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  • is a "gauge" pressure, since gauges by nature measure a pressure difference, not an absolute pressu
  • ciences was sending to present-day Ecuador to measure a degree of meridian arc at the equator.
  • For instance, one cannot measure a table (analyte-component) but, the height,
  • nstructed, giving the observer the ability to measure a full 90° range of elevation.
  • is used to determine fibrinogen in plasma, to measure a 'batroxobin clotting time' as a heparin-ins
  • Generally gyroscopes are able to measure a constant rotation rate, while rate sensors
  • late 1766, following which they stayed on to measure a degree of Earth's meridian on the Delmarva
  • Kripo researchers measure a Sinti boy's head in anthropological studies
  • computer controlled instruments to source or measure a wide range of parameters.
  • Venhaus of Los Alamos National Laboratory to measure a 14.1 MeV neutron signal far above backgroun
  • Measure A passed with 65.8% of voters approving incor
  • his is evident from another test, designed to measure a rat's capacity to perform complex tasks.
  • MIMS can be used to measure a variety of analytes in real-time, with litt
  • Accelerometers on the surface of the Earth measure a constant 9.8 m/s^2 even when they are not a
  • Supposing that there were a reason to measure a ship's proficiency at the Kessel Run using
  • is an optical position sensor (OPS), that can measure a position of a light spot in one or two-dime
  • TBARS tests, measure a condition known as oxidative stress.
  • ccordance with the Church of England pastoral measure, a petition went forward to have the church d
  • How To Measure A Planet? remains something of a high point f
  • s and the landscaping, with the assistance of Measure A funds.
  • tition between astronomers to be the first to measure a stellar parallax accurately.
  • t an analogous result holds for observers who measure a nearly isotropic background radiation, and
  • He was able to detect and measure a small increase of temperature during the sl
  • The 19,386,697 XML files measure a total of 621 GB and are hosted by the Infor
  • he platinum iridium meter guarantees the tape measure, a strict measure must exist for the art of t
  • Any photon energetic enough to precisely measure a Planck-sized object could actually create a
  • of water changes in the soil, the probe will measure a change in capacitance (from the change in d
  • Even so, as Knox acknowledged, he was by no measure a negative player; in fact, he was "a wonderf
  • It didn't strike me as an easy matter to measure a stellar disk and approximate the distance o
  • Radon measure, a type of mathematical measure
  • Haar measure, a set-theoretic measure
  • ued the work until 1809, his purpose being to measure a meridian arc in order to determine the exac
  • By this measure a strong directional radiation pattern occurs
  • Gas meters measure a defined volume, regardless of the pressuriz
  • The ability to accurately measure a signal's phase depends on the signal-to-noi
  • An outraged General Assembly passed a measure abolishing the Court of Appeals and setting u
  • hite, very fragrant flowers open at night and measure about 3 inches.
  • There are 5 to 8 yellow ray florets which measure about 1.5 centimeters in length, and many yel
  • Hornworm eggs are spherical to oval in shape, measure about 1.5 mm (0.059 in) in diameter, and vary
  • Adults measure about 35-45 millimetres (1.4-1.8 in) long.
  • The head and body of Coendou bicolor measure about 543 mm, and another 481 mm is tail.
  • This beetle is tiny; adults measure about 2 millimeters.
  • "Klafter" denotes a unit of measure, about 1.9 meters.
  • sidings for subway trains at the southern end measure about 350m.
  • The assay procedure may measure absorbance, optical density, luminescence, fl
  • Also, absorbance does not always measure absorption: if a given sample is, for example
  • An EMF meter can measure AC electromagnetic fields, which are usually
  • em are subject to two assessment standards to measure academic performance.
  • ynamic retinoscopy widely used to objectively measure accommodative response.
  • and legal status of the drug they are taking, measure accurate dosages and take other precautions t
  • Signal Extraction Technology (SET) that could measure accurately during patient motion and low perf
  • inennial census, as particularly difficult to measure accurately.
  • The charter measure achieved a 60 percent approval at the polls i
  • nd heating value compensation must be made to measure actual amount and value of gas moving through
  • nts, although most demographic surveys do not measure actual genetic ancestry.
  • To measure ADA2, erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl) adenine (
  • sinister ends, but no visible effects in any measure adequate".
  • Advocates both for and against the measure advanced misleading arguments during the 2006
  • Supply was shut down as a precautionary measure after a local river burst its banks, threaten
  • k, but was reclosed by the police as a safety measure after 2 hours because of the unexpected size
  • d out of Concourse D until, as a cost cutting measure after 9/11, all American Eagle flights were m
  • assador in Austria, ceased as a precautionary measure after being wrongfully accused of sexual hara
  • method of birth control, and as a protective measure against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • ando the Catholic destroyed the fortress as a measure against further revolts; its ruins can still
  • se currently exhibiting decay as a preventive measure against those grooves and pits developing too
  • AF2 was however seen as a stop-gap measure against the introduction of the Formula 3000-
  • ideal example of a device (such as a unit of measure) against which all later devices are tested a
  • rge Moscone (D-San Francisco) as a protective measure against government agencies collecting person
  • mediately withdrawn from offensive roles as a measure against the man-portable missiles in possessi
  • in foil hats are seen by some as a protective measure against the effects of electromagnetic radiat
  • rporation of London banned plays in 1572 as a measure against the plague, and in 1575 they formally
  • olics and justified the rising as a defensive measure against the Protestant threat to 'extirpate t
  • outh of this river were opened as a defensive measure against the advancing German army during the
  • s in the Kobuleti border region "a preventive measure against the possible attempt of military acti
  • er approach anyway and began zig-zagging as a measure against torpedo attack.
  • Possibly as a protective measure against the mistrusted federal court system,
  • st, making the conversation test an effective measure against would-be botters.
  • It is the standard cement to measure against.
  • ing, and I am not sure that I do not in large measure agree with them.
  • The town adopted a measure agreeing to these conditions, property was pu
  • The sanctions were a further measure aimed at removing the military junta in Haiti
  • y Gomez told Gambia's parliament that the new measure aims at combating the illicit drug traffickin
  • determine the airspeed of an aircraft and to measure air and gas velocities in industrial applicat
  • The rayleigh, a unit of photon flux used to measure air glow, is named after him.
  • rly Motronic EFI systems or Hitachi) actually measure air volume, whereas the later "hot wire" and
  • obarometers are sensitive barometers that can measure air pressure with high precision.
  • mode is that where the MAP sensor is used to measure airflow, the corresponding fuel calculations
  • album - Love You So - by Ron Holden (for good measure, all but two of the album's eleven tracks wer
  • age over the lidar technique of being able to measure all the way to the ground.
  • He opposed a measure allowing blacks and Indians to enlist in the
  • An Assembly Measure allows provisions to be made in a certain are
  • The measure allows the state to issue bonds to match vote
  • nstitute, denies that the Shannon information measure alone provides a good measure for biological
  • sity awards during his MAC career ... By that measure alone, through the years many have considered
  • original station was closed in a cost cutting measure, along with Dog Lane, Oxspring and Thurgoland
  • released from the promotion as a cost-cutting measure along with other core members of the GWF incl
  • ions of features are identified by a relative measure along a linear element, for example a milesto
  • As a temporary measure, Alsace wine produced from Pinot Gris was lab
  • ficant joint colonial response to any British measure, also petitioned Parliament and the King.
  • This measure amends the State Constitution.
  • TEXT: This measure amends the Oklahoma Constitution.
  • Astronomy Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope to measure ammonia throughout the galaxy.
  • Dosimeters measure an individual's or an object's exposure to so
  • This method is analogous to a standard way to measure an electric current, where one measures the v
  • The males measure an average of 72 mm in snout-vent length (SVL
  • ton Post editorialized, "The Lieberman-Warner measure, an amalgamation of several other climate-cha
  • It is used to measure an unknown electrical resistance below 1 Ω.
  • measured., that is, that the clinometer will measure an angle less than 45° (100%).
  • To measure an angle, say, EKG, place the diameter middle
  • another term for its mean surface gravity, a measure analogous to zero sea level on Earth.
  • The Design Measure Analyze Improve Control (DMAIC) is one such p
  • ensor imaging (DTI) is a related use of MR to measure anatomical connectivity between areas.
  • , in that it removes the need for the user to measure and calculate the thread pitch of the threade
  • ge-scale structure, and has developed ways to measure and quantify physical properties of dark ener
  • ise, to this end he invented an audiometer to measure and record noise in a visual form.
  • ring humanity the Lord Himself will take some measure and He will manifest Himself as the Supreme P
  • oommates and a sock stealing monster for good measure and wackiness ensues.
  • fantasy, Mr. Gershwin pours music out in full measure and in many voices.
  • sleep coaching service which allows users to measure and analyze their sleep patterns.
  • n that head, convinced of the folly of such a measure, and strongly supported by Colonel Moncrieff,
  • with 36 people (97.3%) voting in favor of the measure and 1 (2.7%) voting against.
  • est advance his narrative… These qualities of measure and restraint contribute to the persuasivenes
  • where vol denotes n-dimensional Lebesgue measure and the + on the left-hand side denotes Minko
  • The repeated tests on each provide some measure and control of testing error.
  • case in order to have a court strike down the measure and highlight what they perceive as weaknesse
  • is a measurement instrument that purports to measure and display the volume of clapping or applaus
  • There was no organized opposition to the measure, and no arguments in opposition were filed fo
  • e semi-liquid, and thereby easier to package, measure and use.
  • onsists of various modules to create, manage, measure and activate lead generation activities such
  • d been withdrawn as a World War I-era economy measure and not re-introduced to the North Island dur
  • ns' by Henri Lebesgue, he was fascinated with measure and integration.
  • ences, etc.) that describe published items to measure and otherwise study various aspects of a spec
  • an Democrats regarded the coup as a temporary measure and wished to hold new elections to the Seima
  • ic, bathymetric, and oceanographic surveys to measure and map various properties of the ocean and s
  • the organ of Local Detroit, as a cost-saving measure and nominated a full slate of candidates for
  • and others, in 1985 as part of a cost cutting measure, and Greig emigrated to Australia.
  • thod can also apply to comparison with a gold measure, and that's true.
  • there have been no Senate hearings yet on the measure, and no public hearings have yet been schedul
  • ided to dispense with Mayflower as an economy measure, and she was decommissioned on 22 March 1929,
  • r developing the concepts of resource bounded measure and effective dimension.
  • stralia no longer use the square as a unit of measure, and has been replaced by square metres.
  • on-included) side in a triangle have the same measure and length, respectively, as those in the oth
  • It triggered an international effort to measure and analyze the microwave spectrum of Venus.
  • ught and demonstrated that it was possible to measure and quantify seasonal changes in the global h
  • The Act was a controversial measure, and was passed by the House of Commons under
  • The measure, and two similar bills by State Senator (late
  • where λ denotes Lebesgue measure and ρ is the backward shift operator defined
  • endation of the Board of Trade, dismissed the measure and its predecessors.
  • the Liberal Party, Crossman voted against the measure and joined the Liberal Unionists, holding off
  • ass flow controller (MFC) is a device used to measure and control the flow of fluids and gases.
  • as were others, in 1916 as a wartime economy measure, and was not re-opened.
  • Development of proprietary products to measure and monitor the quality of telecommunication
  • is combined with the weight to form the Gibbs measure and partition function for the Markov network
  • The Parent Test: How to Measure and Develop Your Talent for Parenthood (ISBN
  • This was only a temporary measure and in 1949 the NCC was transferred to the Ul
  • omes are independent, the shift preserves the measure, and thus T is a measure-preserving transform
  • rnment nevertheless proposed to end the 50:50 measure, and provisions for 'lateral entry' of Cathol
  • Pipettes are used to accurately measure and dispense small volumes of liquid.
  • Brazil has requested to be exempted from this measure, and failing this, has implemented a similar
  • raubs climbed on top of the donut with a tape measure and confirmed this for the authors.
  • fact that it may fire cannons as a defensive measure and can upgrade the number of its guns, just
  • ironmental effects, SEAL researchers analyze, measure, and control the electromagnetic interactions
  • For measure and proportion manifest themselves in all are
  • tates were to take no actions contrary to the measure and their international obligations.
  • ersal from vaccines as a purely precautionary measure, and it was rapidly phased out of most U.S. a
  • e a 200 meter data acquisition tower, used to measure and record atmospheric conditions at ten leve
  • ged to an aluminum screw top as a cost saving measure and to ensure long term freshness.
  • r of the Council of State to vote against the measure, and he lost his position in the Council the
  • ond Baronet, was responsible for this economy measure and the church's stipend was added to that of
  • Glass syringes are also conveniently used to measure and dispense solvents and other liquids.
  • But give it drink and meat in due measure, and also the exercise of which it has need.
  • No on 43 Committee led the opposition to the measure and was largely supported by Planned Parentho
  • considered all legislative and administrative measure and action which tend to change the legal sta
  • rne imaging systems (e.g., MODIS and MISR) to measure and monitor terrestrial essential climate var
  • nd hand claps on the 2nd and 4th beat of each measure and screaming organ lines over one major chor
  • additional equipment available on request, to measure and analyze navigational data; surface atmosp
  • A gas syringe can also be used to measure and dispense liquids, especially where these
  • omiciliary services will be a genuine economy measure and also a humanitarian measure enabling peop
  • ine was singled in October 1970 as an economy measure, and the southern platform and signal box aba
  • thers made an able speech in introducing this measure and his reforms were widely supported.
  • oughs on many state workers as a cost-cutting measure, and a court this week said that, despite a c
  • where PR is a poverty measure and y is per capita income.
  • placing it second in Staffordshire under this measure and the best independent girls' school.
  • eye extinction in mica) that may inhibit this measure and may be more difficult to use.
  • Many members protested against this measure and in 1966 they drew up an open letter with
  • 1895 but closed in 1916 as a wartime economy measure and never re-opened.Ocker Hill Station opened
  • The school board approved the measure and allowed Mansfield High School to desegreg
  • November 1917 as a First World War austerity measure and has never re-opened.
  • ise monitor is an instrument which is used to measure and analyze the bone strengthening qualities
  • e control system on a subsea tree to monitor, measure, and react to sensor outputs on the tree or e
  • lecting tube; secondly, these two are used to measure and calculate the mass-density ρ of the inves
  • anagement systems are designed to effectively measure and manage the use of fuel within the transpo
  • ntil the invention of the telescope, it could measure angles with a better precision than the astro
  • Sine table (or sine plate) is used to measure angles of large workpieces.
  • A sine bar is a tool used to measure angles in metalworking.
  • Rate Sensors are devices that directly measure angular rate, without integration in conditio
  • Gyroscopes also measure angular rate.
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