



  • n't addressed as such - there's no need to be tortuous about it, jguk 05:44, 26 May 2005 (UTC)
  • ped orifices, while their deeper portions are tortuous and dilated into irregular spaces.
  • to be prophets were, in his worst assumption, tortuous and devious and with his best assumption had
  • His written prose could on occasion be tortuous, as best illustrated by the operative sentenc
  • ble link to the word gwili meaning winding or tortuous, but said it was unlikely this was where it o
  • e: 37 miles (60 km) due north of Ojai, up the tortuous California 33 beyond Matilija Canyon's cutoff
  • The mine starts as a narrow tortuous corridor with a central frass line, that ofte
  • The mine consists of a long, strongly tortuous corridor, widening into an elongate blotch.
  • The mine consists of a narrow tortuous corridor, widening into an elongated blotch,
  • planned, sloping from high ground to low on a tortuous course that sloped less than two degrees at a
  • ch translates into Kayaderosseras) due to its tortuous course and dramatic drop in elevation.
  • en in the picture, it travels superiorly in a tortuous course along the under (ventral) surface of t
  • rom Phrygia into Caria, where it flows in its tortuous course through the Maeandrian plain, and fina
  • ee and frank in his objections to Elizabeth's tortuous foreign policy; but, possibly owing to his re
  • The mine starts as a long, tortuous, lower-surface (but sometimes upper-surfce) e
  • The tortuous melodic line, the main focus of attention in
  • 1st judgment came in 1998 after six years of tortuous proceedings and eight of the accused were con
  • The slow and sometimes tortuous progress made by the ICTY towards its eventua
  • r it was found that his programs instituted a tortuous regimen of sleep deprivation, solitary confin
  • ad Railway Station, running via the steep and tortuous Route Twisk.
  • An indication of the tortuous route the L&SWR had to take through Exeter is
  • ompleted within this final area by entering a tortuous series of commands inside various castle loca
  • ea, known as 'Bay of Serpents' because of its tortuous shape.
  • is corner of Paris, sombre, dirty, muddy, and tortuous, their pretended infirmities and their crimin
  • specialized in noisy dirges overlaid with the tortuous, throat-shredding vocals of frontman John Bra
  • ed and labored" and containing "difficult and tortuous vocal writing".
  • Along one of the tortuous winding roads, he saw a man pulling a carrett