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  • After the war, he successively served as Staff officer of Chindai in Tokyo and vice-chief of general administration office, then in October 1882, he assumed office as Commander of Tokyo Eiju (one of government general of Imperial Army), in June 1883, Chief of the 11th Infantry Regiment and in April 1887, Colonel of the Army.
    戦後、東京鎮台参謀、総務局次長を経て1882年10月、東京衛戍司令官、1883年6月に歩兵第11連隊長に就き、1887年4月、陸軍大佐に進む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In April,1889 he assumed office as Chief of the 3rd Infantry Regiment for Imperial Guard, in June, Principal of Rikugun Daigakko (the Army War College), then was promoted to Army Major General to be appointed as Chief of the 5th Infantry Brigade.
    1889年4月、近衛歩兵第3連隊長、1890年6月、陸軍大学校長、1892年には陸軍少将に進級し歩兵第5旅団長に就任する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the war, having served as Kumamoto Chindai Army Bakuryo-Sanbo-Fukucho (subchief of general staff), he was promoted to Army Lieutenant Colonel in May, 1885 and took the position of the Hohei First Rentaicho (chief of the First Foot Soldiers regiment).
    戦後、熊本鎮台幕僚参謀副長、名古屋鎮台参謀、監軍部参謀を経て、1885年5月には陸軍中佐に進み、歩兵第1連隊長を任ぜられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On January 27, 1902, he was appointed adjutant of the 46th Infantry Regiment and had experience of serving as member of the equestrian committee for the 6th Division (Japanese Army) and member of the equestrian committee for officers in Omura.
    明治35年1月27日に歩兵第46連隊副官を命ぜられ、第6師団(日本軍)乗馬委員や大村に於ける将校乗馬委員を経験する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On September 12, he was raised to major and appointed chief of battalion of the 29th Reserve Infantry Regiment, and he went to the front again; on October 5, he went through Dalian (in present China) and joined the troop stationed around Liaoyang.
    9月12日、少佐に進級し後備歩兵第29連隊大隊長を仰せ付けられると再び戦地へ向い、10月5日ダルニーを経て遼陽付近に屯在の部隊に合流する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On March 6, 1868, this small company of the Yamagunitai (comprised of 28 regulars and 2 auxiliaries) added their own force to the Tottori domain regiment of the Tosando (highway) army, becoming the 'Thirteenth Company,' and departed Kyoto.
    慶応4年2月13日、山国隊の1個小隊(隊士28人客士2人)が東山道軍の鳥取藩部隊に加わり、「十三番隊」として京都を出発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nakayama's opinion was supported by Takeshi KAGAMIYAMA belonging to the 24th Infantry Regiment of the Imperial Japanese Army which was stationed at the ruins of Fukuokajo Castle, who gathered fragments of tiles used for Korokan while watching the ammunition depot.
    福岡城址に駐屯する大日本帝国陸軍歩兵第24連隊に所属した鏡山猛が、弾薬庫の歩哨のかたわら鴻臚館の瓦の破片を採取したことも中山説の傍証となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The First Regiment: the First Battalion (Mitsutaro TAKIGAWA, four platoons, Troop of Denshu commissioned officers, Shoshogi-tai, Shinboku-tai), the Second Battalion (Hachiro IBA, seven platoons, Commando unit, Shinsengumi, Shogitai).
    第一列士満:第一大隊(瀧川充太郎、4個小隊、伝習士官隊、小彰義隊、神木隊)、第二大隊(伊庭八郎、7個小隊、遊撃隊、新選組、彰義隊) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At three o'clock in the afternoon, upon learning that part of the government army marched into Ueki, the Satsuma army dispatched the platoons led by Sansuke MURATA and Naoji ITO to Ueki, and in the evening, Shokuro IWAKIRI of the ITO's platoon captured the battle flag of the 14th regiment ((Major Maresuke NOGI..)
    同日午後、薩軍は官軍一部の植木進出を聞き、午後3時に村田三介・伊東直二の小隊が植木に派遣され、夕刻、伊東隊の岩切正九郎が第十四連隊(乃木希典少佐)の軍旗を分捕った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The IWAKIRI's troop reversely had a hard time under plunging fire from the plateau on east of Ishinuki, and the Kumamoto-tai troop was intercepted by the right flank of the reinforced 14th regiment; after a two-hour fierce battle and confrontation, the troops retreated in the night.
    しかし、岩切らは石貫東側台地からの瞰射に苦しみ、熊本隊は増援を得た第十四連隊右翼に妨げられて、激戦対峙すること2時間、夜になって退却した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1945, the 442nd Regiment received 18,143 medals and 9,476 Medals of Honor, becoming the squad who received the biggest number of medals in U.S. Army history.
    1945年第442連隊が18143個の武勲章および9476個の名誉戦傷章を受章し、アメリカ軍史上最も多くの勲章を授与された部隊の栄誉に輝く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Japanese government appointed Minister HANABUSA as a plenipotentiary and dispatched him to Korea with four warships, an infantry battalion belonging to the 11th Regiment of Infantry and a naval landing party under the command of Army Major General Tomonosuke TAKASHIMA and Rear Admiral Kagenori NIRE.
    日本政府は、花房公使を全権委員として、高島鞆之助陸軍少将及び仁礼景範海軍少将の指揮する、軍艦4隻、歩兵第11連隊の1個歩兵大隊及び海軍陸戦隊を伴わせ、朝鮮に派遣する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Eventually, the bakufu rikugun became the largest western-style military organization in Japan, centering on 8 regiments of infantry and 3 battalion of learning infantry (some sais that it should be 9 regiments as the sixteenth regiment was established in the territory of Harima of Hitotsubashi Tokugawa family).
    最終時点で、幕府陸軍は歩兵隊8個連隊(一橋徳川家の播磨領で第16連隊が編成されて、計9個連隊であるとも言われる。)と伝習歩兵隊3個大隊を中核に、日本最大の西洋式軍事組織となっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Death March of Hakkoda Mountains Incident was the incident in which the fifth Infantry Regiment of the eighth Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) division was stranded while on a training exercise on the Hakkoda-san Mountain.
    八甲田雪中行軍遭難事件(はっこうだせっちゅうこうぐんそうなんじけん)は、1月に大日本帝国陸軍第8師団(日本軍)の歩兵第5連隊が八甲田山で冬季訓練中に遭難した事件。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The farewell party was given on that day for Lieutenant Matsuki, who was moving out to Hirosaki Regiment, and participants were saying 'It would be good if the marching troop returned now.'
    この日は弘前連隊へ転出する松木中尉の送別会を催していたが、出席者は「この場で行軍隊が戻ってきたらうれしい話だな」と話し合っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The bodies recovered in that way ended up being stored in the fifth Regiment post, where they were cremated or sent home after their bereaved family had met and confirmed them.
    こうして発見された遺体は、最終的に5連隊駐屯所に運ばれ、そこで遺族と面会、確認の後、そこで荼毘に付されるか故郷へ帰っていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The fifth Aomori Regiment recorded that the temperature in the mountain on which the troop got lost was lower than -20 degrees Celsius, though it's not clear because the hospital corpsman who was in charge of observations died before leaving a record.
    行軍隊の遭難した山中の気温は、観測係であった看護兵が記録も残せず死亡したため定かでないが、-20℃以下だったとの推測を青森5連隊が報告書の中で残している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In January, the fifth Infantry Regiment (Japan Ground Self-Defense Force ninth Division [Japan Ground Self-Defense Force]) of Aomori post succeeded in marching in snow on Hakkoda-san Mountain with modern equipment.
    1月、青森駐屯の第5普通科連隊(陸上自衛隊第9師団(陸上自衛隊))が近代装備を用い八甲田山の雪中行軍に成功した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The invention method involves a pressure assisted regiment for the supply and removal of reagents and permits washing of the contaminants from substances embedded in the membrane to be detected using very low volumes of liquid.
    本発明の方法は、試薬を供給し除去するための圧力支援レジメントを含み、ならびに極めてわずかな量の液体を使用して、検出する膜中に埋もれた物質から汚染物質の洗浄を可能にする。 - 特許庁
  • And towards the mountains, on and on, the regiment marched between the rye fields and the meadows, between the scraggy fruit trees set regularly on either side the high road.
    そしてその山脈へと向って、ライ麦畑と牧草地とのあいだを、──道の両側に整然と並ぶ、ふしくれだった果樹のあいだを、中隊は休む間なく行軍しつづけた。 - D. H. Lawrence『プロシア士官』
  • When the train stopped at Fukuyama station of the Sanyo Railway (currently JR West Sanyo Honsen) at 2:46 am, Senior Lieutenant Naomi ADACHI (45 years old) who was the commander of the Fukuoka regiment of the 12th division of the Japanese Imperial Army was found murdered in a 2nd grade car (two-axle four-wheel car, No. 197).
    午前2時46分に山陽鉄道(現在の西日本旅客鉄道山陽本線)の福山駅に停車したところ、二等客車(二軸客車197号車)で、大日本帝国陸軍第12師団福岡連隊中隊長であった足立直躬大尉(当時45歳)が惨殺されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At 19:40, Junior Lieutenant Mikami ran into the official residence of regiment officers and informed them that they had found Corporal Goto near Otakidaira, all of the marching troop seem to be dead, and that about the half of 60 people of the rescue team had become incapacitated due to frostbite.
    19時40分、三上少尉が連隊長官舎に駆け込み大滝平で後藤伍長を発見したことと雪中行軍が「全滅の模様」であること、2時間の捜索で「救助隊60余名中、約半数が凍傷で行動不可」となったことを知らせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In July, 15 trainees and 8 instructors, 23 in total, of the fifth Infantry Regiment of Aomori post fell on a low-lying depression at the entrance of Tashirodaira farm near Hakkoda hot spring with gas poisoning-like symptoms during the training of rangers, and 12 of them were carried to hospital, of whom 3 died.
    7月、レンジャー養成訓練中だった青森駐屯第5普通科連隊の訓練生15人、教官ら8人の計23人が、八甲田温泉近くの田代平牧場入口付近のくぼ地で相次いでガス中毒様の症状で倒れ、12人が病院に運ばれ内3名が死亡する惨事が起きている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To provide a new dosage regiment for amoxicillin/clavulanate giving optimized pharmacokinetic profile for amoxicillin while not compromising the bioavailability of clavulanate, so that therapy is maximized, particularily against more resistant bacteria while the (further) development of resistance is minimized.
    特に耐性の強い菌に対する治療を最大とし、その一方で耐性の(さらなる)発展を最小とする、最も効果的な薬物速度論的プロフィールを与える一方クラブラン酸塩の生物学的利用能を低下させないアモキシシリン/クラブラン酸塩に関する新規の投与方法の提供。 - 特許庁
  • Article 6 (1) The SDF personnel under Operations shall, in the cases that he/she conducts the capture pursuant to the provision of Article 4, deliver the captive persons promptly to a designated unit commander (i.e. commander of units prescribed in Article 8 of the Self-Defense Forces Act and is designated by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Defense, so as regiment, self-defense ship. The same shall apply hereinafter) in the manner set forth by the Minister of Defense.
    第六条 出動自衛官は、第四条の規定による拘束をしたときは、防衛大臣の定めるところにより、速やかに、被拘束者を指定部隊長(自衛隊法第八条に規定する部隊等であって、連隊、自衛艦その他の防衛省令で定めるものの長をいう。以下同じ。)に引き渡さなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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