



  • ty folk for their generosity, good nature, sophistication and elegance.
  • It is a song with both sophistication and a flavor of the past."
  • Street gang have developed a high level of sophistication and organization.
  • design, brilliant technique, intellectual sophistication and skilful, often erotic depiction of the
  • eauty brought popularity but over time her sophistication and acting skills have made her one of Fra
  • s book, Speziale describes how Alexander's sophistication and familiarity with the customs of these
  • CD's we can see a greater level of melodic sophistication and more intense coalescing of composition
  • Her musical sophistication and the uncanny maturity of her lyrics ast
  • He found in the artwork there a formal sophistication and maturity that could give depth to his
  • in a friendly GUI, with minimum technical sophistication and few mandatory external dependencies.
  • in Berlin in the early 1990 and the sonic sophistication and expressiveness of academic computer mu
  • mandated, or able to cope with the growing sophistication and diversity of organized crime.
  • city he was fascinated by for its tales of sophistication and elegance, but also a city he could not
  • t evaluates the business lines as a medium sophistication approaches of the new framework.
  • he subjects are perennial, but Auckerman's sophistication as a lyricist has grown.
  • verpraised," "shot through with middlebrow sophistication, boorish cynicism, unfunny satire, a dash
  • to masonry construction and architectural sophistication, but remained small in size.
  • The sophistication claimed for the program was likely exagger
  • etball' had moments of such tenderness and sophistication, complimented [sic] by such romantic dream
  • She returns after four months, but her sophistication draws suspicion in her hometown.
  • ong in areas, such as innovation, business sophistication, education and infrastructure.
  • ively simple work, featuring little of the sophistication evident in most of the other piano sonatas
  • is work in this period shows a theoretical sophistication far beyond his earlier efforts, extending
  • oted for its traditional English Victorian sophistication fused with a contemporary feel.
  • rich and exciting work with complexity and sophistication, illustrating the influence of Cuban music
  • d he demonstrated particular technological sophistication in combining sound recorded on location an
  • They also led to the next level of sophistication in the integrated musical comedy at Daly's
  • me Prime Blue was chosen to reflect both a sophistication in the whisky taste and also the blue mome
  • ly cynical, in a departure from her urbane sophistication in the radio show and pulp magazines.
  • Madox are at heart academics with limited sophistication in the swirling politics of Europe and Nor
  • asani" ("Eastern") style in its rhetorical sophistication, its innovative use of metaphor, its use o
  • ned that the onslaught on Estonia was of a sophistication not seen before.
  • , Chinese ironworking achieved a scale and sophistication not reached in the West until the eighteen
  • enting a wide range of music interests and sophistication, now line the lower Granby Street area.
  • Increase in sophistication of technology enabling natural resources t
  • these fields would increase the range and sophistication of decisions open to parents.
  • e measurement is entirely dependent on the sophistication of the technology employed.
  • and the quantity, quality, efficiency, and sophistication of laboratory tests.
  • To meet increasing growth in the sophistication of Chinese law, Chinese firms began to inc
  • “The level of sophistication of these groups has become just unbelievab
  • ogical data at the time, and indicates the sophistication of Classical Greek thinking.
  • The sophistication of the warreners is shown by the existence
  • won praise for its clear graphics and the sophistication of the interface, users often felt overwhe
  • lection as an object which can explain the sophistication of science in the Middle Ages and the tran
  • "But, on top of that, we show the sophistication of the weapon in a lot of fun ways: you no
  • The sophistication of the analysis performed by tools varies
  • release as a prime example of the growing sophistication of China's mainstream film industry, with
  • Despite the sophistication of his ideas there was often a down-home q
  • said the playwright "captures the romantic sophistication of the most sublime comedies ever made in
  • investors" who do not need to satisfy the sophistication or wealth standards associated with other
  • scientific support services of increasing sophistication over the years.
  • ex explanations of groupings of increasing sophistication, ranging from a queue at a bus stop to ins
  • was neither young nor a hick, exuding more sophistication than an empress.
  • ing "rendered with more literary flair and sophistication than even the accounts by bigwigs," callin
  • that De-Lovely "...brings [...] a worldly sophistication that is rare in the movies".
  • politics and fought a perception of urban sophistication that did not play well in the country.
  • , but it had an overall level of arranging sophistication that's unlike anyone else of the period.
  • r that, players can advance their nations' sophistication through buying progression, exploring new
  • The kit demands minimal technical sophistication to be manipulated and used by crackers.
  • In order to add excitement and sophistication to the marriage, Philippe suggests they be
  • oss-rhythms which are used with increasing sophistication to handle the same theme in various succes
  • and similar artists who are known to bring sophistication to pop composition.
  • to an art form, comparable in its musical sophistication to the compositions of European Classical
  • as yet another example of China's growing sophistication with "genre films."
  • joyable, suffused with the kind of wit and sophistication you'd expect from Neil Tennant and Chris L