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  • 者の対立、殊に硬派の存在は政府に危険視され、結から1年で治安警察法違反による結社禁止命令が下される。
    Conflict between the said two groups, especially the existence of the hard-liners, was regarded as dangerous by the government, and the prohibition order against association was issued on a charge of infringement against the Security Police Law, one year after the establishment of the party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、伊藤を明治政府の中心的人物として重んじるようになり、立憲政友会結の際に意見の相違はあったものの、者の間に強い信頼関係を形成することになった。
    The both sides established a strong mutual trust, respecting Ito as the leading figure of the Meiji government, despite their differences in opinion about the launch of Rikken seiyukai (a political party organized by Hirobumi ITO).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところが、直後に第3回衆議院議員総選挙が行われて会派とも減少したために、民としての地位確保のために合同したのである。
    However, in the 3rd general election of the members of the House of Representatives held shortly after that, the factions both lost seats, and as a result, they united to secure their position as the Minto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時、土佐藩は藩主山内容堂のもと公武合体を支持しており、会津藩との関係も良好であったが、内部には土佐勤王など倒幕を目論む勢力もあり、その中で起きた傷害事件はまさに藩の関係に水を差すものであった。
    In those days, under the rule of the lord Yodo YAMAUCHI, the Tosa clan supported kobu-gattai (integration of the imperial court and the shogunate) and kept a good relationship with the Aizu clan, but also had power as Tosa kinnoto (loyalist clique of Tosa) which aimed to overthrow the bakufu; therefore, under those circumstances, the incident cast a shadow over the relationship between the two clans.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 寿永2年(1183年)7月の平氏西走後も、その本拠であった伊賀・伊勢国には平氏家人が播居しており、元暦元年(1184年)3月に大内惟義が伊賀の守護に補任され、武蔵国の御家人大井実春が平家与討伐のため伊勢に派遣される。
    Even after the Taira clan escaped to Saigoku (the western part of Japan) in July 1183, men of the Taira clan lived over wide areas of both Iga and Ise Provinces, which had been their home territory, so Koreyoshi OUCHI was assigned as Ise shugo (military governor of Ise) and Saneharu OI, a vassal in Musashi Province, was dispatched to Ise to subdue the Taira clan and their retainers there in April 1184.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 下野国一之宮名神大社であった宇都宮二荒山神社座主および日光別当職等を務め、紀氏清原氏両党を率い22代・500年に亘って下野国、さらには日本国土の治安維持を司った名家。
    Serving as the head priest of the Utsunomiya Futaarayama-jinja Shrine which was ranked as Ichinomiya and Myojin-taisha Shrine in Shimotsuke Province and Nikko Betto shoku (head administrator of a temple in Nikko), the Utsunomiya clan was an important family that led both the Ki clan and the Kiyohara clan and maintained security in Shimotsuke Province as well as Japan for 22 consecutive generations for 500 years.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日銀総裁ですけれども、渡辺副総裁案については民主の方がなお賛否論あるようですが、今週末G7を控えまして3度目の提示ということで、次の同意については賛同してもらいたいというお考えでしょうか。
    Regarding the appointment of a new BOJ governor and deputy governors, the DPJ appears to be divided over whether to agree to the appointment of Mr. Watanabe as deputy governor.Considering that this will be the third time for the government to propose its nominees and a G-7 meeting is scheduled for this weekend, would you like the DBJ to agree to the appointment?  - 金融庁
  • そういった意味で、連邦政府債務の法定上限の引き上げについて、院での可決が必要であることから、引き続き状況を見守るとともに、下院は可決をしたという情報でございますから、あとは上院だけでございますけれども、(上院は)オバマさんのでございます民主が多いですから、ここは問題ないと思いますが、いずれにしても金融・資本市場に与える影響を注視してまいりたいというふうに思っております。
    As the plan needs to be passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives, I will continue watching the situation.Now that the House of Representatives has passed it, the only remaining hurdle is a vote by the Senate, which is the majority-controlled by the Democratic Party, President Obama’s party, so there will be no problem. In any case, we will closely watch the potential impact on the financial and capital markets.  - 金融庁
  • 桂園時代は、桂に代表される官僚・軍部と西園寺に代表される有力政である立憲政友会が「情意投合」と呼ばれる連携体制を組んで交互に内閣総理大臣に就任した(この間にも松方正義や山本権兵衛、平田東助などを首相に擁する動きはあったものの、者以上の政権基盤を持たずにいずれも断念に追い込まれている)。
    In the Kei-En era, bureaucrats and military typified by Katsura and a leading political party Rikken seiyukai typified by Saionji built a collaborative system called 'emotional agreement' and they alternately served as the prime minister (In the meantime, there was a move to field Masayoshi MATSUKATA, Gonbei YAMAMOTO and Tosuke HIRATA as prime minister, but none of them had stronger foundations of administration than those of the two, so they were forced to give up).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このように、経済の先行き不透明感が依然として残る状況では、今後も引き続き財政政策及び金融政策による下支えが期待されるが、財政政策は 2012 年 11 月の大統領・議会選挙を控えて民主、共和両党の政策調整の進展は困難を極めており、財政の出動余地は限定的となっている。
    As seen above, under the circumstances where uncertainty over the economy still remains, support by monetary policies and fiscal policies are continuously expected. But, with presidential and congressional elections in November 2012, financial policy adjustment between the Democratic Party and Republican Party is getting extremely difficult, and therefore, room for fiscal policies is limited. - 経済産業省
  • そして、税制に関しましては、まさにこれから与との協議、また財務省との調整で出てくる問題でありますけれども、当然減税に伴います減収もあり、それが経済にどれだけの効果を及ぼすのか、こういう面からしっかり議論していかなければならないと考えておりますが、金融庁といたしましては、今の「貯蓄から投資へ」の流れを加速するために必要な税制だと考えております。
    The tax system is an issue that we need to consult about with the ruling parties and negotiate with the Ministry of Finance. Of course, tax reduction will lead to a tax revenue drop, so we have to hold substantial discussion on both how much the tax revenue will drop and what impact it will have on the economy. However, the FSA believes that the planned tax measures are necessary in order to accelerate the flow of funds "from savings to investment."  - 金融庁
  • ただ一方で、昨年末に政府・与が合意した税制改正大綱では、その株式配当に適用している軽減税率10%を本則の20%に戻すと、2008年末で廃止すると明記されており、租税法の専門家からの間からも金融所得の一体課税など課税の中立性の観点から税制を複雑にするといった指摘もあがっていますが、税は政治と言いますけれども、財務省と金融庁、この要望側とそれをどうするか判断する側、方を所管される大臣として、まさにこの問題にどう取り組んでいかれるかというあたりをお伺いしたいのが1点と、2点目は簡潔に、人事のあり方として、副大臣、政務官人事についても兼務するのが相応しいとお考えかどうか、この点について教えてください。
    On the other hand, it is stipulated in an agreement on the outline of the tax system revision, reached at the end of last year between the government and the ruling parties, that the reduced tax rate of 10% applicable to stock dividend income should be raised back to the original rate of 20% at the end of 2008. In addition, some tax experts have pointed out that the planned tax exemption measures would make the tax system too complicated and problematic, from the viewpoint of the integrated taxation of financial income. It is said that taxation is politics. As the minister in charge of both the FSA, which makes tax-related requests, and the Ministry of Finance, which makes judgments on the requests, how are you going to deal with the issue of tax revision? My second question is - I will keep this simple - do you think it will be appropriate to combine the fiscal and financial affairs portfolios at the vice ministerial and parliamentary secretary levels?  - 金融庁
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