



  • At his funeral there was given to every mourner a copy of his book entitled 'Death considered
  • , a close friend of the family, was the chief mourner at William's funeral.
  • In July 2008 she was a mourner at Hornby's actual funeral.
  • ough at this time, and she was the only other mourner at Anne's funeral.
  • He was a mourner at the funeral of Maurice Griffith, Bishop of
  • A pallbearer at Edmund Burke's funeral, a mourner at Sir Joshua Reynolds's, and a patron of the
  • ieces of stone are beaten on the sides of the mourner by special manners and movements accompanied
  • ndi (Kovacs) is a professional pallbearer and mourner in Rome who lives well off the extravagant gi
  • The Designated Mourner is a play written by Wallace Shawn in 1996, w
  • Cinereous Mourner, Laniocera hypopyrra
  • Speckled Mourner, Laniocera rufescens
  • The mourner may not work or conduct business, even from h
  • Ch. vi.: What a mourner may and may not do during the seven days of m
  • 's pathetic features by using him as a silent mourner, present at burials for the dead who are with
  • A mourner shall specifically refrain from reading or ha
  • (3:1) Funeral attendees who can see the mourner should not recite the Shema so that the mourn
  • ral procession, showing Prince Louis as chief mourner, shows crowds saluting the mourners with thei