single.
  • They set two records for futility, becoming the first arena football team ever
  • The Dragons finally ended their home playoff futility by winning their first playoff game at Nagoya
  • The Vikings set a new mark for futility during the season when they lost to every 4-1
  • Williams' 0-13 line is also a record in futility in any single professional baseball game.
  • Phils, in the midst of the longest streak of futility in their history.
  • , 1st Earl of Arundel successfully argued the futility of further fighting.
  • It was a grand satire on the futility of human knowledge and the ubiquity of medioc
  • el, it is about the horrors, and the eventual futility of war.
  • The Futility of a Well Ordered Life - (CD) 1994, track #1
  • But the international events made clear the futility of carrying on the struggle.
  • rial election, the party leaders stressed the futility of launching a statewide campaign.
  • Wheel, a simple calculator to demonstrate the futility of drawing geographical boundaries in a singl
  • "The dream image became a metaphor for the futility of trusting in one's own strength, and conseq
  • The novel focuses heavily on the futility of war and how many of the soldiers were mere
  • az's March 1988 New York Times article on the futility of the drug war generated much debate over th
  • le thinking about a peacetime economy and the futility of the arms race.
  • munition, and rusting military equipment, the futility of war is abundantly clear.
  • f Arthur's court at Camelot, but the ultimate futility of any attempt to ignore human nature and sin
  • Additionally, they acknowledged the futility of managing a grand detailed plan of operatio
  • cation of war; rather the museum suggests the futility of war, especially as seen in Flanders in Wor
  • pite this it seems that Horrocks realised the futility of the paratroopers position and preliminary
  • 803 by Friedrich Schiller, whose theme is the futility of military victories.
  • ruve, to counter what he considered to be the futility of objectivity in political economic analysis
  • nded his diary on August 28th, reflecting the futility of Passchendaele with: " So this was the end
  • on episode “Contest”, when he talks about the futility of their conversation: “slime in this ear, sl
  • amer realize what he already understands, the futility of existence.
  • is case against Palamas, he soon realised the futility of pursuing his cause, and left for Calabria
  • ral, who has a dream in which he realizes the futility of the war he is fighting.
  • tic treatise it was intended to point out the futility of pagan beliefs and to establish the reasona
  • ut he regularly points out the almost certain futility of what she's doing.
  • ng had ever happened, possibly signifying the futility of rebellious endeavors.
  • oughout England as a basis for sermons on the futility of the pope's claims to authority in England,
  • The futility of war- A theme discussed throughout the book
  • is perhaps simply an excellent example of the futility of seeing people one-dimensionally.
  • day, March 31, 1918, he preached there on the futility of war shortly after one of the prominent son
  • es from the grave to express his anguish, the futility of war, and his refusal to become part of the
  • xtralegal activities, he lectures them on the futility of trying to extort money from people who sim
  • The song expresses self-loathing and the futility of worldly accomplishments; this content took
  • In 1958 he condemned the futility of depending on the Republic of Ireland's leg
  • endment to the Preamble that referred to 'the futility of political action'.
  • frontline communications and demonstrate the futility of resistance" (Official RAF History).
  • of verses by Konstantin Batyushkov about the futility of human life were added as an epigraph to th
  • mercilessly, but at the end they realize the futility of their duel and agree to end it, just as th
  • rds the end of the film the pointlessness and futility of being involved in football violence is cha
  • d Gita, impressing on the listeners' mind the futility of life and death, the insignificance of the
  • uclear weapons within a few years, and of the futility of relying on America's possession of the 'se
  • vacuous vortex and is constrained to seek in futility the plenitude of being in order to fill up th
  • Morgan Robertson, known for his 1898 novel Futility which is famous for its similarity to the 191