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  • The sealed honor cover 9 covers the component group disposed in a disposition hole of the game board 2 from the back 2a side of the game board 2, thereby inhibiting unfair act on the component group disposed in the game board 2 in shipping a pachinko machine P.
    しかも、この封印された役物カバー9は、遊技盤2の配設穴に配設された構成部品群を遊技盤2の裏面2a側から覆うので、パチンコ機Pの出荷時等に、遊技盤2に配設される構成部品群に不正行為が行われることを抑制することができる。 - 特許庁
  • As for Examples 1 & 2, the use of a link is likely to be considered as an unlawful act, because the links in these cases cause damage to the honor and reputation of the operator of the linked page. Therefore, the operator of the linked website may be entitled to claim compensation for damages based on tort liability in civil procedures.
    例1、例2の場合は、リンクという手段を用いてリンク先の名誉や信用を毀損する行為と解され、リンクを張られたサイトの運営者側は、民事上は不法行為責任として損害賠償を請求できる可能性がある。 - 経済産業省
  • such as: Food, drink, clothing, shoes, house, yard, fields, cattle, money, possessions, a devout spouse, devout children, devout employees, devout and faithful rulers, good government, good weather, peace, health, discipline, honor, good friends, faithful neighbors and other things like these.
    例えば、食べ物、飲み物、着る物、靴、家、庭、土地、家畜、金銭、所有物、献身的な配偶者、ff献身的な子供たち、献身的な雇い人、献身的で信仰深い施政者、よい政府、よい天気、平和、健康、学問、名誉、よい友人、信仰深い隣人、そしてこれに類する他の全てのもののことです。 - Translation by Robert E. Smith『マルチン・ルターの小信仰問答書』
  • I repeat, your Honor,"—the man's voice was now loud and angry and rang through the court room—"that this doctrine is monstrous!" "So said Best, and Story, and many another," muttered Mason, "and the law remained."
    裁判長、繰り返し申し上げます!」怒りに満ちた激しい声が法廷に響き渡った。「このような論法は、全くの詭弁であります!」「ベストもストーリーも、その他多くの者たちもそのようなことを言っております。」メイスンが低い声でやり返した。「しかしながら、法律は今もそのように定められているのであります。」 - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』
  • Article 32 (1) When an ambassador, minister, consul or official in charge of a consular mission of a member state, or a public official of a member state designated by the member state requests an interview with an outgoing sentenced person to verify whether or not the sentenced person consents to the outgoing transfer under Treaties, the warden of the penal institution shall honor the request.
    第三十二条 刑事施設の長は、締約国の大使、公使、領事官その他領事任務を遂行する者又は締約国が指定する当該締約国の公務員が、条約に基づき送出受刑者が送出移送に同意しているかどうかを確認するためにその者との接見を求めるときは、これを許さなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (2) In the examination of a witness, the court may, after hearing the opinions of the public prosecutor and the accused or his/her counsel, when it believes it to be appropriate, taking into account the nature of the crime, the witness's age, mental or physical condition or effects upon his/her honor or other circumstances, take measures so that the spectators and the witness cannot discern the state of the other.
    2 裁判所は、証人を尋問する場合において、犯罪の性質、証人の年齢、心身の状態、名誉に対する影響その他の事情を考慮し、相当と認めるときは、検察官及び被告人又は弁護人の意見を聴き、傍聴人とその証人との間で、相互に相手の状態を認識することができないようにするための措置を採ることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (2) When taking measures for violation of the provisions in the preceding paragraph, the court shall consider the contents of the copies and other materials, the intent and mode of the violation, whether or not the honor, privacy or the affairs of the related persons have been violated, whether or not the copies and other materials have been examined in the trial, the method of examination and any other related matters taking into account the right to defense of the accused.
    2 前項の規定に違反した場合の措置については、被告人の防御権を踏まえ、複製等の内容、行為の目的及び態様、関係人の名誉、その私生活又は業務の平穏を害されているかどうか、当該複製等に係る証拠が公判期日において取り調べられたものであるかどうか、その取調べの方法その他の事情を考慮するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Article 115 The author or the performer may demand against a person who, intentionally or negligently, infringes on his moral rights, that, in lieu of, or in addition to, compensation for damages, such person take appropriate measures to ensure identification of the author or the performer as the author or the performer (as the case may be), to make corrections [of distortions, mutilations, and/or modifications], or to restore the honor and reputation of the author or the performer (as the case may be).
    第百十五条 著作者又は実演家は、故意又は過失によりその著作者人格権又は実演家人格権を侵害した者に対し、損害の賠償に代えて、又は損害の賠償とともに、著作者又は実演家であることを確保し、又は訂正その他著作者若しくは実演家の名誉若しくは声望を回復するために適当な措置を請求することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Article 5 (1) With respect to a request for assistance in matters other than a transfer of a sentenced inmate for testimony, except where any item in Article 2 (any item in Article 2 or 4 when the Minister of Justice receives a request for assistance pursuant to the proviso of paragraph (1) of Article 3) applies, the Minister of Justice shall, when none of the provisions of the following paragraph applies and the Minister of Justice deems it appropriate to honor the request, take one of the following measures:
    第五条 法務大臣は、受刑者証人移送以外の共助の要請について、第二条各号(第三条第一項ただし書の規定により法務大臣が共助の要請の受理を行う場合にあつては、第二条各号又は前条各号)のいずれにも該当せず、かつ、要請に応ずることが相当であると認めるときは、次項に規定する場合を除き、次の各号のいずれかの措置を採るものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • The Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty (1910): The Emperor of Korea and the imperial family were entitled to suitable honorific titles, authority and honor, and in accordance with the Act, which acknowledges the former Emperor of Korea as King, establishes titles for each prince, future successor, and the empress, and treats them with courteous reception, the status of 'king' was granted to the former emperor of Korea, a system known in Japanese as Okozoku.
    韓国併合ニ関スル条約(1910年)韓国皇帝及び韓国皇族に相当な尊称、威厳及び名誉を享有させること等が約され、s前韓國皇帝ヲ册シテ王ト爲シ皇太子及將來ノ世嗣、太皇帝及各其儷匹ノ稱呼ヲ定メ竝ニ禮遇ノ件により、前韓国皇帝に対して「王」の身分が与えられる等した(王公族制度)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Details of this banquet were written in "Collection of Miscellaneous Matters," which states that menus differed in accordance with attendants' social position; twenty-eight kinds of dishes to the Imperial family's guests of honor (described as 'venerable people'), twenty kinds of dished to the attending high nobles of Third Rank or higher, twelve kinds to the Shonagon (lesser councilor of state) class, and eight to the host, who was served the least.
    この時の具体的な内容は『類聚雑用集』に記録されているが、それによると、献立の内容は参列者の身分によって異なっており、皇族の正客(「尊者」と記述される)は28種類、三位以上の陪席公卿は20種、少納言クラスでは12種、接待する主人が最も少なく8種となっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The deities enshrined at Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku-jinja Shrine include Ryoma SAKAMOTO who was assassinated in Kyoto, with a bronze statue of him standing at the shrine and the Ryoma-sai Festival held on the anniversary of both his birth and death on November 15 of each year to honor his memory and comfort his soul (his birth and death originally took place on November 15 of the old calendar but the festival is held on November 15 of the Gregorian calendar).
    祭神の中には京都で暗殺された坂本龍馬も含まれており、境内に銅像が作られているほか、誕生日であり命日でもある11月15日には、龍馬の遺徳を偲び霊を慰める龍馬祭が行われる(誕生日・命日は本来は旧暦11月15日だが、祭は新暦11月15日に行われる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (Tsuneaki AKASAKA) It assumed that MINAMOTO no Tsunetada, whose name appeared in Oujinojaku fusei jiken (the case of unauthorized use of the family name 'O') of 953 cited in "Gonki" (FUJIWARA no Yukinari's diary) and was charged in representing himself as the descendant of Emperor Yozei (he was actually the descendant of Emperor Seiwa), was Tsunemoto or his brother, and interpreted that Yorinobu attempted to retrieve his honor by insisting in a petition that he was in fact the descendant of Emperor Yozei.
    (赤坂恒明氏) 『権記』に引用されている天暦七年の王氏爵不正事件に現れる、清和天皇の子孫でありながら陽成天皇子孫を詐称したとして罰せられた源経忠を経基あるいはその兄弟と推定し、頼信が願文で陽成天皇の子孫であることは真実であると主張して名誉回復を図ったと解釈する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To the criticism that says Yoshitsune won the battle by employing mean tactics, there are those who oppose to this criticism advocating that in the first place there were no established battle rules at that time (strictly speaking, "Konjaku Monogatari" (The Tale of Times Now Past) and other documents confirm that some rules including the place of battle for one-on-one fight and collective battle was established in several cases, such as when warriors (samurai) had a private reason or a problem concerning their territories or honor and both parties whished to solve the problems by themselves by way of a duel.
    そもそも当時の合戦にルールは存在せず(厳密に言うならば、武士が私的な理由、所領問題や名誉に関わる問題で、自力・当事者間で解決しようとして合戦に及ぶ場合には一騎打ちや合戦を行う場所の指定などがあったことが『今昔物語集』などで確認できる)、義経の勝因を当時としては卑怯な戦法にある、と非難することに対する反論もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Though he declined the request, claiming there he didn't have much to say, Ieyasu and his retainers persisted, so he eventually relented, offerring the response, 'The honor rightfully belongs to my three brothers, starting with Yoshihiro, and our retainers, such as Tadamoto NIIRO, who put up a unified front in fighting the battles, without internal dissent, I never led the troops in battle, but just looked after the castle in Kagoshima.'
    話す事はないと断ったが、家康や家康の家臣が強く要請するので渋々、「義弘をはじめとする3人の弟たちや、新納忠元らの家臣団が相反することなく一致団結して戦ってくれたので、私が先頭に立ち戦に出たことはなく、ただ鹿児島の城にて留守番をしていただけのことです」と答えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Masanao's son Kagehide TOYOTA adapted his father's work "Buko-den" for "Niten-ki;" later, in 1909, Miyamoto Musashi Iseki Kenshokai (the association in honor to the accomplishments of Musashi MIYAMOTO) of Kumamoto Prefecture regarded the descriptions in "Niten-ki" as historical facts and based on that to write "Miyamoto Musashi" (called "Kenshokai-bon"); in addition, Eiji YOSHIKAWA wrote a novel "Miyamoto Musashi" (1935-1939) based on the information of "Kenshokai-bon;"therefore, the stories written in "Niten-ki" became famous.
    『武公伝』の内容は正脩の子・豊田景英によって『二天記』に再編集され、明治42年(1909年)熊本の宮本武蔵遺蹟顕彰会編纂による『宮本武蔵』通称『顕彰会本』で『二天記』が原資料の一つとなりそのまま史実とされ、さらに吉川英治が小説『宮本武蔵』(1935年-1939年)で『顕彰会本』の内容を用いたことから現代にも広く知られるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1909, Miyamoto Musashi Iseki Kenshokai (the association in honor to the accomplishments of Musashi MIYAMOTO) of Kumamoto Prefecture regarded the descriptions of the duel in "Niten-ki" as historical facts and based on that wrote "Miyamoto Musashi" (called "Kenshokai-bon"); and Eiji YOSHIKAWA wrote a novel "Miyamoto Musashi" (1935-1939) based on the information of "Kenshokai-bon;" therefore, the story of the duel written in "Niten-ki" became famous.
    『二天記』が詳述した岩流との試合内容は、明治42年(1909年)熊本の宮本武蔵遺蹟顕彰会編纂による『宮本武蔵』通称『顕彰会本』で原資料の一つとなりそのまま史実とされ、さらに吉川英治が小説『宮本武蔵』(1935年-1939年)で『顕彰会本』の内容を用いたことから広く知られるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that Kim Chung-seon left a record called '慕夏堂文集',but because the description of 慕夏堂文集 has pronounced the Korean sense of value (such as the attitude toward Ming) and Confucian quality, it is hard to believe that it was written by a busho (Japanese military commander) who was born and raised in Japan, so there is a theory that it was written by a descendant of Kim Chung-seon to honor his/her ancestors.
    金忠善は「慕夏堂文集」と呼ばれる記録を残したと言われているが、慕夏堂文集の記載には朝鮮的価値観(明に対する態度など)と儒教的素養が顕著であり、日本で生まれ育った武将が書いたとは思えない為、金忠善の子孫が先祖顕彰の為に書いたものであるとする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The pressure of the anti-Kazan group remained so strong even after his death that, according to some records, they didn't allow the establishment of Kazan's tomb even after his son, Shoka WATANABE, assumed the post of karo (chief retainer) of the Tahara Domain in order to restore his family's impaired reputation (it was in April 7, 1868, immediately before the collapse of the Edo shogunate, that the shogunate allowed the rehabilitation of Kazan's honor and the construction of his tomb).
    崋山に対する反崋山派の圧力はその死後も強く、また幕府の手前もあり、息子の渡辺小崋が家老に就任して家名再興を果たした後も墓を建立することが許されなかったという(江戸幕府が崋山の名誉回復と墓の建立を許可したのは、江戸幕府滅亡直前の明治元年3月15日(旧暦)(1868年4月7日)のことであった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ennin built a Monju (Manjusri) statue with a piece of fragrant wood that he found when he climbed the North peak called Beitai Ding or Yedou Feng (3058m) of Mt. Wutai (China); after returning to Japan, he built a pavilion for the statue at Enryaku-ji Temple in November 861 (the original pavilion was burnt down by Nobunaga ODA's fire attack against Mt. Hiei [1571] and the current one was re-built) and next to Ennin's Monjusuri pavilion, there is a monument in honor to the memory of Bogo JANG.
    円仁は五台山(中国)の一つ北台葉頭峰(3058メートル)に登頂した際に手に入れた香木で文殊像を造り、帰国実現ののち861年(貞観(日本)3年)10月、延暦寺に文殊楼を建立(織田信長の比叡山焼き討ち(1571年)で焼亡。現在の文殊楼は再建したもの)したが、この円仁の延暦寺文殊楼脇には張保皐顕彰碑が建てられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the document "Kokon Cho Monju", it is recorded that when Tanetsuna CHIBA, a young noble from the Shimousa Province, sat on the upper ranking seat than Kamiza (seat of honor) in the Shogun's place, where Yoshimura sat, and Yoshimura remarked, "the dogs of Shimousa do not know their place;" to this, Tanetsuna replied, "the dogs of MIURA devour their friends," criticizing Yoshimura's betrayal in the Battle of WADA.
    『古今著聞集』には、将軍御所の侍の間の上座を占めていた義村のさらに上座に、若い下総国の豪族千葉胤綱が着座し、不快に思った義村が「下総の犬めは寝場所を知らぬな」とつぶやくと、胤綱は「三浦の犬は友を食らうぞ」と切り返し、和田合戦での義村の裏切りを批判した逸話が記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Teibo-jinja Shrine in Japan was built on the premise of Goryo-jinja Shrine (Fukuchiyama City), with the embankment itself a divine symbol, in order to honor those predecessors who setup the embankment, as well as a sign to remind others of the dangers caused by the floods, and on August 15 of every year since 1931, the 'Teibo Matsuri' (embankment festival) is held, in which a portable shrine tours the city.
    その恐ろしさや先人の築いた堤防のありがたさを後世に伝えるため、御霊神社(福知山市)境内には全国唯一の堤防そのものを御神体とする堤防神社が建立されており、1931年(昭和6年)以降の毎年8月15日には、神輿が市内を巡回する「堤防祭り」が行われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, Mitsuhide sent a letter to Shigeharu TSUCHIBASHI, who was a member of the Saigashu (a powerful local clan in Saiga, Kishu), saying, 'A joi (order from a superior to a subordinate) has been issued requesting that you provide service, which is a great honor', and Fujita pointed out that as the word 'joi' was used, the order must be from someone with a higher status than Mitsuhide.
    加えて本能寺の変直後、光秀が紀州雑賀衆・土橋重治へ送った書状に「上意馳走申しつけられて示し給い、快然に候」と、光秀より身分の高い者からの命令を指す「上意」という言葉を使っていることを挙げ、光秀の背後に足利義昭が存在したと主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There had been an agreement between Cloistered Emperor Gomizunoo, then taking the virtual reins of the court, and the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a nominally emperor-appointed Shogun) that, if Emperor Reigen died before Fusako TAKATSUKASA delivered a son, the Emperor's oldest son Ichinomiya born to a daughter (an unidentified Chunagon Naishi (a maid of honor to the Vice-Councilor of State)) of Saneoki OGURA would inherit the throne, and this agreement had won consent of the Emperor and influential noble families including Sekkanke (families qualified for appointment as Prince Regent or Chief Advisor to the Emperor).
    そこで当時院政を敷いていた後水尾法皇と江戸幕府との間で密かに万が一鷹司房子に男子が生まれないままに天皇が崩御された場合の時には小倉実起の娘(中納言典侍・実名不詳)が生んだ第1皇子である一宮が継承するという合意が出来ており、天皇や摂関家などの有力公家の合意を取り付けていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the War the notions of honor, public recognition, commendation, and performance review have become common and the concept of onsho (rewards) has not been publicly used, however, when ruling-party politicians who rendered service in the formation of the government or cabinet are appointed to important posts or enter the cabinet, this is sometime ridiculed as onsho or reward-oriented appointments.
    戦後では、栄典や顕彰・表彰・人事考課などという概念が一般的となり、公的に恩賞の概念は用いられないが、政権獲得や内閣成立に功績のあった与党政治家の重要役職への就任や入閣があった場合に、論功行賞人事や恩賞人事と揶揄される場合に用いられることもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Sengoku period, there were other Irozonae (colored arms) which were formed in a single color such as black or yellow other than red, but the red of the times came from cinnabar which was a high-quality product, and it also highly stood out in the battlefield, therefore, Akazonae were mostly elite troops led by a busho with outstanding bravery, and were passed down as a symbol of honor of bravery from generation to generation.
    戦国時代では赤以外にも黒色・黄色等の色で統一された色備えがあったが、当時赤は高級品である辰砂で出されており、戦場でも特に目立つため、赤備えは特に武勇に秀でた武将が率いた精鋭部隊である事が多く、後世に武勇の誉れの象徴として語り継がれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Bushido as a moral system is 'being loyal to one's lord, being dutiful to one's parents, controlling oneself strictly, being merciful to those of lower rank, having sympathy to the enemy, abstaining from selfish desire, respecting justice and respecting honor more than wealth.' Many of those who followed the Bushido code also possessed a Confucian attitude of 'continuance of family name,' which prospered during the Edo period and was formulated as Bushido.
    道徳大系としての武士道とは「君に忠、親に孝、自らを節すること厳しく、下位の者に仁慈を以てし、敵には憐みをかけ、私欲を忌み、公正を尊び、富貴よりも名誉を以て貴しとなす」。 ひいては「家名の存続」という儒教的態度が底流に流れているものが多く、それは江戸期に思想的隆盛を迎え、武士道として体系付けられるに至る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yotsuko, the daughter of Kinto YOTSUTSUJI, became a maid of honor of the Emperor Gomizunoo in the beginning of the Edo period and, while in the Emperor's favor, gave birth to a prince (who died young) and a princess (later Bunchijoo), but the births took place shortly before the marriage of the Emperor Gomizunoo to Kazuko TOKUGAWA and thus invoked the wrath of the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), with the result that she was temporarily expelled from the court.
    江戸時代初頭、四辻公遠の娘・与津子は後水尾天皇の典侍となり、天皇の寵愛を受けて皇子(夭折)と皇女(後の文智女王)を儲けたが、これが徳川和子の入内直前の出来事であったため、江戸幕府の怒りを買い、一時宮中から追放される羽目にあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Euro area countries are implementing the decisions taken on July 21 to address financial tensions, notably through the flexibilisation of the EFSF, reaffirming their inflexible determination to honor fully their own individual sovereign signatures and their commitments to sustainable fiscal conditions and structural reforms.
    ユーロ圏は、各国のソブリン債務、及び持続可能な財政状況と構造改革に関する全てのコミットメントを完全に履行することへの確固たる決意を再確認しつつ、金融の緊張に対処するために 7 月 21 日に行われた決定、中でも、欧州金融安定ファシリティー(EFSF)の柔軟化を実行しつつある。 - 財務省
  • Any natural or legal person exercising the profession of industrial property attorney who is guilty either of an infringement of the rules under this Title or the texts adopted for its application, or of acts contrary to probity, honor or scruples, even if outside his professional sphere, may incur one of the following disciplinary measures: warning, reprimand, suspension or striking off.
    工業所有権代理人の職業を営む自然人又は法人が,本編の規則若しくはその適用のために採用される本文に違反したか,又は誠実,名誉若しくは良心に反する行為をしたかの何れかの罪を犯す場合は,たとえそれが職業外の範囲であったとしても,次の懲戒措置,すなわち,警告,譴責,停職,又は除名の何れかが適用されることがある。 - 特許庁
  • However, such a picture may be published if it concerned public events, official or public personalities, or persons of local or worldwide renown; or if the publication was authorized by public authorities in the public interest, provided that such exhibition or circulation of that picture shall not cause prejudice to the honor, reputation or dignity of that person.
    ただし、それが公開行事、公職又は公の有名人、又は地方又は世界的な有名人に関わるものである場合、又は、当該の公表が公益上で国家の諸機関から許可されている場合は、当該画像を公表できる。ただし、その映像の展示又は流通によってその者の名誉、名声又は品位を侵害することがない場合に限る。 - 特許庁
  • Even where the user is deemed as having agreed to such Terms of Secondhand Use, the use of messages in a manner normally not permitted by users, in such in a manner that is detrimental to the copyright holder's reputation and honor, would be outside the scope of the agreement between the operator and the user.
    ただし、著作者人格権の不行使特約の有効性については議論があるところである。たとえ、かかる合意の成立が認められる場合であっても、著作者の名誉又は声望を害する方法によりその著作物を利用する場合等、通常の利用者等が合意するとは考えられないような場合については、なお合意の範囲外にあるものと考えるべきであろう 。 - 経済産業省
  • Article 2 (1) The government of Japan shall, upon the treatment of persons captured or interned pursuant to the provision of this Act in armed attack situations (hereinafter referred to as "prisoners of war and other detainees" in this Article), always ensure humanitarian treatment, respect for the lives, bodies, health and honor of prisoners of war and other detainees, and protect them from outrange thereon and or danger thereto based on the Third Convention or other international humanitarian laws to be applied in cases of international armed conflict.
    第二条 国は、武力攻撃事態においてこの法律の規定により拘束され又は抑留された者(以下この条において「捕虜等」という。)の取扱いに当たっては、第三条約その他の国際的な武力紛争において適用される国際人道法に基づき、常に人道的な待遇を確保するとともに、捕虜等の生命、身体、健康及び名誉を尊重し、これらに対する侵害又は危難から常に保護しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Article 19 The State and Local governments shall take such necessary measures as training and enlightening people to deeply understand Crime Victims' mental and physical conditions and their surroundings, deploying staff with expertise and skills, and developing necessary facilities, so that people may pay sufficient consideration to the honor, peace in life and other human rights of Crime Victims, to alleviate their burdens in the process of their protection, investigation and trial of the criminal case concerning the harm.
    第十九条 国及び地方公共団体は、犯罪被害者等の保護、その被害に係る刑事事件の捜査又は公判等の過程において、名誉又は生活の平穏その他犯罪被害者等の人権に十分な配慮がなされ、犯罪被害者等の負担が軽減されるよう、犯罪被害者等の心身の状況、その置かれている環境等に関する理解を深めるための訓練及び啓発、専門的知識又は技能を有する職員の配置、必要な施設の整備等必要な施策を講ずるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • The first part tells the story of Fusasaki no Otodo (FUJIWARA no Fusasaki) who, on hearing that his mother he had lost during childhood had come from Shidotsu, Sanuki Province, visits there to perform religious rites for the repose of her departed soul; there, he meets a female diver from the area who tells him that she is his mother and how she had retrieved 'Menko huhai no tama' (an oval treasure that shows the frontal figure from any angle) which was stolen by the Palace of the Dragon King; this is followed by the aikyogen (comic interlude) where an inhabitant of Shidotsu recounts the story that was told in the first part; and in the latter part Fusasaki's mother appears as Ryunyo (a form that a woman must turn into in order to rest in peace) and thanks Fusasaki for the memorial service featuring the Myohorenge-kyo Sutra (the Lotus Sutra) he is performing in honor of her.
    房前大臣(藤原房前)が、幼少のころに亡くした母は讃岐国志度津の人と聞かされ、菩提を弔うためその地をたずねると、その浦の海女が登場、自分が房前の母であり、龍宮に奪われた「面向不背の珠」をとりかえした経緯を物語る前段、その土地の住人が前段のストーリーを改めて語る間狂言部分、房前が妙法蓮華経で母の追善供養をしていると、龍女に姿をかえた母があらわれ供養を謝す後段からなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On May 20, 922, after being reinstated as Udaijin from the Junii rank Dazai Gon no sochi and posthumously granted the Shonii rank, and was granted additional posthumous posts of the Shoichii rank Sadaijin and then the Daijo-daijin in 993 (it is believed that his honor was restored in this way partly because Tokihira, who had accused Michizane, died young leaving no descendants and therefore, descendents of his younger brother, FUJIWARA no Tadahira, who was an aide to Emperor Uda and friendly to Michizane, became the Fujiwara clan's direct-line descendants).
    延喜22年4月20日(913年6月2日)、従二位大宰権帥から右大臣に復し、正二位を贈ったのを初めとし、正暦4年(993年)には贈正一位左大臣、同年贈太政大臣(こうした名誉回復の背景には道真を讒言した時平の早死にで子孫が振るわなかったために、宇多天皇の側近で道真にも好意的だった時平の弟・藤原忠平の子孫が藤原氏の嫡流となった事も関係しているとされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He had one brother, TAIRA no Chikamune, and sisters TAIRA no Tokiko (Kiyomori's wife), TAIRA no Shigeko (Kenshunmonin), Reizei no Tsubone (a court lady for Kenshunmonin), Kiyoko (Munemori's wife), Bomon-dono (Shigemori's wife; she may have been Koremori's mother), wife of FUJIWARA no Chikataka (mother of gon shosozu (Junior lesser prelate), Zenshin), and Sochi no Tsubone (court lady for Kenreimonin); his wife was FUJIWARA no Muneko; and, he had sons, TAIRA no Tokizane, TAIRA no Tokiie, Tokimune, and Tokisada, and daughters, Noriko (later, tenji (a maid of honor of the first rank) to the Emperor Gotoba), MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune's concubine, and Tadachika NAKAYAMA's wife.
    兄弟に平親宗、姉妹に平時子(清盛の室)・平滋子(建春門院)・冷泉局(建春門院女房)・清子(宗盛の室)・坊門殿(重盛の室、維盛母の可能性あり)・藤原親隆の室(権少僧都・全真の母)・帥局(建礼門院女房)、室に藤原領子(むねこ)、子に平時実、平時家、時宗、時定、宣子(後鳥羽天皇の典侍)、源義経の側室、中山忠親の室らがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After having to spend one year and 10 months away from public office, I had the honor of coming back to politics as a member of an opposition party, the PNP, and then we had the change of administration. It was a reflection of my conviction that I decided to create the Amended Money Lending Business Act Follow-Up Team right after the Money Lending Business Act was amended – the conviction, which I gained after having experienced all those things, that I am now able to hear properly how each one of the ordinary citizens is faring or to feel the pain that each one of them is going through. I humbly think that this is my mission, or my way as a politician.
    1年10カ月の浪人の後、野党の国民新党ということで上げていただいて、政権交代したわけでございますから、そういったことを含めて、やはりきちっと一人一人の生活者の寝音が聞こえる、あるいは苦しみが分かる、そういった意味を込めて、実は改正した後すぐ、この改正貸金業法フォローアップチームを作らせていただいたわけでございまして、それも私の中では、虫の目と鳥の目と申しましたけれども、そういった意味でも、自画自賛と言ったらおしかりいただきますけれども、私の一つの政治家としてのテーゼ、やり方だと、ささやかに思っております。 - 金融庁
  • I have the honor to refer to the Convention between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income which was signed today (hereinafter referred to as“the Convention”) and to the Protocol also signed today which forms an integral part of the Convention, and to confirm, on behalf of the Government of Japan, the following understanding reached between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America:
    本使は、本日署名された所得に対する租税に関する二重課税の回避及び脱税の防止のための日本国政府とアメリカ合衆国政府との間の条約(以下「条約」という。)及び同じく本日署名され、条約の不可分の一部を成す議定書に言及するとともに、日本国政府及びアメリカ合衆国政府との間で到達した次の了解を日本国政府に代わって確認する光栄を有します。 - 財務省
  • Article 19 (1) When the requesting country, in accordance with a treaty, requests the transfer of a sentenced inmate for testimony regarding a domestic sentenced inmate (hereinafter refers to a person who is confined in Japan for execution of a sentence of imprisonment with or without work, or of an assistance punishment set forth in item (ii) of Article 2 of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons (Act No. 66 of 2002)), the Minister of Justice shall make a decision of transfer of the sentenced inmate for testimony with a fixed period for transfer of the domestic sentenced inmate, if neither item (i) nor (ii) of Article 2, nor any of the following (with respect to cases where the Minister of Justice receives a request for assistance in accordance with the proviso of paragraph (1) of Article 3, neither item (i) nor (ii) of Article 2, item (i) of Article 4, nor any of the following) applies, and where the Minister of Justice deems it appropriate to honor the request:
    第十九条 法務大臣は、要請国から、条約に基づき、国内受刑者(日本国において懲役刑若しくは禁錮刑又は国際受刑者移送法(平成十四年法律第六十六号)第二条第二号 に定める共助刑の執行として拘禁されている者をいう。以下同じ。)に係る受刑者証人移送の要請があつた場合において、第二条第一号若しくは第二号又は次の各号(第三条第一項ただし書の規定により法務大臣が共助の要請の受理を行う場合にあつては、第二条第一号若しくは第二号、第四条第一号又は次の各号)のいずれにも該当せず、かつ、要請に応ずることが相当であると認めるときは、国内受刑者を移送する期間を定めて、当該受刑者証人移送の決定をするものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • In "Jukkinsho" Section 7-27, the young Kiyomori was described as a person who 'thought it was a joke if someone did something quite unreasonable,' 'gently smiled to be kind to someone who did something that was not funny at all, and also never raised his voice to scorn someone as being useless even when that person had made a terrible mistake', 'let young attendants who served him during a cold winter sleep at the bottom of his clothes and let them sleep well if they overslept, by quietly getting out of the bed,' and 'respected a servant of the lowest rank as a person in front of the servant's family or acquaintances, and that servant was truly pleased as it was a great honor.'
    『十訓抄』7-27には、若い頃の清盛について「人がとんでもない不都合な振る舞いをしても、冗談と思うことにした」「やったことがちっともおかしくなくても、相手への労わりとしてにこやかに笑い、とんでもない誤りをしても、役立たずと声を荒げることはない」「冬の寒い時に身辺に奉仕する幼い従者を自分の衣の裾の方に寝かせ、彼らが朝寝坊をしていたらそっと床から抜け出して存分に寝かせてやった」「最下層の召使いでも、彼の家族や知り合いの見ている前では一人前の人物として扱ったので、その者は大変な面目と感じて心から喜んだ」という逸話が記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • All committee members agreed with the government’s intention to issue high credit ultra-long-term bonds of which global demand has been rising. In addition, they agreed that the 3government should take into consideration the accountability to taxpayers. Lively discussions were held on how to establish the model to honor suchconsiderations. Furthermore, some members indicated that it is a landmark event for an academic discipline that a gigantic government bond issuer such as Japan explicitly utilizes the methodology of financial engineering in actual practice to issue ultra-long-term bonds.
    研究会においては、国債発行当局が世界的に需要の高まっている信用力の高い超長期債の発行や、国債発行当局が納税者に対するアカウンタビリティを考えた発行を検討している点について、全メンバーより完全な賛同を得て、そのための金利推定モデルを如何に構築すべきかについて活発な議論が行われた。また、海外の研究者からは、日本のように極めて大きな国債発行体が、市場の注目を集める超長期債の発行に当たり金融工学の手法を明示的に実務に活用することは、金融工学という学問分野にとっても画期的なことであるという指摘もなされた。 - 財務省
  • Putting the performer's name in the performance or in dissemination of sound-image phonograph disks or in broadcasting of sound-image of such performance 2. Protecting such performance and not authorizing other persons to alter, adapt, add or cut and any other means prejudicing the honor and reputation of such performance. 3. Recording the performer's live performance on sound-image discs 4. Reproduction of performer's live performance on sound-image discs, directly or indirectly. 5. Broadcasting sound-image and communicating the performance, not yet recorded, to public. 6. Dissemination of performance recordings or copies of such recordings to public by means of selling, renting or any other technical means, accessible by public.
    実演家は以下の権利を有する。 1. 実演家の名前を実演の中に又は録音録画ディスクの配布の際に又は実演の音と影像の放送の中に挿入すること。 2. このような実演を保護し、他者に改変、応用、追加又は削除及び実演の名誉と評判を傷つけるような他の手段を認めないこと。 3. 実演家の実演をディスクに録音録画すること。 4. 直接又は間接的に実演の録音録画ディスクを複製すること。 5. 音と影像の放送と未収録の実演を一般に伝達すること。 6. 実演の記録又はその複製を販売、貸与又は他の手法で一般に入手できるよう頒布すること。 - 特許庁
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