



  • When he has left Mocenigo reemerges and seizes Catarina to take her to Cyprus.
  • n, supernatural force with roots from her past seizes control of Quentin Collins and threatens to de
  • In order to gain advancement, she seizes every chance to get close to the renowned barr
  • he previous montage of Chopra, and within days seizes everything.
  • Sam seizes his chance and proposes to Donna in order to p
  • The deranged murderer seizes his victims by paralyzing them with a needle a
  • ias of the hospital for treating patients, and seizes his chance to change things after a strange ma
  • Lester begins to manhandle Massoud and Esmail seizes Lester's gun and aims it at him.
  • The Master seizes on this and uses Midge to teleport them both b
  • Farmer seizes on Burroughs' ambiguity over the issue to reca
  • tes under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, sc
  • The crew seizes the opportunity to take to the boats.
  • Trott immediately seizes the opportunity, but Luise rejects him.
  • Peter seizes the opportunity to manipulate his father-in-la
  • Rassilon seizes the anti-time sword and slays all the Doctors
  • Tokubei seizes the chance to ask Kuheiji to repay the now-ove
  • Grant escapes injury, but Max seizes the moment to inflict some payback for their p
  • He seizes the machine gun guarding the front gate, then
  • Llewellyn seizes the opportunity of securing extra labour when
  • ut amidst the ceremony an evil spirit appears, seizes the victim, and extinguishes the fire.
  • eus Unbound", Daniel meets Vala Mal Doran, who seizes the Prometheus with him on board.
  • assistant, wishing to experiment for himself, seizes the bellows and blows into the head with all h
  • He finds and kills Pestilence and then seizes the hearse carrying Lily's body, and buries he
  • Shak Graa seizes the Cruelty and prepares to sacrifice Bizarbar
  • k collapses on a date with Anjika, and Flowers seizes the opportunity and takes him back to his flat
  • gigantic proportions (~100+ feet long) quickly seizes the opportunity and kills the distracted Megal
  • The artist seizes the eye of the viewer by placing the most inte
  • Once the Republic seizes the planet, they deliberately deploy their tro
  • ed bus when a Palestinian Islamic Jihad member seizes the steering wheel from the driver and pulls t
  • , dartos and the membranes of the scrotum, and seizes the testicle, which it inlarges(sic), hardens
  • ...destructive Death (who seizes young and old alike, sparing no one and reduci
  • How the IRS seizes your dollars and how to fight back, Simon and