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  • elf-calibrating, cavity pyrheliometer used to measure total and spectral solar irradiance.
  • n the 1920s, he built the first instrument to measure total ozone from the ground, now called the D
  • ouring with husband Jeremy Camp on his Beyond Measure tour.
  • n of early scientific instruments intended to measure trace elements in the 1960s.
  • e the methods customarily used to monitor and measure trade flows.
  • The measure transferred the responsibility for school fun
  • Transmission densitometers that measure transparent materials
  • . but a catharsis at this point would in some measure trivialize the loss."
  • been raised that "the software doesn't really measure trustworthiness, and the danger is that peopl
  • othromboxane B2 levels are used to indirectly measure TXA2 production.
  • Physically, the SAGE instruments measure ultraviolet/visible energy and this is conver
  • lopment of a simple nonchromatographic RIA to measure un-conjugated estriol in pregnancy serum led
  • l right to free the slaves as a temporary war measure under his power as commander-in-chief, since
  • 0, the War Office ordered that, as a security measure under the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1939
  • L blog post, Frank and Paul re-introduced the measure under the name, "Act to Remove Federal Penalt
  • e the Unionists and the Secessionists and one measure undertaken to reunite the factions was the el
  • was key in developing the techniques used to measure unemployment.
  • This is a patently absurd way to measure university accomplishments and prestige.
  • shing the Western Reform Party as a temporary measure until the schism was healed.
  • er station at Koutu was intended as temporary measure until the line could be relaid to a proposed
  • This was a temporary measure until a proper courthouse could be built.
  • an-controlled Congress refused to approve the measure until 2002, when a legislative rider preventi
  • station at Koutu was intended as a temporary measure until the line could be relaid to a proposed
  • This was only meant to be a temporary measure until the business found its feet again.
  • Middleton Hall at thecentre:mk as a temporary measure until the new arena:mk is completed later on
  • ozia from the Tusculani family, as a stop-gap measure until her own son John was ready to assume th
  • ey may act as an alternative to, or a stopgap measure until, plastic surgery to reconstruct a breas
  • ines on the back and sides of the body, which measure up to 33 millimetres (1.3 in) and 2 millimetr
  • The oblong-lanceolate tepals measure up to 4 mm in length.
  • Sometimes such individuals will fail to measure up and thereby reflect undeserved discredit o
  • p to Stan's expectations but can never really measure up to the high standards in place for him.
  • e surrounded by rosettes of large leaves that measure up to 50 centimeters long by 15 wide.
  • ialist organizations and individuals does not measure up to the needs of the situation".
  • of 850 cm³, while the latest Javan specimens measure up to 1100 cm³, overlapping that of H. sapien
  • They measure up to 15 cm in height and 3.5 cm in width.
  • rosette of 30 to 90 long, narrow leaves which measure up to 140 centimeters long by 3 wide with a w
  • er its initial release, Metroid "just doesn't measure up to today's action adventure standards", gi
  • It was first named by Snyder in 1904, and can measure up to approximately 66 centimetres in length.
  • world's largest honey bee; single adults can measure up to 3.0 cm (1.2 in) in length.
  • They measure up to 2.5 centimeters long by a few millimete
  • r to Of Thee I Sing [but] it doesn't entirely measure up to it.
  • The fresh narrow chilaca can measure up to 9 inches (22 cm) long and often has a t
  • Males measure up to 85mm, and females 45mm.
  • The females measure up to 8.4 cm in length.
  • An adult Rock Beauthy angelfish can measure up to 8 inches (20 cm).
  • The biggest adults measure up to about 45 cm (18 in), but they usually r
  • corm produces three or four erect leaves that measure up to 80 centimeters long by 5 wide.
  • oid, containing short and inflated cells that measure up to 34 µm wide.
  • Its flowers measure up to 2.5 cm across, have five petals, and ar
  • for a luxury hotel chain in India that could measure up to international standards.
  • ongest) and can weigh up to 35 g (1.2 oz) and measure up to 80 mm (3.1 in) in length.
  • unded leaflets which are toothed or lobed and measure up to 2 centimeters in length.
  • Adults weigh around 1 kg (2.2 lb) and measure up to 50 cm (20 in) in length.
  • Ladderlike fronds of B. fluviatile measure up to 50 cm (20 in) long.
  • But when the 1973 Red Sox again could not measure up to the powerful Baltimore Orioles of the e
  • The ovate tepals measure up to 4 mm in length and have an acute apex.
  • vironment shows that the Lite Edition drivers measure up to -- and often surpass -- the performance
  • ark greenish-yellow to olive-green, sometimes measure up to 12 cm in length and 8 cm in width.
  • three or four erect, lance-shaped leaves that measure up to 60 centimeters long by 6 wide.
  • aditions - a description that Damazy does not measure up to.
  • ibed by Achille Valenciennes in 1836, and can measure up to 8 centimetres (3.1 in) long.
  • uit body is white to brownish, with caps that measure up to 12.5 cm (4.9 in) in diameter, and stems
  • ceration of those who, in his view, failed to measure up.
  • Institute Withdrawal Assessment) is a common measure used in North American hospitals to assess an
  • A quintil is a unit of measure, used by the Office International de la Vigne
  • The coherent information is an entropy measure used in quantum information theory.
  • It is the standard measure used in the United States, and is so named be
  • The angular diameter distance is a distance measure used in astronomy.
  • SAD measure using supine abdominal height
  • ized glassware are required, they are made to measure using commercially available glass tubes by s
  • The use of the conical measure usually dictates its construction material.
  • Since voters adopted Measure V, the creation of the county charter, in Mar
  • Measure variations in radio waves for radio science e
  • used in the subject of physics can be used to measure various types of objects, but all do so witho
  • may also be detectable using instruments that measure various electrical and magnetic parameters.
  • The method allows observers to measure various physical properties on the substances
  • For an instrument used to measure velocity of a projectile fired from a gun, se
  • funding by the Office of Naval Research, will measure velocity and impact of dust in space orbit.
  • It may be used to measure velocity, wavelength, absorption, or impedanc
  • in metalworking or metrology to either set or measure vertical distances; the pointer is sharpened
  • ach of five beams: one is aimed vertically to measure vertical velocity, and four are tilted off ve
  • In particular, optical observations measure very accurately where an object appears on th
  • The ability to quantitatively measure voltage and current allowed Georg Ohm to form
  • A multimeter set to measure voltage.
  • µl to 1000 µl (1 ml), while macropipettes can measure volumes greater than 1ml.
  • they were gradually withdrawn"Gulf of Tonkin Measure Voted In Haste and Confusion in 1964", The Ne
  • Measure VV also extended the US$48 parcel tax approve
  • In November 2008, voters approved Measure VV, which increased the parcel tax by US$48 a
  • The rod as a survey measure was standardized by Edmund Gunter in England
  • The measure was sponsored by future Oregon Commissioner o
  • While the measure was proposed primarily to prohibit same-sex c
  • This measure was defeated 387,068 to 1,073,275.
  • acting legislation to enable a merger but the measure was not passed.
  • n 12,000 signatures, and on July 17, 2008 the measure was qualified for the November ballot.
  • The measure was passed in the November 6, 1990 general el
  • 2: [Is the remainder 0?]: EITHER (i) the last measure was exact and the remainder in R is 0 program
  • to some observers was the margin by which the measure was defeated in Multnomah County.
  • The measure was defeated in the February 3, 2004 special
  • called by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, the measure was not related to the Schwarzenegger initiat
  • The measure was defeated in the November 5, 2002 general
  • The measure was approved by the voters, 52.7 percent to 4
  • The scaled probability measure was first proposed by John S. Bridle.
  • The measure was supported by a variety of other environme
  • nsion system, payouts were to be reduced; the measure was rejected with 72.7% against;
  • The measure was intended to increase performance standard
  • No such measure was taken but the government in Vienna refuse
  • The House of Commons insisted and the measure was enacted.
  • The school's value-added measure was 1011in 2007(national average 1000).
  • The ballot measure was defeated, 56 percent to 44 percent.
  • This measure was to be accomplished by moving 'twenty-four
  • Francione writes that the measure was opposed by almost all institutional users
  • The measure was rejected by voters 53.7% to 46.3% on Nove
  • and Mubanga suffered torture, or whether this measure was part of the conditions agreed with the US
  • r Angels and Gods and Generals, The Last Full Measure was also planned to be made into a feature fi
  • The initiative measure was widely approved by voters.
  • Although the measure was generally popular and led to an increase
  • Such measure was fiercely opposed by Lithuania, which clai
  • Ultimately the measure was defeated on March 10, 2009, by a vote of
  • Part of the impetus for this measure was dissatisfaction with the "pick-a-party pr
  • This measure was initially applied by the international au
  • After a lengthy period in negotiation, the measure was passed 52-10 in the House, and 22-12 in t
  • large amount of wine for a consumer, but the measure was intended to reduce competition for New Yo
  • This measure was only performed while the patient still ha
  • A second measure was introduced in 2006 which saw school perfo
  • The measure was eventually defeated at the polls by 60-40
  • done prior to the X Party Congress, where the measure was officially adopted.
  • The measure was defeated in a House committee.
  • The measure was rejected by voters in the general electio
  • Beyond Measure was certified as Gold by the RIAA.
  • iginal documentation about loading and weight measure was destroyed.
  • s found that constitutional opposition to the measure was fruitless, so on April 6, a "hartal" was
  • A measure was also passed during Swan's tenure that att
  • The measure was the first statewide voucher program to be
  • Shortly after the measure was implemented, controllers started returnin
  • regnations stemming from rape and incest, the measure was vetoed by Governor Buddy Roemer, a Democr
  • Yet the measure was not a transfer of title and would have to
  • In 2007, a modest levy measure was passed in support of police and fire prot
  • The measure was only successful in the short term, and tw
  • In 2007, the school's value-added measure was 970.1 (national average 1000), which plac
  • They stated that the measure was initiated by John Kasich's low approval r
  • port security and to which an online gambling measure was added at the last moment.
  • The major intent of this measure was to prevent the cash grants given to be us
  • he Excise Bill, the great premier's favourite measure, was vehemently opposed by him in the Lords,
  • The measure was struck down in 1987 by the United States
  • The measure was rejected by the voters 54.3 percent to 45
  • Although the measure was signed into law by Governor Bill Owens, i
  • The measure was defeated.
  • g the principle of one man, one vote, and the measure was defeated.
  • The measure was defeated by a vote of 47.6% in favor and
  • This measure was implemented by Statutory Instrument 1984
  • The measure was not universally popular, as it made it mo
  • The measure was not passed by the legislature, but Gardne
  • entiated hypnotic effect, as the sleep-timing measure was longer than both of the individual compon
  • In 2007, the school's value-added measure was 965.8 (national average 1000), which plac
  • The measure was placed on the ballot as a result of initi
  • All three motions to amend failed, the measure was approved by the House and Senate; and Gov
  • This measure was introduced to deal with Governor Walton's
  • A measure was submitted by the Legislative Assembly to
  • The measure was sponsored by the Oregon Citizens Alliance
  • The measure was approved in the November 4, 2008 general
  • The declared reason for this measure was: "It is most becoming that there be in th
  • ents are synchronized so that they source and measure waveforms at the proper times.
  • The detectors were designed to measure wavelength and flux shifts of solar radiation
  • e 1930s building sensitive geiger counters to measure weak natural and artificial radioactivity.
  • face observations and launched radiosondes to measure weather conditions aloft.
  • on Microsoft Windows that is used by Alexa to measure website specific statistics.
  • Nevertheless the measure went ahead.
  • y would be burdened by excessive costs if the measure were to pass, given the lack of such a requir
  • Opposing the measure were a coalition of groups that made up the "
  • cy transformations, is used as a yardstick to measure when an application's legacy code has been su
  • scientists placed equipment atop the tower to measure whether increased evaporation - possibly link
  • ll government funding to religious schools, a measure which was supported by all denominations exce
  • ing: “an importing country must accept an SPS measure which differs from its own as equivalent if t
  • ies are often characterized by their units of measure which can later be described in terms of conv
  • sion to pass legislation known as an Assembly Measure, which operates in Wales just as an Act of Pa
  • The measure, which dramatically increased taxes on these
  • liveries along the M62 in a drastic emergency measure which cost £3 million a week.
  • rmitting process for clean coal operations, a measure which died in a House committee.
  • as declared of age at Rouen in August 1563, a measure which in actuality increased the power of the
  • lass people alike was a repulsive egalitarian measure which infringed on the status of the privileg
  • nounced its intention to campaign against the measure, which it described as "loony bin direct demo
  • s always intended to be a temporary emergency measure which would be repealed after the War.
  • In 1994 a measure which allowed independent power producers (IP
  • 009, Kaplan re-designed a failed City Council measure which would require owners of certain vacant
  • He favored and fostered every measure which he believed would prove of benefit to t
  • He wrote Gods and Generals and The Last Full Measure which are the prequel and sequel, respectivel
  • tives and is generally regarded as a balanced measure which can be used even if the classes are of
  • bridge projects for a period of 10 years, The measure which was criticized for altering recently ne
  • ble for the drafting of the divisional boards measure which was the foundation of later Queensland
  • designed to freewheel as an engine protection measure, which had the unfortunate side-effect that t
  • Notice that the ultrafilter or measure which witnesses that κ is measurable cannot b
  • retary, in particular the introduction of the measure which brought about the Union of South Africa
  • The measure, which was successful, requires a three-fifth
  • (Fractal dimension itself is a numerical measure which is preserved across scales.)
  • unced as the "nanny state bill of the year" a measure which would require single-family homes to in
  • In 2011, Senator LeBeau voted for HB 6599, a measure which would add gender identity and gender ex
  • The campaign to defeat the measure, which focused heavily on Sizemore's credibil
  • July 2008 (by the international standardised measure, which is usually higher than the claimant co
  • human rights defenders do not support the new measure which introduces the death penalty for drug o
  • e Early Childhood Parenting Skills Program, a measure which assesses the level of teacher stress, t
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