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  • In 1600, after the Battle of Sekigahara, he moved to Edo because he, his grandson, Naofusa IMAGAWA, and his second son, Takahisa SHINAGAWA (Ieyasu notified that 'the use of family name Imagawa should be limited to the head family,' therefore, family members other than the head Imagawa family used the name 'Shinagawa'), all served Hidetada TOKUGAWA and became direct retainers of Edo Shogunate (the heir, Norimochi IMAGAWA died young of an illness).
    慶長5年(1600年)、関ヶ原の戦いの後、嫡孫・今川直房と、二男・品川高久(家康より「今川の姓は宗家に限る」との沙汰上があり、今川宗家以外は「品川」を名乗った)と共に徳川秀忠に出仕して江戸幕府の旗本に列したため、江戸に移住した(嫡男の今川範以は若くして病死していた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since Kiyomori's legitimate first son, Shigemori, had already died of illness and his second son, Motomori, had also died young, after Kiyomori's death, Kiyomori's third son, Munemori, became the head of the Taira clan; however, he was an ordinary person and was not as capable as Kiyomori, and he therefore could not control rebellions that occurred across the country and was always swayed by eccentric ideas of Goshirakawa, allowing the cloister government to regain power, and as a result, the Taira clan was gradually driven into a corner.
    清盛の死後、嫡男の重盛はすでに病死し、次男の基盛も早世していたため、平氏の棟梁の座は三男の宗盛が継いだが、凡庸な宗盛は清盛のような器量もなく、全国各地で相次ぐ反乱に対処できず、後白河の奇謀に翻弄され院政勢力も勢力を盛り返すなど、平氏は次第に追いつめられていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • But considering the facts that during the reign of Emperor Murakami, Saneyori was appointed Shokei, the office responsible for issuing appointment Daijokanpu (official documents issued by Dajokan, Grand Council of State) and Imperial orders, more often than Morosuke and that Saneyori decided to hold the coronation ceremony of Emperor Reizei in the Shishinden, rather than in the Daigokuden as the standard place for that ceremony, because of the Emperor's illness, it is not appropriate to conclude that Saneyori didn't have sufficient power in politics.
    しかし、村上天皇朝においては、太政官符・宣旨発給の責任者である上卿(しょうけい)の回数が師輔と較べて多いことや、冷泉天皇即位式の際、通常大極殿で行うべきところを、天皇御悩のために紫宸殿挙行に変更させたことなどを考慮すると、実頼の政治的実権は乏しかったとするのは穏当ではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In August 1862, Yoshimasa was requested by Tadaka ICHIJO, Sadaijin (Minister of the Left), to 'receive the order of Imperial court and procure the state affairs' through a secret agent and also received an 'Imperial order to procure and devote the country' from the Imperial Court in October 1862, but Yoshimasa was caught in the middle of the Sabaku-ha (supporters of the Shogun) and the sonjo (advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners) party, and moreover, could not move due to illness.
    文久2年(1862年)8月、慶政に左大臣・一条忠香より密使を通じて「朝命を拝し国事周旋せよ」との依頼あり、同年10月も朝廷より「周旋報国の勅命」を受けたが慶政は佐幕派と尊攘派の板挟みとなり、また病気も患っていたため動きが取れなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1904, when Tokyo Senmon Gakko was renamed Waseda University with establishment of the Department of Commerce, he cooperated in its launch with Tameyuki AMANO and taught Japanese commercial history concurrently as the professor of Tokyo koto shogyo gakko (Tokyo Higher Commercial School) and as the instructor of Waseda University; however, he became sick before long and died of illness at the young age of 48 (the age of 46 by the currently used age system).
    明治37年(1904年)、東京専門学校が早稲田大学となり商科が設置されると、天野為之とともにその立ち上げに協力、東京高等商業学校教授と早稲田大学講師を兼務して日本商業史を教える、だが、間もなく病に倒れ、48歳(満年齢では46歳)の若さで病死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When he returned to Japan due to his illness in 1905, he brought back a vast number of Western paintings including 'Impressionists' ones to build a real modern Western Art museum in the future, as well as Japan and Oriental Arts including 'Ukiyoe' which had flowed out of Japan and his book collection; however, he took a turn for the worse and died next year before he was understood by the people.
    病のため1905年に帰国した際、将来日本に本格的な西洋近代美術館を作るための「印象派」を始めとする膨大な西洋絵画、「浮世絵」などの流出した日本・東洋美術や蔵書のコレクションを持って帰ったが理解が得られないまま、翌年病状が悪化し没した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In recent years, Shigeki YOSHIMURA has been asserted on the grounds that there was no sharp rise in disasters/accidents at that time, and Gosanjo's illness (assumed to be diabetes) became significantly worse only after his abdication, and that this was intended for the expansion of sovereignty by having Imperial Prince Sanehito, who did not have Sekkan-ke as cognates, succeed to the throne, thereby preventing the return to Sekkan seiji; however, there was no intention to start insei, and consequently such a view has become accepted.
    近年では吉村茂樹が、当時の災害異変が突出していないこと、後三条の病気(糖尿病と推定されている)が重篤化したのが退位後であることを理由として、摂関家を外戚に持たない実仁親王に皇位を継承させることによる王権の拡大を意図し、摂関政治への回帰を阻止したものであって院政の意図はなかったと主張し、通説化している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • But the new Shogun, Yoshihisa, died of illness while still young, and his retired father Yoshimasa devoted his remaining years to construction projects at Jisho-ji Temple, notably the building known as Ginkaku (the Silver Pavilion), focusing his attention entirely on the world of artistic endeavor (and indeed, Yoshimasa's patronage of the arts became the foundation of the flourishing artistic culture of the Higashiyama area, and no one can deny he had a profound influence on later developments in Japanese culture.)
    だが、新将軍・義尚は若くして病死し、引退した父・義政も銀閣をはじめとする慈照寺の造営に余生を費やして、芸術の世界にのみ生きた(とはいえ、義政の芸術保護が後の東山文化発展の基礎となり、後々の日本文化に大きな影響を与えた事は否定できない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Eventually, when rumors began to fly that Cloistered Emperor Uda was going to raise Michizane's son-in-law, the Imperial Prince Tokiyo, to the rank of Kotaitei (one rank below the heir apparent), those who were nursing secret resentment against Uda and Michizane for their political maneuvers, including Emperor Daigo, FUJIWARA no Tokihira, and FUJIWARA no Sugane (the new Majordomo of the palace following TAIRA no Hidenaga's recent death by illness), began to plan how to recover control over the government.
    やがて、宇多法皇が道真の娘婿でもある斉世親王を皇太弟に立てようとしているという風説が流れると、宇多上皇や道真の政治手法に密かに不満を抱いていた醍醐天皇と藤原時平、藤原菅根(折りしも病死した平季長の後任の蔵人頭に就任していた)らが政治の主導権を奪還せんとしたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, as Tofukumonin died in that year followed by the successive deaths of Cloistered Emperor Gomizunoo and Shogun Ietsuna from illness three years later, the Emperor sent imperial messengers to Cloistered Imperial Prince Shoshin, a younger brother of the Cloistered Emperor who was at the Daikaku-ji Temple then and to the new Shogun Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA to obtain the former's acceptance of Ichinomiya as a disciple and the latter's consent to Gonomiya's proposed inheritance of the throne.
    ところが、この年に東福門院が死去し、3年後に後水尾法皇と将軍家綱が相次いで病死すると、天皇は大覚寺にいた法皇の弟・性真法親王に一宮の弟子入りを新将軍徳川綱吉には一宮の出家と五宮への皇位継承を承諾を求める勅使を出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, Sadashige SO, who had tried hard to restrict Wako activity, fell gravely ill in September 1417 before eventually dying of this illness in April 1418, and when Sadamori SO succeeded Sadashige as ruler of Tsushima, the So clan's ability to police the seas around Tsushima was hampered and weakened by Sadamori's youth and inexperience; this meant that the Wako, who had been held in check by Sadashige, erupted into fresh activity near Tsushima, inflicting heavy damage on Japan and Korea.
    しかし、倭寇の取り締まりを積極的に行っていた宗貞茂が1417年9月、病に倒れ翌1418年4月に病没し、宗貞盛が跡目を継ぐと、若年の当主のため対馬の周辺海域の警察力が弱体化し、活動を抑制されていた倭寇は再び活発化し、日本や朝鮮で多大な被害が出ていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nagakiyo KAGAMI of Kai-Genji (Minamoto clan) saw a limit to the power of Taira clan and decided to return to Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) by asking TAIRA no Tomomori (the fourth son of TAIRA no Kiyomori) using an excuse of the illness of his elderly mother, but his request was not granted, but TAIRA no Moritsuna, who was the Takahashi no hangan (inspector - third highest of the four administrative ranks of the ritsuryo period) advised TAIRA no Tomomori 'not to force him to stay like Kenin' despite knowing his true intention and he finally gained permission from Tomomori.
    要するに、平家を見限った甲斐源氏の加々美長清が、老母の病を口実に東国へ帰ろうと考え、それを平知盛(平清盛の四男)に申し出たところ許しては貰えなかったが、高橋判官平盛綱はその真意に気づきながらも、「家人のように抑留すべきでない」と平知盛に口添えをしてくれて、やっと知盛の許しを得たという話し。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When Yoshimochi suffered critical illness, Mitsuie HATAKEYAMA, kanrei (shogunal deputy), and gojiso (a priest who prays to guard the emperor) Mansai, persuaded Yoshimochi to select a successor by drawing lots, mikuji (the lots of God) were drawn in Iwashimizu Hachimangu after the death of Yoshimochi and Gien Shorenin was selected from among four brothers of Yoshimochi: Gisho KAJII, Gisho DAIKAKUJI, Eiryu KOZAN and Gien.
    やがて病を得て危篤状態となった義持に、管領畠山満家や護持僧満済らがくじ引きによって後継を選ぶことを承諾させ、義持の死後石清水八幡宮において神籤が催され、義持の弟である梶井義承・大覚寺義昭・虎山永隆・足利義教の4人の候補の中から、義円が選ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This scandal occurred because of a long-standing grudge that Kakutaro held against Tadayuki, who was a younger brother of Kakutaro's father (Tadatsugu), as a result of Tadatsugu not being allowed to take over as head of the family due to his poor health, despite Tadatsugu and Tadayuki having both been born out of wedlock, and later dying of illness; this led to Kakutaro suffering economic hardships and his younger brother Kenjiro, who was not granted a peerage, going to war in Taiwan as a private soldier where he later died.
    この事件は、格太郎の父忠告が忠敬の兄であり共に庶子でありながら病弱を理由として家督相続されず病没、そして金銭に困窮し、また弟賢次郎が華族待遇を受けられず軍夫として台湾に出兵し戦死したことによる度重なる恨みの末の犯行であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Where illness of legal practitioner or an agent or his inability to conduct the case for any reason is put forward as a ground for adjournment, the Registrar may refuse to grant the adjournment unless he is satisfied that the legal practitioner or an agent, as the case may be, could not have engaged another agent or legal practitioner in time.
    如何なる理由によるものであっても当該事件に対処する弁護士若しくは代理人の病気又はその無能力が延期理由に挙げられた場合は,登録官は,当該延期の付与を拒絶することができる。ただし,当該弁護士又は場合に応じて代理人が適時に他の代理人又は弁護士を雇用することができなかった場合は,この限りでない。 - 特許庁
  • In the body case, an apparatus for evaluating heat strain on the basis of deep body temperature information from the eardrum temperature sensor and issuing the alarm of the heat illness corresponding to the evaluation is incorporated.
    外耳道に挿入される耳栓部10と耳介に面して位置する本体ケース12とが一体化され、使用者の外耳道と耳介とで保持可能な外観形状をなし、前記耳栓部には深部体温測定用の鼓膜温センサが組み込まれ、前記本体ケースには、該鼓膜温センサからの深部体温情報に基づき熱ストレインを評価し、その評価に応じて熱中症の警報を発する機器が内蔵されている。 - 特許庁
  • To develop a cytokinin production inhibitor of new type different from a steroid agent causing various adverse effects and an immunosuppressive agent such as cyclosporine, FK506, etc., conventionally having difficulty in specifically controlling and treating immunological/allergic disease of serious illness or immune response of Th1 type or Th2 type.
    従来、重症化した免疫・アレルギー性疾患をTh1或いは、Th2タイプの免疫応答を特異的に制御し、治療することは困難であり、種々の副作用を起こすステロイド剤、シクロスポリンやFK506などの免疫抑制剤とは異なった、新しいタイプのサイトカイン産生抑制剤の開発が待望されている。 - 特許庁
  • To make detectable and notifiable a vehicle fire or the like in an emergency report system terminal device which is mounted on the vehicle and transmits data such as the current position information of the vehicle and a registered vehicle to a center controlling an emergence report system such as the police and an emergency report center in emergency such as a traffic accident and a sudden illness.
    車両に搭載されて、交通事故、急病などの緊急時に、警察、緊急通報センターなどの緊急通報システムを管轄するセンターに現在の車両の位置情報、登録車両などのデータを送信する緊急通報システム端末機器において、車両火災等を検知して通報する。 - 特許庁
  • To attain handsfree telephone call, even if one of speakers for handfree is disconnected in an emergency information system terminal equipment loaded on a vehicle for transmitting the data of the present position information of a vehicle and registered vehicles to a police or a center for controlling an emergency information system, such as an emergency information center in emergency such as a traffic accident or acute illness.
    車両に搭載されて、交通事故、急病などの緊急時に、警察、緊急通報センターなどの緊急通報システムを管轄するセンターに現在の車両の位置情報、登録車両などのデータを送信する緊急通報システム端末機器において、ハンズフリー用のスピーカの1つが断線してもハンズフリー通話を可能にする。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a picture processor that can firstly process tone suitable for diagnosing changing of illness state of the same patient, and can secondly automatically recognize thoracic vertebra, which is the area for obtaining a standard signal value, without using the information of lungs.
    本発明は画像処理装置に関し、第1に同一の患者間での病状の変化を診るのに適した階調処理を行なうことができ、第2に基準信号値を得るための領域である胸椎部分を肺野部の情報を使用することなく、自動的に認識することができる画像処理装置を提供することを目的としている。 - 特許庁
  • To enable persons to go up the stairs with luggage with as small labor as they walk on the flat ground, who are weak in physical strength from their illness, etc., because of old age, by pulling them up by electric power.
    高齢化社会を迎え、エレベーターの無い高層住宅の老人、駅・歩道橋の階段等病など掛かり体力の弱った方々は、階段に難渋し、一般家庭用として昇降機があり、価格も高く、それなりの、階段のスペースを取られます、公共用の、エスカレーター・エレベーターを設置するには、莫大の費用が掛かります。 - 特許庁
  • A database of a command center 2 contains: information for emergency such as the previous illness, medication condition and undesired treating method of citizens 3; the fingerprint information of the citizens 3; the fingerprint information of ambulance attendants and doctors 4 who browse the information for the emergency; and a duty doctor 6 of a designated emergency hospital 5 and his/her field of medicine.
    指令センタ2に、市民3の既往症、投薬状況および希望しない治療方法などの救急用情報、市民3の指紋情報、救急用情報を閲覧する救急隊員や医師4の指紋情報、並びに救急指定病院5の当直医師6およびその診療分野をデータベース化しておく。 - 特許庁
  • The mobile device 14 has: a measurement mechanism measuring a biological function of the worker; a first transmission mechanism transmitting the measured biological function to the monitor 11; a first reception mechanism receiving a pathogenesis danger warning of heat illness from the monitor 11; and a transmission mechanism transmitting the pathogenesis danger warning received from the monitor 11 to the worker.
    携帯装置14は、作業者の生体機能を測定する測定機構と、測定した生体機能を監視装置11に送信する第1送信機構と、熱中症の発症危険性警告を監視装置11から受信する第1受信機構と、監視装置11から受信した発症危険性警告を作業者に伝達する伝達機構とを有する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an abnormal condition monitoring device for automatically monitoring an abnormal condition such as sudden illness and crime in a room of a building, a compartment space sectioned by walls of a vehicle and a cage of an elevator, and providing a proper maintenance service according to the content, the degree of emergency, and seriousness of the abnormal condition.
    建物内の部屋や乗り物等の壁で仕切られた個室空間やエレベータのかご内で急病や犯罪行動等の異常状態を自動監視することができ、異常状態の内容や緊急度、重要性に応じた適切な保守サービスを提供することができる異常状態監視装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a clinical thermometer that allows unconscious acquirement of body temperature data for a long time and allows acquirement of the life rhythm by temperature variation for improving the life quality in a daily life, and allows acquirement of the body temperature data for detecting high temperature by sudden change and giving appropriate medical treatment during a fever by illness.
    日常においては体温データを長期間にわたり無意識に取得することができ、生活の質を改善するための体温変化による生活リズムを把握することを可能にし、疾病による発熱時においては、急変による高熱を検知し、適切な治療を施すための体温データを取得することが可能な体温計を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a safety brake for interlocking with a foot brake in an emergency for protecting the user and other people in a case such as when the driver suffers sudden illness (stroke, cerebral thrombosis, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.) or falls asleep while driving an automobile and the driving becomes dangerous, since current automobiles are not provided with a brake for an emergency.
    自動車を運転中に運転者が不慮の病(脳卒中、脳血栓、脳溢血等々)や居眠り等を起こし、危険な運転状態に入った場合、現状の自動車には非常用のブレーキは常備されていないので、人も自分も保身する為に非常用にフットブレーキに連動するサフティーブレーキを設けること。 - 特許庁
  • Promotion of Labor Principles The United States, Canada and Mexico shall, in accordance with their respective domestic laws, promote: i) freedom of association; ii) right to organize; iii) right to strike; iv) prohibition of forced labor; v) labor protection for children and young persons; vi) minimum employment standards; vii)elimination of employment discrimination; viii) equal pay for women and men; ix) prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses; x) compensation for occupational injuries and illness; and xi)protection of migrant workers.
    労働原則の実現 米、カナダ、メキシコの3国は、各国の国内法に 従って、1)結社の自由、2)団体交渉の権利、3) スト権、4)強制労働の禁止、5)年少者労働の禁 止、6)雇用最低基準、7)労働差別の撤廃、8)男 女給与均等化、9)労働災害の防止、10)労働災害に 対する補償、11)移民労働者の保護等の労働原則の 実現を促進する。 - 経済産業省
  • However, the global financial crisis since 2008 had the most conspicuous impact on people who are vulnerable to a variety of social risks. In view of this, the Leaders’ Statement at the Pittsburgh G20 Summit 2009 pointed out the importance of social safety nets for protecting people in developing countries who face variety of risks such as unemployment and illness.
    しかしながら、2008年以降の世界経済危機が、様々な社会的リスクに対して脆弱な人々に最も顕著な影響をもたらしたことを踏まえ、ピッツバーグG20サミット首脳声明においては、開発途上国における失業、疾病などのリスクから人々を保護するための安全網(safety net)の重要性が指摘されました。 - 厚生労働省
  • Given the likelihood of the medical frontline seeking to use in times of emergency drugs under development and pending national approval or drugs approved overseas, the lifting of the ban to a limited extent on the manufacture, import and marketing etc. of unapproveddrugs (the CU system) should be considered in cases such as critical illness where no alternative therapy is available.
    緊急時には、国の承認を経ない開発途上の医薬品や外国の承認薬を使用したいという医療現場のニーズが存在すると考えられるため、重篤な疾病かつ代替治療法がない場合等については、限定的に未承認薬の製造、輸入、販売等の禁止の解除(CU制度)の導入)の検討が必要である。 - 厚生労働省
  • He admitted, however, although with hesitation, that much of the peculiar gloom which thus afflicted him could be traced to a more natural and far more palpable origin - to the severe and long-continued illness - indeed to the evidently approaching dissolution - of a tenderly beloved sister - his sole companion for long years - his last and only relative on earth.
    しかし、ためらいながらも彼の認めたところによれば、このように彼を悩ましている特殊な憂鬱の大部分は、もっと自然で、よりもっと明らかな原因として、——長年のあいだ彼のただ一人の伴侶(はんりょ)であり——この世における最後にして唯一の血縁である——深く愛している妹の、長いあいだの重病を、——またはっきり迫っている死を、——挙げることができるというのであった。 - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』
  • (3) If a person is unable to receive a periodic inspection on a designated execution date for illness, trip or other compelling reasons, and has notified in advance the prefectural governor or the head of the specified municipality thereof, the periodic inspection of the specified measuring instruments pertaining to such notification shall be conducted, within a period not exceeding one month from the day of such notification, on a date and at a place designated by the prefectural governor or the head of the specified municipality.
    3 疾病、旅行その他やむを得ない事由により、実施期日に定期検査を受けることができない者が、あらかじめ、都道府県知事又は特定市町村の長にその旨を届け出たときは、その届出に係る特定計量器の定期検査は、その届出があった日から一月を超えない範囲内で都道府県知事又は特定市町村の長が指定する期日に、都道府県知事又は特定市町村の長が指定する場所で行う。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (3) A Municipality shall, when the application as prescribed in paragraph (1) is submitted, request an attending physician of the Insured Person pertaining to said application for opinions regarding the status of illness or injury that is the cause of the physical or mental problems of said Insured Person, however, provided that the Municipality may, when there is no attending physician of the Insured Person pertaining to said application, or it is difficult to request for said opinion, etc., order said Insured Person to obtain the diagnosis of a designated physician or from the Municipality's personnel who is a physician.
    3 市町村は、第一項の申請があったときは、当該申請に係る被保険者の主治の医師に対し、当該被保険者の身体上又は精神上の障害の原因である疾病又は負傷の状況等につき意見を求めるものとする。ただし、当該被保険者に係る主治の医師がないときその他当該意見を求めることが困難なときは、市町村は、当該被保険者に対して、その指定する医師又は当該職員で医師であるものの診断を受けるべきことを命ずることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Article 976 (1) If a person who is rapidly approaching death due to illness or another reason intends to make a will, he/she may do so in the attendance of not less than three witnesses by giving oral instruction of the tenor of the will to one of the witnesses. In this case, the person who received the oral instruction shall enter this, read it aloud, or allow inspection, to the testator and other witnesses, and after each witness has approved the accuracy of that entry, sign it, and affix his/her seal.
    第九百七十六条 疾病その他の事由によって死亡の危急に迫った者が遺言をしようとするときは、証人三人以上の立会いをもって、その一人に遺言の趣旨を口授して、これをすることができる。この場合においては、その口授を受けた者が、これを筆記して、遺言者及び他の証人に読み聞かせ、又は閲覧させ、各証人がその筆記の正確なことを承認した後、これに署名し、印を押さなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (7) With respect to the application of the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2), a worker shall be deemed to have reported for work during periods of rest for medical treatment for injuries or illness suffered in the course of employment, during periods of rest for child care leave prescribed in item (i) of Article 2 of the Law Concerning the Welfare of Workers Who Take Care of Children or Other Family Members Including Child Care and Family Care Leave or for family care leave prescribed in item (ii) of the said Article, and during periods of rest for women before and after childbirth pursuant to the provisions of Article 65.
    7 労働者が業務上負傷し、又は疾病にかかり療養のために休業した期間及び育児休業、介護休業等育児又は家族介護を行う労働者の福祉に関する法律第二条第一号に規定する育児休業又は同条第二号に規定する介護休業をした期間並びに産前産後の女性が第六十五条の規定によつて休業した期間は、第一項及び第二項の規定の適用については、これを出勤したものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Article 24 (1) In the case where a guardian' working or illness or any other reasons prescribed by a Municipal Ordinance in accordance with the standards specified by a Cabinet Order causes lack in daycare of an infant, a toddler or a child prescribed in Article 39 paragraph (2) whose custody must be taken by the guardian, a municipal government shall, when the guardian applies, provide daycare to those children in a nursery center; provided, however, that other adequate aid shall be provided when there is any unavoidable reason such as non-existence of an adjacent nursery center.
    第二十四条 市町村は、保護者の労働又は疾病その他の政令で定める基準に従い条例で定める事由により、その監護すべき乳児、幼児又は第三十九条第二項に規定する児童の保育に欠けるところがある場合において、保護者から申込みがあつたときは、それらの児童を保育所において保育しなければならない。ただし、付近に保育所がない等やむを得ない事由があるときは、その他の適切な保護をしなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 1. The Tenryu (protective deities) will guard and defend thee; 2. the fruits of goodness and virtue will shine increasingly on thee; 3. the wisdom of the sages shall accumulate within thee; 4. no retreat along the Bodhi path will be suffered by thee; 5. food, drink and clothing will not be lacking for thee; 6. disease and illness will not harm thee; 7. calamities of fire and water will not hurt thee; 8. thieves and robbers will not trouble thee; 9. respect from others will come to thee; 10. demonic spirits shall (even) aid thee; 11. from female to male transformed thou will become; 12. female minister to kings thou will become; 13. comely in appearance thou will be; 14. constant rebirth in deva heaven shall be accorded thee; 15. the role of monarch may fall unto thee; 16. wisdom from previous lives shall illuminate the future for thee; 17. all those who beseech thee shall follow thee; 18. a joyous and content family shall be granted thee; 19. chance, falsehood, and untrue doctrines shall cease to thwart thee; 20. eternal freedom from the karmic chain shall be thine; 21. no obstacles along any path shall obstruct thee; 22. peaceful and untroubled dreams will slumber bring thee; 23. thy ancestors who suffer from evil karma shall be liberated; 24. reborn shall they be, based on the good karma of thy past life; 25. praised by the sages thou will become; 26. intelligent and wise in nature thou will become; 27. rich in kindness and compassion thou will become; 28. enlightened thou will become.
    1.天龍護念、2.善果日増、3.集聖上因、4.菩提不退、5.衣食豊足、6.疾疫不臨、7.離水火災、8.無盗賊厄、9.人見欽敬、10.神鬼助持、11.女転男身、12.為王臣女、13.端正相好、14.多生天上、15.或為帝王、16.宿智命通、17.有求皆従、18.眷属歓楽、19.諸横消滅、20.業道永除、21.去処盡通、22.夜夢安楽、23.先亡離苦、24.宿福受生、25.諸聖讃歎、26.聰明利根、27.饒慈愍心、28.畢竟成佛 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Collateral evidences for that include: a fact that his name is fundamentally different from those of Richu and Hanzei which bear the title of wake (which means 'coming into being'); a legend that he was despised by these two Emperors as a fool because of his illness and his accession to the throne did not proceed smoothly; a story told in genealogies of Soga and Katsuragi clans which were the influential Gozoku of the time that there was reportedly a person known as WAKUGO no Sukune who was a son of TAKENOUCHI no Sukune at a period which overlaps that of Ingyo; and a problem in the "So-jo" (the Book of Song) that it does not describe any blood relationship between King Sai of Wa (Ingyo) and King Chin of Wa (identified with Hanzei).
    その傍証として、ワケ号を負う履中・反正とは根本的に異質な名であることや、この2天皇から病気を理由に愚か者として軽蔑されていて、即位が円滑に行われなかったという所伝、当時の有力豪族たる蘇我・葛城氏の系譜に、武内宿禰の子として若子宿禰という人物の存在が伝えられ、時代が重なること、さらには、倭王済(允恭)と倭王珍(反正に比定される)の血縁関係を記さない『宋書』の問題などが挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although she was ordered to do so days ago, she hesitated to obey the order, using her illness as an excuse or saying it would be quite a disgrace for the concubine of Yoshitsune to appear on a gala occasion although she was not in a position to blame somebody for her misfortune, but Masako frequently recommended Yoritomo to see Shizuka's dance, saying "It would be a great disappointment to miss the great performance of an excellent dancer while the dancer happens to be at this place and is going to return very soon," and persuaded Shizuka to perform the dance by saying "The dance is dedicated to Hachiman Daibosatsu."
    この事は以前から命じていたところ、病気のためと称して断ったり、わが身の不遇はあれこれ言う事は出来ないといえども、豫州(義経)の妾として晴れの場に出るのはすこぶる恥辱であると言って渋り続けていたが、政子が「天下の舞の名手がたまたまこの地に来て、近々帰るのに、その芸を見ないのは残念なこと」としきりに頼朝に勧め、「八幡大菩薩に備えるのだから」と言って静を説得。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, the view that insei started before the reign of Emperor Gosanjo has become more prevalent in recent years, since it is increasingly apparent that Emperor Uda conducted virtual insei after he abdicated to Emperor Daigo to become Hoo (法皇) as the result of the new Emperor's illness, and based on the view that Emperor Enyu was opposed to Kaneie FUJIWARA, a regent and his maternal grandfather, since Enyu tried to participate in political affairs after his abdication and succession of the throne by his son, Emperor Ichijo.
    その一方で、近年では宇多天皇が醍醐天皇に譲位して法皇となった後に天皇の病気に伴って実質上の院政を行っていた事が明らかになった事や、円融天皇が退位後に息子の一条天皇が皇位を継ぐと政務を見ようとしたために外祖父である摂政藤原兼家と対立していたという説もあり、院政の嚆矢を後三条天皇よりも以前に見る説が有力となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The management board shall remove a member or a deputy member of the supervisory board from office if the member or the deputy member: is permanently incapable of performing his duties as a result of an illness or infirmity; is deleted from the register of patent agents; is declared bankrupt, is declared subject to the debt rescheduling arrangement for natural persons or is placed in receivership; is remanded into custody; or is found guilty of a crime by a judicial decision that has become irrevocable or has been made subject to a measure that will result in his being deprived of his liberty pursuant to such a decision.
    運営委員会は,管理委員会の委員又は副委員が次に該当する場合は,その委員又は副委員を解任する。 病気又は虚弱のために,その職責を果たすことが常時不可能であること 特許代理人登録簿から削除されていること 破産が宣告されていること,自然人に対する債務調整手続の適用を受ける旨の宣言がされていること又は財産保全管理下にあること 拘留されていること,又は 確定した司法決定により有罪とされていること,又は当該決定に従い,その自由が剥奪される処置に付されていること - 特許庁
  • (2) In cases where the alien is under the age of sixteen years or in cases where he/she is unable to make an application or perform the receipt or submission of the registration certificate in person by reason of illness or other physical impediments, the person specified in the following items and living with such alien (excluding any person under the age of sixteen years) in the order specified in the following items, shall make the application or perform the receipt or submission of the registration certificate provided for in the preceding paragraph on behalf of such person. In cases where the alien or the person who used to be an alien is under the age of sixteen years, the same shall apply to the return of the registration certificate under Article 7, paragraph (7) or Article 12, paragraph (1) or (2):
    2 外国人が十六歳に満たない場合又は疾病その他身体の故障により自ら申請若しくは登録証明書の受領若しくは提出をすることができない場合には、前項に規定する申請又は登録証明書の受領若しくは提出は、当該外国人と同居する次の各号に掲げる者(十六歳に満たない者を除く。)が、当該各号列記の順位により、当該外国人に代わつてしなければならない。外国人又は外国人であつた者が十六歳に満たない場合においては、第七条第七項又は第十二条第一項若しくは第二項の規定による登録証明書の返納についても、同様とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (3) If a person does not conform to some of the provisions prescribed in Appended Table 4, if the person is deemed by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism not to cause any detriment to being on board aircraft and to operate it, taking into consideration his/her experience and ability, then that person may be deemed to conform to the medical examination standards notwithstanding the provisions of the Table. In this case, when the applicable person newly applies for aviation medical certification, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism may, if he/she deems necessary, able to instruct the person to undergo examinations etc of the conditions of injury or illness which was the cause of non-conformance to some of the provisions of the Table (called "conditions" hereafter in this Article).
    3 別表第四の規定の一部に適合しない者のうち、その者の経験及び能力を考慮して、航空機に乗り組んでその運航を行うのに支障を生じないと国土交通大臣が認めるものは、同表の規定にかかわらず、身体検査基準に適合するものとみなす。この場合において、国土交通大臣は、必要があると認めるときは、当該者が新たに航空身体検査証明を申請する場合は、当該者に対し、同表の規定の一部に適合しない原因となつた傷病の症状(以下この条において「症状」という。)の検査等を受けるべきこと等を指示することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (2) In the event that the per capita average monthly amount of ordinary wages payable in the period of January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December, respectively (any such period being referred to hereinafter as a "quarter"), for the number of the prescribed working hours for a worker at the same workplace and engaged in the same type of work as the worker receiving compensation for absence from work pursuant to the preceding paragraph (or, for a workplace where less than 100 workers are ordinarily employed, the average monthly amount during the quarter per worker of compensation paid every month in the industry to which that workplace belongs, as provided in the Monthly Labor Survey compiled by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; hereinafter whichever amount applies shall be referred to as the "average compensation amount") exceeds 120 percent of the average compensation amount during the quarter in which the worker in question suffered the injury or illness in the engagement of the employment, or falls below 80 percent of that same amount, the employer shall adjust the amount of compensation for absence from work which is payable to the worker in question pursuant to the preceding paragraph in accordance with such rate of increase or decrease in the second quarter following the quarter in which the increase or decrease occurred; and the employer shall make compensation for absence from work of such adjusted amount from the first month of the quarter in which such adjustment takes effect. Thereafter, adjustment to the previously adjusted amount of compensation for absence from work shall be made in the same manner.
    2 使用者は、前項の規定により休業補償を行つている労働者と同一の事業場における同種の労働者に対して所定労働時間労働した場合に支払われる通常の賃金の、一月から三月まで、四月から六月まで、七月から九月まで及び十月から十二月までの各区分による期間(以下四半期という。)ごとの一箇月一人当り平均額(常時百人未満の労働者を使用する事業場については、厚生労働省において作成する毎月勤労統計における当該事業場の属する産業に係る毎月きまつて支給する給与の四半期の労働者一人当りの一箇月平均額。以下平均給与額という。)が、当該労働者が業務上負傷し、又は疾病にかかつた日の属する四半期における平均給与額の百分の百二十をこえ、又は百分の八十を下るに至つた場合においては、使用者は、その上昇し又は低下した比率に応じて、その上昇し又は低下するに至つた四半期の次の次の四半期において、前項の規定により当該労働者に対して行つている休業補償の額を改訂し、その改訂をした四半期に属する最初の月から改訂された額により休業補償を行わなければならない。改訂後の休業補償の額の改訂についてもこれに準ずる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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