
<前へ 1 2 3 次へ>
  • 彼らは将軍の警固のみならず、料所の経営委任や自己の所領に対する段銭の京済(中間搾取の恐れのある守護などの中間者の関与を経ずに幕府へ直接納付を行う)や守護不入などの特権を得て将軍直属の軍事力の中核となった。
    They not only guarded the shogun but also played a central role in the military force directly controlled by him, with privileges granted by the shogun, such as Kyosei (the right to direct tax payment of tansen, a kind of provisional tax imposed on the Imperial or shogunate family's estate and his private estate and paid to the bakufu without any intermediaries such as Shugo) and sanctuary from interference by Shugo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、鎌倉時代の家人の3大義務であった大犯三ヶ条(大番催促、謀反人・殺害人の検断)に加えて、刈田狼藉の取締も守護の役務となり、荘園領主は守護の立入を拒むことができなくなった。
    Moreover, in addition to the Taibon sankajo, the three great duties (of answering the call to guard Kyoto, and of hunting down traitors and assassins) required of the gokenin (lower retainers) during the Kamakura period, the shugo were also tasked with protecting the rice fields from those who sought to avoid tax by harvesting rice illegally, and as time passed the rightful owners of the estates could no longer dare refuse to hire a shugo for their lands.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これによって一見すると守護大名の領域に治外法権地域が生まれる事になり、室町幕府の支配系統に障害が生じたかのように見られるが、実態はそれとは反対で守護領国制の強化によって守護大名による領国一円支配を阻止してその勢力拡大を抑制するとともに、特権を受けた家人層は幕府権力への依存を強めてこの権利を維持しようと図り、幕府にとっては守護大名に対抗するための政治的・経済的・軍事的な基盤を支える支持の形成に効果があった。
    Although this could have apparently produced a chigaihoken (extraterritoriality) area in the domains of shugo daimyo and seems to have caused an obstacle in ruling systems of the Muromachi bakufu, in fact, contrary to that, by tightening of the shugo-ryogoku system (the system that a shugo dominates a manor), it prevented shugo daimyo from executing ryogoku ichien shihai (ruling the whole region of the territory) and suppressed expansion of his power, and at the same time, the privileged gokenin class tried to maintain this privilege by increasing dependence on the bakufu powers, which helped the bakufu form support for political, economic, and military bases to confront the shugo daimyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎌倉時代においては(有力家人の被官のような例外はあるが)個々の家人が直接将軍と主従関係を結んでおり、守護は国内の家人の監督者に過ぎなかった。
    In the Kamakura period, individual Gokenin directly paid homage to the Shogun (although there were exceptions such as being hired by a strong Gokenin), and shugos were mere supervisors of Gokenin within their lands.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 家人を統括するのは守護の任務であり、大番役を催促するとともに、大番役勤仕の家人名簿を幕府へ提出していた。
    The Shugo (Governor) of each province was responsible for the control of kuni gokenin (provincial samurai retainers), and submitted to the shogunate a register of gokenin who carried out obanyaku (Kyoto guard duty) as requests for guards increased.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 戦後は鎌倉幕府の家人となり、守護職は与えられなかったものの、伊予国内の一部の家人を統括する強い権限を認められた。
    In the postwar period, he became gokenin (an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods)of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and although he was not assigned to shugoshiki (post of provincial constable), he was granted a strong authority to supervise some gokenin (immediate vassals of the shogunate) in Iyo Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、先の北条氏他氏排斥に伴い、諸国の守護職などは大半が北条氏に占められるようになり、さらに北条氏の家臣である内人が厚遇され、家人や地方の武士たちの不満を招くことになった。
    But in addition to purging from true power all other warrior clans, the Hojo also saw to it that the majority of shugo (governor) positions in the various provinces were held by Hojo clan members, and moreover, that their private vassals the Miuchibito were treated very well, which invited malcontent among the gokenin and provincial warriors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 地方の料所(将軍直轄領)の管理を任されており、所領地の守護不入や段銭(田畑に賦課される税)の徴収などの特権を与えられていた。
    Hokoshu was entrusted to the management of local goryosho (shogunate's estate) and was also given the rights to prevent Shugo (provincial constable) from entering their own lands and to collect tansen (a kind of provisional tax in medieval Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、幕府の重臣、大館氏は伊勢守護所を有する北畠氏の娘婿となり、屋形号を授けられ関岡屋形と名乗っている。
    Another example is a member of the Odachi clan, a senior vassal of the bakufu government, who referred to himself as Sekioka yakata after he was given a title of yakata-go when he became adopted by his wife's family, Kitabatake clan, who was shugo of Ise Province and an owner of gosho (Shogun's palace).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 守護の被官たる国人は独立した領主であり、朝廷から官位を受ける他、幕府の家人、或いは荘園領主の庄官の地位も併有している場合が一般的であった。
    A governor's hikan or provincial folk was a general combination of: Regional lords (besides those in receipt of rank and titles from the imperial court), lower ranking vassals in the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and regional lords of manors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 会津藩士のみでは手が回りきらなかったため、守護預かりとして新選組をその支配下に置き治安の維持に当たらせた。
    Since the feudal retainers of the Aizu clan could not handle all the work by themselves, Shinsengumi (a group who guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate) was stationed under their control as being in custody of shugoshoku, and to attend to maintenance of security.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1904年(明治37年)2月、日露戦争の前夜、葉山の用邸に皇后が滞在していた折であったが、37,8歳の武士が白衣で皇后の夢枕に立ち、戦いの際の海軍(日本)守護を誓ったという。
    In Feburary 1904, on the eve of the Russo-Japanese War, when the Empress was staying in the Imperial palace in Hayama, she said that a samurai about 37 or 38 years old wearing a white frock came into her dreams and swore the protection of the Japanese Navy at war.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そののち建武年間に山城国の家人松井八郎助宗は足利尊氏に味方しその将今川範国に属し、建武(日本)5年駿河国葉梨荘を与えられ、駿河守護今川氏に仕えた。
    After that, during the Kenmu period, Hachirosukemune MATSUI who was a Gokenin of Yamashiro Province took the side of Takauji ASHIKAGA and belonged to the Shogun Norikuni IMAGAWA, then received Hanashi so of Suruga Province in 1338 and served the Imagawa clan, Suruga shugo (military governor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大永元年(1521年)10月4日、元信は禁裏所北門の修理費5000疋を朝廷に献上し、その功労により同月22日に守護大名(隠居後)としては異例の従三位に昇叙した。
    On November 13, 1521 Motonobu presented 5000 hiki in renovation costs for the north gate of Kinri (the Imperial Palace), and in recognition of his service on 1st of December he was unusually promoted to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) as Shugodaimyo (after his retirement).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 第一の系統は、室町幕府家人として足利氏に仕え、のち細川氏和泉上守護家の細川幽斎(幽斎)に付属して肥後国八代藩主となった(但し、綴喜郡松井出身説もあり)。
    The first lineage is the clan that served the Ashikaga Clan as Gokenin (vassals) of the Muromachi Bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and later became the lord of Yatsushiro domain in Higo Province (however, some asserts that this clan hailed from Tsuzuki-gun Matsui) by affiliating itself to Yusai HOSOKAWA, who belonged to the Hosokawa clan that was the military governor of Izumikami.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元久2年(1205年)に叔父の平賀朝雅が牧氏事件に連座して誅された後、朝雅の有していた伊賀国・伊勢国の守護を継承し、在京家人として平安京の都の治安維持などにあたった。
    After his uncle, Tomomasa HIRAGA was implicated in the Makishi Incident and executed in 1205, he succeeded to Shugo (a provincial military governor) of Iga and Isa provinces and took charge of maintaining security of Heian-kyo (the ancient capital of Japan in current Kyoto) as a Gokenin in Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 康暦元年/天授(日本)5年(1379年)、義将は高秀や土岐頼康ら反頼之派の守護大名と糾合して兵を用いて将軍邸である花の所を包囲し、義満に頼之の罷免を求めた。
    In 1379, Yoshimasa rallied the anti-Yoriyuki shugo daimyo (feudal lords serving as provincial military governors) including Takahide and Yoriyasu TOKI and besieged Hana no Gosho (literally, Flower Palace), the Shogun's residence, by using arms to demand the dismissal of Yoriyuki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 越後の守護で関東管領でもあった上杉謙信の助力により足利義氏を追放し古河所に入ることができ一時期古河公方となった(歴代には数えず)。
    With assistance of Kenshin UESUGI who was Shugo (provincial constable) of Echigo and Kanto Kanrei (a shogunal deputy for the Kanto region), he was able to expel Yoshiuji ASHIKAGA, which enabled him to enter Koga Imperial Palace and become Kogakubo for a period of time (he was not included among the successive kubos).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、実際は父・教之の指導下に置かれており、守護として活躍したと言うより足利義政の供衆として人生の大半を京都において過ごした。
    Nevertheless he was actually under guidance of his father Noriyuki YAMANA, and he lived most of his life in Kyoto as otomoshu (a group of about ten attendants who joined the shogun at banquets and accompanied him) of Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, rather than worked actively as Shugo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 結成当時には財政難であったと推測されるが、京都守護職配下時代は、隊の運営資金を会津藩からの用金で賄っていた。
    It is assumed that they were short of funds upon start of the group, but during the time when the group was placed under the control of Kyoto Shugoshoku, operating expenses of the group were covered by goyo-kin financed from the Aizu Clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政局を有利に運んだ宗全は、自邸周辺に同盟守護大名の兵を多数集め、内裏と花の所を囲み、義政に政長や勝元らの追放を願い出た。
    Having steered the political situation in his favor, Sozen mobilized many samurai of allied shugo daimyos, besieged the Imperial Palace and Hana no Gosho, and requested Yoshimasa to expel Masanaga and Katsumoto among others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 霊合戦ののち、細川勝元は領地の四国9カ国から兵を集結させ、細川派の大名では赤松政則が播磨で山名領へ侵攻して守護職を奪還した。
    After Goryo Gassen, Katsumoto HOSOKAWA mobilized troops from nine provinces in Shikoku and, among the daimyos on the Hosokawa side, Masanori AKAMATSU invaded Yamana's territory in Harima and recaptured the position of shugo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、朝廷や幕府が臨時的な事業(所造営など)のため田の面積に応じて賦課した段銭や、家屋ごとに賦課した棟別銭の徴収は、守護が行うこととされた。
    Additionally, the shugo were granted the right to collect the tansen, a tax imposed in proportion to the area by the Imperial Court or the shogunate for the contingent project (for example, building the palace) and to collect the munebetsu-sen, a tax imposed on each house.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (一応の離脱理由は、泉湧寺塔中戒光寺の長老 湛然の仲介によって孝明天皇の守護の任を拝命した事と、それに伴い薩摩、長州の動向を探るという事であった。
    (The reason given for the secession was that Kashitaro ITO was appointed as guard of Misasagi (Imperial mausoleum) of the Emperor Komei through the intermediation of Tannen, who was the elder of Kaiko-ji Temple that was tatchu (sub-temples in the site of main temple) of Sennyu-ji Temple, and, for the mission, had to keep an eye on the movements of Satsuma and Choshu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義仲は義仲四天王の今井兼平に500余騎を与えて瀬田(滋賀県)を、根井行親、楯親忠には300余騎で宇治市を守らせ、義仲自身は100余騎で院所を守護した。
    Yoshinaka gave Kanehira IMAI, one of the big four of Yoshinaka, about 500 samurai to guard Seta (Shiga Prefecture), about 300 samurai to Yukichika NENOI and Chikatada TATE to guard Uji City, and Yoshinaka himself guarded the imperial palace with about 100 samurai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そしてついに永禄元年(1558年)には将軍義輝と近江守護六角義賢の攻撃を受けて和睦し、長慶は幕府相伴衆に列するに至った。
    Finally in 1558, attacked by the troops of Shogun Yoshiteru and Yoshikata ROKKAKU, Shugo of Omi, Nagayoshi was forced into a rapprochement, and joined the Bakufu Goshobanshu (private guards of the Shogun).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは成敗式目によって一層明確化され、不入地に犯罪者などが逃げ込んだ場合でもその追捕は国司・領家によって行われ、不入地の境界線で守護側に引き渡すと言う原則が成立した。
    This agreement was further clarified by the Goseibai-shikimoku (code of conduct for samurai), and then a principle was established that even when a criminal and others ran into such funyuchi (special areas for excluding shugo), the criminal should be searched by kokushi or ryoke, and handed over to the shugo side on a border line of the funyuchi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この法令の直後に頼之が近江国守護職六角氏頼(六角氏頼)に対して発給した教書がある。その中で、この法令に北朝(日本)後光厳天皇の勅許が付けられている旨が述べられている。
    Immediately following the establishment of the law, a Migyosho was issued to the Omi Shugoshiki (provincial constable of Omi Province) Rokkaku Ujiyori where it was mentioned that the law had been accompanied by imperial sanction authorized by Emperor Gokogon of the Northern Court (Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 朝廷が幕府に対して命じられた公役を家人・守護・地頭などに転嫁するものと、幕府そのものの運営維持のために幕府が独自に賦課したものという考えである。
    According to this point of view, there were public services ordered by the Imperial court to the bakufu which were shifted onto Gokenin (an immediate vassal of the shogunate during the Kamakura and Muromachi through the Edo periods), Shugo and Jito (military governor and estate steward), and taxes and labor imposed independently by the bakufu in order to operate and maintain itself.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 翌貞治3年(1364年)には、三条坊門に幕府の所が造営され、各守護に普請が割り当てられたが、赤松則祐の工期が遅れたとして高経が赤松の所領を没収したため、赤松氏の恨みを買った。
    In 1364 when the bakufu's residence was constructed in Sanjo bomon and its construction work was allotted to shugodaimyo, Takatsune forfeited Norisuke AKAMATSU's territory on the ground of the delay in the construction schedule and incurred Akamatsu clan's resentment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この結果、守護大名をはじめとする各地の武士によって自己の所領の全一的支配が確立され、その影響は室町幕府の料所にも及んでいった。
    As a result, each of the bushi throughout Japan including shugo daimyo (great feudal lord) established an integral rule over his own shoryo, which influenced the goryosho of the Muromachi bakufu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そこで、源頼朝以来の家人に関わる慣習や明文化されていなかった取り決めを基に、土地などの財産や守護・地頭などの職務権限を明文化した。
    Therefore, based on conventions of shogunal retainers since MINAMOTO no Yoritomo and agreements which had until then not clearly been stated, properties such as land and authorities of shugo (military governors) and jito were stipulated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕府では6代将軍義教が篠川所の足利満直や駿河国の守護今川範忠に憲実の救援を命じ、さらに禅秀の子上杉持房、上杉教朝らをも含む幕軍を派遣する。
    In the bakufu the sixth shogun Yoshinori ordered Mitsunao ASHIKAGA of Sasagawa Gosho (an administrative organization for governing the Tohoku regions, settled by the Kamakura bakufu in the Muromachi period: it also refers to its head Mitsunao ASHIKAGA.) and Noritada IMAGAWA, shugo (a provincial constable) of the Suruga Province, to help Norizane and also dispatched the bakufu army including Zenshu's sons, Mochifusa UESUGI and Noritomo UESUGI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 頼朝は、1180年(治承4年)に鎌倉に侍所を置き家人を統制し、さらに1185年には、義経の追捕を理由に、各国へ守護・地頭を設置し、全国の支配権を確立した。
    In 1180, Yoritomo controlled the gokenin by creating the Board of Retainers in Kamakura, and in 1185, for the reason of search and capture of Yoshitsune, he brought the entire country under his jurisdiction by positioning Shugo (provincial constable) and Jito (estate stewards) in every province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕府は10月3日に時政の娘婿平賀朝雅を京都守護として京に派遣し、朝雅は西国に領地を持つ武蔵国の家人を率いて上洛した。
    On October 3, the bakufu sent Tomomasa HIRAGA, who was an adopted son-in-law of Tokimasa, to Kyoto as the Kyoto shugo (military governor of Kyoto), and Tomomasa went to Kyoto leading Gokenin (shogunal retainers) who had territories in the western region of Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この報告を受けた幕府は元久元年(1204年)3月10日、ついで3月29日に京都守護の平賀朝雅に京畿の家人達を率いて伊勢・伊賀両国へ出陣することを命じた。
    After receiving reports of these rebellions, on April 18 and May 7, 1204, the bakufu ordered Tomomasa HIRAGA serving as the Kyoto shugo to lead Gokenin of Keiki (area around Kyoto) and go off to Ise and Iga Provinces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 令制国の守護は国内の家人を大番役に従事させるために必要な権限が与えられており(「大番催促」)、大犯三箇条のうちの1つに数えられている。
    Shugo (provincial constable) in ryoseikoku (province) was granted authority necessary to cause Gokenin in the province to engage in Obanyaku ('Oban-saisoku (Shugo's authority to command Gokenin, lower ranked vassals to guard Kyoto), and such authority was regarded as one of Taibon Sankajo (three major tasks of peacekeeping).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 庭内には鴨川(淀川水系)から水を引き、各地の守護大名から献上された四季折々の花木を配置したと伝わり、「花の所」とよばれた。
    It is said that in the garden, water was drawn in from the Kamo-gawa River (the Yodo-gawa River system) and flowers and trees of every season offered by shugo daimyo (shugo, which were Japanese provincial military governors, that became daimyo, which were Japanese territorial lord) were planted, resulting in the name 'Hana no gosho' (literally, the flower palace).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • こののちも、室町時代において吉良氏や渋川氏とともに、足利一門の名門一家として幕府内において一目置かれたが、最早守護大名衆の列からは完全に外された存在であった。
    In addition to the Kira and Shibukawa clans, the Ishibahshi clan was also recognized as a family of pedigree of the Ashikaga family in the Muromachi period, but there was no future for the clan as Shugo Daimyo (shugo, which were Japanese provincial military governors, that became daimyo, which were Japanese feudal lords).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 家人は、上記のとおり直接所領安堵・本宅安堵の区分のほか、広大な所領を持ち数カ国の守護を兼ねる有力家人から、ごく狭い所領しか持たない零細な家人まで大小さまざまな規模であった。
    As well as being classified according to Shoryo Ando (feudal tenure) or Hontaku Ando (residence tenure) as described above, the gokenin (samurai retainers) ranged from influential individuals with large territories holding shugo (governor) status in more than one province through to the other end of the spectrum: insignificant gokenin with only small territories.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 家人は将軍から守護・地頭などに任命されて所領を安堵され、平民百姓に対する公事の負担を免除されるなどの保護を受けており、その代償として家人役と呼ばれる各種の公事を負担したのである(恩と奉公)。
    Gokenin was appointed as shugo or jito by shogun to be approved their shoryo (territory), and also given a protection such as exemption of kuji that were supposed to be imposed to commoners and peasants, but as a compensation, they bore different kinds of kuji called gokeninyaku (favour and service).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、代わって同荘荘官職についた大江氏一族もまた、年貢納入を行わないなど東大寺との対立を深め、供人と称して朝廷と直接結ぼうとし、これを鎮圧するはずの伊賀国守護、同家人らと結んで、黒田荘を実質的に支配するに至った。
    However, the Oe clan family, who in turn was appointed as the shokan of the manor also came into conflict with the Todai-ji Temple by not paying the annual tributes, called themselves kugonin (people serving the Imperial Palace and offering food and crafts to the Emperor) to try to directly connect with the Imperial Palace, and managed to practically rule Kuroda no sho by uniting with the shugo and gokenin of Iga Province who were supposed to suppress them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 承久の乱で土佐国に流された土門上皇(後白河の曾孫)が途中で崇徳天皇の陵の近くを通った際にその霊を慰めるために琵琶を弾いたところ、夢に崇徳天皇が現われて上皇と都に残してきた家族の守護を約束した。
    The retired Emperor Tsuchimikado (a grand-grandchild of Goshirakawa) was sentenced to deportation to Tosa Province after the Jokyu War, and when he passed near the mausoleum he played the biwa (Japanese lute) to calm Sutoku's spirit; later, the retired Emperor Tshuchimikado had a dream of Sutoku and promised that he would protect himself and his family members left in the city.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 平安時代中期以降の太上天皇や法皇、皇族の所領となった院宮分国、源頼朝の知行国である関東分国、南北朝時代(日本)以降の守護大名の知行した領国などが当たる。
    Starting in the mid-Heian period, "Bunkoku" also appears in the term "ingu gobunkoku," which refers to the province-sized territories controlled by the Retired Emperors, the Cloistered Emperors, and the Imperial Family, as well as in the term "kanto gobunkoku," referring to the bloc of provinces MINAMOTO no Yoritomo controlled in the Kanto (eastern Japan); starting in the period of Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), "bunkoku" was additionally used to describe the provinces controlled as feudal domains by the shugo daimyo (shugo, which were Japanese provincial military governors, that became daimyo, which were Japanese feudal lords).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、旧主 斯波氏による訴えや幕府の斯波氏に対する同情から、しばらくの後、朝倉氏の守護職維持が難しくなり、三代将軍足利義満の次男で兄 足利義持に謀叛して倒れた足利義嗣の末裔が越前国に鞍谷所と称し存続していたのを目につけ、斯波義廉の子に鞍谷所を相続させて、足利義俊と名乗らせ、傀儡の越前守護に補任するよう手続きし、越前一国の実効支配を確保した。
    However, because of the Shiba clan's appeals and the Shogunate's sympathy toward them, after a while it became difficult for the Asakura clan to maintain the position of Shugo, and the descendants of Yoshitsugu ASHIKAGA, who was the second son of the third Shogun Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA and toppled in a rebellion against his brother of Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, noticed that they were holding out in under the name of Kuratani Gosho in Echizen Province, made the son of Yoshikado SHIBA to succeed to Kuratani Gosho, gave him the name Yoshitoshi ASHIKAGA, set him up as a puppet Shugo in Echizen and secured effective rule of all of Echizen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後、守護の職務内容が次第に明確化されていき、1232年(貞永1)に制定された成敗式目において、守護の職掌は、軍事・警察的な職務である大犯三ヶ条の検断(家人の義務である鎌倉・京都での大番役の催促、謀反人の捜索逮捕、殺害人の捜索逮捕)と大番役の指揮監督に限定され、国司の職権である行政への関与や国衙領の支配を禁じられた。
    Later, the job responsibilities of Shugo were clarified, and in Goseibai-shikimoku (code of conduct for samurai) that was enacted in 1232, the duties of Shugo were limited to the military and police duties of Taibon-sankajo (enforcing the obligation of the gokenin, an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods, to provide security in Kamakura/Kyoto, investigating and apprehending rebels, and investigating and apprehending murderers) and command supervision of Obanyaku (a job to guard Kyoto), and it was forbidden for them to rule Kokugaryo or get involved with government, which was the privilege of the Kokushi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 翌年に守護富樫政親が倒された長享の一揆には直接の関与の明証は無いものの、その後の加賀の支配が蓮悟と蓮綱主導の「両山」体制に移されている事から、何らかのつながりがあったとされている。
    Although there was no evidence of direct involvement, they were believed to have some sort of connection with the Revolt of the Chokyo era, which Shugo (provincial constable) Masachika TOGASHI was defeated the following year, since the control of Kaga Province was thereafter moved to 'Two Temples' system led by Rengo and Renko.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その文書は八代国治の説では第一段階目、1270年前後に編集されたはずの、1205年(元久2年)閏7月29日条にある「河野の四郎通信勲功他に異なるに依って、伊予国の家人三十二人守護の沙汰を止め、通信が沙汰と為す」以下にある。
    According to Kuniji YASHIRO, the document was supposed to have been edited around 1270, when the first part of the compilation effort was done, although the date of the entry is July 29, 1205 and the document contained the following account 'Because KONO no Shiro Michinobu performed great exploits, he was to supervise 32 vassals of Iyo Province.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 松囃子では、唱門師や散所などの芸能専業者のみならず村民や町人など各階層の人間が着飾り仮装し、京都においては花の所へ、地方においては守護など各地の権力者の邸宅へ参向し、日本舞踊や囃子が披露され、祝辞が述べられる。
    In Matsubayashi, not only full-time performers, including Shomonji (lower-ranked diviner) and sanjo (manor's area where people of the sanjo provided special skills to the imperial authority instead of rice tax), but also citizens in every class, including villagers and merchants, put on costumes todress up and visited Hana no gosho (residence of Shogun in Kyoto) or the lords called Shugo in each region; they performed the Classical Japanese dance and musical accompaniment and a congratulatory address was given.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 併し長禄2年8月、再び赤松氏の遺臣である小寺豊職らの襲撃を受け重傷を負い、熊野八庄の野長瀬庄司である横矢盛高に守護されて落ち延びる途中、同年12月20日、紀伊国牟婁郡神ノ山村光福寺(現三重県熊野市)にて崩したと言う。
    However, in September of 1458, he was once again attacked by surviving retainers of the Akamatsu clan such as Toyotomo KODERA and was seriously injured; it is said that while he was escaping under the guard of Moritaka YOKOYA, who was the head of the Nonagase clan, he passed away on October 25, 1457 at Kofuku-ji Temple of Kaminoyamamura in Muro District, Kii Province (present-day Kumano City in Mie Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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