「as it was pointed out to」を含む例文一覧(55)

1 2 次へ>
  • As it was pointed out to
    指摘を受けて - Weblio Email例文集
  • I fixed that as it was pointed out to me.
    私はそれを指摘された通りに修正しました。 - Weblio Email例文集
  • It is pointed out as being related to Hotei-son, which was considered to be an incarnation of Miroku Bosatsu.
    弥勒菩薩の化身とされた布袋尊との関係が指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It also pointed out that Hitomaro was called as 'Kakimoto no Taifu' in the preface written in Chinese to "Kokin wakashu" (Collected Waka from Ancient and Modern Times).
    人麻呂が『古今和歌集』の真名序では「柿本太夫」と記されている点も取り上げている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some people pointed out that some heritages have been further devastated due to rush of tourists since it was registered as world heritage.
    また、世界遺産登録後、観光客の殺到によって一部の遺産では荒廃が進んでいるとの指摘もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was pointed out to be inefficient, so recently those managements are being adjusted in 'the Panel Discussion for the Administrative Cooperation' as a part of the cooperation between the prefecture and the city.
    これが非効率であると指摘され、府市協調の一環として、府市行政協働パネルで調整されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, at that time, it was ordinary to have a powerful retainer play the role of the 'messenger,' in negotiations with powerful local clans under control or with lords of other provinces, and therefore, it is pointed out as well that it would not be correct to consider him simply as an orderly officer.
    しかしながら、有力な支配下豪族や他国の領主との外交においては、有力家臣を「取り次ぎ役」することは当時としては一般的であり、単なる伝令とするのは事実誤認との指摘もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The book was presented to Emperor Gomurakami, yet in the colophon, it is addressed only to "a (foolish) child"; some have pointed out that it is impossible to conceive of Chikafusa daring to refer to the Emperor as essentially a dumb child.
    村上天皇に献上された書ではあるが、奥書には「ある童蒙」に宛てるとされており、天皇を童蒙扱いするのは有り得ないという指摘がなされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, it was also pointed out that the Echigo-Uesugi family originally served as Shugo (provincial constable), the headship of the Yamanouchi-Uesugi family, a Soke (head of family, originator) of the Uesugi family, was indispensable to unify Echigo Province where a large number of hikan (low-level bureaucrat) vassals of Echigo-Uesugi family existed.
    ただし、元来越後上杉家が守護を勤め、越後上杉被官家臣が数多くいた越後を統一するには、上杉家宗家である山内上杉家の家督は必要不可欠であったとする指摘もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is not to be denied that Japan in Meiji period, which represented itself as being 'civilized', desired to assimilate into the powerful countries of Western Europe, and it has been pointed out that this attitude was discriminatory.
    明治日本の「文明」日本という自己表象に、西欧列強との同化願望があったことは否定できず、その点で差別主義的であったことは夙に指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, as Katayama pointed out, it was true that when they submitted the document of the Shakai minshuto's formation, the police had already learned about it, and thus the Ministry of Home Affairs had adopted a policy to ban the political party in advance.
    もっとも、片山が指摘したように、警察が事前に社会民主党の結成を探知し、内務省が事前に禁止の方針を決めていたことは事実であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As for the reason, it is pointed out that it was not appropriate for armored warriors to shoot during the Sengoku period (period of warring states), that it was cumbersome to shoot from gun crenels in tactics, and during peaceful periods the form and style of shooting was inherited through tradition and were rigidified.
    その理由として、戦国期においては鎧武者による射撃に適さないことや鉄砲狭間からの射掛けにおいて邪魔であるという用兵上の事情、泰平期においては流儀による形態・射法の継承による硬直化等が指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As was mentioned now, in relation to the recent cases of accounting fraud, including the Olympus case, it has been pointed out that more effective auditing procedures should be introduced, as audits by certified public accountants are not functioning properly.
    今ご指摘がございました、オリンパス等の近時の会計不正事件においては、結果として公認会計士の監査が有効に機能しておらず、より実効的な監査手続を求めるという指摘がございます。 - 金融庁
  • As to the factors by which multicolor printing was made possible, it is pointed out that "Kento" (guide marks) were introduced to mark the points for overprinting, and that strong, high-quality Japanese papers that withstood multiple-color printing became available.
    多色刷りが可能になった背景には、重ね刷りの際の目印となるよう「見当」が工夫されたこと、複数回の刷りに耐えられる丈夫で高品質な和紙が普及したことが挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As was clearly pointed out in the Asian Financial Crisis, it is essential for a government to know precisely the maturity structure of its assets and liabilities and to have a firm grasp of risks of debt increase associated with the movement of exchange rates.
    アジア通貨危機に関連して指摘されたとおり、自国の債権債務の期間構造や、為替レートの変動に伴う債務拡大のリスクを的確に把握することが重要です。 - 財務省
  • It is pointed out that one of the purposes of having the faith in Yakushi was to receive the worldly benefit such as removing a disease or disaster, thus some of Kunitsu tsumi must have derived from the text of "Yakushi Nyorai hongan kudokukyo" (Yakushikyo Sutra).
    薬師信仰の一つには病気や災害を取り除くといった現世利益的な目的があり、そのために『薬師如来本願功徳経』(『薬師経』)の語句から採用されたものもあるのではないかとの指摘である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This group also includes the 120m Nakayama Otsuka tumulus (designated as a historical site by the prefecture), where broken pieces of a tokushu-kidai (ceremonial vessel stand) specific to the Kibi area were found in 1986, and based on the discovery, it was pointed out that the tumulus may have been constructed in the era when kofun tumuli started being constructed.
    1986年に吉備的な特殊器台の破片の発見によって、古墳発生期まで遡る可能性の指摘された中山大塚古墳(120メートル、県史跡)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As for Yoshimichi SHIONOYA, it is pointed out that, as it was in November 1574 that Yoshitsuna succeeded to the position of family head and there was an unknown period of ten years after the death of Yoshitaka, until Yoshitsuna, a lawful wife's son, went through genpuku, possibly Yoshimichi might have been the family head on a tentative basis.
    また、塩谷義通については、義綱が家督を継いだのは天正2年(1574年)11月のことであり、義孝の死去から10年のブランクがあるため、正室の子である義綱が元服するまでの間、繋ぎ的に塩谷氏の当主であった可能性も指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Leprosy was mainly considered to be a sickness caused as a punishment for sin in the Medieval Age; as history shifted from the Medieval to Early-Modern Ages, the disease was considered to be hereditary or "in the family."; it is also pointed out in the existing research of history that this disease has been thought of as an infectious disease since the Modern Age.
    「癩」はかつて中世社会では、主として仏罰による病と考えられていたが、やがて近世に至って「家筋」とみなされるようになり、さらに近代以降は伝染病認識も加わっていったことが従来の歴史研究の中で指摘されている。 - 厚生労働省
  • However, it was also pointed out that Tokitane could not have a brother who called himself as "Jiro Yasutane" (the second son of Yasutane) because Naritane died in the same year Tokitane was born; thus "corrections" were made once again to the genealogy stating Yasutane as the second son of Naritane--in other words, the genealogy to describe Yasutane as the "younger brother of Tanetsuna and the older brother of Tokitane."
    ところが、時胤の生まれた年に成胤は死去しており、時胤に「次郎泰胤」と名乗る弟がいるのも誤りであるとして、泰胤を成胤の次郎すなわち「胤綱の弟・時胤の兄」とする系図に"修正"を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kazuhiko KASAYA pointed out that as well as the confliction between civilian parties and military government groups over the dispatch of troops to Korea, the Hidetsugu Incident was one of the political contradictions of the Toyotomi government that determined the cracks within the Toyotomi family and the Toyotomi vassals, and it was one of the causes of the Battle of Sekigahara.
    笠谷和比古は、朝鮮出兵をめぐる吏僚派と武断派の対立などとともに、秀次事件が豊臣家及び豊臣家臣団の亀裂を決定的にした豊臣政権の政治的矛盾のひとつであり、関ヶ原の戦いの一因と指摘している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It has been also pointed out as refutations that Sakihisa KONOE became a priest on the day of or several days after Honnoji Incident and it seems appropriate to understand his becoming a priest was to follow Nobunaga same as Yusai HOSOKAWA's becoming a priest and that Sakihisa KONOE made a waka (31-syllable Japanese poem) which mourned Nobunaga's death.
    さらに近衛前久は本能寺の変の当日または数日後に出家しており、これを細川幽斎の出家と同様、信長に殉じたと解釈するのが適切と見る見解や、後々まで信長の死を惜しんだ和歌を残している事などが反論として挙げられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Regarding this "material weakness" term (Juyo-na-kekkan in Japanese), in this system, it is already established as a term under the standard, but it is pointed out that this invites the misunderstanding that there is a "defect" in the company itself. Therefore, this was changed to "material weakness" (Kaiji-subeki-juyo-na-fubi in Japanese). However, with this history of the Japanese term's replacement, one must keep in mind that there are no changes in the term's definition, nor in the decision criteria of "material weakness," and that this differs from "significant deficiency" as used in a financial statement audit. C.f. The English expression "material weakness" has not been revised.
    ただし、そうした経緯から用語を置き換えたものであり、用語の定義や「開示すべき重要な不備」の判断基準は変わらないこと、財務諸表監査において使用されている「重要な不備」とは異なること等に留意が必要である。 - 金融庁
  • As grounds for denying Hideyori's father/child relationship with Hideyoshi, it was pointed out that during the time of the dispatching of troops to Korea, Hideyoshi stayed in Nagoya-jo Castle from May 1592 for more than 14 months except for the period in which he returned to Kyoto when his mother, Omandokoro, was very serious ill..
    秀頼については父子関係を否定する根拠の一つとして秀吉は朝鮮出兵のとき、母大政所の危篤時に帰京したのを除き、文禄元年4月から1年2ヶ月余り、名護屋城に滞在していたことが挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Tanko existing now are mainly made of iron or gilt bronze, however, some pointed out that it is possible organic material was also used to make them and various Tanko made of organic material such as wood, leather and knitted plant fiber with lacquer on it were unearthed from the remains of the late Yayoi period in recent years.
    現存するのは主に鉄製や金銅製のものであるが、有機質材料が併用されていた可能性が指摘されており、近年は弥生時代終末期の遺跡から木製や革製、植物繊維を編んで漆を塗ったものなどさまざまな有機質材料の短甲も出土している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Nishiotsu Station of West Japan Railway Company Kosei Line was renamed "Otsu-kyo Station" in March 2008 as petitioned by the local autonomous body, it is pointed out that further misunderstanding and confusion about the term "Otsu-kyo" and its concept might arise (Refer to the discussion on the renaming of Otsu-kyo Station for details).
    西日本旅客鉄道湖西線の西大津駅は、地元自治体の請願により2008年3月に「大津京駅」に改称されたが、「大津京」という用語や概念をめぐり更なる誤解や混乱を生む恐れが指摘されている(詳細は、大津京駅駅名改称に関する議論を参照)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As China’s central bank has pointed out, it is possible that because supply-side regulations were drastically strengthened through the government’s measures to tighten investment even though there was vigorous demand for property, these measures instead worsened the supply-demand balance and accelerated the increase of property prices.
    中央銀行が指摘しているように、旺盛な不動産需要がある一方で政府の投資引き締め策により供給側に対する規制を急激に強化したため、逆に需給バランスを悪化させたことが不動産価格の上昇を加速させた可能性もある。 - 経済産業省
  • It was pointed out in an early part of this Essay, that the liberty of the individual, in things wherein the individual is alone concerned, implies a corresponding liberty in any number of individuals to regulate by mutual agreement such things as regard them jointly, and regard no persons but themselves.
    この論考の初めのところで指摘したように、個人に関係しているだけのものごとでの個人の自由には、数人の個人のあいだで、彼らが共同して関係しているが、それ以外の人は関係のないものごとを、たがいに合意することで調整するという、それに見合った自由も含まれます。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • In order to let localization progress, it is important to secure excellent manpower locally. However, it was pointed out that excellent staff gets less attracted to Japanese companies due to some reasons such as lower wages offered by a Japanese company compare to that of competitors (small variance in salary) or no35prospect of becoming a top executive at their Japan head office29, meaning no prospective of good career. Or, even though excellent manpower was hired, he/she would resign with the reason that he/she is unable to make fully use of his/her talent.
    現地化を進展させるには、現地で優秀な人材を確保することが必要であるが、日本企業は競合企業に比べ、賃金が低いこと29(処遇差が小さい)、本社のトップになるようなキャリアの展望が開かれていないことなどにより、優秀な人材を惹きつける力が弱く、また、せっかくよい人材を採用しても、十分活かすことができず辞めてしまうことが指摘されている。 - 経済産業省
  • From Meiji Period to prewar of Showa Period, there was an effort to show Hideyoshi as a model of people for the policy of increasing wealth and military power because he had promoted to Kanpaku Daijodaijin in spite of lowly origin; and he was often seen favorably (an aspect is pointed out that seeing Hideyoshi positively led to looking down Ieyasu and coming down Edo Shogunate, and that, as a result, it led to boosting up legitimacy of Meiji Government).
    明治から昭和の戦前にかけては、富国強兵政策や身分が低いながらも関白太政大臣になったということで民衆の手本にしようという試みもあり、好意的に捉えられることが多かった(秀吉を肯定することで家康を貶め、しいては江戸幕府の評価を下げることで明治政府の正当性を高めるという側面もあったとも指摘される)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also, it has been pointed out since Masataka UWAYOKOTE that Sanetomo was planning to adopt a shogun from the Imperial Court as his successor, and there is one view that the promotion of his official rank was preparation for that (an official rank over ministers was necessary to be a father of an imperial family even on paper) (Shosuke KOUCHI's theory).
    また、上横手雅敬以来、実朝には自らの後継として皇族将軍(宮将軍)を猶子に迎える構想があったことが指摘され、官位の昇進をその環境づくりの側面もあった(形式上でも皇族の父親となる以上、大臣級の官位を必要とした)とする見方がある(河内祥輔説)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A ground to read '臺' as 'To' is, for example, based on the description in "Chinese Phonology" written by Akiyasu TODO, in which he said 'It is a famous fact that "Yamato" was written as "邪馬臺" in the Gishiwajinden.', but it is pointed out that his description seemed to be merely depending on the then prevailing idea of reading '邪馬臺' as 'Yamato'.
    「臺」を「と」と読む根拠は、例えば藤堂明保『国語音韻論』に、「魏志倭人伝で、『ヤマト』を『邪馬臺』と書いてあるのは有名な事実である」と記載されていることに求められているが、これはすなわち「邪馬臺ヤマト」という当時の通説に基づいた記述に過ぎないことが読み取れると言う指摘がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, Yukio KUKI (Japanese educator) paid attention to the description 'Chinese classics from inside and outside,' interpreting 'inside and outside' as Buddhist books and the other books, and pointed out that if the Kobunin held Buddhist books, it was inconsistent with the fact that the daigaku besso was an institute for students of Japanese daigaku-ryo which had ostensibly excluded Buddhism -- Then, he inferred that the Kobunin was not the daigaku besso but a library.
    これに対して久木幸男は、「内外の経書」という記述に注目して「内外」を仏教書とそれ以外の書と解釈し、表向き仏教を排除している日本の大学寮の学生のための機関である大学別曹に仏教書を置くことの矛盾を指摘しており、弘文館を大学別曹ではなく図書館であったと推測している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The U.S. economic expansion of the 1990s, which began in March 1991 (economic trough), continued for ten years until March 2001, lasted ten years and was the longest recorded growth in U.S. history. It is pointed out that the catalyst that prompted the economic recovery was the substantial interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) in October 1990. From then until September 1992, the federal funds (FF) target rate, which acts as an economic indicator, was gradually lowered from 8% to 3% over the course of 17 interest rate cuts.
    1990年代の米国の景気拡大は1991年3月(景気の谷)に始まり、2001年3月まで米国史上最長の10年間継続した。景気回復のきっかけは1990年10月のFRBによる大幅な金利引下げであったと指摘されており、指標となるFFレート誘導目標水準は1992年9月まで17回にわたって段階的に8%から3%まで引き下げられた。 - 経済産業省
  • Further, it was pointed out that it is important to reduce regulation in the form of compulsory standards, to standardize the performance of regulation, and to make full use of international standards and guidelines. Acceptance of other members' standards as being on a par (Article 2.7 of the TBT Agreement) and cooperation between competent authorities and with other interested parties were also recognized as elements in GRP.
    さらに、強制規格の形での規制をなるべく減ずべきであること、規制の性能規定化すること、国際規格や指針を活用することの重要性が指摘され、他の加盟国の規格を同等なものとして受け入れること(協定第2条7項)や、権限を有する当局間及び他の利害関係者と連携すること等がGRP の要素として認識された。 - 経済産業省
  • Meanwhile, he firmly rejected the Retired Emperor's jito (land steward) dismissal request (Ota no sho manor in the Bingo Province) on the ground that it would crush the basis of bakufu if he allowed it, saying 'I have no reason to dismiss jito who the late MINAMOTO no Yoritomo assigned as far as they're not problematic,' and when Kintsune SAIONJI was dismissed from Ukone no daisho (Major Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), Sanetomo pointed out the Retired Emperor's mistake and remonstrated with him.
    その一方で、上皇が要求した地頭解任要求(備後国太田荘)を「故源頼朝が決めた地頭は問題がない限り解任する理由はない」と幕府の根幹を揺るがしかねないとして固辞しており、西園寺公経が右近衛大将を解任された折には上皇の非を指摘してこれを諌めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When the right of cadastral surveys was transferred to kokushi from the central government, the shoens and private lands (lands of local lords such as gunji (district managers), goji (a local government official under the ritsuryo system) and so on) without chiden (small scale land already developed by tato) or kugen (official documents authorized by kokushi or gunji (local magistrates) for transfer of the ownership of private property) were confiscated one after another into kokugaryo (territories governed by provincial government office) in order for them to secure tax revenue (it is clear that this authority was strong because when the shoen of sekkan-ke in Wakasa Province was confiscated by kokushi and it was pointed out that FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, the chief adviser to the emperor, was wrong in kugen, the judgment of kokushi was justified (in the description on September 1 and 13, 1025 in "Shoyuki" (Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)).
    国司は中央政府から検田権を委譲されると、治田(ちでん、田堵の開発した小規模の墾田)や公験(くげん、正式に土地所有を認めた文書)のない荘園・私領(郡司・郷司など在地領主の所領)を次々に没収して国衙領に組み入れ、税収を確保しようとした(この権限が強かったことは、若狭国にあった摂関家の荘園が国司に接収された際に関白藤原頼通が国司に公験不備を指摘されると、国司の判断を妥当とした(『小右記』万寿2年9月1日・13日条)ことでも明らかである)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As a refutation against this view on the point that 'Nobunaga had been receiving funds from the Society of Jesus,' it is pointed out that the constant income of the Society at that time was around 20,000 cruzados and that more than a half of it had been remitted to India and, therefore, the Society did not have sufficient fund for maintenance and operation.
    この説に対する反論としては「信長はイエズス会から資金提供を受けていた」という点に関し、当事の会の定収入は年2万クルザード程度であり、しかもその半分以上はインドに送金されており、そもそも会を維持運営するのにも事欠く有様であったことなどが挙げられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, commenting on 'mizuko no tatari' (curse of mizuko), 'mizuko no sawari' (harm brought on by mizuko), and so on is pointed out of possibilities to drive women who had abortions to mental anguish, and in some instances, there are many vicious cases (illegal business) such as selling expensive merchandise or urging donations by blatantly provoking anxiety, and it was recognized as a social problem.
    一方で「水子の祟り」「水子の障り(霊障)」を云々するのは、人工妊娠中絶を行った女性を精神的に追いつめる可能性もあることが指摘され、中には霊感商法の一環として露骨に不安をあおり、高価な物品の販売や寄付・献金を促す悪質な例(悪徳商法)も多くあることから社会問題化した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Accordingly, how to balance the protection of individual intellectual property and the competition of research and development in the whole industry is the critical issue for the future. As a concrete issue related to this, revision of “restriction on arbitrary license of use-relations” based on the agreement between Japan and the United States in 1994 was pointed out by the pharmaceutical industry, and it is indicated that careful consideration should continue to be given from the perspective of international cooperation, etc. with foreign countries.
    このため、個別の知的財産の保護と産業全体の研究開発競争のバランスをどう図るかが今後の重要な課題である。これに関係する具体的な課題として、医薬品業界から、1994 年の日米合意に基づく「利用関係の裁定実施権の制限」の見直しが指摘されているが、諸外国との国際協調等の観点から、今後も慎重に検討すべきこととされている。 - 厚生労働省
  • Though there is a theory that doubts whether the sweet potatoes made by Konyo for trial purposes led directly to the spread in Kanto, as pointed out by Nobuhiro SATO (refer to the "Konyo and Nobuhiro SATO" mentioned later), it is a fact that Konyo had gotten fame because of the sweet potatoes in the same period, and was called 'Sweet Potato Teacher' by future generations.
    昆陽の薩摩芋試作が関東における普及に直接繋がったかは、佐藤信淵の指摘(後述「昆陽と佐藤信淵」を参照)に見られるように疑問視する説もあるが、昆陽が同時代に薩摩芋によって名声を得ていたことは事実であり、後世"甘藷先生"と称され、墓所の瀧泉寺(目黒不動)には「甘藷先生之墓」がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As a reason for the recommendation, it was pointed out that there is concern that the plan may disrupt public order, for example by having adverse effects on the construction of nuclear power stations.You have been saying that explanations that satisfy market players must be provided (with regard to a government decision over this matter).Do you think that this decision satisfies market players or that convincing explanations have been provided?
    理由としては原子力発電所の建設に影響があること等を挙げて公の秩序の維持が妨げられる恐れがあるというふうにしていますが、大臣は常々、「市場の納得が得られる説明を」ということをおっしゃっておりましたけれども、今回こういう決定方針については、市場が腑に落ちたと言いますか、納得する説明だったかどうかについて、どういうお考えでいらっしゃいますでしょうか。 - 金融庁
  • I understand that this was based on international accounting standards. Will Japan adopt fair-value assessment regarding debts in the near future as part of its move to fully introduce international accounting standards? While it has been pointed out that there are problems from the viewpoint of the soundness of financial institutions, could you tell us about your opinion on this?
    これは、国際会計基準等でも則っている措置だということなのですが、日本も今後、近い将来、国際会計基準を本格的に導入していく中で、こういった負債の時価評価というものを採用するのかどうか、どう考えているのか、かなり、銀行、金融機関の健全性上問題があるという指摘もありますが、どのようにお考えか、ご見解を伺えればと思います。 - 金融庁
  • It is often pointed out that increase was the result of the creation of a positive business cycle: the investment and business environment improved as Asian countries promoted trade and investment liberalization, which led to active direct investment by cost-conscious multinational firms; this, in turn, resulted in export increase and an inflow of investment14.
    対内直接投資増加の背景には、アジア諸国が貿易・投資の自由化の推進等によって投資・事業環境を整備したことに伴い、コスト意識の高い、多国籍企業が積極的に直接投資を行い、その結果、輸出の拡大と更なる投資の流入という好循環がおきたことが指摘されている。 - 経済産業省
  • I understand that at the March 30 press conference, which was held after a new economic package was adopted, the Prime Minister pointed to the need for a framework for international cooperation in the supervision and regulation of financial institutions as an issue of concern, as he prepares to attend the Summit Meeting on Financial Markets and the World Economy, which will be held on November 15. In pointing out this issue, the Prime Minister cited problems such as distorted incentives related to the securitization process as the causes of the current global financial market turmoil, as I understand it.
    先般、先月30日に新しい対策が取りまとめられた際に行われた記者会見において、総理から、今月15日の「金融・世界経済に関する首脳会合」に臨むにあたっての問題意識の一つとして、金融機関に対する監督と規制の国際協調体制というものが示されたというふうに承知をいたしております。総理はこうした問題意識を示されるにあたり、そのご発言の中で、今般のグローバルな金融市場の混乱の原因として、いわゆる証券化プロセスにおけるインセンティブの歪みといった問題などを指摘されたというふうに承知をいたしております。 - 金融庁
  • In response to their suggestions, we decided to consider two proposed models for the modeling of the swap curve: two-factor CIR and one-factor Quadratic Gaussian (QG). Empirical analysis and comparison with other representative interest rate models such as Nelson-Siegel, Svensson, and Vasicek were also conducted. As a result, while it was pointed out that CIR does not completely fit to low interest curves, the nonlinear expressiveness of QG with just one factor was found to be excellent. Consequently, consents to the adoption of QG as the model were granted by the committee members.
    これを受け、研究会においては、スワップカーブをモデリングするためのモデル案として、2ファクターCIR, 1ファクターQuadratic Gaussian(QG)の2つを検討することとし、これらのモデルについて実証分析を行い、また他の代表的な金利モデルである。Nelson-Siegel, Svensson, Vasicek 等との比較検討も行った。CIR については低い金利にあまりフィッティングが良くないという点が指摘された一方、QG については1ファクターであっても非線形性の表現力に優れている点が評価されたことから、QG をモデルとして採用することで研究会メンバーの合意が得られた。 - 財務省
  • However, it is quite an innovative and important theme that credit risk of LIBORs, as reference rates of swap transactions, is modeled to theoretically draw on a swap curve. With respect to this issue, given the fact that such studies have not been broadly advanced, we refrain from involving the swap spread into the model for this time. But, it was pointed out as an issue to be considered for further sophistication of the model in the future.
    しかしながら、スワップの参照レートであるLIBORの信用リスクをモデル化し、そこから スワップカーブを理論的に導出するという点は極めて斬新かつ重要なテーマであり、この点に関しては、我が国における研究も広く進められているとまでは言えない状況であることから、今回モデルに組み込むことは見送るが、今後のモデルの高度化にあたっての方向性の一つとして検討すべき課題とされた。 - 財務省
  • Furthermore, it is generally known that he was 'chosen to represent Sorin OTOMO', but the Kao (written seal mark) on the letters written by Sorin to the Pope and so on were ones used in the earlier periods (1564 - 1572), and in contrast to the signature '普蘭師司怙' which was expressed by kanon (Han reading of Chinese characters) of Sorin's Christian name (Francisco), or '府蘭' (Furan) which was its abbreviation, both of which Sorin used at that time, the signature '不龍獅子虎' which was not seen in other letters was used in the letter to the Pope; the letter written by Sorin OTOMO that they were carrying has a high chance of being a forgery, and in fact, Sorin had no concern in youth dispatch since it was done under the leadership of ARIMA, OMURA, and Valignano, and there is a high possibility that it was not Sorin himself that appointed Mancio to be 'the representative of Sorin OTOMO', as is pointed out in the monograph and so on by Kiichi MATSUDA.
    なお、「大友宗麟の名代として選ばれた」と一般に知られているが、ローマ教皇などに宛てられた宗麟の書状の花押が、古い時代(1564年~1572年頃)に使用されていたものであったり、署名が当時、宗麟が洗礼名(フランシスコ)を漢音で表した「普蘭師司怙」や、それを略した「府蘭」を用いていたのに対し、他の書状には見られない「不龍獅子虎」という署名を用いており、彼らが携帯していた大友宗麟の書状は偽作である可能性が高く、実際には宗麟は少年団派遣を関知しておらず、有馬氏・大村氏・ヴァリニャーノが主導となって行ったものであり、「大友宗麟の名代」として彼を任命したのは、宗麟本人では無い可能性が高い事が松田毅一氏の論文などで指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • I would like to remind you that, as was pointed out at the summit, it is extremely important that financial institutions holding subprime-related products or facing various other risks disclose data properly, including the extent of their exposures, in line with the leading disclosure practices. It is also important to steadily implement the recommendations by the FSF (Financial Stability Forum). These matters were pointed out in the summit declaration. Major Japanese financial institutions have made enhanced disclosures in the announcements of their financial results for the fiscal year ended in March 2008 and in their IR (investor relations) materials, in line with the leading disclosure practices specified by the FSF. I expect that Japanese financial institutions have gained a certain degree of market confidence through such disclosure efforts.
    ちなみに、サミットでも言われておりますが、金融安定化フォーラム(FSF)の報告書において、このサブプライム関連、あるいはさまざまなリスクについて、それを抱えている金融機関が先進的なやり方でしっかりとした開示、エクスポージャーを含めてしっかりとした開示を行うということが極めて重要であるということ、またFSFの提言をしっかりと実行することが重要であるということ、これがサミットの宣言でも謳われているわけですけれども、こういったことにも沿った形で、我が国の大手金融機関の場合には今年の3月期決算の公表、あるいはそれをベースとしたIR(投資家向け広報)資料等で、今申し上げたFSFの言う先進的な開示事例といったものを踏まえた大変充実したディスクロージャー(開示)を実施しているということでございまして、こういったディスクロージャーを経て、マーケットにおいても我が国の金融機関に対する一定の信認というものは形成されているのではないかと思っております。 - 金融庁
  • Therefore, as was pointed out in "The Vision for the Future of the Financial System and Policy" issued in 2002, a report entitled "Towards Enhancement of Relationship Banking Functions" issued in 2003, and others, it will continue to be important to implement measures to strengthen the financial intermediary function exercised through the banking sector, such as promoting locally-focused financing that takes into consideration medium- and long-term relationships with SMEs and financial intermediary activity that takes into consideration the risk-return balance, while taking measures to enhance the market sector
    したがって、2002年の「金融システムと行政の将来ビジョン」や2003年の「リレーションシップバンキングの機能強化に向けて」と題される報告書等でも指摘されてきたように、市場部門での取組みと並行して、中小企業等との中長期的な取引関係を踏まえた地域密着型金融の推進やリスク・リターンを考慮した資金仲介など、銀行部門を通じた金融仲介機能を強化するための取組みも引き続き重要である - 金融庁
1 2 次へ>


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