
<前へ 1 2 .... 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 次へ>
  • The rumor of believing Masamune as the reincarnation of one-eyed high priest Mankai was widely spread from the days of Masamune; among those folklores in Tohoku regions, some stories related with this belief have been transmitted, such as "the story of a peasant who set out on a journey for asking Sendai-sama (Lord Masamune) to cure the illness of his mother by the spiritual energy of Masamune."
    隻眼の行者、満海上人の生まれ変わりであるという逸話は、政宗の存命中から広く知れ渡っており、東北地方の昔話の中には「仙台様(政宗のこと)の霊力で母親の病気を治してもらうために旅に出る農民の話」などが伝わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, Hisamitsu could not meet this because of his illness, and therefore, Shigehisa, instead of him, left Kagoshima with leading 3,000 domain soldiers on December 8, met Hiroatsu MORI, the heir of lord of the Choshu domain, at Mitajiri, Suo Province (present Hofu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture) to conclude the agreement for dispatching troops in cooperation of the three domains of Satsuma, Choshu, and Hiroshima on the way to Kyoto, and went to Kyoto on January 1.
    しかし、病のため久光はそれに応じられず、代わって茂久が11月13日、藩兵3000人を率いて鹿児島を出発、途中周防国三田尻(現山口県防府市)において18日、長州藩世子毛利広封と会見し薩長広島藩3藩提携による出兵を協定して、23日入京する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the funeral of Empress Shotoku who died of illness in 770, Dokyo continued protecting the late Empress' mausoleum in the hope of a sheer chance, but on September 14, 770, Dokyo was appointed Zo Shimotsuke Yakushi-ji Betto (the chief of the constructing department of Shimotsuke Yakushi-ji Temple) and therefore sent to Shimotsuke Province, where he died and was buried as a commoner.
    神護景雲4年(770年)に称徳天皇が病死するが、葬礼の後も僥倖を頼み称徳天皇の御陵を守っていたが、神護景雲4年8月21日(770年9月14日)、造下野薬師寺別当(下野国)を命ぜられて下向し、赴任地の下野国で没し庶人の待遇で葬られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • But he was struck down by illness to die on March 25, 1525 at the age of 59 in the unstable conditions such as an estrangement of his vassal Kageharu NAGAO, and struggles with the Ogigayatsu-Uesugi family Tomooki UESUGI, the Gohojo clan of Sagami Province Ujitsuna HOJO and the Takeda clan of Kai Province Nobutora TAKEDA for many years.
    しかし家臣長尾景春の離反、扇谷上杉家の上杉朝興や相模国後北条氏の北条氏綱、甲斐国武田氏の武田信虎などとの長年の抗争による不安定な情況の中、病に倒れ、大永5年(1525年)3月25日、59歳で死去する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During that time, the Tenbun War broke out in Echigo Province when Sadazane UESUGI, Shugo (a provincial military governer), was to adopt Sanemoto DATE, son of Tanemune DATE, as a son-in-law, and Kokujin-shu (powerful families in a province) in the province were divided in favor or opposing such an adoption, but Kenshin's brother, Harukage, could not settle this internal conflict due to his illness.
    当時、越後では守護上杉定実が伊達稙宗の子・伊達実元(伊達実元)を婿養子に迎える件で天文の乱が起こっており、越後の国人衆も養子縁組に賛成派と反対派に二分されていたが、兄の晴景は病弱なこともあって内紛を治めることはできなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1299, Nichijo died of illness, who left a will to designate Nichiko to the office of Kanju (or Kanshu, the head priest) of Hokke-ji Temple while remaining at Honmyo-ji Temple, thereby establishing a rule that a single individual was appointed Kanju of both Honmyo-ji and Hokke-ji Temples since then, which laid the foundation for development of the two temples to be united to form single Nakayama Hokekyo-ji Temple.
    永仁7年(1299年)に日常が病死すると、その遺言により本妙寺に留まったまま法花寺の貫首に就任し、以後両寺院の貫首は同一人物が務める規則が成立して、後の中山法華経寺への発展の基礎となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the petition he stated that as rumour had it, Joseon did not in fact 'tear up Japan's sovereign's message' (some passages omitted) and give us 'an arrogant and impolite answer,' although he criticized the dishonest Joseons who avoided meeting the Japanese delegation by making excuses such as feigning illness.
    すなわちここで吉岡は、一方ではしばしば仮病など遁辞を弄して会見を避ける朝鮮側の不誠実な態度を非難しながらも、世間で噂されるように彼らが「我国書ヲ裂キ(中略)驕慢無礼ノ答書」を突きつけたなどと言う事実はなかったと述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During this time, with the illness of Empress Komyo, Buddhist rites were held so often, therefore, it is considered that instructions were often given to Office of the Sutra copying office of Todai-ji Temple Construction which had many Buddhist scriptures and tools for Buddhist rites by Kon-do Hall (main hall of a Buddhist temple) in Hokke-ji Temple, and many letters were found.
    この時期は、光明皇后の病気にともない、関連仏事を多く行っていた時期でもあり、法華寺金堂所から、多くの経典や仏事関係の道具を持つ造東大寺司写経所への指示が頻繁に行われたと考えられ、多くの書状が残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This only caused Yoshimasa to lose what little interest he had left in politics, prompting him suddenly to relinquish the position of Shogun to Yoshihisa and retire, but the conflict between the two armies continued, and even after the successive natural deaths by illness of each army's supreme commanders, Katsumoto HOSOKAWA and Sozen YAMANA, the various daimyo did not withdraw their forces.
    そのため、義政がこれ以上の政治参加に倦んで義尚に突然将軍を譲って引退しても、また両軍の総大将である細川勝元・山名宗全が相次いで病死しても諸大名は兵を撤退させることは無かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the coup, Michizane and Yoshi (who was demoted to vice-governor of Izumo Province) were purged from the government, and immediately after the coup MINAMOTO no Mare, who had managed to avoid any demotion or other penalty, died of illness, while in the same vein, FUJIWARA no Tadahira was--in truth if not in name--ousted from his vital role at the center of government, meaning the coup ended in a decisive political victory for Emperor Daigo and FUJIWARA no Tokihira's faction.
    この政変で道真・善(出雲国権守に左遷)を排斥、変の直後に連座を免れた源希も病死、同じく藤原忠平も政治の中枢から事実上追われることになり、醍醐天皇・藤原時平派の政治的勝利に終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Emperor and Tokihira planned political reforms to put themselves in direct leadership roles for the new administration, which was called 'Engi no chi' (the (glorious) government during the Engi era), but only eight years after the coup, Tokihira died suddenly, and moreover Emperor Daigo became more and more prone to illness, which allowed de facto political power to shift back again under the control of Cloistered Emperor Uda and FUJIWARA no Tadahira.
    天皇や時平は「延喜の治」と呼ばれる自らが主導するの政治改革を目指すものの、変からわずか8年後に時平が急死、続いて醍醐天皇も病気がちとなり、政治権力の中心は再度宇多法皇と藤原忠平の手中に帰する事になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During that time in Wakoku (671), Emperor Tenchi met an untimely death (although he may have died of illness, in "Fuso Ryakki" [A Brief History of Japan] it is said that he may have been assassinated based on the account that he went missing during a hunting trip in the mountains).
    そのころ倭国では、671年に天智天皇が急死(『扶桑略記』では病死説の後一説として「一云天皇駕馬幸山階鄕更無還御永交山林不知崩所只以履沓落處爲其山陵以往諸皇不知因果恒事殺害」とあり山中での狩の途中に行方不明になったという記事を根拠にする暗殺説あり)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the cases of Mitsumasa YONAI and Hideki TOJO, it was pointless for them to attend a conference when their own policy lines had been rejected and therefore they were resigning, but at the time of the entire third KONOE Cabinet resignation, when Fumimaro KONOE did not attend a conference because of illness, he drew a lot of criticism that said, 'Is he in a worse condition than 91-year-old Keigo KIYOURA?'
    米内光政と東條英機は、自らの路線を否定されて辞めるので出席しても仕方がないというケースであるが、第3次近衛内閣総辞職時の近衛文麿は病欠で「91歳の清浦奎吾より悪いのか」と批判された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the end of the Edo period, while the eighth lord of the domain Motokiyo INAGAKI remained a Sabaku-ha (supporter of the Shogun) by serving such posts as Oban gashira, Osaka-joban (a primary guard post of Osaka-jo Castle), and bugyo of navy, Motoaki INAGAKI, who acted as proxy when Motokiyo was confined to bed with illness around the Meiji Restoration, started to shift towards pro-new government.
    幕末期、第8代藩主となった稲垣太清は大番頭や大坂定番、海軍奉行などの要職を歴任して佐幕派の立場を貫いたが、明治維新頃から太清が病に倒れて稲垣太祥が代理として藩政を執り始めた頃から新政府側に与するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Mochikiyo KYOGOKU who inherited Takakazu led his 10,000 or more horsemen and belonged to the east army during the Onin War, that was caused by the conflict for the family estate within the Ashikaga Shogun family and for other reasons, from the next year he gained advantage over Takayori ROKKAKU of the west army, but during the battle he died from illness.
    高数の後を継いだ京極持清は、応仁元年(1467年)に足利将軍家の家督相続などから生じた応仁の乱で一万余騎を率いて東軍に属し京で戦い、翌年からは近江で西軍の六角高頼と戦い優勢を得るが、その最中に病死する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (7) For the purposes of paragraph (3) the applicant may present in the request, besides the documents suitable for certifying his income or pension, other circumstances (disaster, illness, etc.) upon which it can be established that the subsistence of the natural person and his dependents is endangered.
    (7) (3)の適用上,請求人は,自らの収入又は年金を証明するに相応しい書類のほかに,当該自然人及び扶養家族の生活が危険に曝されていることを立証できる他の事情(災害,病気等)を,請求において提示することができる。 - 特許庁
  • As foreign nationals violating the Act stay longer and have more diverse lifestyles, an increasing number of foreign nationals who have been issued with a deportation order suffer from illness, refuse deportation for various reasons, or remain in detention for a long period of time because they cannot afford travel expenses.
    入管法違反者の滞在期間が長期化し,在留態様も多様化しているところ,被退去強制者の中には,疾患を有する者,様々な理由で送還を忌避する者,帰国費用を都合することができずに収容が長期化する者等が増加傾向にある - 特許庁
  • This medicinal composition comprises a calcium channel antagonist represented by the formula or its analogue which is used for treating Alzheimer disease, mental illness, adolescent insanity, manic depression, migraine, lactation disorder, dementia, autism, hypertension, glaucoma, pain, thromboembolism, arrhythmia, epilepsy or obesity.
    アルツハイマー病、精神病、早発性痴呆、躁鬱病、偏頭痛、授乳障害、痴呆、自閉症、高血圧症、緑内障、疼痛、血栓塞栓症、不整脈、てんかん又は肥満を治療するための、以下の式で表されるカルシウムチャネル拮抗薬又はその類縁体を含有する医薬組成物。 - 特許庁
  • The compound used in in-vivo can prevent, ameliorate or reverse an a Alzheimer's disease, an Aβ (Abeta)-amyloid illness as to the Alzheimer's disease, a Down's syndrome, and the symptoms of a Guamanian amyrotrophic lateral sclerosis/Parkinson's dementia complex.
    インビボで使用されるこのような化合物は、アルツハイマー病およびアルツハイマー病に関するAβアミロイド疾患、ダウン症候群、およびグアマニアン筋萎縮側索硬化症/パーキンソン痴呆症候群の症状を予防し、改善し、または反転させ得る。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a panel for a free access floor by which positive ions are decreased while negative ions are increased in a space in a room such as an office and its underfloor space and the generation of an uncomfortable symptom on the body or allergic illness or the like can be prevented.
    オフィス等の部屋内の空間やその床下空間の、プラスイオンを低減させると共にマイナスイオンを増加させて、身体上の不快な症状やアレルギー病等が発生するのを防止することができるフリーアクセスフロア用パネルを提供する。 - 特許庁
  • A preparation is provided which is proven to be efficacious in the chemical prevention of prostate cancer in a clinical pilot study when administered in adequate systemic dosage without the aid of other conventional drugs or remedies and without adverse effects in a group of subjects at risk of development of the illness.
    この製剤は十分な全身量を投与すると、その他の通常の薬剤や治療の助けを借りることなく、また病気発症のリスクのある被験者群に悪影響を与えることなく、前立腺癌を化学的に予防するのに有効であることが臨床予備実験で証明されている製品である。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a method and composition that may be used in AIDS patients to reduce the level of HIV and soluble gp120 in the body, while treatments available to date are directed to inhibition of viral replication to prolong the latency period of the illness.
    今日までに利用可能なHIV感染症の治療は、疾病の潜伏期間を延長させるためのウイルス複製の阻害に指向されているのに対して、AIDS患者に使用して体内のHIVおよび可溶性gp120のレベルを低下させ得る方法および組成物を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • The deep body temperature and/or the heart rate of the worker detected by the sensor are/is sent to the outside computer via the antenna so as to be compared with heat illness-warning values regarding the deep body temperature and/or the heart rate stored in the outside computer in advance.
    センサーによって測定された上記作業員の深部体温及び/又は心拍数が、アンテナを介して外部コンピュータに送信され、外部コンピュータにおいて予め記憶されている深部体温及び/又は心拍数に関する熱中症警告値と比較される。 - 特許庁
  • Gnetum extracts (melinjo extracts), which prevent and/or ameliorate obesity acting as a trigger of diabetes, so-called the cause of all kinds of illness, by its blood leptin level-increasing action and blood sugar level-lowering action, are incorporated with an obesity and diabetes-ameliorating agent and foods and drinks as an effective ingredient thereof.
    血中レプチン濃度上昇作用及び血糖値低下作用により、肥満が引き金となって万病の原因と言われる糖尿病に至ることを予防及び/又は改善をもたらすグネツムのエキス(メリンジョエキス)を有効成分として肥満・糖尿病改善剤及び飲食品に含有させる。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an onboard terminal device which can quickly and accurately performing report processing in an emergency, for example, the occurrence of sudden illness, a traffic accident, etc., is excellent in user's convenience and an establishment property and suppresses a cost burden on the user low.
    例えば急病の発生や交通事故などの緊急時に、迅速かつ的確な通報処理を行うことが可能であり、かつ、利用者の利便性、設置性が良好で、利用者に対するコスト負担を低く抑えた車載端末装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • An onboard terminal equipment 10 of the emergency information system informs an emergency information center 40 of the present position of a vehicle and other data effective for relief automatically or by a simple manual operation, when the emergency such as a traffic accident and a sudden illness occurs during driving of the automobile.
    緊急通報システムの車載端末装置10は、自動車の運行中、交通事故や急病などの緊急事態が発生すると、自動的にもしくは簡単な手動操作で、緊急通報センター40に対して車両の現在位置やその他の救護に有効なデータを通報する。 - 特許庁
  • Thus, when the consciousness of the driver of the vehicle falls off owing to sleepiness, sleepiness is prevented, and when the consciousness of the driver falls off owing to illness or the like, the further deterioration of the state of the driver is suppressed by making the driver lie quietly without performing any consciousness recovery operation.
    これにより、運転者が眠気によって意識低下している場合には眠気を解消させることができ、運転者が病気などにより意識低下している場合には意識回復動作を行わず、安静にして運転者の状態の悪化を抑制することができる。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a bathing agent composition which has remarkable effects such as the improvement of atopic dermatitis symptoms due to the decomposing elimination of chlorine, the maintenance of health by the actions of minus ions, fine radiations, and the like, and the recovery of physical strength after illness.
    水道水における塩素、ダイオキシン等の環境ホルモンなどにより人の免疫力が低下し、アトピ−性皮膚炎等の疾患を招いているが、有効な治療方法は確立されておらず、アトピー性皮膚炎で悩んでいる人がきわめて多数存在している。 - 特許庁
  • When the aged, who lives alone in an apartment room, performs an emergency report because of a sudden attack of illness, terminal equipment 1c, which monitors abnormality in the facilities inside an apartment, detects emergency calls 1d and 1e and performs a report to a monitor center.
    マンション居室内での一人暮らしの高齢者が急病等で緊急通報を行った場合、マンション内の設備の異常監視を行っている端末装置1cが緊急通報呼び1d、1eを検出し、監視センタに通報を行う。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a system and a method that detect harmful and/or hazardous ingredients that may cause an allergic reaction, interfere with the effectiveness of a prescription drug, exacerbate symptoms associated with a chronic illness, and/or cause another undesired reaction.
    本発明の1つの実施例は、アレルギー反応を引き起こしたり、処方薬の効果を妨げたり、慢性病に関連する症状を悪化させたり、及び/又は他の望ましからざる反応を引き起こす、有害な及び/又は危険な成分を検出するシステム及び方法に関する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an emergency report system capable of properly performing an emergency report from a center to an emergency report destination, including a case that a vehicle occupant cannot talk with the center side because of sudden illness or the like after reproting an emergency from a vehicle to the center.
    本発明は、緊急通報システムに関し、車両からセンタへの緊急通報後に車両乗員が急病等に起因してセンタ側と対話することができないときを含めて、センタから緊急通報先への緊急通報を適切に行うことを目的とする。 - 特許庁
  • In the case that the judgement flag column and the judgement conditioner match, the management computer 21 stops comparison and outputs sentence content data including the symptoms of the illness and the injuries and coping methods or the like from judgement sentence data as a judged result on the basis of a sentence code related to the matching judgement conditioner.
    管理コンピュータ21は、判定フラグ列と判定条件子とが一致した場合には、比較を停止し、一致した判定条件子に関連付けられた文章コードに基づいて、判定文章データから傷病の症状や対処方法などを含む文章内容データを判定結果として出力する。 - 特許庁
  • To quickly notify the relevant people such as family and relatives of an aged person who lives alone or officer at a control center of the emergency state such as sudden illness, injury, or disaster occurring in the home of aged person who lives alone, with no complicated operation required, at a low running cost.
    複雑な操作を必要とすることなく、ランニングコストが低く、高齢単独生活者宅で発生した急病、負傷、災害等の緊急事態を高齢単独生活者の家族、親戚等の関係者、管理センタの係員等に速やかに通知することができるようにする。 - 特許庁
  • When the sheet of the life medical examination questionnaire, in which the answer of the user is filled, the kit in which the blood of the user is dropped and the blood collecting needle are returned, the advice provider inspects the blood in the kit and inputs the inspection result and the answer to the questionnaire to an illness analysis expert system.
    アドバイス提供者は、利用者の回答が記入された生活問診シート、利用者の血液が滴下されたキット及び採血針を返送されると、キット内の血液を検査し、その検査結果と問診の回答とを病態解析エキスパートシステムに入力する。 - 特許庁
  • The volatile combustion substance of this fire inhaling square glass is ignited, negative pressure is created within the fire inhaling square glass by heat or negative pressure, and blood is extracted or congestion is caused by attracting the fire inhaling square glass to the skin, so that physical irritation is given to treat illness.
    この火吸角コップの揮発性発火物質に点火して、熱若しくは陰圧により火吸角コップの中に陰圧を造成して、火吸角コップを皮膚に吸い付けることにより血を抜くか鬱血を起こさせたり、物理的な刺激を与えたりして病気を治療する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a method for forecasting occurrence of an acute exacerbation in which acute exacerbation occurrence of a respiratory illness patient, who continues medical treatment at home, is beforehand anticipated with certainty and sufficient reproducibility and a special medical care worker is not needed in the forecasting work.
    在宅で療養を続ける呼吸器疾患患者の急性増悪発生を前もって確実且つ再現性良く予測し、且つ、予測作業において専門の医療従事者を必要としない急性増悪の発生予測方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To enhance the physical strength of a person having a strong physical strength, rehabilitation of the elderly, enhancement of the physical strength of the sickly weak, and physical reconditioning after illness and to allow a person with disabled hands to develop muscles of the lower body like a normal healthy subject.
    強靱な体力を持っている人の体力増強、老人のリハビリ、病弱な人の体力増強、病後の体力回復を図るのに適し、手を使用できない人にとっても、通常の健常人と同じように下半身の筋肉を鍛えることのできる運動補助器具を提供すること。 - 特許庁
  • To report in urgent even in the case of no response from a party or busy at the time of reporting in urgent in an emergency reporting system for reporting center such as a police of the emergency information of traffic accident or sudden illness from an emergency message communication means loaded on a vehicle.
    交通事故や急病等の緊急情報を車両に搭載した緊急通報連絡手段から警察等のセンターに連絡する緊急通報システムにおいて、緊急通報した時に相手先が応答しなかったり、通話中の場合でも、緊急通報を可能にする。 - 特許庁
  • A clinical path subdivided by patient's characteristics such as patient's age, sex and past illness is registered in a path master DB 16 as a clinical pass indicating standard medical examination plan without preparing a clinical path in each disease name.
    標準的な診療計画を示すクリニカルパスとして、病名毎に1つのクリニカルパスを準備するのではなく、患者の年齢、性別、既往歴等の患者特性によって細分化されたクリニカルパスをパスマスタDB16に登録する。 - 特許庁
  • To relieve and dissolve various illness such as stiff shoulder, hemostatis and lumbago by the synergetic effect of concentrated penetrating action of drug to a patient by magnetic line of force, pointillage action to a lesion part by a large number of small protrusions, and circular accelerating action consequent to potential difference by magnetism.
    磁力線による患部に対する集中的な薬剤の浸透作用、多数の小突起による患部への指圧作用、磁気による電位差に伴なう血行促進作用等の相乗効果によって肩凝り、うっ血更には腰痛等の各種疾病を緩和、解消できるようにする。 - 特許庁
  • The writer spoke of acute bodily illness - of a mental disorder which oppressed him - and of an earnest desire to see me, as his best, and indeed his only personal friend, with a view of attempting, by the cheerfulness of my society, some alleviation of his malady.
    急性の体の疾患のこと——苦しい心の病のこと——彼のもっとも親しい、そして実にただ一人の友である私に会い、その愉快な交遊によって病をいくらかでも軽くしたいという心からの願いのこと——などを、彼はその手紙で語っていた。 - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』
  • Article 37 (1) In examinations for whether or not parole should be permitted, the Regional Board shall have its constituting Board members interview the person subject to examination; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases in which it is recognized that the severe illness or injury of such person makes the interview difficult or cases in which it is recognized that an interview in the case in question is prescribed by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as being unnecessary.
    第三十七条 地方委員会は、仮釈放を許すか否かに関する審理においては、その構成員である委員をして、審理対象者と面接させなければならない。ただし、その者の重い疾病若しくは傷害により面接を行うことが困難であると認められるとき又は法務省令で定める場合であって面接の必要がないと認められるときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Article 81 In the event that a worker receiving compensation pursuant to the provisions of Article 75 fails to recover from the injury or illness within 3 years from the date of commencement of medical treatment, the employer may pay compensation for discontinuation of the compensation, equivalent to the average wage that would be earned over 1,200 days; thereafter, the employer shall not be obligated to pay compensation under the provisions of this Act.
    第八十一条 第七十五条の規定によつて補償を受ける労働者が、療養開始後三年を経過しても負傷又は疾病がなおらない場合においては、使用者は、平均賃金の千二百日分の打切補償を行い、その後はこの法律の規定による補償を行わなくてもよい。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (3) The term "short-term child care support services" as used in this Act shall mean services to be provided to a child for whom it becomes temporarily difficult to receive child care at his/her home due to his/her guardian's illness or other reason, by moving him/her into a foster home or any other facilities specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and affording the necessary aid for him/her pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
    3 この法律で、子育て短期支援事業とは、保護者の疾病その他の理由により家庭において養育を受けることが一時的に困難となつた児童について、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、児童養護施設その他の厚生労働省令で定める施設に入所させ、その者につき必要な保護を行う事業をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (2) When the accused is unable to appear at the trial due to illness, the proceedings shall, upon hearing the opinions of the public prosecutor and the counsel, be ruled to be suspended until it becomes possible for the accused to appear.; provided, however, that this shall not apply when a representative appears pursuant to the provisions of Articles 284 and 285.
    2 被告人が病気のため出頭することができないときは、検察官及び弁護人の意見を聴き、決定で、出頭することができるまで公判手続を停止しなければならない。但し、第二百八十四条及び第二百八十五条の規定により代理人を出頭させた場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Article 183 (1) When the accused has received a summons to appear on a trial date, if he/she believes he/she will be unable to appear due to a mental or physical illness or on any other grounds, he/she shall immediately submit to the court a document containing said grounds and a doctor's medical certificate or any other material for clarifying said grounds.
    第百八十三条 被告人は、公判期日に召喚を受けた場合において精神又は身体の疾病その他の事由により出頭することができないと思料するときは、直ちにその事由を記載した書面及びその事由を明らかにすべき医師の診断書その他の資料を裁判所に差し出さなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (2) Even in cases where the medical certificate set forth in the preceding Article is not in violation of the form specified in said Article, if the court finds the contents thereof to be doubtful, it shall take appropriate measures, such as summoning the doctor who prepared the medical certificate and examining him/her as a witness with regard to his/her qualifications and the contents of the medical certificate, or ordering another fair-minded, qualified doctor to conduct an expert evaluation on the state of the illness of the accused.
    2 裁判所は、前条の診断書が同条に定める方式に違反していない場合においても、その内容が疑わしいと認めるときは、診断書を作成した医師を召喚して医師としての適格性及び診断書の内容に関しこれを証人として尋問し、又は他の適格性のある公平な医師に対し被告人の病状についての鑑定を命ずる等適当な措置を講じなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • There are various opinions about the actual reason of the death of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, however, according to this book, it was because he saw a ghost of MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune at Yamatogahara (the present Tsujido and wide area of Chigasaki) on his way back from Buddhist ceremony for bridging Sagami-gawa River, and also saw a ghost of Emperor Antoku on the sea of Inamuragasaki, then he fainted and was struck down by a illness at Kamakura.
    源頼朝の死について、建久10年(1199年)に、相模川橋供養の帰路、八的ヶ原(現在の辻堂および茅ヶ崎の広域名)で源義経らの亡霊を、稲村ヶ崎海上に安徳天皇の亡霊を見て、鎌倉で気を失い病に倒れたと記しているが、実際の死因については諸説ある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During this time, Empress Teishi and her prince, Takahito, were treated coldly by the chancellors (chief advisors to the emperor), and it is said that after Emperor Go-Suzaku decided to abdicate due to his illness when he was staying in the temporary palace of Higashi Sanjo dono, FUJIWARA no Yoshinobu, who supported the Empress, helped set up Prince Takahito as the next Crown Prince according to the will of Emperor Go-Suzaku.
    その間皇后禎子内親王とその皇子尊仁親王は関白らに冷遇されていたが、後朱雀天皇が里内裏東三条殿において病に倒れて譲位を決断した際、皇后を支援していた藤原能信の働きで尊仁親王を次期皇太子にするよう遺詔を発したと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, Goshirakawa ordered to sentence Tsunemune and Korekata for deportaion and they lost their positions in March; FUJIWARA no Takanobu was suspended from entering into a special temple in the Imperial Palace in July, the second consort of the Emperor, Princess Shushi became a nun due to her illness in August, followed by the death of the Emperor's guardian Bifuku mon in that November; thus Emperor Nijo's political power was wrecked by losing his important people, while on the other hand Goshirakawa, with the support of his force, took more political power.
    しかし、3月に経宗・惟方が後白河の命により配流されて失脚、7月には藤原隆信が院昇殿停止処分を受け、8月には中宮・姝子内親王が病により出家、11月には後見の美福門院が死去するなど二条親政派の要人が次々に消えて、二条の立場は不安定となり後白河院政派が勢力を拡大した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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