思召しのほどが恐ろしい He has some end in view―an axe to grind.
- 斎藤和英大辞典
いくらでもよいと思召すだけ下さい Give me whatever you think fit.
- 斎藤和英大辞典
(同年8月26日には太政官布告で「九月二十二日ハ聖上ノ御誕辰相当ニ付毎年此辰ヲ以テ群臣ニ酺宴ヲ賜ヒ天長節御執行相成天下ノ刑戮被差停候偏ニ衆庶ト御慶福ヲ共ニ被遊候思召ニ候間於庶民モ一同嘉節ヲ奉祝候様被仰出候事」と布達された)。 (On August 26 same year, an edict of Dajokan (Grand Council of state) was promulgated: '九月二十二日ハ聖上ノ御誕辰相当ニ付毎年此辰ヲ以テ群臣ニ酺宴ヲ賜ヒ天長節御執行相成天下ノ刑戮被差停候偏ニ衆庶ト御慶福ヲ共ニ被遊候思召ニ候間於庶民モ一同嘉節ヲ奉祝候様被仰出候事.')
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
「御定かかりの地と申候。自然御運命尽夫も不被為叶時節に候はば。御最期之場と思召にて、瑞巌寺御菩提所に御取立被成候よし」 I shall say this is a place the destiny of my lord would be settled, naturally, this means all the luck of my lord ran out and the wish can not be fulfilled, then it is the time when my lord shall head for the final destination, Zuigan-ji Temple as your soul will rest.'
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
1884年(明治17年)に吉井友実や勝海舟等の働き掛けが功を奏し、明治天皇の思召しからポツダム陸軍士官学校留学を命ぜられ、13年もの間ドイツで学び、その間プロイセン陸軍少尉となる。 In 1884, as a result of the successful appeal of Tomozane YOSHII, Kaishu KATSU and others to the government, Emperor Meiji ordered Torataro to study in Potsdam Army War College, and while he was studying in Germany for thirteen years, he became a Prussian army lieutenant.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
一、伴天連其知恵之法を以 心さし次第に檀那を持候と被思召候へは 如右日域之仏法を相破事曲事候条 伴天連儀日本之地ニハおかされ間敷候間 今日より廿日之間に用意仕可帰国候 其中に下々伴天連に不謂族(儀の誤りか)申懸もの在之ハ 曲事たるへき事 1. The missionaries held temples' supporters with their wits as they desired and destroyed the Buddhist law, therefore, they should not be allowed in the land of Japan, and should prepare to leave and return to their country within twenty days from this day, and also those who harm the missionaries during this period shall be punished.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
『甲子夜話』第1巻には、「神祖駿府御在城の内、江戸にて御旗本等の若者、頻りに辻切して人民の歎きに及ぶよし聞ゆ。(省略)所々辻切の風聞専ら聞え候、それを召捕候ほどの者なきは、武辺薄く成り行き候事と思召候。いづれも心掛辻切の者召捕へと御諚のよし申伝へしかば、其のまま辻切止みけるとぞ」とある。 The 1st volume of "Kasshi Yawa" said, 'It has been said that, while Ieyasu TOKUGAWA was at the Shinpu-jo Castle, young individuals such as bakufu hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu) in Edo frequently committed tsujigiri and citizens were mourning the situation. (snip) Although rumors of tsujigiri occurring were occasionally heard, there was no one to capture them and it appeared that there were less and less individuals who were skilled in martial arts. (snip) Those who were at a high official rank announced that everyone should keep in mind that they must capture those who committed tsujigiri so that tsujigiri would stop in the end.'
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
天皇は後に、「それが実は、あの詔書の一番の目的であって、神格とかそういうことは二の問題でした。(中略)民主主義を採用したのは明治大帝の思召しである。しかも神に誓われた。そうして五箇条御誓文を発して、それが基となって明治憲法ができたんで、民主主義というものは決して輸入物ではないということを示す必要が大いにあったと思います。」と語っている。 The emperor said later 'actually it was the purpose of the edict, so the divinity or other things came next. (snip) it was the emperor Meiji who adopted democracy. He also swore to God and issued Charter Oath of Five Articles, by which Meiji Constitution was made, so I think it was necessary to show that democracy was not imported.'
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス