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  • Yasutoki continuously met with misfortunes after that, as three years later, on August 5, 1230, his first son Tokiuji HOJO died of a disease at the age of 28 and, one month later his 25-year-old daughter, who had married Yasumura MIURA, gave birth; the child died about ten days later and the daughter, whose own post-delivery recovery was slow, died on September 19 at the age of 25.
    3年後の寛喜2年(1230年)6月18日には長男の北条時氏が病のため28歳で死去し、その1ヶ月後の7月に三浦泰村に嫁いだ娘が出産するも子は10日余りで亡くなり、娘自身も産後の肥立ちが悪く8月4日に25歳で死去するなど、立て続けに不幸に見舞われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • If the above is true, the head family of the Nitta clan, an impoverished gokenin, married a daughter of the Ando clan, a miuchibito of the tokuso family (another view is that she was a daughter of Kozuke Province's Kanrarei (jito (manager and lord of manor) of Kanra district) Shigeyasu ANDO (Saemon no shoi (Jr. lieutenant of the Left Division of the Outer Palace Guards)), a family member of Seishu).
    これが事実とすれば、没落御家人の新田本宗家が得宗家御内人の安東氏(曖昧さ回避)の娘を娶ったことになる(または、聖秀の一族の上野国甘羅令(甘楽郡地頭)の安藤重保(左衛門少尉)の娘の説もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, as Yoshito ASARI of Kai-Genji (Minamoto clan) with whom she married after the war had proposed to her because of her braveness, it is a fact that, in a samurai's family in Koshinetsu district at that time, there existed examples of women receiving training that would allow them to stand toe-to-toe with top class warriors.
    なおかつ戦後に彼女が結婚した甲斐源氏の浅利義遠もその強さに惚れ込んで求婚しているため、当時の甲信越地方の武士の家庭では女性も第一線級として通用する戦闘訓練を受けている例があることは事実である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The reasons why Kagemori was appointed to Akitajo no suke might be as follows: his sister was married to MINAMOTO no Noriyori, Noriyori's foster father was FUJIWARA no Norisue and a daughter of FUJIWARA no Norisue was the mother of Emperor Juntoku, and Kagemori had a connection with Tadanobu BOMON who was a brother of Sanetomo's wife.
    景盛の秋田城介任官の背景には、景盛の姉妹が源範頼に嫁いでおり、範頼の養父が藤原範季でその娘が順徳天皇の母となっている事や、実朝夫人の兄弟である坊門忠信との繋がりがあったと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On January 15,1824 (according to the old lunar calendar), Atsuma (Kanetane) was adopted by Atsutane HIRATA, a famous scholar of ancient Japanese literature and culture, got married to Atsutane's daughter Oteu (later she called herself Orise), and changed his name to Atsusane, calling himself Kuranosuke (later he called himself Daigaku), then, he practically became the successor to Atsutane.
    文政7年1月15日、兄である篤眞(鐡胤)は縁により国学者平田篤胤翁の養子となり、篤胤の娘おてう(後に織瀬と改名した)と結婚し、名を篤実(あつさね)、通称内蔵助(くらのすけ)のちに大角(だいがく)と改め、篤胤の後継者となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Their teacher, Atsutane often told his students 'the plans of the gods are unforeseen', however, presumably, he really hadn't been able to foresee that his student Atsuma MIDORIKAWA from Iyo Province would get married to his daughter Oteu (her real name was Chieko) and later change his name to Daigaku HIRATA after being adopted into the Hirata family, and become the successor to his family.
    「神のお計らいは不測である」とは篤胤が弟子達に常々申し述べていたことではあるが、伊予出身の碧川篤眞が入門から二年後に平田大角と改称し、娘お長(千枝子)の婿養子になり平田家の跡目を継ぐようになるとは、さすがの彼も予見できなかったようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Sonpi Bunmyaku" (a text compiled in the fourteenth century that records the lineages of the aristocracy), one of his daughters became a wife of TAIRA no Nobunori and bore a son named Nobunaka, but it can not be confirmed in a family tree of the Taira clan, and it is doubtful in terms of the chronological consistency (it is described that another daughter who married with Mitsukane TAKASHINA bore a son named Nobunaka).
    また、『尊卑分脈』の記述によると娘の一人は平信範の室となり信仲なる子を儲けたとされるが、同平氏系図では確認出来ず年代的な整合性においても疑問である(別の一女の夫高階光兼の子に信仲の名がみえる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During the Meiji Restoration, Yukichi immediately introduced feminism of Western countries to Japan; he stated that polygyny and the keeping a mistress are bad practices because 'the married couple is the base of morality', that women should be emancipated, and that women should be granted the right to receive an equal education because women and men are equally human beings.
    福澤は、明治維新になって欧米諸国の女性解放思想をいちはやく日本に紹介し、「人倫の大本は夫婦なり」として一夫多妻制や妾をもつことを非難し、女性にも自由を与えなければならぬとし、女も男も同じ人間だから、同様の教育を受ける権利があると主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Katsushika Hokusai Den (Biography of Hokusai KATSUSHIKA)" by Kyoshin Iijima, Heihachiro KOBAYASHI, an expert swordsman who had been treated as a hero of the Kira side in the Genroku Ako Incident (Chushingura [The Treasury of Loyal Retainers]), had a daughter who later married Ise NAKAJIMA, an artist of mirrors, and gave birth to Hokusai KATSUSHIKA.
    飯島虚心『葛飾北斎伝』によれば、元禄赤穂事件(忠臣蔵)で吉良方のヒーローとして扱われている剣客の小林平八郎には、娘が一人いて、その娘が後世、鏡師中島伊勢に嫁ぎ、そこで生まれた子が葛飾北斎であるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Genpei Seisui ki" (Rise and Fall of the Minamoto and the Taira clans), Yoshinaka Minamoto's favorite concubines and female warrior Tomoegozen visited Kamakura after Yoshinaka7s death, Yoshimori told Yoritomo that he wanted to have a child with someone as strong as her, and Yoshihide ASAHINA was born after Yoshimori married Tomoe.
    『源平盛衰記』では源義仲滅亡後、義仲の愛妾であった女武者巴御前が鎌倉へ下り、義盛があのような剛の者に子を産ませたいと頼朝に申し出て、巴を娶ったのち朝比奈義秀が生まれたとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Apart from this, FUJIWARA no Kimisuke who was married to Tokimoto's sister inherited part of Ano-sho, and his descendants have prospered as a court noble of the ANO family (Renshi ANO who is famous as a concubine of the Emperor Godaigo and a real mother of the Emperor Gomurakami, is from this family).
    これとは別に、時元の姉妹と結婚していた藤原公佐が阿野荘の一部を相続し、その子孫は公家の阿野家として繁栄している(後醍醐天皇側室・後村上天皇生母として著名な阿野廉子はこの家の出身である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His eldest daughter, Tsuru UESUGI, became a wife of Tsunataka SHIMAZU, the lord of the Satsuma domain, the second daughter, Akuri UESUGI, married Masatake TSUGARU, a kotaiyoriai (landholding liege vassals with alternate attendance obligations) hatamoto, and the third daughter, Kiku UESUGI, also became a wife of Tadahira SAKAI, a hatamoto (Princess Tsuru was divorced from Tsunataka, and Princess Kiku had lost her husband, but later she became a wife of Tsunenari OINOMIKADO, a court noble, and gave birth to a son and a daughter).
    長女上杉鶴は薩摩藩主島津綱貴の室、次女上杉阿久利は交代寄合旗本津軽政たけの室、3女上杉菊も旗本酒井忠平の室となっている(鶴姫は綱貴に離縁され、菊姫も死別するが、のちに公家大炊御門経音の室となって1男1女を産む)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also, Hiro SAGA from Ogimachisanjo clan (Saga clan) who was married to Fuketsu AISHINKAKURA, the younger brother of Fugi AISHINKAKURA, the last emperor of Shin, the later emperor of Manchukuo, is the grandchild of Tadamitsu's only daughter, and was the great grandchild for the couple (although for Tomiko she was the great grandchild of her adopted daughter).
    また、清最後の皇帝で後に満州国皇帝となった愛新覚羅溥儀の弟である愛新覚羅溥傑に嫁いだ正親町三条家(嵯峨家)出身の嵯峨浩は、忠光の一人娘仲子の孫にあたり、夫妻(富子にとっては義理であるが)の曾孫にあたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Mishitsunoi keizu," Takeshiba's daughter became the wife of Kanmu-Heishi TAIRA no Yoshifumi TAIRA no Masatsune of the Chichibu clan, and his granddaughter (the daughter of MUSASHI no Takemune, Takeshiba's son) married TAIRA no Motomune (son of TAIRA no Tadanume) to have children including TAIRA no Motonaga (the founder of Noyoto) and TAIRA no Yorito (the founder of Murayamato).
    『西角井系図』では、武芝の娘は秩父氏の祖桓武平氏平良文平将恒の妻となり、孫娘(武芝の子武蔵武宗の娘)は平元宗(平胤宗の子)に嫁ぎ、平基永(野与党の祖)・平頼任(村山党の祖)を設けたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Incidentally, Araki's daughter married Hideteru, grandchild of Yoriteru KAJIKAWA, who was known to have stopped Naganori ASANO during the sword fight in the castle, and due to this relationship, Araki's third son Masamichi changed his name to Uehide (上秀) KAJIKAWA, and was adopted to the Kajikawa family.
    ちなみに荒木の娘は、殿中刃傷の際に浅野長矩を押し留めたことで有名な梶川頼照の孫秀照と結婚しており、またこの縁で荒木の三男政方も、梶川上秀と改名して、梶川家の養子に迎え入れられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Besides, Tomoyoshi YOSHIOKA who was the 33rd Regimental Commander of hohei which completely destroyed in 'the fierce battle around Kankyotonsangenya' of Battle of Mukden said to be the fiercest battle of the Russo-Japanese War had been YAMAZA's close friend since his childhood and married YAMAZA's younger sister to become his younger brother-in-law.
    また、日露戦争における最大の激戦とされる奉天会戦の「干洪屯三軒屋附近の激戦」において全滅した歩兵第33連隊の連隊長吉岡友愛は、山座の少年時代からの親友であり、山座の妹と結婚し義弟であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Further, Aizo built an atelier at the back of his shop, and Rokuzan OGIWARA, Tsune NAKAMURA, Teijiro NAKAHARA and Kogan TOBARI, and other artists came to visit there actively, and he was asked by an authority of the right wing, Mitsuru TOYAMA and sheltered a patriot escaping from India, Rash Behari Bose in 1915, and his first daughter, Toshiko was married to Bose in 1918.
    また、愛蔵は店の裏にはアトリエをつくり、荻原碌山、中村彝、中原悌二郎、戸張狐雁らの出入が盛んとなり、大正4年には、インドの亡命志士ラス・ビハリ・ボースを右翼の重鎮・頭山満に頼まれてかくまい、大正7年には、長女俊子がボースと結婚した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that she had a very lonely newly-married life because Yoshinobu was very intimate with Tsuneko TOMENOMIYA, a widow of Yoshihisa TOKUGAWA, and also because her engagement to Yoshinobu had been determined as a replacement on very short notice.
    慶喜との婚約自体が、代役として急遽決められた物であった上、慶喜は徳川慶壽未亡人・東明宮直子(とめのみやつねこ)女王と大変に仲が良かったため、美賀子は非常に寂しい新婚生活を送ったと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In later years, Uesugi and Yotsutsuji families had trouble with bakufu over the treatment of the concubine Yotsutsuji's nephew, a Christian kugyo (high court noble) Mitsunori YAMAURA, while the grandson of Kagekatsu and the concubine Yotsutsuji, Tsunakatsu UESUGI who became the third lord of the clan, got married with his second cousin and a daughter of Kinaya YOTSUTSUJI, Princess Tomi, as his second wife.
    その後、上杉家と四辻家には、四辻氏の甥であるキリシタン公卿山浦光則の処遇を巡る幕府との軋轢などのトラブルもあった一方、景勝と四辻氏の孫にあたる三代藩主上杉綱勝は、継室として又従姉妹にあたる四辻公理の娘富姫を迎えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Rinso had five daughters; the husband of the first daughter, Kume was Shindo TSUBOI, that of the second, Michiko was Gencho ITO, that of the third, Hideko was Komin KAWAMOTO, that of the fourth, Miyako was Choei TAKANO (Miyako died young at the age of 32 in April 29, 1849, 6 months later of their marriage) and they married famous Dutch scholars as seen in above.
    林宗には五人の娘がいて、長女粂の夫は坪井信道、次女三千子の夫は伊東玄晁、三女秀子の夫は川本幸民、四女宮子の夫は高野長英(宮子は結婚後半年目の嘉永2年4月7日(旧暦)(1849年4月29日)、32歳で早世)と高名な蘭学者に嫁いる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His younger sister Tosa OTAKA married Yuen NAKAI, who was the director of Suisaikan school and whose father was Riken NAKAI, director of Kaitokudo school ("Kinsei Gakugei Ronko - Hagura Keisho Ronbunshu" [Discussion on the Studies in the Early Modern Times - Collected Articles of Keisho HAGURA] edited by Jun SUZUKI and published by Meiji Shoin), but she died at such a young age of 25.
    妹に大高土沙がおり、懐徳堂学主中井履軒の息子で、水哉館館主であった中井柚園に嫁したが(『近世学芸論考-羽倉敬尚論文集-』鈴木淳編、明治書院)、二十五歳の若さで没している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Tsunemasa had taken over the post of Hitto karo of the Toyooka clan from his father Tsuneaki, and he had gotten married to Marihime, the daughter of the former lord of the domain Takasumi KYOGOKU, the confrontation with the present lord of the domain Takanaga KYOGOKU had become very serious regarding the reformation of the domain duties, and so in 1747 he resigned his position as karo and left the Toyooka domain.
    父毎明から豊岡藩筆頭家老職を受け継ぎ、また前藩主京極高住の娘万里姫を妻に迎えたが、当代藩主・京極高永とは藩政改革を巡って対立を深め、延享4年(1747年)に家老を辞して豊岡藩を去ることになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, Hokke family won deep trust of the Retired Emperor Saga and Empress Dowager, shown by the fact that Fuyutsugu's son, FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa, got married with MINAMOTO no Kiyohime, Imperial princess of the Retired Emperor Saga, while Shikike family failed to produce influential figures due to incidents such as the death of FUJIWARA no Ieo, the eldest son of Otsugu.
    さらに、冬嗣の息子である藤原良房が嵯峨上皇の皇女源潔姫を降嫁されるなど、父同様上皇と皇太后に深く信任されたのに対し、緒嗣は長男の藤原家緒に先立たれる等、式家はその後有力な人材を出すことができなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Generally, a midaidokoro came from a court noble family, a house of an imperial prince or the Imperial family (there were two exceptions, Kodaiin and Tenshoin, midaidokoro of the 11th Shogun Ienari TOKUGAWA, although they came from the Shimazu family, they were adopted by the house of Konoe, and then married with the shogun).
    御台所は、公家・宮家・天皇家から迎えるのが慣例となっていた(例外は、11代将軍徳川家斉御台所・広大院と天璋院の2人で、どちらも島津家出身であったが、近衛家に養女となった上で輿入れした)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There are two theories about the dispute: one theory is that Masakado wanted to marry one of MINAMOTO no Mamoru's daughters, but was denied; the other theory is that Masakado married the daughter of Yoshikane, but she had affairs with MINAMOTO no Mamoru's three sons (MINAMOTO no Tasuku, MINAMOTO no Takashi, and MINAMOTO no Shigeru).
    この源護の三人の娘の誰かを将門が妻に望んだが叶わなかったためという説、または、良兼の娘を将門が妻にし、その女を源護の三人の息子(源扶、源隆、源繁)が横恋慕したという説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kumataro became infuriated and talked about breaking up with her, but her mother, Otora taunted him saying, 'When you married Onui, you promised to send money to me every month, but I've never received it. If you want to break up with her, you must pay the unpaid money first.'
    熊太郎が激怒して別れ話を切り出したが、おぬいの母おとらが「お前とおぬいが一緒になる時に自分に毎月仕送りをする約束だったのに、全然仕送りを貰っていない。別れるなら払わなかった分を全部払ってから別れろ」と熊太郎をなじった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Yoshitoki protected Shigetada at the time of the rebellion, there was no evidence that he looked after Shigetada's children after his death; Shigetada's wife, who was a sister of Yoshitoki and Masako, was approved to inherit Shigetada's territories, however, she married Yoshizumi ASHIKAGA, who then became head of the Hatayama clan, which in fact ended Shigetada's family line.
    重忠討伐の際、重忠を擁護したという義時は、その後重忠の遺児を庇護したなどという形跡はなく、重忠の所領は義時・政子の姉妹である重忠の妻に安堵され、その妻は北条氏の縁戚足利義純に再嫁して畠山氏を継承し、重忠の血筋は断絶している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (For Kuikaeshi against Sotomago [grandchild from a daughter married into another family], although it says that Kuikaeshi was allowed according as daughters, in reality, if there was an issue raised, it had to be judged by checking the deed and the shoryo [territory] to avoid confrontation against the family of the Sotomago.)
    (ただし、外孫(娘の子)に対する悔返は本来は娘に準拠して悔返が認められるとしつつも、実際に問題が生じた場合には証文や所領の実態を見て判断することされ、外孫の実家との対立を抑制する方針が採られている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1267, compromise to a third person (compromise to a non-blood relative) which could not be the subject of Kuikaeshi was banned and before this Kuikaeshi against an ex-wife who a husband gave property to then divorced was not allowed unless she was a criminal, but it was changed to allow Kuikaeshi against ex-wife who married again.
    文永4年(1267年)には悔返の対象となり得ない他人和与(第三者への譲渡)そのものを禁止し、また従来夫が所領を譲与した後に離別しても妻に罪が無ければ悔返が出来なかったが、ここで改嫁した前妻への悔返が認められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The painting depicts a gorgeous atmosphere with a houseboat floating in a pond showing that Jiro, who married a nyobo (lady-in-waiting) from the imperial court and enjoyed entertainment such as poems and music, made a pond and had a tsuridono built within the vast premises and had graceful trees, such as red Japanese plum, cherry and pine trees, planted in the garden.
    池に屋形船をうかべはなやかな様子が描かれているが二郎は宮廷の女房を妻にもらい、詩歌管弦の遊戯を好んでいたらしく、広大な敷地内には池を築き釣殿を建て、庭園には紅梅や桜、松などの趣ある植栽がなされている様子がわかる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moreover, because the person who married Naoyuki ANZAI's younger sister Kimiko was Kensuke HOTTA (Sumitomo Bank), the first son of Shozo HOTTA, who was Sodanyaku of Sumitomo Bank, Shozo HOTTA, who was the former Iincho of the Sumitomo family council after Shigeru OKAHASHI became related by Keibatsu, there was a Keibatsu blood connection to the Sumitomo Family through the Sodanyaku of Sumitomo Bank, at the soriji rank.
    また安西直之の妹公子を娶ったのが、住友銀行相談役堀田庄三の長男健介(住友銀行)であるから、岡橋林の跡を継いだ住友家評議員会の前委員長であった堀田庄三は、住友家の相談役、総理事格から、さらに踏み込んで、住友家と閨閥でつながった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, the increase in the House of Hino's influence caused suspicion on the shogunate side, whereby the assassination of Yoshisuke HINO by Yoshinori led to the temporary ruin of the Hino Family, but once Tomiko Hino got married to the eighth shogun Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, Katsumitsu HINO, Tomiko's elder brother, regained his political influence.
    しかし、その発言力の増大が幕府側の疑心を招き、日野義資が義教により暗殺されて一時没落しかけるが、日野富子は8代将軍足利義政に嫁ぐと、富子の兄の日野勝光も再び政治的影響力を持っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To provide a drinking straw for couples for allowing respective loving couples, happy married couples, close parents and children, and close families to drink with deep love, joy and amusement by simultaneously drinking a liquid in one glass together.
    本発明は、愛し合っている恋人や仲が良い夫婦や親子や家族のみなさんが、1つのコップに入っている飲み物を一緒に同時に飲むことによって、お互いがより深い愛情と喜びや楽しさをもって飲むことができるラブラブストローを提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a package plan of a wedding ceremony, a wedding reception and a post-party party of a desired atmosphere and content with the sum of money that a couple getting married or singles have in mind by cutting a waste of time required for a prior meeting and by reducing overhead expenses necessary for a wedding ceremony, a wedding reception or the like.
    挙式、披露宴その他に要する諸費用の削減と打ち合わせ等に要する時間の浪費をなくし、挙式予定のカップル又は単身者が予定している金額で、希望する雰囲気と内容の挙式、披露宴、二次会等について一括したプランの提供。 - 特許庁
  • To reduce lack of nutrition balance and repeats of the same menus with which a family bored in the case menus in each meal are circulative combinations of dishes a housewife is good at cooking or favorite menus, as it often the case a newly married housewife, and gradually widen a menu repertory of the housewife.
    新米主婦にありがちな毎食時の献立が、得意な料理、好きな献立の循環的組み合わせで栄養が偏ったり、家人が同じ献立の繰り返しで飽きるのを防ぎ、主婦の料理レパートリーを徐々に増やしていくことを目的としている。 - 特許庁
  • In this intermediation system on the internet, a user registration server 11 makes the user input user information (without including his/her address and name) including a main activity area, date of birth, sex, married/single, occupation and interest, and an individual private page creation providing server creates an individual private page inherent to a registered user and provides the user with the individual private page.
    ユーザ登録サーバは、ユーザに、主な行動地域、生年月日、性別、既婚/未婚、職業、及び興味を含むユーザ情報(住所及び氏名を含まない)を入力させ、個人専用ページ作成提供サーバは、登録されたユーザに固有の個人専用ページを作成し提供する。 - 特許庁
  • In terms of the amount of time spent on parenting, MIC’s Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities(2001) shows that, on average, men spend approximately 25 minutes and women approximately 3 hours on parenting per week in households including a married couple and child under the age of 6 years.
    育児に費やす時間でみた場合、総務省「社会生活基本調査」(2001年)によると、夫婦と6歳未満の子どものいる世帯における週全体の平均育児時間は、夫が約25分、妻が約3時間となっており、夫の育児参加時間は妻に比べて非常に短い。 - 経済産業省
  • Looking at the relationship between the annual household income of married couples and proportion with children shown in Fig. 3-3-40 1), the proportion with children increases with annual household income in the case of households with a fulltime homemaker, and no clear correlation is observed between household income and the proportion with children in the case of dualincome households.
    第3-3-40図〔1〕を見ると、夫婦の世帯年収と子持ち率との関係は、専業主婦(夫)世帯の場合においては、世帯年収が高くなるほど子持ち率が高まり、夫婦共働きの場合は、世帯年収と子持ち率に明確な相関は見られない。 - 経済産業省
  • Similarly regarding the relationship between the annual household income and number of children per household of married couples shown in Fig. 3-3-40 2), the number of children per household rises with annual household income in the case of fulltime homemaker households, and no clear correlation is evident in the case of dual-income households.
    同様に、第3-3-40図〔2〕で夫婦の世帯年収と世帯当たり子ども数の関係を見ると、専業主婦(夫)世帯においては、世帯年収が高くなるほど世帯当たり子ども数が増加し、夫婦共働きの場合には明確な相関は見られない。 - 経済産業省
  • Among the unmarried, 90% want to marry sometime in the future. The average desired number of children among the married and the unmarried who wish to marry is two or more for both men and women. However, the birth rate has been falling in these years, creating a gap between what people desire and the reality.
    未婚者の9割はいずれ結婚したいと考えており、また、既婚者及び結婚希望のある未婚者の希望子ども数の平均は男女とも2人以上となっているが、近年、出生率は低下傾向にあり、希望と現実のかい離が生じている。 - 厚生労働省
  • 3  In the case of a married couple, where both spouses have been insured under the Swiss insurance, the lump-sum instead of a pension under the Swiss old-age insurance shall be paid only when both persons are entitled to a Swiss pension
    3 既婚の夫婦の双方がスイスの保険により保障されてきた場合には、双方についてスイスの年金の給付を受ける権利が確立されたときにのみ、スイスの老齢保険による通常部分年金の代わりに一時金を支給する 。 - 厚生労働省
  • This could be the result of theincreasing numbers of unmarried women or women getting married later, and the diversification of values.
    (勤労者生活と家計の変化)勤労者生活をみると、高度経済成長期の経済成長にあわせて1960年頃から1970年代前半にかけて実収入、可処分所得が大きく増加するとともに三種の神器、3Cといったような耐久消費財が家庭に普及していった。 - 厚生労働省
  • Young workers married, raised a family in the large cities, helped consumer durables to penetrate themarket, which in turn led the changes in city-dweller's lifestyles.
    また、現実に進行している人口の集積状況の変化を、1980年以降、20年間の市町村ごとの人口密度の変化によってみると、人口密度の高い市町村では人口密度が一層高まっており、人口密度が低い市町村では人口密度が低下している(第26図)。 - 厚生労働省
  • that it was Paris, who (he learned in his way from Mantua) should have married Juliet, he took the dead youth by the hand, as one whom misfortune had made a companion, and said that he would bury him in a triumphal grave, meaning in Juliet's grave, which he now opened.
    その人はパリスであり、(マンテュアから来る途中で知ったのだが)ジュリエットと結婚するはずだった人と知り、その死んだ青年の手を取って、不幸にも道連れとなった人として、今彼がひらいた勝利の墓、すなわちジュリエットの墓に埋葬してやろう、と言った。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』
  • Now, if he had borrowed my money, or if he had married me and got my money settled on him, there might be some reason, but Hosmer was very independent about money and never would look at a shilling of mine.
    そこですわ、彼が私からお金を借りていたとか、結婚して私のお金を彼に分与させたとかいうならわからなくもないですけど、ホズマーはお金のことでは全く誰に頼る必要もありませんでしたし、私のお金なんかちっとも問題にしませんでした。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』
  • Tell us,--What complaint have you to make against us which justifies you in attempting to destroy us and the state? In the first place did we not bring you into existence? Your father married your mother by our aid and begat you.
    我々に答えよ。そなたは国家に対していかなる不満を持っているのか。いかなることをもって、法律や国家を破壊する正当な理由とするのか。第一に、我々はそなたが生まれてくるにあたって何もしなかったと言うのか。そなたの父は、我々の助けを得てそなたの母と結婚し、そなたを得たのだ。 - Plato『クリトン』
  • Gratiano, and Nerissa, Portia's waiting-maid, were in attendance upon their lord and lady, when Portia so gracefully promised to become theobedient wife of Bassanio; and Gratiano, wishing Bassanio and the generous lady joy, desired permission to be married at the same time.
    グレイシアーノとポーシャの侍女ネリッサとが、それぞれの主人にかしずいていた。ポーシャがしとやかに、バサーニオの従順な妻になろうと約束したとき、グレイシアーノはバサーニオとこの寛大な婦人におめでとうございますと言い、自分も同時に結婚する許しを願い出た - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』
  • Originally, Shinran learned that helping those who cannot help but stray from the concept of a general monk (who enters the priesthood and practices asceticism, renouncing the world) and the norm of Buddhists (laity) living in the world is Hongan Nenbutsu (praying for the vows) from his master Honen, and became the first monk to openly get married and have a child.
    そもそもは、一般の僧侶という概念(世間との縁を断って出家し修行する人々)や世間内で生活する仏教徒(在家)としての規範からはみ出さざるを得ない人々を救済するのが本願念仏であると、師法然から継承した親鸞が、それを実践し僧として初めて公式に妻帯し子を設けたことに由来する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In general, the history of the Kyogoku school is broken into two periods, with the school during the Kamakura period dubbed the early period and all its history from the Northern and Southern Court period onwards being called the late period; its principal active poets included Tamekane KYOGOKU, Emperor Fushimi, Imperial Prince Hisaaki, Shoshi SAIONJI, Tameshi FUJIWARA (also known as Tameshi of Junior Third Rank), and Tamesuke REIZEI (whose daughter married Imperial Prince Hisaaki of the Jimyoin lineage), and Tamekane was also chosen (by order of Emperor Fushimi) to compile the 13th Imperial waka anthology, "Gyokuyo wakashu" (the Jeweled Leaves Collection).
    通常鎌倉期のそれを前期、南北朝期以降のそれを後期と呼んで区分しているが、前期京極派においては京極為兼、伏見院、久明親王、西園寺しょう子、藤原為子(従三位為子)、冷泉為相(娘が持明院統の久明親王に嫁す)らが主要な歌人として活躍し、十三番目の勅撰集『玉葉和歌集』(伏見院下命、為兼撰)が編まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The main plot is quite similar to Urashima Monogatari; Yamasachihiko, the deity from which the Imperial family is descended, was put in a waterproof palanquin called 'Manashikatama' by the god Shiotsutsunooji and taken to Wadatsumi no miya (a palace of the tutelary deity of the sea), and there gets married to Toyotamahime, a daughter of Wadatsumi, and after spending three years there he returns home and breaks a taboo.
    その劇中、天皇の祖神、山幸彦が「塩土老翁」(しおつつのおじ)という神に「無目籠」(まなしかたま)という水の入らないかごに乗せられ、海神の宮(わだつみのみや)に行き、海神(わだつみ)の娘、豊玉姫(とよたまひめ)と結婚し3年間暮らし生まれ故郷に戻り禁(タブー)を破る話の大筋がそっくりである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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