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  • その後も、龍池会とその改組された日本美術協会にしばらく留まり、日本画の振興を目的とした美術展覧会に彩を出品した。
    He then continued to be a member of Ryuchi kai and the Japan Art Association, a reorganized group of Ryuchi kai, for a while and exhibited oil paintings in art exhibitions that were aimed to promote Japanese-style paintings.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 断なく残暑見舞やさかばやし」「朝寒の馬を待たせたさかばやし」などの句は、幕末から明治初期の伊那谷の一点景を表している。
    Yudan naku zanshomimaiya sakabayashi' (Take care in the lingering summer heat, sakabayashi) and 'asazamu no umawomataseta sakabayashi' (I kept a horse waiting in the cold morning, sakabayashi) were haiku that showed some views of Inadani from the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate to the early Meiji period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ガス製造を行なう際、副産物としてコールタールが得られるが、それを有効利用するために蒸留してクレオソートを製造し、木材防腐用として販売することが検討され、東洋木材防腐が設立される。
    Gas manufacturing produced a by-product coal tar and as a result Toyo Lumber Preservation Company was founded to make and distribute creosote oil by distillation for lumber preservation use.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後の研究成果として、高橋改良肝、肺炎薬「レミジン」、肺結核薬「ファゴール」、強心薬「パンギタール」など世の中に送り出し、日本薬物学の泰斗にふさわしい業績を残した。
    As for his research achievements after that, he gave the world Takahashi Improved Fish-Liver Oil, 'Remijin' a medicine for pneumonia, 'Fagol' a medicine for pulmonary tuberculosis and 'Pangital' a cardiotonic and was a great authority on Japanese pharmacognosy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 小路通は高度集積地区に指定されており、活性化を期待して、竹田駅から近鉄京都線と分岐し横大路付近までの4.4kmを延伸する計画がある。
    Aburanokoji Street has been designated a "high congestion area" (Urban Development Project), and there is a plan to have the Karasuma Line diverge from the Kintetsu-Kyoto Line and extend 4.4km from Takeda Station to near Yokooji.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • かつて駅西側には小規模ながら貨物ヤードが存在し、ここから南方へ三条通を越えて日本食糧倉庫や槽所へ専用鉄道が続いていた。
    In the past, a freight yard, despite being small in scale, existed on the west side of this station and a special railway from there to the Japan Food Warehouse and an oil-storage site was provided in the south direction, over Sanjo-dori Street.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 近年では、圧式で強く腕力を要しないものも増えてきたが、ワイヤーなどで乗務員の人力に頼るものも多く、意外な肉体作業である。
    In recent years, the number of hydraulic doors, that do not need much human power, has been increasing, but there are still quit a few taxis with a human-powered doors using a wire or similar device, which means that this task for the taxi drivers is surprisingly heavy physical work.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは、直線区間が多く普通列車でもスピードを出すためや、直線のため見通しが良く、かえって断して遮断機が降りても無理に横断する人や自動車に対して警戒を促すためのものである。
    It became necessary to paint the trains yellow in order to urge caution against attempting to cross the tracks after the crossing bars were lowered since even local trains picked up speed and had unobstructed views on straight line sections.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、ジャパンエナジー、新日本石なども、本来の企業カラーを全面的に使用せず、ロゴマーク部分を白地、または落ち着きのある色を使うものにしているのもある。
    Also, companies such as Japan Energy Corporation and Nippon Oil Corporation use white or subdued colors for their logos instead of using their usual corporate colors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鈴鹿山脈の日岳(標高694m)からの柘植川と、布引山地の笠取山(標高845m)からの服部川を伊賀市北部で合わせ、西流に転じる。
    Joined in the north of Iga City by the Tsuge-gawa River flowing from Mt. Aburahi-dake (694 meters) in the Suzuka mountain range and the Hattori-gawa River from Mt. Kasatori (845 meters) in the Nunobiki Mountains, the Kizu-gawa River changes its course west.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 高野山からは米、塩、醤、味噌、酒、魚、その他日用雑貨品が、山中からは木炭、木材、箸、経木、コウゾ、割菜、高野豆腐がもたらされた。
    They received rice, salt, soy sauce, bean paste, liquor, fish and other convenience goods from Mt. Koya, and they sent charcoal, lumber, chopsticks, wood shavings, paper mulberry, dried stems of the taro, and freeze-dried tofu to it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この頃、管領職にあった勝元派の畠山政長と宗全派の畠山義就との間にあった家督継承権をめぐる闘争が激化し、さらに義政の気紛れが両派の対立にを注いだ。
    About that time, a fight over family heirship between Masanaga HATAKEYAMA of the Katsumoto camp, who was then the Shogun's deputy, and Yoshinari HATAKEYAMA of the Sozen camp intensified, and Yoshimasa's caprice added fuel to their strife.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 新選組は小路通七条通の辻に伊東の遺骸を放置し、その周りに伏せ、遺体を引き取りにきた同志をまとめて粛清しようとした。
    Shinsengumi abandoned Ito's corpse on the streets of Aburanokoji, hiding themselves so that they could kill all the other members of Ito's group who would be coming to collect Ito's body.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 織田信長の勝因を、「民家への略奪行為で断する今川方を急襲したから」とする説を、黒田日出男東京大学名誉教授が唱えている。
    According to a theory put forward by Hideo KURODA, professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, Nobunaga ODA beat IMAGAWA 'because Oda conducted a surprise attack on the Imagawa army, who were caught off guard while in the act of looting private homes.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 細川氏と大内氏の対立が深まると、細川氏は大内氏の山口の側を通る瀬戸内航路を避け、土佐の浦戸、下田、南九州の津、坊津を経由して寧波に行く航路をとった。
    When the confrontation between the Hosokawa clan and Ouchi clan became serious, the Hosokawa clan avoided taking the Seto Inland Sea route that passed near Yamaguchi, the base of the Ouchi clan, and instead took the route to sail for Neiha via Urado and Shimoda in Tosa Province and Aburatsu and Bonotsu in southern Kyushu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 西は小路通・北は今出川通・東は河原町通・南は錦小路通に囲まれた上京を中心とした417ヶ町、10351軒、仏光寺や下鴨神社などの諸寺社などを焼いた。
    Centering on the area of Kamigyo (Upper Kyoto), which is surrounded by Aburakoji-dori Street on the west, Imadegawa-dori Street on the north, Kawaramachi-dori Street on the east, and Nishikikoji-dori Street on the south, the fire burned down 417 cho blocks, 10351 households, temples, and shrines including Bukko-ji Temple and Shimogamo-jinja Shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これまで、国兼は佐敷城の留守を預かっていた安田弥右衛門らの偽りの投降に断し、6月17日に境善左衛門によって斬殺され、一揆はわずか3日で鎮圧されたとされていた。
    It was believed that the uprising was suppressed after a mere three days, as Kunikane was fooled by the false surrender of Yaemon YASUDA and others who protected the Sashiki-jo Castle in the absence of its lord, and was killed by the sword of Zenzaemon SAKAI on July 25.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 青銅で造られた十円硬貨は、ソース(調味料)、酢、醤、レモン汁、洗剤等に浸すと、表面の金属酸化物や汚れが溶出したり脱落して一見未使用硬貨のような光沢を放つ。
    Ten-yen coins are made of bronze, and as such, when immersed in Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, soy sauce, lemon juice, or even detergent, the metal oxide and dirt on the surface is eluted or dissolved, and the coins look shiny as though they had never been used.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 折から京都治安維持に当たっていた会津藩預かりの新撰組が、池田屋事件で長州藩など尊攘派の志士数人を殺害したため、火にを注ぐこととなり、ついに長州藩兵は上京。
    In the meantime, Shinsengumi (a group who guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate), under the control of the Aizu clan and in charge of protecting Kyoto at the time, killed several supporters of sonjo party, including members of the Choshu clan in the Ikedaya incident; this added fuel to the debate in Choshu domain and the Choshu troops finally moved to Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このため海軍などでは米飯とカレーを組み合わせる・肉じゃがのように醤味の折衷料理を開発するなど工夫を凝らした。
    In Navy, various cares were taken for the food service by inventing and arranging the Western dishes for the taste of Japanese people; for example, curry dish was provided with Japanese rice; an eclectic dish such as the meat and potato pot dish in soy sauce taste was invented.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 女中たちのお禄(手当)は主に切米、合力金、扶持(月々の食料)、湯之木(風呂用の薪)、五菜銀(味噌や塩を買うための銀)、などの現物が多かった。
    Allowance to jochu was mainly in kind like rice, gold, fuchi (monthly provided food), Yunoki (firewood for bath), Gosaigin (silver for buying miso [bean paste] and salt), oil and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、軍人の暴走例としてよく取り上げられる問題ではあるが、そもそも国会議員が政治抗争の手段として、軍内部の争いにを注ぐ形で持ち出した問題であることには注意するべきである。
    This problem is discussed often as a violate example of the military men, but it should be noticed that originally the Members of the Diet brought up this matter stimulating the conflicts in the army as the means of the political dispute.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天満屋事件(てんまやじけん)は、海援隊(浪士結社)士/陸援隊士らが京都小路通の旅籠・天満屋を襲撃して、紀州藩士三浦安を襲い、新選組と戦った事件である。
    The Tenmanya Incident was an incident in which members of Kaientai (an association of roshi (masterless samurai) organized by Ryoma SAKAMOTO) (Roshi association) and Rikuentai (an association of roshi organized by Shintaro NAKAOKA) assaulted a hatago (inn with meals) on Aburanokoji-dori Street, Kyoto called Tenmanya, attacking Yasushi MIURA, who was a feudal retainer of the Kishu Domain, and fought a battle against Shinsengumi (group that guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • などを入れるプラスチック製の容器(通称:ポリタンク)は一斗缶の代替として作られたものであり、その容積は1斗(18リットル)か、それより少し多い20リットルである。
    The plastic tank for storing kerosene and other liquid (commonly called poli-tank [polystyrene tank]) was made as a replacement for Ittokan, of which volume is 1 to (18 liters) or a bit larger, 20 liters.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元赤穂藩士たち、およびその子孫は町人からさえ「義挙に加わらなんだ不忠者」と蔑まれ、味噌、醤さえ売ってもらえず、出自を隠して変名を名乗るほかなかったとも伝えられる。
    The former Ako retainers and their descendants were labeled as 'unfaithful retainers who did not participate in the heroic deed' and were looked down upon even from commoners, and they had to hide their place of birth and change their names because they were unable to buy even miso or soy sauce.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 五品江戸廻送令(ごひんえどかいそうれい)は、江戸幕府が1860年(万延元年)に発令した生糸・雑穀・水・蝋・呉服を対象とした貿易統制法令。
    The Law for Transporting Five Articles through Edo was a law for trading control over raw silk thread, cereals, hair oil, wax and draperies issued by the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) in 1860.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • こうした事態に対応するため、江戸の問屋商人らの要望も受けた江戸幕府は、1860年に、生糸、雑穀、水、蝋、呉服の五品目について、必ず江戸の問屋を経由する法令-五品江戸廻送令-を発出した。
    To deal with such situation, and in response to the wishes of wholesalers in Edo the Edo bakufu issued the Law for Transporting Five Articles through Edo, which was a law providing that merchants never failed to get through the warehouse merchants in Edo regarding five articles such as raw silk thread, cereals, hair oil, wax and draperies in 1860.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 内地の樟脳専売は明治36年10月施行、これより前に台湾では明治32年6月台湾樟脳及樟脳専売規則が制定され、8月実施された。
    The monopolization of camphor inland went into effect in October, 1903, and before this, in Taiwan, the Taiwan Camphor and Camphor Oil Monopoly Regulations was regulated in June, 1899, and went into effect in August.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 7月7日には、電柱に「来る十日日比谷公園にて大会を開き錦輝館の復讐を為す。来会者は石、棍棒、マッチ携帯の事」などと書かれた張り紙が発見された(7月8日付け東京日日新聞)。
    On July 7, posters were found stuck to telephone poles that said 'We will hold a meeting at Hibiya Park on July 10 in order to avenge the incident of Kinki-kan Theater. The attendee should carry petroleum oil, a club and matchsticks.' (the article as of July 8 in Tokyo Nichinichi Newspaper).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • …政宗兼て土民に金銀多くあたえ、上杉方の断を聞出し、廿五日夜半に小山を内立瀬上をへて、廿六日暁松川に着」
    Masamune gave local people a plenty of gold and silver and found out that Uesugi forces were off its guard before encamping in Oyama at midnight on April 25 and arriving in Matsukawa at dawn on April 26 by way of Senoue.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、東北・北海道地方では、石鏃からアスファルトが検出される場合も多く、秋田県の田から湧出する天然アスファルトが交易の結果、北日本一帯に流通していたことが判明している。
    Moreover, asphalt was often detected on Sekizoku pieces found in the Tohoku and Hokkaido regions; thus, natural asphalt from oil mines in the Akita Prefecture is thought to be distributed throughout northern Japan by trade.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 雑公事は主として現地における特産物やその加工品(例白米・酒・・餅・麦・魚・薪・秣・野菜・漆・紙・薦)の形で納付されたが、後には代銭納などの金銭の形で納められる場合が多くなった。
    Zokuji had mainly been paid with local products and the processed goods (polished rice, sake, oil, rice cake, wheat, fish, firewood, fodder, vegetables, lacquer, paper, straw mats), but later bagan to be paid with money most of the time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 多くは、紅殻(べんがら)と呼ばれる酸化第二鉄(赤サビ)を主成分とした粉末にエゴマなどを混ぜて塗られているため、紅殻格子とも呼ばれる。
    They are also called "Bengara-koshi" because many of them are painted with a paint produced by mixing a material containing, as a principal component, particles of ferric oxide (red rust) called "Bengara," and egoma seed oil.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代に入り、現在世界遺産に登録されている元興寺境内に様々な産業(筆、墨、蚊帳、晒、布団、刀、酒、醤等)が発展した。
    In the Edo period, various businesses (such as making brushes, ink, mosquito nets, bleached cotton cloth, futon (Japanese-style bedding), swords, sake liquor and soy sauce) developed on the premises of Gango-ji Temple which is now registered as the world heritage.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、住友務の妹文子は、元ミツワ石鹸社長の三輪善雄に嫁いでいるが、善雄の妹の佐登子は、元キッコーマン醤10代社長茂木佐平治に嫁いでいる。
    Meanwhile, Tsutomu SUMITOMO's younger sister Fumiko married Yoshio MIWA, president of the former Mitsuwa Soap Corporation, and Yoshio's younger sister Satoko married Saheiji MOGI, the tenth president of the former Kikkoman Corporation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1333年、新田義貞が軍勢を率いて鎌倉に侵攻してきたとき、幕府軍を率いてこれを迎撃し、一時は勝利を収めたが、その勝利で断して新田軍に大敗を喫した。
    He led the army of the shogunate against Yoshisada NITTA who invaded Kamakura with his army in 1333 and won a short term victory, but the army of the bakufu became careless after their victory and were subsequently heavily defeated by Nitta's army.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 第二に、原や穀物、あるいは様々な原材料価格の高騰等を背景に景気の下振れリスクが顕在化しつつありまして、不良債権処理をはじめとする与信関係費用が増加しているということ、
    Another factor is an increase in credit-related expenses, including the cost of bad loan disposals, that have come with the materialization of downside risks for the economy, due to the surge in prices of crude oil, grains and raw materials.  - 金融庁
  • 少なくとも6月調査時点での認識としては、第一に、原や原材料価格の高騰、あるいは売上げの低迷等を背景に中小企業の業況感は厳しいということ、
    First, the sentiment of SMEs about their business conditions is gloomy, amid the surge in the prices of crude oil and raw materials, and slumping sales.  - 金融庁
  • なお、「アメリカ経済や株式・為替市場、原価格の動向等によっては、景気が更に下振れするリスクが存在することに留意する必要がある」というふうにされているところでございます。
    It also noted that "attention should be given to further downside risks that could stem from developments of the U.S. economy, the stock and exchange markets, and oil prices."  - 金融庁
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