



  • And I saw in TV how Appleton wept and knelt amid the UK Flag banners and guests.
  • As al-Tal lay dying, "one of the assassins knelt and lapped with his tongue the blood flowing a
  • the ceremony, the warriors spent several hours knelt around the gravesite as "their wails and lamen
  • communion tray to me once a month when we all knelt at the altar.
  • Contemporary accounts report that he knelt before Pope Gregory and begged his forgiveness
  • In an unprecedented gesture, the Empress knelt before the Chan master, touching her forehead
  • ediately with a revolver and also Mrs. Ha, who knelt before them after Ha's death, begging them not
  • ly after his enthronement, Godfrey of Bouillon knelt before him and was invested with the territory
  • Sehorn immediately walked up to Harmon, knelt down on one knee and proposed.
  • Then he was taken to another cross, where he knelt down and embraced it.
  • Fowler claimed in his autobiography that he knelt down to close Short's eyes before Paegel began
  • As the home was burning, Mary and her sisters knelt down and asked the intercession of the Blessed
  • When Juana sat afterward La Argentina came and knelt down at her feet, carefully took off her danci
  • originally buried, the camel carrying the body knelt down and would not move.
  • em himself, and during the performance Marocco knelt down before a cross held by one of the priests
  • So he doffed his huge straw-hat, knelt down, and took a long drink.
  • rotesters were warned to disperse, but instead knelt in the street.
  • He knelt in the open by his officer and tried to help h
  • He knelt on a rock to curse the spirit, leaving the imp
  • Winchester carbine rifle hidden in his cloak, knelt on one knee and fired at the King from 8 meter
  • Bishop O'Devany knelt to pray for O'Loughran before they were both d
  • "The front ranks knelt with their spear butts fixed in the earth; the