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  • At that time, there were three candidates for succession to the Imperial Throne—Imperial Prince Fushiminomiya Sadayoshi, Imperial Prince Kaninnomiya Haruhito and Haruhito's younger brother, Imperial Prince Sachinomiya Morohito—but since it was decided that the former Emperor's daughter, Princess Yoshiko, would become the Empress, Prince Haruhito was ruled out as a candidate because he was already married; consequently, Uchisaki NOKOE recommended Prince Sadayoshi and Naozane KUJO recommended Prince Morohito out of the two remaining candidates.
    当時、後継候補者として伏見宮貞敬親王・閑院宮美仁親王と美仁の弟・祐宮師仁親王の3人がいたが、先帝の遺児・欣子内親王を新帝の妃にするという構想から既婚の美仁親王が候補から消え、残り2人のうち近衛内前は貞敬親王を九条尚実は師仁親王を推薦した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This unwritten rule was originally made to avoid any trouble that might occur in Imperial succession, Emperor Gomizunoo used this to stop the Tokugawa lineage from the Imperial lineage and intended not to have any Tokugawa blood in the Imperial family, thus he made his daughter, Empress Meisho to succeed the throne. (However Okiko's younger sister, Imperial Princess Akiko and Imperial Princess Yoshiko married into the Konoe family and the Nijo family, two of the five families whose members were eligible for the positions of Sessho and Kanpaku.)
    この決まりは元来、皇位継承の際の混乱を避けることが主要な意図であるが、後水尾天皇はこの不文律を利用し、天皇家から徳川の血を絶やし、後世までその累が及ばぬようにするという意図などをもって、娘の明正天皇を即位させたといわれている(ただし興子の同母妹の昭子・賀子両内親王はそれぞれ五摂家の近衛家・二条家に降嫁している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Of course Emperor Showa and some Imperial Family members were against this movement, there was an idea to keep Miyake such as the Kuninomiya family which was the original family Empress Kojun was from, and the Higashikuninomiya family, to which Emperor Showa's first Prince, Shigeko HIGASHIKUNI married into, but finally three families were kept, they were Emperor Showa's younger brother's family, Chichibunomiya, Takamatsunomiya, Mikasanomiya, and the other 11 Miyake were all to cease being members of the Imperial Family.
    当然、この動きには昭和天皇や一部の皇族からの抵抗があり、香淳皇后の実家である久邇宮家や昭和天皇の第一皇女東久邇成子の嫁ぎ先である東久邇宮家など一部の宮家は皇室に残す案も出たが、最終的には、昭和天皇の実弟である秩父宮・高松宮家・三笠宮家の3宮家のみを残し、伏見宮流の11宮家は全て皇籍離脱させることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 51 members of 11 Miyake left in accordance with the current Imperial Family Law, Clause 11, 'Due to Imperial member's will or due to the decision of the Imperial Household Council', or Clause 14 of the same law, 'Due to Imperial member's will' or Clause 13, 'the Imperial Princes or their Princesses or other lineal descendants and their Empresses should leave their position as Imperial members, excluding female members who married into other Imperial Families or their lineal descendants.'
    11宮家51名の皇籍離脱は、法形式上は現行の皇室典範11条「その意思に基き、皇室会議の議により」若しくは同14条「その意思により」又は同13条「皇族の身分を離れる親王又は王の妃並びに直系卑属及びその妃は、他の皇族と婚姻した女子及びその直系卑属を除き、同時に皇族の身分を離れる」によってそれぞれ行なわれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Later he married the Imperial princess Inoe, the princess of Emperor Shomu, in 744, and suddenly he had a lot of chances to be promoted and in 762, he became Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) and he made a great achievement to put down the Rebellion of Fujiwara no Nakamaro and won the trust of Emperor Koken/Emperor Shotoku and was promoted to Dainagon (chief councilor of state) in 766.
    その後天平16年(744年)聖武天皇の皇女・井上内親王(いのえのひめみこ)を妃としたことからにわかに昇進が早くなり、天平宝字6年(762年)に中納言となり、藤原仲麻呂の乱の鎮圧に功績を挙げて孝謙天皇称徳天皇の信任を受けて天平神護2年(766年)には大納言に昇進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At first junbo was the status which was named accordingly in court ceremony, later it was put to give good treatment to imperial princesses, and there were many examples that imperial princesses who were not married to the emperor were named as a junbo and empress (it is called junbo-rikko [investiture of junbo and empress], and an imperial princess who became an empress in this way is also called a Sonsho kogo [honorific empress who is not a wife of the emperor]).
    当初は宮中儀礼において必要に応じて定められた地位であったが、後に皇女の優遇のために置かれるようになり、天皇と配偶関係にない皇女が准母・皇后として冊立された例も多い(これを准母立后と称し、このように后となった内親王を尊称皇后とも呼ぶ)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Shincho Koki" (biography of Nobunaga ODA), Toshimasa (Dosan) was very surprised when he met Nobunaga at Shotoku-ji Temple (present-day Tomida, Ichinomiya City (former Nishio City), Aichi Prefecture) after Kicho married Nobunaga, because even though Nobunaga was known as empty-headed he showed up formally dressed and he had his guards equipped with many rifles; Toshimasa SAITO (Dosan) anticipated a bright future for Nobunaga and said, "My sons will be tying that empty-headed man's (Nobunanga's) horse."
    帰蝶を信長に嫁がせた後の聖徳寺(現在の愛知県一宮市(旧尾西市)冨田)で会見した際、「うつけ者」と評されていた信長が多数の鉄砲を護衛に装備させ正装で訪れたことに大変驚き、斎藤利政は信長を見込むと同時に、「我が子たちはあのうつけ(信長)の馬をつなぐようになる」と述べたと信長公記にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During the Edo Period, the Confucian ideals of humanity and morality were important, and Masako is given high praise in the "Dai Nihon Shi" and by scholars such as Hakuseki ARAI and Sanyo RAI for her leadership of the Kamakura government after the death of her husband Yoritomo, yet added the criticism that she lacked morality, which led to the violent death of her sons (Yoriie, Sanetomo), the decline of the family she married into (the Minamoto clan) and the rise to power of her birth family, the Hojo clan.
    江戸時代になると儒学の影響で人倫道徳観に重きを置かれるようになり、『大日本史』や新井白石、頼山陽などが政子を評しているが、頼朝亡き後に鎌倉幕府を主導したことは評価しつつも、子(頼家、実朝)が変死して婚家(源氏)が滅びて、実家(北条氏)がこれにとって代ったことが婦人としての人倫に欠くと批判を加えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As a part of measures to reconcile the relationship between the Hojo clan and Ashikaga clan, she married Takauji ASHIKAGA and gave birth to the heir, Senjuo (later, Yoshiakira) and she went through many hardships that Yoshiakira was sent to Kamakura as a hostage for the Hojo family and that as Takauji later turned against the Kamakura bakufu, as a result, the Hojo family including her elder brother, Moritoki was ruined..
    北条氏と足利氏との融和策の一環として足利高氏(当時)に嫁ぎ、嫡男千寿王(のちの義詮)を産んだが、北条家への人質として鎌倉に差し出されたり、のちに高氏が鎌倉幕府に反抗したため、結果として兄の守時を含む北条一門が族滅の憂き目にあうなど辛酸をなめた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Soshu ICHIO (1593 - 1675), second son of SEN no Sotan, married a daughter of Hachibei, the founder of the Nakamura family (1617 - 1695) (although Hachibei's surname was Yoshioka at that time), changed his name to Jinuemon YOSHIOKA, and worked as a nurishi, but when Soshu took over the Kankyu-an Tearoom (Mushakoji-Senke) from his father Sotan, Soshu left the Yoshioka family and returned to the House of Sen after he relinquished the profession to Hachibei.
    千宗旦の次男、一翁宗守(1593年~1675年)は、中村宗哲家の初代八兵衛(1617年~1695年、当時の八兵衛は吉岡姓)の娘婿となり、吉岡甚右衛門を名乗り塗師を営んでいたが、宗守が父・宗旦から官休庵(武者小路千家)を譲り受けた際に吉岡家を出て千家に復する時、家業を八兵衛に譲った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Like Tadaakira, Yasuto was very generous about bribery and accepted a bribe of 6,000 ryo from Sakyo SENGOKU, hitto karo (the head of chief retainers) of the Sengoku clan of Izushi Domain in Tajima Province; in consequence, he married a daughter of his brother Chikara MATSUDAIRA, a branch family of hatamoto yoriaiseki (a family rank of high-ranking hatamoto) off to Sakyo's son, Kotaro SENGOKU, which later led to his downfall.
    忠成同様、賄賂には大変鷹揚なところがあり、但馬国出石藩仙石氏の筆頭家老の仙石左京から6,000両もの賄賂を受け取り、その結果、実弟の分家旗本寄合席・松平主税の娘を左京の息子仙石小太郎に嫁がせたが、これがのちに康任失脚の布石となってしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Shunmoji married Tadataka HOSOKAWA, the legitimate son of Tadaoki HOSOKAWA, in 1597, but was 'divorced from the Hosokawa family in 1600 for a certain reason (which was she did not commit suicide with the mother-in-law, Garasha HOSOKAWA)' (according to "Hosokawakeki menkoshuroku" (Records of the Hosokawa family)), and later remarried Nagatsugu MURAI, the son of Nagayori MURAI, who was from one of the eight Maeda Kaga families, and deeply trusted by Matsu (Hoshunin) (There are different theories on the timing: see 'Mystery about the timing of remarriage').
    春香院は、1597年に細川忠興の嫡男細川忠隆と結婚するが、「故あって(義母細川ガラシャとともに自害しなかったことを指す)、慶長五年(1600年)に細川家から離縁。」(細川家記綿考輯録より)され、のち前田加賀八家のひとつでまつ(芳春院)の信頼が深い村井長頼の子村井長次に再嫁した(時期には異説がある。再婚時期の謎。)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He married the third daughter of his uncle Yoshisada OISHI and had five sons; Yoshitaka OISHI (the head of chief retainers of the Asano family of Ako Domain), Yoshishige OISHI (a chief retainer of the Asano family of Ako Domain), Tomotomo OKUMURA (a vassal of the Matsudaira family of Toyama Domain), Yoshihide OYAMA (a vassal of the Asano family of Ako Domain, adoptive father of Yoshimoro OYAMA) and Yoshitsugu OISHI (a vassal of the Matsudaira family of Takamatsu Domain).
    伯父にあたる大石良定の三女を妻に迎え、息子に大石良欽(赤穂藩浅野家筆頭家老)、大石良重(赤穂藩浅野家家老)、奥村具知(富山藩松平家家臣)、小山良秀(赤穂藩浅野家家臣・小山良師の養父)、大石良次(高松松平家家臣)の五人を儲けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yuge-jinja Shrine in Kumamoto City is the source of a folktale which relates that 'Dokyo who had already lost his position visited this place and fell in love with a seductive, gorgeous lady called Princess Fujiko at first sight, so that he married her and enjoyed her devotion to hospitality and good copulation, which made that wild, debauchee monk Dokyo live peacefully as a good husband.'
    熊本市にある弓削神社(熊本市)には「道鏡が失脚した後この地を訪れて、そこで藤子姫という妖艶華麗な女性を見初めて夫婦となり、藤子姫の献身的なもてなしと交合よろしきをもって、あの大淫蕩をもって知られる道鏡法師がよき夫として安穏な日々を過ごした」との俗話がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was a tradition and customary for a lawful wife of shogun to be selected from daughters of Kuge (a court noble) and Miyake (families allowed to have the status of Imperial family), so Shigehime changed her name to Yasuhime in order to be an adopted child of Tsunehiro KONOE who was related to Shimazu family just prior to Ienari became shogun on November 15, 1787 and married Ienari with yet again changed her name to Tadako KONOE.
    また将軍家の正室は公家や宮家の娘を迎える事が慣例であるため、茂姫は家斉が将軍に就任する直前の天明7年(1787年)11月15日(旧暦)に島津家と縁続きであった近衛家及び近衛経熙の養女となるために茂姫から寧姫と名を改め、経熙の娘として家斉に嫁ぐ際、名を再び改めて「近衛寔子(このえただこ)」として結婚することとなったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Regarding this popular belief, some would consider it is the reflection of the truth; Princess Kiku is known that she was truly adored by all in Uesugi clan, substantiated by the fact that she is favorably described in various references as a woman endowed with both beauty and intelligence, despite the fact she married into the Uesugi clan for political convenience; thus quite a few feudal retainers refused to admit the presence of the concubine Yotsutsuji near Kagekatsu.
    この俗説に関しては、菊姫は政略結婚によって上杉家に嫁いだ女性にも関わらず、複数の史書に才色兼備を謳われている程、上杉家中一同の深い敬愛を集める存在であったと伝えられることから、四辻氏という女性の存在自体を認めたくない家臣などが少なからずいた可能性は否定できないとの説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When the Tokugawa shogunate offered the lawful marriage of the 14th shogun Iemochi TOKUGAWA with Kazunomiya Chikako to seek Kobu-gattai (the reconciliation between the shogunate and the imperial court), Saneakira and his sister Kangyoin (Tsuneko HASHIMOTO) bitterly opposed the plan; however, at last, Kazunomiya Chikako herself gave way to the shogunate's insistent demands and married Iemochi.
    橋本実麗は、公武合体政策の一貫として、姪の和宮親子内親王が14代将軍・徳川家茂との婚姻対策が持ち上がった時には妹で和宮親子内親王の生母・観行院(橋本経子)とともに反対したが、度重なる江戸幕府の要求に和宮親子内親王が折れ、和宮親子内親王と徳川家茂との婚姻が成立。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Oyamatsumi said, 'I offered my two daughters together because I made a covenant that the son of Amatsukami (god of heaven) (Ninigi) will have a life as eternal as a rock if you have Iwanaga-hime as your wife, and if you have Konohana no sakuya-bime as your wife then you will prosper just like flowers blossoming on a tree. However, because you married only Konohana no sakuya-bime the life of the son of Amatsukami will be ephemeral like flowers on a tree.'
    オオヤマツミは「私が娘二人を一緒に差し上げたのは、イワナガヒメを妻にすれば天津神の御子(ニニギ)の命は岩のように永遠のものとなり、コノハナノサクヤビメを妻にすれば木の花が咲くように繁栄するだろうと誓約を立てたからである。コノハナノサクヤビメだけと結婚したので、天津神の御子の命は木の花のようにはかなくなるだろう」と言った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nagasunehiko addressed his question to Emperor Jinmu, "Long ago, a child of Amatsu kami (god of heaven) descended, riding on Ame no iwafune (rock boat of heaven). His name was Kushitama Nigihayahi no Mikoto. He married my younger sister, Mikashigiyahime, and a child named Umashimade was born. Therefore, I serve Nigihayahi no Mikoto as my lord. How could there be 2 children of God. How can you try to steal other people's land when you call yourself Amatsu kami's son?"
    長髄彦は神武天皇に「昔、天つ神の子が天の磐船に乗って降臨した。名を櫛玉饒速日命という。私の妹の三炊屋媛を娶わせて、可美真手という子も生まれた。ゆえに私は饒速日命を君として仕えている。天つ神の子がどうして二人いようか。どうして天つ神の子であると称して人の土地を奪おうとしているのか」とその疑いを述べた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • For example, as a result of getting to know each other as lovers, two people consider themselves compatible by taking into account both the good and bad qualities in each other and decide to get married; or one always gets nervous in front of a certain boss, and because of it, cannot bring a good result and gets scolded all the time; or one cannot help reprimanding a certain subordinate because of his/her attitude; or one always has great conversations with a certain co-worker, but not with another.
    例えば、恋人として付き合った結果としてお互いの長所も短所も好ましい性質と感じて結婚に至ったり、どうも所定の上司の前で緊張してしまって良い結果が出せず叱られてばかりだとか、所定の部下に対してだけ態度に不満があって強く注意してしまいがちだとか、あるいはあの同僚とは一緒に話していても楽しくないが、別の同僚とは話が弾む...などである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, several unfortunate incidents befell the throne: Princess Yamanobe no Himemiko, a sotomago (grandchild from a daughter married into another family) of SOGA no Akae followed her husband Imperial Prince Otsu to the grave when he was eliminated by Empress Jito, and ISHIKAWA no Tone no Iratsume, the wife of the late Emperor Monmu, was stripped of her rank due to infidelity and her children Hironari no Oji and Hiroyo no Oji were stripped of their standing as members of the Imperial family by association.
    しかしながら、蘇我赤兄の外孫である山辺皇女が、持統天皇に排除された夫の大津皇子に殉死したり、また文武天皇の妻の石川刀子娘が、天皇崩御後に某男との関係を持った事からその身分を剥奪され、子の広成皇子・広世皇子も連座して皇族の身分を剥奪される事件なども起こしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Kamakura period, although Kuikaeshi against the descendants were allowed in some cases even in the Kugeho, there were some severe restrictions such as no Kuikaeshi was allowed against properties handed to married women who were not under their parents' protection; and especially when the previous owner or the descendants who received it by compromise gave it to a third person (compromise to a non-blood relative), no Kuikaeshi was allowed.
    鎌倉時代に入ると、公家法においても子孫に対する悔返が場合によっては認められるようになっていたが、その場合においても親の保護下にない既婚女子への譲与分の悔返の禁止などの厳しい制約が設けられ、特に本人もしくは和与を受けた子孫が第三者に譲った場合(他人和与)にはいかなる場合でも悔返は認められなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moreover, since Takayasu MITSUI's eldest son Takaatsu (the torishimariyaku of Mitsui & Co., Ltd.) married Reiko, who was younger sister of Hachiroemon MITSUI, the tenth-generation Hokke, being the Mitsui Soryo-ke family and heir, the Keibatsu, Keibatsu blood connection between the Sumitomo and Mitsui families is not only a simple bond between one family and another family but is also a genuine connection directly connecting the Honke and Soryo-ke families and heirs.
    しかも三井高泰の長男高篤(元三井物産取締役)は、三井総領家である北家十代の三井八郎右衛門(高棟)の妹礼子を妻にしているので、住友家と三井家の閨閥のつながりは、単に一族と一族との結合ではなく、本家と総領家が直接に結びついた本格的なものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kintsune SAIONJI, who was a great grandson of Michisue, was confined by the imperial court during the Jokyu-no-ran War because, having married the niece of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, he was being watched over as a relative of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun); after the war, however, Kintsune gained the confidence of the shogunate, wielded the real power in the imperial court through holding the office of Kanto Moshitsugi, and rose to the position of Daijo daijin (grand minister of state), raising the social standing of the Saionji Family.
    通季の曾孫西園寺公経のとき、源頼朝の姪を妻としていたことから承久の乱に際して鎌倉幕府の縁者として警戒されて朝廷に幽閉され、かえって乱後に幕府の信任を受けて関東申次として朝廷の実権を握り、太政大臣にまでのぼって家格を高めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The housing (2) for plastic, metal powder, ceramic powder or food processing machines, more particularly for twin and multiple screw extruders, comprising several married bimetallic barrels (1) including a lining (6) and a backing (5) is characterized in that the bimetallic barrels (1) are diffusion bonded to each other.
    ライニング(6)及び基材(5)を含む結合バイメタル胴部(1)から成る、プラスチック、金属粉末、セラミック粉末又は食品の処理装置用、特に二軸および多軸押出機用ハウジング(2)において、前記バイメタル胴部(1)が、拡散接合法により互いに結合されていることを特徴とする前記ハウジング(2)。 - 特許庁
  • The reasons for this increase in the rate of workforce participation by women may be drawn back to the fact that the traditional mindset that married women should stay at home and concentrate on housework and raising children is fading while the education standard of women has improved and the number of highly-skilled workers is increasing. In addition, it has been analyzed that the government's policy to promote part-time labor and temporary employment through the practice of work sharing based on the Wassenaar Agreement established in 1982 has contributed to this development.
    このように女性の労働力率が高まった理由としては、既婚女性は家事や子育てに専念すべきであるという伝統的な意識が薄れる一方、女性の教育水準が高まったこと、高スキルの女性が増えてきたことに加えて、1982年のワッセナー合意に基づくワークシェアリングによるパートタイム就労や臨時雇用を促す政府の政策が寄与したと分析されている。 - 経済産業省
  • In May 2003, the third largest tax cut legislation in the history of the US30 was enacted and came into force. A tax cut to boost consumption forcefully in the household sector (including lowered individual income tax rates, expansion of eligibility for the lowest tax bracket, expansion of the child credit and deduction for married taxpayers filing joint returns) had already been implemented. According to estimates by the US government, the expected effect of the tax cuts in FY2003 will be roughly 30.9 billion dollars.31
    減税に関しては、米国史上第3位の大規模な減税法30が2003年5月に成立・執行され、家計部門の消費を力強く押し上げるような減税(所得税率の引き下げ、最低所得税率対象者の拡大、児童扶養税控除の拡大及び共働き世帯向けの減税等)が既に実施され、米国政府の試算によると、2003会計年度は約309億ドルの減税効果が見込まれている31。 - 経済産業省
  • Article 229 The crimes prescribed under Articles 224 and 225, the crimes prescribed under paragraph (1) of Article 227 which are committed for the purpose of aiding the person who has committed the crimes above, the crimes prescribed under paragraph (3) of Article 227 and the attempts of these crimes shall be prosecuted only upon complaint unless committed for the purpose of profit or threat to the life or body; provided, however, that when the person who has been kidnapped or sold has married the offender, the complaint shall have no effect until a judgment invalidating or rescinding the marriage has been rendered.
    第二百二十九条 第二百二十四条の罪、第二百二十五条の罪及びこれらの罪を幇助する目的で犯した第二百二十七条第一項の罪並びに同条第三項の罪並びにこれらの罪の未遂罪は、営利又は生命若しくは身体に対する加害の目的による場合を除き、告訴がなければ公訴を提起することができない。ただし、略取され、誘拐され、又は売買された者が犯人と婚姻をしたときは、婚姻の無効又は取り消しの裁判が確定した後でなければ、告訴の効力がない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • This mage had been worn since the later Edo period in eastern Japan centering on Edo (on the other hand, in western Japan centering on Kamigata [Kyoto and Osaka area], 'Sakko' [a variation of Shimada-mage with the remaining hair arranged with a stick called "kogai"] and 'Ryowa' [two mage are made and fixed with a stick called "kogai" with the remaining hair rolled up] had been worn; according to "Morisada Manko" [a kind of encyclopedia of folkways and other affairs in the Edo period] by Morisada KITAGAWA, a certain village in present-day Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture was the boundary between west and east: the region where married women wore 'sakko' or 'ryowa,' and the region where they wore 'marumage') and since the Meiji period it spread to the whole country and became common hairstyle; at the end of the Meiji period, a variety of 'marumagegata' (magegata [a paper frame which is wound round with hair to keep the shape of a chignon] for marumage), such as 'Ryogoku (両国) style,' 'Oimatsu style' and so on, went on sale to cover all tastes for the shape of mage.
    江戸時代後期以降、江戸を中心とした東日本(上方を中心とした西日本では「先笄」「両輪」 喜田川守貞『守貞謾稿』によると現在の愛知県岡崎市内にあったある村の西と東で既婚女性が「先笄」「両輪」に結う地域と「丸髷」に結う地域の二手に分かれたらしい)で、明治以降は全国的に広く一般に結われていた髷だが、髷の形に個人の好みを反映させるため明治末期には「両国形」「老松形」など数多くの「丸髷型」が売り出されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Because she did not earn her place in history after she married, it has often been considered she was poor in health or divorced, or even incapable of managing concubines and other female attendants of the castle; in fact, it can be assumed that she was indeed an able woman who could manage the O-oku system at the time, in which a shogun had one lawful wife and many other concubines and lovers, because Nobunaga's scandals related to his bedrooms never came out and were well managed.
    結婚後は歴史の表舞台に一切名を残さなかったせいか、病弱説や離婚説、奥を取り仕切るだけの器量がなかったなどという評価がなされる事があったが、実際は信長の閨房における醜聞が一切表に出ずきちんと取り仕切られていたことから、決して無能な女性ではなく一正室多側室多愛妾多伽係という当時の奥制度をきちんと管理出来る女性だったと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to this view, the first oracle was about an event not related to the succession to the Imperial Throne (perhaps it was related to the capital relocation to Yugenomiya Detached Palace [Yuge, in Kawachi Province, hometown of Dokyo] done in the same year), and WAKE no Kiyomaro was exiled because the plan by the Fujiwara clan (probably FUJIWARA no Nagate and his younger brother FUJIWARA no Kaedemaro) to make up an oracle using Kiyomaro was uncovered; according to this plan, the oracle says Prince Shirakabe or his son Imperial Prince Osabe should become Crown Prince (among the grandchildren of Emperor Shomu, Emperor Shotoku's father, born to his daughters married into another family, Imperial Prince Osabe was the only grandchild who had the right to ascend the Imperial Throne).
    その説によれば、最初の神託は皇位継承以外の出来事に纏わる(恐らくはこの年に行われた由義宮(道鏡の故郷である河内国弓削)遷都に関する)ものであって、これに乗じた藤原氏(恐らくは藤原永手とその弟の藤原楓麻呂か)が和気清麻呂を利用して白壁王あるいはその子である他戸親王(称徳天皇の父・聖武天皇の外孫の中で唯一皇位継承権を持つ)の立太子するようにという神託を仕立て上げようとしたことが発覚したために清麻呂が流刑にされたとする可能性も指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since the Emperor Keitai entered Yamato not immediately after the enthronement but the 20th year later after moving from place to place such as Kitakawachi or Minami-yamashiro, there are two following theories: One that considers due to a power in Yamato which didn't allow the enthronement of Emperor Keitai, the region was in the combat situation (theory by Kojiro NAOKI) and the other that, since Keitai, the emperor of the maternal side, was a successor to the throne in the linage of the Okinaga clan in Omi, which daughters often married those in the great king family, there was no such change of dynasties as usurpation of imperial throne (theory by Kunio HIRANO).
    また、即位後もすぐには大和の地にはいらず、北河内や南山城などの地域を転々とし、即位20年目に大和にはいったことから、大和には継体天皇の即位を認めない勢力があって戦闘状態にあったと考える説(直木孝次郎説)や、継体天皇は女系の天皇で、近江の息長氏などは大王家に妃を何度となく入れているが、継体天皇はその大王家の母方といえる息長氏系統の王位継承資格者で、皇位簒奪のような王朝交替はなかったと考える説(平野邦雄説)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It refers to illegal acts done by children (or grandchildren) to their parents (or grandparents) such as follows; filing a suit, cursing, abusing, becoming independent by removing names from the koseki (family register) or inheriting properties without permission, getting married during the time of mourning for parent(s) or grandparent(s) (for one year), indulging in entertainment such as music, taking off mofuku (the livery of grief), staying calm without feeling sad to hear the death of their parent(s) or grandparent(s) and having affairs with concubine of parent(s)' (grandparent(s)') by telling a lie that they were dead.
    子(あるいは孫)が父母(あるいは祖父母)に対して行うことが違法となる行為を指し、訴訟を起こすこと、呪詛すること、罵詈を浴びせること、父母(祖父母)の許可なく勝手に戸籍や財産を分けて独立すること、父母(祖父母)の喪中(1年間)に婚姻すること、音楽などの娯楽にふけったり喪服を脱ぐこと、父母(祖父母)の死を聞いても悲しまずに平然としていること、父母(祖父母)が死んだと偽ってその妾と通じることが挙げられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Regarding the social, cultural and economic factors giving rise to the decline in the birthrate, there are a variety of lines of thought, and past empirical studies have identified the following correlations with employment of women: (1) a rise in women's education has a negative impact on the birthrate in terms of its effect on both timing of birth and number of children, while a rise in the income of husbands has a positive effect on both; and (2) married women who are permanent employees or part-time workers give birth later than women without employment.11)
    少子化をもたらしている社会的、文化的、経済的要因については、多様な考え方があるが、これまで、女性の就業との関係では、以下のような実証分析がなされている論文もある。それらによれば、〔1〕女性の学歴の上昇は、出産時期、子供数に与える影響ともに出産に抑制的であり、夫の所得上昇は、両方の影響ともに出産に促進的である、〔2〕結婚後正社員、パートである女性は、無職者に比べて出産時期が遅延する、ということが示されている11。 - 経済産業省
  • The generous Anthonio then said, that he would give up his share of Shylock's wealth, if Shylock would sign a deed to make it over at his death to his daughter and her husband; for Anthonio knew that the Jew\\ had an only daughter, who had lately married against his consent to a young Christian, named orenzo, a friend of Anthonio's, which had so offended Shylock, that he had disinherited her.
    そのときあの寛大なアントニオは言った。シャイロックの財産に対する私の取り分は、シャイロックが死ぬときに娘とその夫とに財産を譲るという証書に署名すれば放棄いたします。というのは、シャイロックには一人娘がいたのであるが、娘は最近父の意に反して、アントニオの友人で名をロレンゾという若いキリスト教徒と結婚していたのである。このことにシャイロックは激怒し、娘を勘当してしまったことをアントニオは知っていたのだ。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』
  • Oyamatsumi said, 'The reason why I offered my two daughters together was that I made a vow that by making Iwanagahime your wife, the son of Amatsukami (Ninigi)'s life would be as eternal as a rock, and by making Konohana sakuyabime your wife, you would prosper as a tree flowers. Because you married only Konohana sakuyabime, the son of Amatsukami's life will be short just as flowers on a tree' (the "Kojiki").
    オオヤマツミは「私が娘二人を一緒に差し上げたのは、イワナガヒメを妻にすれば天津神の御子(ニニギ)の命は岩のように永遠のものとなり、コノハナノサクヤビメを妻にすれば木の花が咲くように繁栄するだろうとうけい(うけひ)をしたからである。コノハナノサクヤビメだけと結婚したので、天津神の御子の命は木の花のようにはかなくなるだろう」(「我之女二並立奉者有因使石長姬者天神御子之命雖雪零風吹恆可如石而常堅不動坐亦使木花之佐久夜姬者如木花之榮榮坐因立此誓者而使二女貢進今汝令返石長姬而獨留木花之佐久夜姬故今後天神御子之御壽者將如木花之稍縱即逝矣」『古事記』)と言った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Empress gets the First Order of the Precious Crown (Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown) when she gets married; crown prince, the son of crown prince, and Imperial Prince get Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum when they come of age; Crown Princess, the daughter of Crown Prince and Imperial Princess (wife of Imperial Prince) get the First Order of the Precious Crown when they are engaged; Imperial Princess (daughter of the Emperor) gets the First Order of the Precious Crown when she reaches maturity; King (of the Imperial family) gets Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun with Paulownia Flower (the Order of the Paulownia Flowers); and both Queen-wife of the King and sister of the King of the Imperial family-get the Second Order of the Precious Crown (the Order of the Precious Crown, Peony) when they are engaged and come of age respectively.
    皇后は大婚成立時に勲一等宝冠章(宝冠大綬章)、皇太子・皇太孫は成年時に大勲位菊花大綬章、皇太子妃・皇太孫妃は婚約成立時に勲一等宝冠章(宝冠大綬章)、親王は成年時に大勲位菊花大綬章、親王妃は婚約成立時に勲一等宝冠章(宝冠大綬章)、内親王は成年時に勲一等宝冠章(宝冠大綬章)、王は成年時に勲一等旭日桐花大綬章(桐花大綬章)、王妃は婚約成立時に勲二等宝冠章(宝冠牡丹章)、女王は成年時に勲二等宝冠章(宝冠牡丹章)を叙勲することとされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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