
  • この日本古来から連綿と伝わりたる教義を広める為に、山城の是香は篤胤の理論を更に敷衍して、郷里の地で私塾を開き活躍することとなるが、是香同様にその学才を高く評価した篤胤が娘の養子にと嘱望していた生田萬は儚くも夭折してしまった。
    Japanese original Shinsendo had been inherited for generations in Japan, and Yoshika, one of Atsutane's leading disciples, applied Atsutane's theory to evolve the Japanese Shinsendo and established his own school in his hometown Yamashiro Province; Atsutane also had a high regard for Yorozu IKUTA's ability and hoped he would become his heir and his daughter's husband, however, Yorozu died at an early age.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
