



  • r, his wife Nanna was also borne to the funeral pyre after she had died of grief.
  • ut King Harald's body and put it onto a funeral pyre along with his horse.
  • y with The Handshake Murders, Gaza, The Funeral Pyre and Unearth, amongst many others.
  • monies, an image of the god was placed inside a pyre and was set on fire.
  • ground level anymore, a townsperson ignites the pyre and blows the building up.
  • Sonja cremates Varna's body on a funeral pyre, and then begins her journey to Berkubane, Gedr
  • The bones are thought to come from a pyre and to have been placed in the pot at a later d
  • laris, Hasdrubal's Wife Throwing Herself on the Pyre and Phocas Led Captive before Heraclius.
  • The flames of his pyre arousing flames of anger within his granddaught
  • enhower, Bradley and Patton inspect a cremation pyre at the camp on April 12, 1945, after liberation
  • Brynhild's last wish was that Sigurd's pyre be built wide enough for both her and Sigurd.
  • Ako and Nimura climb to the top of the funeral pyre building, just as the black cloud moves over th
  • The pyre burned for a full week, with great clouds of bl
  • along with the bound and gagged Marvels on the pyre, but they escape by burrowing into the books an
  • nts, in return for his having erected a funeral pyre for their serpent-mother, purified his ears wit
  • That night, 9, 7, 3 and 4 build a funeral pyre for their fallen comrades but the talisman rele
  • While standing on the pyre, he harangued the multitude, and so won their g
  • asked to be cremated by friends in the funeral pyre he built at The Hights with no religious ceremo
  • Aside from a poetical account of Croesus on the pyre in Bacchylides, there are three classical accou
  • Rani Padmini, consigned herself to the funeral pyre in one of the underground cellars, as an act of
  • The Funeral Pyre is an American blackened death metal band from
  • Pyre of Death
  • Sacred ash relics obtained from the funeral pyre of the Buddha, wrapped in a gold plate.
  • rosy-fingered, then gathered the folk about the pyre of glorious Hector.
  • Jauhar voluntary death (on a funeral pyre) of the non-fighters of defeated Rajput communi
  • s queen killed herself by ascending the funeral pyre of the king.
  • sati or jauhar (self immolation on the funeral pyre of their husband).
  • (i) Sati or burning of the widow on the funeral pyre of her deceased husband and (ii) Enforced widow
  • Mounts from her funeral pyre on wings of flame,
  • Zdunk was executed by burning on a funeral pyre on a hill outside Reszel in 1811, though she wa
  • god Sandan standing on the horned lion, in his pyre surmounted by an eagle.
  • with a horned lion, and often resided inside a pyre surmounted by an eagle.
  • Odin laid upon the pyre the gold ring called Draupnir; this quality att
  • Thereafter all the chiefs walked around the pyre throwing weapons and gold onto it.
  • ou consign your body parts, set on fire, to the pyre to be cremated, as they say Broteas did out of
  • a merger between Oregon's Leech and The Funeral Pyre was released in 2006, with limited quantities a
  • They burn Captain's body in a funeral pyre, where afterwards they work trying to flush the
  • Lighting the pyre with a firebrand, she sends Wotan's ravens home
  • The pyre would be covered with shields, carpets and kill