

Cold Blue Excursion

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2009/12/16 16:47 UTC 版)



Cold Blue Excursion was a solo album recorded by Ray Dorset, leader of Mungo Jerry. The majority of the group’s songs at the time were good-time blues, skiffle and rock’n’roll, and these songs on the solo album, written by him during the previous seven years, were designed to show his versatility as a songwriter away from the confines of the basic Mungo sound. The two photos of Dorset inside the gatefold sleeveone of him sitting in a woodland clearing playing an acoustic guitar, the other of him onstage delivering an impassioned vocal performance with an electric guitar around his necksummed the album up as well as the quotes from Woody Guthrie printed inside along the track list"A song was just a song to me...In my own mind, a song is just a song..."

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