



  • t on the crown of her head from the continued tugging and from scratching the roots with kanzashi t
  • by some surprise at first, and has a habit of tugging at his fingerless gloves.
  • ly about her father but is terrific at simply tugging away at a subject until it releases poetry...
  • The heron often hunts giant earthworms, tugging it out of the ground and shaking it to bite t
  • the stellar wobble caused by planet's gravity tugging on the star determined by radial velocity, at
  • ct that a star may experience if something is tugging on it, to define the presence of a planetary
  • re, with fending & proving, with plucking and tugging, scratching and biting, by plain tooth and na
  • mingly mundane, but all important, towing and tugging services, until 1923.
  • which exerts strong gravitational pull on its tugging star.
  • performed the necessary services of her type, tugging, towing, and firefighting, for the 11th Naval