



  • collective observation of clerically ordained precepts and practices.
  • These precepts and their interpretation in the Talmud form t
  • These are also known as the Three Root Precepts, and are mentioned in the Brahma Net Sutra as
  • He wrote eighteen volumes of hymns and precepts and died at the age of 75 (74 by Western reck
  • A's mission is to know the Self, maintain the precepts, and serve others.
  • These precepts are arranged in verses, which are grouped acc
  • Moral precepts are followed by the negative practical result
  • However, the Precepts are guidelines whose purpose is to encourage
  • These precepts are no different as the Buddhist Five Precept
  • Siladharas uphold the 10 precepts, as well as specific rules from the bhikkhuni
  • onsible for first formulating the transmitted precepts as such.
  • ooks of poems, Before Our Eyes (1993); Codes, Precepts, Biases, and Taboos: Poems 1973-1993 (2005) a
  • They not only Neglected his Precepts, but derided and Evil Entreated his Person.
  • the Nine Vehicles of the Nyingma school--the Precepts Class (Man-ngag Sde) of the Ati-yoga Vehicle.
  • hala, Folio from a Kalpasutra (Book of Sacred Precepts) Date circa 1450, from Collection of LACMA.
  • ic community was set up using the Bodhisattva Precepts exclusively.
  • dio and television Bible study program called Precepts for Life.
  • She is the teacher and host of Precepts for Life, a radio and television program with
  • His precepts for the simple life are carefully detailed, a
  • In addition to providing moral guidance and precepts for everyday life, both Maxims poems "organiz
  • e Meyer's Enjoying Everday Life, Kay Arthur's Precepts for Life Daily, Charles Stanley's In Touch wi
  • The first is transmission of the precepts from master to disciple, known as denkai, whe
  • Mae ji most commonly receive these precepts from a monk, but there is little in the way o
  • el, for he was at Nisibis, where he delivered precepts in the college of Judah ben Bathyra (Sifre, N
  • The third of the Precepts is "To refrain from committing sexual miscond
  • uality and scientifically unfounded self-help precepts, neither of which offer any lasting relief fr
  • monks, mae ji shave their heads and undertake precepts not generally observed by lay followers.
  • These words became traditional precepts of cadets at the Imperial Japanese Naval Acad
  • d-income residential development built on the precepts of the New Urbanism.
  • ical council in 1537, and set forward several precepts of faith.
  • n a sonnet to his wife, who had practised the precepts of the Italian poet.
  • o well-known for his disregard of many of the precepts of everyday Buddhism, such as dietary laws.
  • t, Economy of Permanence and the Practice and Precepts of Jesus.
  • himself attempted to follow the iconoclastic precepts of the East Roman Emperor Leo Syrus, but this
  • f Amenemope the scribe is urged to follow the precepts of Maat in his private life as well as his wo
  • genital mutilation on women goes against the precepts of Islam.
  • ine collection of the apophthegms, maxims and precepts of the philosophers ... and other ... celebra
  • , the inherent patibility with the spirit and precepts of Christianity.
  • claims, but which in fact fail to follow the precepts of conventional scientific skepticism.
  • Most Trinity Financial projects embrace the precepts of defensible space and the New Urbanism thro
  • ize backward Spanish society according to the precepts of the Age of Enlightenment.
  • o Judaism, was bound to all the doctrines and precepts of the Jewish economy, and was considered a f
  • amed as 4QMMT (Miqsat Ma'ase ha-Torah or Some Precepts of the Law) by Elisha Qimron who, with John S
  • true Hesychast teaching, the psycho-physical precepts of Hesychasm could produce "dangerous and rid
  • ind, it was his desire to inculcate under the precepts of Jainism service to the sick, help to the n
  • Hideyoshi, describes his philosophy known as Precepts of the Swordless Samurai: The best soldier do
  • of the Civil War, Rodman was torn between the precepts of his religion and his loyalty to the Union,
  • They were bound only to conform to the seven precepts of Noah, the Noahide Laws: do not worship ido
  • The precepts of Dzogchen are found in the Dzogchen Tantras
  • Golden Precepts of Esotericism
  • either way whether the City of London Police precepts or just bills the Corporation - so I'm just e
  • laws, orders and prohibitions, judgements and precepts pertaining to the Christians, to churches and
  • Then, he initiated the “Fasting and Precepts Program” at the temple, which offered intensi
  • All that is known are the basic precepts; restoring the whole Plan is impossible.
  • These precepts take the form of voluntary, personal undertak
  • In accordance with these precepts, the Dudleian lecturers of the 18th century d
  • ce there is no law, excepting certain natural precepts, the first of which is "that every man ought
  • anets and Stares fixed, leaving the rules and precepts thereof to his posterity.
  • e official state religion by adapting Marxist precepts to local circumstances.
  • Vow to protect the precepts, too, Even though all is illusory lightning a
  • Hsin Ping went on to receive the precepts under Master Tao Yuan of Hai Hui Temple in Ke
  • Anthony in 1570, consisting of sensible moral precepts, was printed from a manuscript at Apethorpe b
  • He or she also makes a commitment to the precepts, which are interpreted a bit differently in v
  • gion also meant the freedom to practice Torah precepts without persecution and ridicule.