



  • tically possible for a house to confer on its occupier a vote in both boroughs.)
  • If an occupier allows an extremely dangerous activity to tak
  • cupation, supporting the struggle against the occupier and liberation in form of a part of Serbia.
  • lem is a normal response to the crimes of the occupier and its murder of civilians".
  • s in armed jihad as a means for expelling the occupier, and calls on public opinion and agencies and
  • are waging a defensive jihad against foreign occupier bent on destroying Islam.
  • In 2009 the building's occupier, British Gas, relocated its Wales headquarter
  • ived the Bronze Cross for bravery against the occupier during World War II.
  • The license may be revoked, refused if the occupier has previously had a license revoked or conta
  • Section 5a: A man who was a £10 occupier in a county or borough was to be a voter in t
  • The park's first occupier is Closed Loop Recycling who recycle food gra
  • yor of Hastings [1945] the court held that an occupier is not always absolved from liability if they
  • the underground army signified a dead German occupier it was taken from.
  • as to recover the weapon, sneak up on an Axis occupier, kill or incapacitate him, and retrieve his w
  • In Paris, when the occupier launched a recruitment drive for 2,000 auxili
  • "An occupier may expect that a person, in the exercise of
  • During World War II The German occupier moved the airfield of Ostend-Stene to a site
  • of the borough; and in order to qualify, the occupier must have been rated in respect of such premi
  • Edward Hickmut was the occupier of the mill in 1694.
  • eel Lytton-Cobbold (born 1962) is the current occupier of Knebworth House in Hertfordshire, England.
  • The main occupier of the station was 44 Squadron, with the Avro
  • of its evil memory and deny it to any future occupier of Jerusalem.
  • acterised by two-thirds of people being owner occupier of a two/three bedroom house with children wh
  • all due respect, I do not believe the present occupier of the junior seat from New Mexico is doing a
  • n as Pat Kearney's Big Stone, named after the occupier of an adjacent cottage who for many years ass
  • lf Lord of Falkenstein seeing that he was the occupier on behalf of the Sarrewerdens and in 1474 a c
  • ple of defensive jihad waged against an enemy occupier rather than an apocalyptic attack on "freedom
  • 2 did tensions between the population and the occupier really build up.
  • at a time, and when she tired of the present occupier, she said so frankly and took another.
  • The last occupier was Lord Glamis, heir to the Earldom, who had
  • as it might have been in about 1910 when the occupier was a Mrs. Mary Cummings.
  • Moreover, the occupier was under no duty of care, because under s.2(
  • had expired a few days before the event, the occupier was not liable.
  • In Naylor v Payling the occupier was not liable for failing to check public li
  • 76] it was held that it was possible to be an occupier without having physical possession of the hou