
  • その他の者どももいずれも縁塗または折烏帽子に鎧直垂の上に鎧を着し、太刀を佩く
    No matter who the other people were, lacquered and painted headgear was worn and armor worn over court robes and a long sword carried.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 山川浩自身は西南戦争を「会津藩名誉回復の戦争」と考えていたらしく「薩摩人、みよや東の丈夫(ますらお)が提げ佩く太刀の利(と)きか鈍きか」という和歌を残している。
    Hiroshi YAMAKAWA seems to have been considering Seinan War was for the sake of restoring impaired reputation of Aizu Domain, so he left a waka (Japanese poetry) saying, "People in Satsuma, make sure the edge of sword the strong warrior from east holding with is sharp or dull."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
