



  • mixture (HC), consisting of hexachloroethane, grained aluminium and zinc oxide.
  • nds into a formal Federal style parlor, and a grained and marbelized classical entrance hall.
  • ISO emulsions were also adjusted to be finer grained and have more neutral colour balance.
  • "dark greenish gray to grayish black, medium grained, and moderately porphyritic.
  • rich-tasting fruit as well as its beautifully grained black timber, which is used in furniture maki
  • cheese for salads or for snacking with hearty grained breads, crackers and grapes.
  • Calcflinta is a fine grained calc-silicate rock found amongst the metamorp
  • Sovite is often a medium to coarse grained calcite rock with variable accessory amphibol
  • nd sides; and in affording a fatter and finer grained carcase of mutton…
  • ften used by geologists to signify those fine grained, compact, non-foliated products of contact me
  • other fried potato dishes is its smooth, fine grained consistency.
  • Shatter cones developed in fine grained dolomite from the Wells Creek crater, USA.
  • Close-up of shatter cones developed in fine grained dolomite from the Wells Creek crater, USA.
  • Shatter cones developed in fine grained dolomite from the Wells Creek crater
  • Close-up of shatter cones developed in fine grained dolomite from the Wells Creek crater
  • ndia (2007) directed by Shimit Amin, where he grained down the colour of the film, and shot almost
  • rns relating to the accurately measuring fine grained gold, and dealing with problems associated wi
  • It is made is of a type of white grained granite that has been suggested to have been
  • morphic rock which has grown within the finer grained groundmass.
  • he piece was made from one huge block of fine grained, hard, gray-green stone made from greywacke.
  • Type 55 negatives are fine grained, have a long tonal range and are of extremely
  • e in the Lake Superior region is usually fine grained in texture and possesses colored banding.
  • Syenogranite is a fine to coarse grained intrusive igneous rock of the same general co
  • It is a well cemented medium to coarse grained limestone characterised by its honey-gold col
  • It addresses the first, large grained locking, with a technology called Optimistic
  • The matrix or groundmass of rock is the finer grained mass of material in which larger grains, crys
  • However, fine grained materials like clays and silts had helped pre
  • Potassium feldspar phenocrysts within a fine grained matrix in a granite porphyry.
  • radiating irregular feldspar laths in a fine grained matrix.
  • Synonymous with coarse grained or megascopically crystalline.
  • ry crystals spreading outwards through a fine grained or glassy rock.
  • itoid or granitic rock is a variety of coarse grained plutonic rock similar to granite which minera
  • Finely grained powders of most metals can be dangerously exp
  • mb shaped phenocrysts embedded in a very fine grained red-brown matrix.
  • is found in the reducing environment of fine grained river sediments, possibly produced by the act
  • Along the lower shore the coarse grained rocks are partly covered by brown seaweeds su
  • inuous or penetrative cleavage describes fine grained rocks consisting of platy minerals evenly dis
  • ightclubs and beaches, which are made of fine grained sand, and are not straight, but instead are c
  • fine grained sandstone above coarser Hawkesbury Sandstone,
  • Siltstone and fine grained sandstone occur as interbeds.
  • elly River Formation is composed of very fine grained sandstone with coarse grained beds and minor
  • composed of argillaceous siltstone, very fine grained sandstone and limestone.
  • It may be seen as a narrow band of fine grained sandstone between the shale (above) and the H
  • andible fragment, recovered from a dark, fine grained sandstone of the middle Remigiusberg Formatio
  • posed of reddish-brown to reddish-purple fine grained sandstone, as well as red, gray, purple, and
  • It is made of fine grained sandstone.
  • of silty to sandy mudstones, fine- to coarse grained sandstones that are poorly to moderately sort
  • The matrix of sedimentary rocks is finer grained sedimentary material, such as clay or silt, i
  • In fine grained soils, capillary action can cause the pores o
  • The very fine grained Tea Creek Member lies above, and the crystall
  • The finer grained variety is known as alvikite.
  • ma Sequence specifically describes the medium grained variety, which are usually found in the conti
  • Tincalconite typically occurs as a fine grained white powder.
  • and also Dalingdingan, it is a hard straight grained wood that was used to build the early Manila
  • ock texture characterised by a glassy or fine grained zone along the margin where the magma or lava