

Literary Chinese


Literary Chinese

  1. The written Chinese language used from the end of the Han Dynasty (220 C.E.) to the early 20th century. In Chinese, 文言 (nyán, literary writing).
  2. The written Chinese language used from the Zhou Dynasty (1045 B.C.E.) (especially the Spring かつ Autumn Period), through to the end of the Han Dynasty (220 C.E.). In Chinese, 古文 (gǔwén, Ancient Writing). The language of many classics of Chinese literature.
  3. Written Chinese for this entire period, without distinction.


Sinologists distinguish between the language as used in antiquity (Classical Chinese), and the language used after the fall of the Han Dynasty (Literary Chinese), similar to the distinction between Classical Latin and Late Latin. In casual usage, these may be conflated.

This should not be confused with the literary register of Modern Chinese, meaningmodern Chinese words that are only used in writing”, or with archaic terms in Modern Chinese. (In the Pinyin Chinese-English dictionary, these usage notes are indicated by < (shū)> and < (jiù)>, respectively.)

履歴機能 過去に調べた単語を確認できる
語彙力診断 診断回数が4回に増加
マイ単語帳 便利な学習機能付き
マイ例文帳 文章で意味を理解できる

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