



  • gic is frequently given superiority over self-preservation, a trait which proves his undoing.
  • creating a cocoon for self-preservation and regeneration).
  • de and greatest obstacle to our people's self-preservation as a distinct and protected people."
  • time, "Eckie" maintained a firm sense of self-preservation, as can be seen in his refusal to call a
  • Michael's new-found sense of self-preservation helps him fight back with the help of hi
  • ive, and has threatened to be fatal, and self-preservation is man's first instinct.
  • erson who desires self-determination and self-preservation is a racist, xenophobic neo-Nazi is nons
  • two attacking German tanks, more out of self-preservation than bravery.
  • He has an instinct for self-preservation, thus making his loyalty flexible.
  • The principle of self-preservation underlies the Monroe Doctrine.