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  • 前述の野中広務、京都財界のリーダー格であった京都商工会議所会頭塚本幸一(株式会ワコール代表取締役)等、政治的には対立しながらも魅力的な人物であったと著書等で記している。
    Above-mentioned Hiromu NONAKA and Koichi TSUKAMOTO (Representative director of Wacoal Corporation), who was a business leader in Kyoto and the chairman of the Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, wrote in their books and writings that Ninagawa was an attractive person even if they conflicted with each other in a political point of view.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 忠裕は、寺奉行、若年寄、大坂城代、京都所司代と、およそ幕閣の登竜門とされるポストを残らず勤め、文化(元号)元年(1804年)老中に起用され30年以上勤めるなど、文化文政期の幕閣の中心人物として活躍した。
    Tadahiro took an active role as a key person of the cabinet officials of the Shogunate in Bunka-Bunsei period; he was engaged in all the posts which were deemed as a gateway to the cabinet officials of the Shogunate such as jisha-bugyo (magistrate of temples and shrines), wakadoshiyori (a managerial position in Edo bakufu), Osaka jodai (the keeper of Osaka Castle), Kyoto shoshidai (The Kyoto deputy), and served as roju (member of shogun's council of elders) for 30 years after he was employed in 1804.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 紀光の父・光綱は六国史以後、官による正史編纂が断絶しており、公家会による編纂も『百錬抄』(亀山天皇時代)以後断絶している事を嘆き、自らの手で以後の歴史書編纂を志していたが、果たすことなく病死していた。
    Norimitsu's father, Michitsuna lamented that compiling history books by the government had stopped since the Rikkokushi (Japan's six national histories) as well as compilations by nobles since "Hyakuren sho" (in the Emperor Kameyama period), thus Michitsuna tried to compile the history books by himself, however, he died of illness before accomplishing his goal.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 慶応4年1月、鳥羽・伏見の戦いに参戦、淀藩にて討ち死に(横倉甚五郎)、または江戸引き上げの軍艦「富士山(軍艦)」船中にて死亡(御香宮神『戊辰東軍戦死者霊名簿』、今井勇次郎として記載)とされる。
    In January 1868, he took part in the Battle of Toba and Fushimi, and he allegedly died in battle in Yodo Domain (according to Jingoro YOKOKURA) or died on the battleship 'Fujiyama' while withdrawing to Edo (according to entry in "the list of war dead of the Eastern Camp in the Boshin War" in Gokomiya-jinja Shrine, where the name is written with a different kanji for Yu).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 三玲が作庭した庭は、力強い石組みとモダンな苔の地割りで構成される枯山水庭園が特徴的であるとされ、代表作に、東福寺方丈庭園、光明院庭園、大徳寺山内瑞奉院庭園、松尾大庭園などがある。
    The gardens Mirei performedlandscape architecture on was the Karesansui Garden (dry landscape garden) with strong stone foundation and modern-style allotment of land by moss, and his representative works include the Garden of the Hojo (Hall of an Abbot) in Tofuku-ji Temple, the garden of Komyo-in Temple, the garden of Zuiho-in Temple within the grounds of Daitoku-ji Temple, and the garden of the Matsuo-taisha Shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 唯一神道の入門書であり、また根本経典でもある「唯一神道名法要集」「神道大意」を著し、また朝廷・幕府に取り入り勢力を拡大し、全国の神を支配、神位・神職の位階を授与する建言を獲得した。
    He wrote 'Yuiitsu Shinto Myoho Yoshu' (Compendium of the Doctrines of Unitarian Shintoism) and 'Shinto Taii' (Gist of Shinto), introductory and fundamental textbooks on Unitarian Shintoism, and established close connections with the Imperial Court and the shogunate government to be given the authority to govern shrines across Japan and determine the ranks and positions of Shinto priests.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これらの西忍の交易活動は、帰国後興福寺に報告され、大乗院主尋尊によって「大乗院寺雑事記」「唐船日記」などに詳細に記されており、当時の日明勘合貿易の実際を知る上での貴重な史料となっている。
    His trading activities were reported to Kofuku-ji Temple after their return and put on record in detail in such documents as "Daijoin jisha zojiki (Miscellaneous Records of the Daijo Temple and Shrine)" and the "Tosen Nikki" (lit. "Tosen Journal") by Jinson of Daijo-in, which serve as valuable historical data to describe the actual activities of trading between two countries in those days.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 宇治田原町湯屋谷の、永谷家のあった場所には製茶道具やほいろ跡を保存する施設「永谷宗円生家」が昭和35年に建てられ、それに隣接する大神宮神には昭和29年、宗円が「茶宗明神」として祀られた。
    In place of where the Nagatani family existed in Yuyatani, Ujitawara-cho, 'Nagatani Soen Seika' (literally, the house where Soen Nagatani was born), has tools for producing tea and has a trace of hoiro, which was built in 1960 and, in 1944, Soen was enshrined as 'Chasomyoujin' (literally, god of tea) in the neighboring Dai-jingu Shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 更にこれまで朝廷が手を付けてこなかった諸の祠官の任官・門跡の諸大夫の官位・門跡寺院や両本願寺などの坊官の呼称を停止する事など形式的に流されがちであった公家官位の仕組みを根本的に改めるものであった。
    In addition, by suspending apppointments of Shikan (Shinto priest) at temples, official ranks for Shodaibu of monzeki (successor of a temple), and names for bokan (top priests) at monzeki temples (where priests of noble or imperial lineage lived) and at both Higashi and Nishi Hongan-ji Temples, which until now the Court hadn't concerned itself with, the reforms proposed changing the fundamental structure of the kuge, which tended to be very formal.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その結果、12月27日(旧暦)に道香はその圧力に屈して「官位御定」の事実上の白紙撤回(「官位御定」そのものは認められたものの、最重要項目とされていた諸の祠官の任官・門跡の諸大夫の官位・坊官の呼称の廃止が撤回されてしまった)に至ったのである。
    As a result, on January 24, 1751, Michika, yielding to the pressure, virtually withdrew 'Kani Gojyo' ('Kani Gojyo' itself was accepted, but the most important items, such as suspending appointments of Shikan at shrines, official ranks for Shodaibu of monzeki, and names for boukan at monzeki temples and both Higashi and Nishi Hongan-ji Temples, were dropped).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • とくにシカゴ美術館で、この建物の保存にアメリカの富豪マーシャル・フィールドが100万ドルを寄付したことを知り、深く心に期すところがあり、自ら会的使命の1つとして公共用の施設を建設したいとの希望をもつに至った。
    In particular, in the Art institute of Chicago, he learned that an American rich man, Marshall FIELD donated one million dollars to conserve this building and he made up his mind that, his mission was to build social facilities.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 慶長4年(1599年)、大坂城西の丸を退去し(西の丸には徳川家康が入っている)古くから仕えてきた孝蔵主らとともに京都新城(現在仙洞御所がある場所)へ移り、朝廷との交渉や豊国神や方広寺の運営・供養などの任にあたった。
    In 1599, she retreated from Nishi no maru in Osaka Castle (Ieyasu TOKUGAWA moved in Nishi no maru), and moved to Kyoto shinjo (present-day Sento Imperial Palace) with Kozosu who had served her for long time. Then she served to carry out negotiations with the imperial court and to manage and hold memorial services of Toyokuni-jinja Shrine and Hoko-ji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 死因については、前述の天河、また伊勢はともに当時南朝(日本)の勢力が強かった地であったことから、晩年の彼が南朝側に近かったとし、その結果政治的対立に巻き込まれて暗殺されたとする説もある。
    Another opinion about the cause of his death is that he was involved in a political confrontation and assassinated as Motomasa was close to the side of the Southern Court (Japan) in his latter years because the power of the Southern Court was strong at both of the aforementioned places, Tenkawa Shrine and Ise at the time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 9年、永田雅一が設立した第一映画に参加し、山田五十鈴出演で泉鏡花原作の「折鶴お千」、名脚本家依田義賢とはじめて組んだ「浪華悲歌」、京都の祇園を舞台にした傑作「祇園の姉妹」などを発表して名声を高めた。
    In 1934, Mizoguchi joined Daiichi Eiga-sha (a production company) established by Masaichi NAGATA, and made his name by releasing movies such as 'Orizuru Osen' (The Downfall of Osen), which, based on Kyoka IZUMI's novel, featured Isuzu YAMADA, 'Naniwa ereji' (Naniwa Elegy), which was produced together with a talented screenwriter Yoshikata YODA for the first time, and 'Gion no shimai' (Sisters of the Gion), a masterpiece set in Gion, Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • が経営悪化のため解散した後は新興キネマを経て、松竹下賀茂撮影所に移り、村松梢風の「残菊物語」、初めて田中絹代を自作に迎えた「浪花女」、小学校時代からの旧友・川口松太郎原作の「芸道一代男」など秀作を連発した。
    After the company was dissolved due to poor management, Mizoguchi moved to Shinko Kinema and then to Shochiku's Shimogamo Studio, and there he produced a series of excellent films such as 'Zangiku monogatari' (The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums) based on Shofu MURAMATSU's novel, 'Naniwa Onna' (A Woman of Osaka) featuring Kinuyo TANAKA in his own movie for the first time, 'Geido ichidai otoko' (The Life of an Actor) based on the novel of his old friend from elementary school, Matsutaro KAWAGUCHI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 康頼は保司庁、鼓楼、六坊寺を建て、熊野神を勧請し、鬼界山補陀らく寺を建てたがその名が示す通り鬼界が島の俊寛を弔うものであり、又、慈眼山玉林寺を建て源平の戦いで死んだ者を源平の区別無く供養したと云われる。
    Besides building the hoji office, Koro Tower, Rokubo-ji Temple and branch shrines of Kumano-jinja Shrine, Yasuyori built Fudaraku-ji Temple on Mt. Kikai to mourn for Shunkan in Kikaiga-shima Island (Fudaraku-ji means "temple for Kannon Worship" and Kikaiga-shima was regarded as the jodo (pure land of Kannon)); and built Gyokurin-ji Temple on Mt.Jigen where he held memorial services for all those killed in the Genpei War (war between the Minamoto clan and the Taira clan) irrespective of their allegiances.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「自分の映画の方法論は、近代的人間像を日本映画にうちたてるためのものだ」と主張し、成瀬巳喜男を、『日本の会をそのまま認め、はかなき小市民の「情緒」を描く自然主義的風速映画』と、今井正もの当時の巨匠たちを痛烈に批判した。
    And he argued that 'my cimematographic methodology is to establish a modern image of a man,' and he roundly criticized the renowned film directors of the time such as the master director Tadashi IMAMURA, and referring to Mikio NARUSE, he wrote "his films, which come to terms with the actual Japanese Society and depict the ephemeral 'sentiment' of petit bourgeois can be called naturalistic velocity movies."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以降、『大菩薩峠(小説)』、『宮本武蔵映画』のような大作を発表する一方、アイヌの問題を扱った『森と湖のまつり』、部落問題を底流に描いた水上勉のサスペンス『飢餓海峡』など、現代会の弱者を鋭く照射した作品も発表し続けた。
    In addition to major works such as "Dai-bosatsu Toge" (the Daibosatsu pass) and "Miyamoto Musashi," he also created films exposing the disadvantaged members of contemporary Japanese society including "Mori to Mizuumi no Matsuri" (A festival of the forest and the lake) which dealt with the issue of the Ainu people and "Kiga Kaikyo" (Starvation strait) - a tale of suspense by Tsutomu MINAKAMI set against the backdrop of the burakumin issue.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • エッセイや映画評論にも辣腕なところを見せ、映画賞でテーマ性や会性のある作品ばかりが安易にベストテン入りする状況を厳しく批判し、映画を原作や素材によって評価するのではなく、その素材をどのように映像化したかをこそ評価すべきだと繰り返し訴えた。
    He also wrote excellent essays and cinematic reviews, in which he criticized the situation that the only films with a certain theme or social problem were easily selected for the top ten of film awards, and repeatedly insisted that a film should be evaluated by how it shot the subjects in stead of what kind of subjects it shot.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1918年、新劇仲間の紹介で帰山教正の「映画芸術協会」に「踏路」の仲間と参加し、『生の輝き』・『深山の乙女』(帰山教正監督)に「日本最初の映画女優」とされる花柳はるみと共に主演する。
    In 1918, he and members of 'Toha-sha' joined Eiga Geijutsu Kyokai which had been established by Norimasa KAERIYAMA through Shingeki group's member, and he starred in "Sei no Kagayaki" (The Shining Life) and "Miyama no Otome" (The Maiden of Deep Mountain) (directed by Norimasa KAERIYAMA) with Harumi HANAYAGI as a lead actress, who was thought to be 'the first cinema actress in Japan.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以前(1927年頃)『小型映画』に講座を執筆している関係で京極キネマ倶楽部の小型映画審査に出向き、そこで出会った当時住友銀行員でアマチュア映画を制作していた依田義賢が1930年に村田付きの助監督・スクリプターとして入している。
    When he visited Kyogoku Kinema Kurabu to judge small scale movies because of his relations with writing for courses in "Kogata Eiga" (Small Scale Movies) before (around 1927), he met Yoshikata YODA, an employee of Sumitomo Bank and an amateur movie producer and in 1930, hired him as Murata's assistant-director and script writer.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また日本伝統工芸展において日本工芸会総裁賞、日本経済新聞賞や高松宮記念賞、京都工芸美術展では市長賞など受賞を重ね、夫の江里康慧との二人展「仏像と截金」なども開催し、截金の認知度を高めた。
    She became famous for receiving the Nihon Kogeikai (the Japan Art Crafts Association) director-general prize in the Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition, Nikkei Inc. Award, Takamatsunomiya Memorial Award, and the Mayor's Prize in the Kyoto Applied Fine Arts Exhibition, and had an exhibition of 'Buddhist statues and saikin' with her husband, Kokei ERI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、海音寺潮五郎は金刺氏の持ち城に山吹城という城がある点と諏訪大明神絵詞に「諏訪下大祝である金刺盛澄が義仲を婿にとり、女の子が生まれた」と記述されている点から金刺一族の出身であるとの見解を示している。
    Chogoro KAIONJI,however, suggests that she came from the Kanasashi clan, because the clan owned a castle called Yamabuki-jo Castle and Suwa Daimyojin Ekotoba describes 'Yoshinaka became a son-in-law of Morizumi KANASASHI, Ohori (the chief priest) of Suwa-jinja Shrine Shimo-sha, and had a daughter.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以後、『神覈録』の著述に専念するかたわら、勤王として志士達を庇護することもあり、吉田松陰の『留魂録』にも「鈴鹿筑石二州」とその名が見える(筑州は連胤(筑前守)、石州は子の石見守長存のこと)。
    Thereafter, while he concentrated in writing "Jinjakakuroku" (historical investigation book of old shrines), he sometimes supported royalist political reformers, and his name appears in Shoin YOSHIDA's "Ryukonroku" (A Record of Leaving My Soul in this World) as 'Suzuka Chiku-Seki Nishu' (Suzuka family in two provinces: Chikuzen and Iwami) (Chikushu (Chiku) indicates Tsuratane (of Chikuzen no kami), and Sekishu (Seki) indicates his son Iwami no kami (Governor of Iwami Province) Nagaari).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治維新以後、欧米の文物が流れ込み日本の伝統的な価値が忘れられていく風潮を嘆き、、一般子弟に古典や古武道を教育することを目的として、顕教を含む数人で亀岡(明治2年に亀山から改称)に生徳を設立した。
    He lamented the tendency after the Meiji Restoration for the introduction of Western products of culture and the fading of Japanese traditional values, and some people including Akinori established Seitokusha in Kameoka (the name was changed from Kameyama in 1869).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義昭は打倒信長に向けて御内書を諸国に発し、朝倉義景、浅井長政、武田信玄、毛利輝元、三好三人衆、さらに比叡山延暦寺、石山本願寺などの寺勢力に呼びかけて「信長包囲網」を結成した。
    Yoshiaki sent gonaisho (a letter issued with the signature of the shogun) to various provinces in order to defeat Nobunaga, and formed 'the anti-Nobunaga network' with Yoshikage ASAKURA, Nagamasa AZAI, Shingen TAKEDA, Terumoto MORI, Miyoshi sanninshu and temples such as the Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hiei, and the Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 信長が公認した枡のそれぞれに焼印や花押を押すことによる単位の統合、質の悪い貨幣ではなく良い貨幣を使うよう呼びかける選銭令を発令したりと、会・経済の基盤を安定させる政策を行った。
    Nobunaga implemented various policies to stabilize social and economic infrastructure such as the integration of units by sealing a brand or Kao (written seal mark) on the masu (a measure) which Nobunaga admitted officially, and the declaration of the ordinance of selection of coins to use good-quality coins instead of bad-quality.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1335年(建武(日本)2年)、中先代の乱が起こり、高時の遺児北条時行が信濃国に挙兵し関東へ向かうと、武蔵国町田村菅原神(町田市)(現東京都町田市本町田)の合戦にて反乱軍を迎撃するが敗れる。
    The Nakasendai War broke out in 1335 and Takatoki's orphaned son Tokiyuki HOJO raised an army in Shinano Province and headed for the Kanto region where he intercepted the rebellion forces at the Battle of Sugawara-jinja Shrine in Machida Village, Musashi Province (modern-day Machida, Machida City, Kyoto Prefecture) but was defeated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 熊野三山の要職に就いていた新宮別当家嫡流の行範(のちに19代熊野別当に就任)の妻となった鳥居禅尼(たつたはらの女房)の異母弟として生まれ、しばらく熊野速玉大に住んでいたため新宮十郎と称した。
    He was born the younger half-brother (to a different mother) of Torii Zenni (also known as Tatsutanoharano Nyobo before becoming a Buddhist nun), who was the wife of Yukinori of the branch of the Shingu betto family who had held important positions as the main administrators of the three major shrines of Kumano (the Kumano Sanzan, including the Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha, and Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrines) and later became the 19th Chief Officer (betto) serving the main branch of the Shingu family; because he lived in Kumano Hayatama Taisha Shrine, he was called Juro SHINGU.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 加えて、ダブルブッキングやドタキャン(後述)など、和泉元彌の公演トラブルで狂言の会的信用を失墜させたこと及び、能楽宗家会から保留裁定が出ているにもかかわらず商標登録を断行した行為に和泉流職分会は業を煮やした。
    In addition, Izumi-ryu Shokubunkai was frustrated because Motoya IZUMI damaged public confidence in kyogen by troubles relating to his behavior, such as double-booking and last minute cancellation (to be mentioned later), and registered the trademark ignoring a suspension decision made by Izumi-ryu Shokubunkai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「株式会和泉宗家」の代表取締役である節子はこの問題に関し、「税務調査が入り見解の相違があったことは事実だが、簿外口座などは存在しない」として、この疑惑を全面的に否定しているが、追徴課税は、重加算税などを含め1億円を越すといわれた。
    Setsuko, the representative director of Izumi Soke Co., denied the suspicion by saying "It is the case that tax inspection was conducted and difference of views existed, but the company has no off-the-book account," but the company was imposed reportedly over \\100M of back taxes including a penalty for tax evasion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕府は忠義を罷免し、後任として大坂城代松平宗秀を内定したが、宗秀も安政の大獄当時は寺奉行の任にあり、しかも井伊直弼の信任が非常に厚かったため、朝廷は宗秀の所司代就任にも内諾を与えなかった。
    The bakufu had dismissed Tadayoshi and tentatively appointed Osaka Castle keeper Munehide MATSUDAIRA as his successor, but the Imperial court refused to approve the appointment because Munehide was also a Jishabugyo during the Ansei no Taigoku and especially favored by Naosuke II.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 最初は1000石の知領だったが、秀長・豊臣秀吉のもとで政治手腕を買われて、主に紀伊国や大和国の検地代官を務めた(紀伊や大和は寺勢力が多く、検地が容易でない事からも、その手腕を買われていた事がわかる)。
    In the beginning he owned a territory of 1,000 koku crop yield, but as he showed his skill in politics while serving Hidenaga TOYOTOMI and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, he became a land survey official mainly in Kii and Yamato Provinces (which shows he was appreciated his ability, since the land survey in Kii and Yamato Provinces was not easy as the temple and shrine powers there were strong).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 建保4年(1216年)、頼綱が伊賀国壬生庄の地頭を称し春日大領を押領していると、興福寺の僧信賢が朝廷を介して鎌倉政庁に訴えて来たが、御成敗式目の範疇でないため記録所で示談された。
    In 1216 while Yoritsuna seized the estate of the Kasuga Taisha Shrine, calling himself jito (a manager and lord of manor) of Mibunosho in the Iga Province, 信賢, a monk of Kofuku-ji Temple, and sued him at the Kamakura government office through the Imperial Court, but the case was outside of the category of Goseibai shikimoku (code of conduct for samurai), so it was settled by Kirokusho (government agency of lawsuits).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、兵庫県宝塚市にある波豆八幡神は満政の創建と伝えられるほか、大阪府能勢町にある汐の湯温泉に湯治に出かけた記録が残るなど、当時の清和源氏の本拠地であった摂津国との関係を伺わす史跡や史料も存在している。
    Moreover, there exist historical spots and documents that imply his certain linkage with Settsu Province, which was the home base province of the Seiwa-Genji (Minamoto clan) at that time; for example, Hazuhachiman-jinja Shrine located in Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture, is said to have been constructed by Mitsumasa, and there remains a document that registered his visit to Shionoyu-onsen Hot Spring in Nose Town, Osaka Prefecture for the purpose of toji (hot spring cure).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕府当局は各教団の宗旨や教義をめぐる争論には介入を控えるのが通例であったが、本件では一部信者が本山に集団で詰め掛けようとするなど穏当ならざる騒ぎになったため、事案が寺奉行にもちこまれたわけである。
    Traditionally the bakufu did not get involved in conflicts relating to creed and religious doctrine, but in this case, a disturbance was developped bigger as a group of believers of the sect were to come to the head temple, the matter was brought before the Magistrate of Temples and Shrines.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 本件は寺奉行吟味物調役の川路弥吉(のちの川路聖謨)の綿密な調査協力もあり、左京は獄門、出石藩は3万石の減封、また老中松平康任は失脚という形で幕を閉じる(仙石騒動)。
    This incident was concluded with the help of careful investigation by Yakichi KAWAJI (later called Toshiakira KAWAJI), an investigator of the Magistrate of Temples and Shrines, such that Sakyo was imprisoned, the Izushi Domain was reduced its territory by thirty thousand koku, and Yasuto MATSUDAIRA, a member of shogun's council of elders, lost his position. (the Sengoku Disturbance)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 父の没後のマキノ・プロダクション御室撮影所総務部長、日活撮影所製作部次長、同多摩川撮影所企画部長、満洲映画協会娯楽映画部長、東映東京撮影所長、同専務取締役製作部長を歴任した。
    After his father's death, he continued in the positions of general manager of the general affairs department of Makino Production Omuro Movie Studio, assistant general manager of the production department of Nikkatsu Studio, general manager of the planning department of the Nikkatsu Tamagawa Movie Studio, general manager of the entertainment movie department of Manchuria Film Association, head of Toei Movie Studios and senior managing director and general manager of the production department of Toei.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、最終的には数で勝る徳川軍に追い詰められ、ついに四天王寺近くの安居神(大阪市天王寺区)の境内で、味方の傷ついた兵士を看病していたところを襲われ、越前松平勢鉄砲組の西尾仁左衛門にその首を授けた。
    Eventually, however, they were closed in by Tokugawa's army, which was more numerous, and finally he was attacked at Yasui-jinja Shrine near Shitenno-ji Temple (Tennoji Ward, Osaka City) when he was taking care of injured warriors and gave up his head to Nizaemon NISHIO, who belonged to the matchlock infantry of Echizen Matsudaira's army.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『先代旧事本紀』巻5天孫本紀では、物部氏の祖神であるニギハヤヒの子で尾張氏らの祖天香語山命(彌彦神の御祭神)の割註に天降の名手栗彦命のまたの名が高倉下命であるとしている。
    The fifth scroll of the "Sendai Kujihongi," which presents an account of the lineages of the Mononobe and Owari clans, contains a note stating that Takakuraji no mikoto was a child of the purported ancestral kami of the Mononobe clan, Nigiyahi, the ancestral kami of the Owari clan, Amanokaguyama no mikoto (the diety enshrined at Iyahiko-jinja Shrine), that he was also called by the name Takurihiko no mikoto when he descended from heaven.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 中でも篤胤も一目置いた山城の向日神神官・六人部是香が篤胤の幽顕弁を敷衍し講説した産土信仰や顕幽順考の論は幽冥の神秘を穿つ貴重な論考として知られている。
    Yoshika MUTOBE was a Shinto priest of the Muko-jinja Shrine of Yamashiro Province and gained even Atsutane's respect; based on Atsutane's theory of the Dark and the Light, he wrote a paper about Ubusuna-shinko (belief that native gods keep protecting people before and after they are born) and wrote "Kenyu-junko" (Study on the theory of the Dark and the Light); his works are known as distinguished ideas that shed light on the dark mysteries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 東北大学医学部の熊谷岱蔵博士は青山博士とは姻戚関係で、平田宗家とも関係深く、現在では昭和天皇の手術で一躍世界に知られた東京大學の森岡恭彦博士は、手術のとき平田神のお守りを肌身につけて手術に臨まれたという。
    Dr. Taizo KUMAGAI of the medical school of Tohoku University was a relative of Dr. Aoyama, and had a deep relationship with the Hirata family; Dr. Yasuhiko MORIOKA, who became world-famous when he operated on Emperor Showa, also had a relationship with the Hirata family and he wore a good-luck charm from the Hirata-jinja Shrine when performing the operation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 横田商会、1912年(大正元年)の同の合併による日活の設立、1919年(大正8年)の牧野の日活からの独立によるミカド商会の設立、そして牧野の日活への復帰、と牧野省三の行動に、市太郎は完全に同行する。
    Ichitaro's allegiance to Shozo MAKINO never swayed throughout Makino's career, working with Makino when the latter was employed by Yokota Shokai, and staying with Makino after Yokota Shokai was merged in 1912 to form Nikkatsu Corporation; Ichitaro followed Makino when he established the Mikado Shokai film studio to win his independence from Nikkatsu Corporation in 1919, and followed him back when he subsequently returned to Nikkatsu Corporation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 和歌に優れ、和歌所開闔となり『新古今和歌集』の編纂事務にあたるとともに、自ら歌人として活躍し、「院後度百首」()、「千五百番歌合」()、「元久詩歌合」()、「道助法親王五十首」(時期不明)、「洞院摂政百首」(頃)、「日吉撰歌合」()など各種歌合に出詠した。
    An excellent waka poet, Ienaga was appointed as the Deputy Chief of the Office of Waka to be engaged in compilation of ""Shin Kokin Waka Shu" (New Collection of Ancients and Modern Poems), and he himself performed as a waka poet and participated in various poetry contests including "Ingodo Hyakushu," "Sengohyaku ban Utaawase (One thousand and five hundreds Set of Poetry Match)," "Genkyushi Utaawase," "Dojohoshinno Gojusshu" (unknown date), "Toin Sessho Hyakushu," and "Hiyoshishasen Utaawase."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同年黒田清隆が組閣すると大隈は留任するが、外国人判事を導入するという条約案が反対派の抵抗に遭い、明治22年(1889年)には国家主義組織玄洋の一員である来島恒喜に爆弾による襲撃を受け、右脚を失うとともに、辞職した。
    When Kiyotaka KURODA formed a cabinet in the same year, Okuma continued in office, but the treaty plan which included the introduction of foreign judges was resisted by opposing factions, and Okuma was attacked with a bomb by Tsuneki KURUSIMA, a member of the Nationalist organization Genyosha in 1889, lost his right leg and resigned.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文化的には上方の文化を積極的に導入し、技師・大工らの招聘を行い、桃山文化に特徴的な荘厳華麗さに北国の特性が加わった様式を生み出し、国宝の大崎八幡宮、瑞巌寺、また塩竈神、陸奥国分寺などの建造物を残した。
    In terms of the cultural development, Masamune actively introduced the Kyoto and its vicinity cultures by inviting technical experts, artisans and carpenters, and created a style based on the solemn and splendid Momoyama style with the mixture of those qualities found in northern regions; Masamune left various buildings such as Osaki Hachiman-gu Shrine and Zuigan-ji Temple that are designated as the national treasures today, and Shiogama-jinja Shrine and Mutsu Kokubun-ji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 伊藤左千夫・平野万里・上田敏・佐佐木信綱等が参加し、「新詩」系の北原白秋・吉井勇・石川啄木・木下杢太郎、「根岸」派の斉藤茂吉・古泉千樫等の新進歌人も参加した(与謝野晶子を含めて延べ22名)。
    As well as Sachio ITO, Banri HIRANO, Bin UEDA, and Nobutsuna SASAKI, Hakushu KITAHARA, Isamu YOSHII, Takuboku ISHIKAWA and Mokutaro KINOSHITA from the 'Shinshisha' school and the new poets from 'Negishi' School such as Mokichi SAITO and Chikashi KOIZUMI also took park (twenty-two people in total including Akiko YOSANO).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところが、乱の最中に政長が山城国の守護に任じられると、本来山城国は幕府や朝廷の直轄領や有力貴族・寺の荘園として統治され、名目上の役割に過ぎなかった筈の守護職に実権を得るために、守護領国制の導入を強行した。
    However, when Masanaga was appointed as shugo of Yamashiro Province during the war, he forced through an implementation of Shugo-ryogoku system in order to obtain the real power of shugo, which was just a nominal role before because originally Yamashiro Province was governed as direct control territory of the bakufu or Imperial Court, or as shoen (manor) of dominant nobility or temples and shrines.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • むしろ義鎮時代は有力家臣へ恩賞として与える領土が不足し、寺領の没収や領地の代わりに杏葉紋(大友氏の使用した家紋)の使用権を与えるなどして代用するなど経済状況は決して良くはなかった)。
    With a shortage of territory to give to strong vassals as reward grants in the Yoshishige era, economic circumstances were not good, for example, giving the license for using the pattern of gyoyo (a type of crest) (the family crest which the Otomo clan used) instead of confiscating the territory of temples and shrines or giving territories).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 飲んでいた酒は広島の『醉心』で、これは昭和初期に醉心酒造の長・山根薫と知り合った大観が互いに意気投合し、「一生の飲み分を約束」した山根より無償で大観に送られていたものだった。
    The sake he used to drink was "Suishin" of Hiroshima, which Kaoru YAMANE, then the president of Suishin Brewery, kept sending to him free of charge under the Yamane's promise to present sake to Taikan for life,' a promise made when Taikan and Yamane came to know each other and found themselves to be on the same wavelength in the early Showa period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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