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  • In other words, from the fact that the Kegon (a thought of virtues are correctly provided due to trainings and performing acts of charity) doctrine was placed not as the eighth (Tendai Hokke) but as the ninth Jushin (stages of Mind Development) in Himitsu Mandala Jujushinron (Ten Abiding Stages on the Secret Mandalas), Juju taimo (endlessly interconnected net of Indra) (unobstructed) of Sokushin Jobutsu gi (Principle of Attaining Buddhahood with the Present Body) can be thought to have developed into a theoretical foundation of practical code based on the philosophy which symbolized the Kegon doctrine of Ichi-soku-ta and Ta-soku-ichi (one is equal to many, many to one).
    言い換えると、華厳教学が秘密曼荼羅十住心論において第八(天台法華)ではなく第九住心に配置された意味を併せて考えれば、即身成仏義の重重帝網(無碍)が、一即多・多即一という華厳教学を象徴的にする哲理を重要な基礎として、実践作法の理論的基礎に展開したものとして見ることできるからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As seen in "Nushi no densho" (transmission of nushi [master]), mountains and rivers can also acquire personality or life based on the Japanese traditional philosophy of animism, and they are utilized for shakkei (making use of the surrounding landscape in the design of a garden) or the design of Japanese cakes based on the "mitate no seishin" (spirit of simulation).
    これは山や川などの「ヌシ(主)の伝承」にしても同様の構図を持つものであり、付喪神もまた日本古来よりのアニミズム的な価値観から、人格や生命すら持ち得ない対象でさえ時にこれらを獲得し得る、あるいは借景(しゃっけい)や和菓子の造形と同様の「見立ての精神」における、解釈して楽しむといった擬人観が、普遍的な価値観としてこれらの根底に存在するということである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In this period, Raigo-zu (painting of Descent of Amitabha Tathagata) and sosyoku-kyo (copying of a sutra with decorative ryoshi-paper) were created following the previous period, but we see the advent of new genres such as Rokudo-e (paintings of the six realms) in the context of philosophy of the six realms, Juo-zo (the statue of Juo) depicting the dead realm's king who judges the dead, and suijakuga which are paintings based on the theories of Buddhist/Shinto unity, and the contents of Buddhist paintings became diverse.
    この時代には前代に引き続き来迎図や装飾経なども制作されているが、六道輪廻思想を背景とした六道絵、亡者を裁く冥界の王たちを描いた十王像、日本の神を仏教の仏が姿を変えたものとする本地垂迹説に基づく垂迹画など、新しいジャンルが現れた時代でもあり、仏教絵画の内容は多彩になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that it can be summarized as 'the past and the future deny each other, but join together at the present and move from the present to the present' or 'the Logic of Topos' (locational logic) (the self is a true self when the self denies itself') which reinterprets 'the Logic of Sokuhi' (Superrational Logic) (an idea in Kongo-kyo Sutra that 'A is non-A and therefore is A') of Daisetsu SUZUKI in Western philosophy.
    その要旨は「過去と未来とが現在において互いに否定しあいながらも結びついて、現在から現在へと働いていく」、あるいは、鈴木大拙の「即非の論理」(「Aは非Aであり、それによってまさにAである」という金剛経に通底する思想)を西洋哲学の中で捉え直した「場所的論理」(「自己は自己を否定するところにおいて真の自己である」)とも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • From 1942 to 1943 during World War II, articles summarizing symposiums that Iwao KOYAMA held with Masaaki KOSAKA, Keiji NISHITANI, and Shigetaka SUZUKI (colleagues of his from Kyoto Imperial University) on topics such as ' The world's historical position and Japan' appeared in the magazine "Chuo Koron" ('The world's historical position and Japan' appeared in the January issue in 1942, 'The morality and history of the Great East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere' appeared in the April issue in 1942, and 'The philosophy of all-out battle' appeared in the January issue in 1943).
    第二次世界大戦のさなか、1942年から翌年にかけて『中央公論』誌上で、「世界史的立場と日本」座談会(「世界史的立場と日本」昭和17年1月号、「東亜共栄圏の倫理性と歴史性」昭和17年4月号、「総力戦の哲学」昭和18年1月号)を京都大学の同僚、高坂正顕、西谷啓治、鈴木成高と行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • These four people were participants in the symposium entitled 'World-historical position and Japan' printed in the three issues of "Chuo Koron" from 1942 to the following year (January 1942 issue 'World-historical position and Japan,' April 1942 issue 'Morality and historical aspect of the East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere' and January 1943 issue 'Philosophy of all-out war').
    この四人は1942年(昭和17年)から翌年にかけて『中央公論』誌上で三回にわたり掲載された「世界史的立場と日本」座談会(「世界史的立場と日本」昭和十七年一月号、「東亜共栄圏の倫理性と歴史性」昭和十七年四月号、「総力戦の哲学」昭和十八年一月号)の出席者である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is confirmed that Genpo translated 99 titles (nearly 160 volumes in total) including "Taisei Meii Iko" (literary, Western medicine), the first medical journal in Japan, "Geka Hitsudoku" (literary, essentials for surgery), "Sanka Kanmei" (literary, a brief explanation about obstetrics), "Oranda Bunten" (literary, grammar of Dutch language), "Hakko Tsushi" (literary, the overview of world history), "Suijosen Setsuryaku" (literary, a brief explanation about steamboat), "Seisei Kiko" (literary, records on the Western world) and his specialty ranged from medical science, language, history of the Western world, to military science and philosophy of religion.
    日本最初の医学雑誌『泰西名医彙講』をはじめ、『外科必読』・『産科簡明』・『和蘭文典』・『八紘通誌』・『水蒸船説略』・『西征紀行』など阮甫の訳述書は99部160冊余りが確認されており、その分野は医学・語学・西洋史・兵学・宗教学と広範囲にわたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Many concepts and ceremonies from Koshinto were introduced into Japanese society during the late Edo period, their popularization tied to the rise of both the sonno joi (revere the Emperor, expel the barbarians) philosophy and the Hirata school of Kokugaku, but few historical records detailing Koshinto influence survive today, so much like the case of primitive Buddhism, it seems it is in fact only possible to make inferences on Koshinto based on later documents or by analogy.
    江戸時代末期に、古神道と称する思想や儀礼などが、尊皇攘夷思想や平田国学の隆盛と連動して、世に出たものが多くあるが、しかし当時の記録文書は無きに等しく、原始仏教同様、実際には後世の資料などから、間接的に推理・類推される存在に過ぎないことも指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is generally known that, for years, Mabuchi intended to promote his research on ancient words through works such as Kaiko (Commentary on Poetry), Buniko (Commentary on Literature), and Goiko (Commentary on Language), and to set up the philosophy of ancient Shinto after perfecting the fundamentals; however, in consideration of his old age, he passed on his attempt to advocate Fukko Shinto (reform Shinto [prominent 18th century form of Shinto, based on the classics, and free from Confucian and Buddhist influences]) to his successor, Norinaga MOTOORI.
    古語の研究を歌意考・文意考・語意考などで進め、基礎を大成したうえで古神道の哲学を組成することを真淵は長年意図していたのであるが、自分の老齢を意識して、復古神道の学論を立てる企ては後継者である本居宣長に譲ることにしたということは一般に知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, around 1726 a political reform theory, 'Discourse on Government' (Seidan) was submitted to Yoshimune by Sorai OGYU, who criticized the doctrines of Zhu Xi, saying that 'the doctrines of Zhu Xi was only a delusional theory based on speculations,' and this book not only demonstrated Sorai's political philosophy concretely but stood out as an epoch-making work in Japanese history of thought which promote the separation of politics from religious morals.
    なお、「朱子学は憶測にもとづく虚妄の説にすぎない」と朱子学批判をおこなった荻生徂徠が頃に吉宗に提出した政治改革論『政談』には、徂徠の政治思想が具体的に示されており、これは日本思想史のなかで政治と宗教道徳の分離を推し進める画期的な著作でもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hsi CHU organized various and contradictory theories in Northern Sung Dynasty into a great learning system which replaced these previous theories, and was based on a theory unique to Confucianism, by being based on the Seisokuri setsu (Chinese philosophy, a theory that 'sei' [human inborn nature] is 'Li' [the law of moral act]) advanced by Yi CHENG, and the Tenri (a theory that 'ten' [providence] is 'Li' [the law of moral act]) advanced by Hao CHENG, while adapting the logical system of Buddhistic thought, the generative theory of Taoism, and gyoho (method of ascetic practices) of sitting calmly and quietly.
    朱熹は、それまでばらばらで矛盾を含んでいた北宋の学説を、程頤による性即理説(性(人間の持って生まれた本性)がすなわち理であるとする)や程顥の天理(天が理である)をもとに、仏教思想の論理体系性、道教の生成論および静坐という行法を取り込みつつも、それを代替する儒教独自の理論にもとづく壮大な学問体系に仕立て上げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, Todai-ji Temple was regarded as a place for learning about the six sects in Nanto, and then as the center of the Kegon sect or study on the Kegon sect, on which emphasis was put in the Heian period and thereafter, when the temple was called a place for 'interdisciplinary study on the eight sects' including the Tendai and the Shingon sects, by attracting attention from people in power of the times and the common people with its principal image representing the philosophy, the statue of Birushana Buddha.
    また、いわゆる南都六宗の教学、さらに平安時代以降は、天台宗、真言宗などが同居して「八宗兼学」と呼ばれながら、なかでも重視した華厳経華厳経学の中心地とも見られ、その教えを体現する本尊の東大寺盧舎那仏像盧舎那仏像でもって、時の権力者や、庶民からの信仰をあつめてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • I understand that Senior Vice Minister Otsuka has received a report by the FSA staff on the progress in the working-level study. I have reminded Mr. Otsuka that it is necessary to tackle this task with a resolve to compile an entirely new manual, as the philosophy concerning financial inspections is changing completely and that this should not be a partial revision.
    大塚副大臣のところに、事務レベルで検討している状況が来ているようですけれども、再度、私は、大塚大臣に、「もう金融検査の理念、思想ががらっと変わっていくわけだから、それに基づいた新たなマニュアルをつくるというような気持ちでやらないと、一部手直しをするみたいな話ではない」ということを、この間、言っておきましたから。 - 金融庁
  • Yesterday, a large amount of capital was injected into the largest Swiss bank, whose business size is several times the size of Switzerland's GDP, and its distressed assets were bought with public funds. I think that these moves have been made promptly and under the framework of policy coordination in line with the basic philosophy of the G-7 action plan.
    あるいは昨日はスイス最大の銀行、スイスのGDPの何倍もあるような大きな銀行に対して大規模な資本注入並びに債権買取り等が行われてきたということで、これはやはりG7での我々の行動計画に基づいた迅速かつ政策協調という基本理念の中でやってきているんだろうと思います。 - 金融庁
  • The philosophy of the Baigan Ishida School, which was established in Osaka in the Edo period, was something like a mix of business ethics and Confucianism, and it has apparently lived on to date. Osaka has been a commercial and economic center of Japan ever since the Edo period, and it is true that there has been certain business ethics there.
    これは江戸時代に大阪で、商業道徳と儒教の教えを合わせたような石田梅岩塾というのは今でもあるそうでございまして、大阪というのはずっと長い間、江戸時代から日本の商業、経済の中心でしたけれども、やはりそこは一定の商業道徳といいますか、倫理があったということも事実でございます。 - 金融庁
  • I would like to make sure about one point. In relation to the Consumer Agency, you talked about establishing an effective framework based on a consistent philosophy regarding both matters of inspection and supervision and the institutional design. Does that mean you cannot accept the transfer of the FSA's jurisdiction over various consumer-related laws to the Consumer Agency?
    確認ですが、先ほどの「消費者庁」の関連で、「検査・監督と制度設計を通じて一貫性、実効性のある枠組みを整備」ということなのですが、これは、金融庁が所管する法律、いろいろ消費者関連のものもありますけれども、それを「消費者庁」に移管するということには応じられない、というお考えだという理解でよろしいでしょうか。 - 金融庁
  • Based on such a philosophy, Japan launched the Enhanced Private Sector Assistance for Africa (EPSA) initiative with AfDB in 2006, and for the five years until 2010, we have made significant contributions to the development of economic infrastructure and to the support of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in African countries. The EPSA initiative has utilized various tools, such as co-financing of Japan's ODA loan and AfDB loan, two-step loans via AfDB, and technical assistance through the Fund for African Private Sector Assistance (FAPA) sponsored by Japan.
    このような考え方の下、我が国は2006年、AfDBとともにEPSA (Enhanced Private Sector Assistance for Africa)イニシアティブを立ち上げ、AfDBローンと我が国の円借款による協調融資やAfDBを通じたツーステップ・ローン、及び、我が国の拠出によるアフリカ民間セクター支援基金(FAPA)による技術支援を通じ、2010年までの5年間、アフリカ諸国の経済インフラ整備および中小零細企業支援等に大きく貢献してまいりました。 - 財務省
  • The Blair administration which took over in 1997 espoused the political philosophy oaf ”third way”. While basically sustaining the political course of introducing market principles and emphasizing competitiveness, the Blair government stressed the role of government in supplementing those areas where market mechanisms alone are not sufficient, and called for better education and job training in order to improve the quality of the labor force, as well as R&D promotion.
    また、1997年に成立したブレア政権は、「第三の道」という政策理念を掲げ、市場原理の導入や競争力重視といったこれまでの政策路線を基本的には維持しつつも、市場メカニズムだけでは果たし得ない部分を補完するような政府の役割を重視し、教育や職業訓練の充実による労働力の質の向上、研究開発の推進等を図る姿勢を打ち出した。 - 経済産業省
  • A dry-goods store is selected to be Company A's customer if 1) it shares Company A's philosophy for the new brand and 2) the store's target customer base is in accord with that of Company A. Company A works to avoid overlaps in the market areas of each store and to offer products that one can buy only at a particular store and products that one wants to buy at that store.
    取引先とする呉服店に関しては、〔1〕新ブランドのコンセプトに共感し、〔2〕店舗のターゲットとする客層が新ブランドのターゲットとする客層と一致していることを前提としており、また、各店舗同士の商圏が重ならないようにすることで、「あの店に行かないと買えない商品・あの店で買いたい商品」とすることを心がけている。 - 経済産業省
  • This region accounts for about 50% of global GDP and 40 percent of the total world trade in volume (see Figure 3-2-3-34) For the expansion of economic stabilization and further growth, 1. trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and business facilitation 2. economic and technical cooperation 3. the basic philosophy of "free and open trade and investment" are engaged in activities to achieve the purpose.
    経済規模で世界全体のGDPの約5 割、世界全体の貿易量の約4 割を占める当該地域(第3-2-3-34 図)の経済の安定化及び更なる成長拡大に向け、①貿易・投資の自由化・円滑化、②ビジネスの円滑化、③経済・技術協力、の3 つを基本理念として「自由で開かれた貿易・投資」の実現を目的に活動を行っている。 - 経済産業省
  • However, in line with the basic principle of the Act (Article 3 of the Act) that in consideration of the fact that personal information should be handled cautiously under the philosophy of respecting the personalities of individuals, proper handling of personal information should be promoted, it is desired to make efforts as far as possible for observing even the provisions which contain the term “preferable” from the viewpoint of promoting protection of personal information.
    しかし、「望ましい」と記載されている規定についても、個人情報は、個人の人格尊重の理念の下に慎重に取り扱われるべきものであることに配慮して適正な取扱いが図られるべきとする法の基本理念(法第3条)を踏まえ、個人情報保護の推進の観点から、できるだけ取り組むことが望まれるものである。 - 経済産業省
  • In the legislative framework for nuclear safety in Japan, under the Atomic Energy Basic Act that defines basic philosophy of utilization of nuclear energy, the Act on the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors, and the Act concerning Prevention from Radiation Hazards due to Radioisotopes, etc. have been established as the legislation those specify the Governmental safety regulation. The laws necessary to ensure nuclear safety have been also organized, such as the Electricity Business Act, which regulates nuclear installations from the view point of electric facilities, and the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness, which specifies the nuclear emergency response.
    我が国の原子力安全に関する法律体系では、最も上位にあって我が国の原子力利用に関する基本的理念を定義する原子力基本法の下、政府が行う安全規制を規定した核原料物質、核燃料物質及び原子炉の規制に関する法律、放射性同位元素等による放射線障害の防止に関する法律などが制定されている。 - 経済産業省
  • Their management philosophy is to be responsive to knowledgeintensive industries. They have been undertaking pioneering work like, for example, accumulating and analyzing data regarding the approximately 4,000 different types of machine presses on which they have carried out maintenance and coming to realize the importance of preventative maintenance before machine press inspections became legally mandated in Japan.
    経営理念として「知識集約型産業」への対応を掲げ、これまでメンテナンスで手がけてきた約4,000種類のプレス機のデータを蓄積・分析しており、プレス機械の点検が法令で義務化される前から、予防のためのメンテナンスの重要性に着目して対応するなど、先駆的な事業を展開している。 - 経済産業省
  • The president of the company, Mr. Hitoshi Okamoto says that “getting staff to visit other companies and universities as often as possible provides them with chances to come up with new ideas and absorb many things, and also provides tips relating to management innovations and product development.” He plans to continue with his current management philosophy of creating an organization that is capable of continually producing technological innovations.
    同社の岡本仁社長は、「時間が許す限り社員を自社以外の企業や大学等の人や組織に触れさせることがアイディアの創出や勉強をするチャンスとなり、経営革新や製品開発のヒントとなる。」としており、今後とも、技術革新のアイディアが次々と生まれる組織づくりを進めていく方針である。 - 経済産業省
  • The world has not paid attention to the Japanese corporate management style since the Japanese economy stalled in the second half of the 1990s. However, we believe that at the core of this employment system is a timeless and universal business philosophy: that humans are the most important business resources and enterprises should exist not only to provide profits to share holders but to make all stakeholders happy, including corporate managers, employees, local communities, consumers and the government.
    1990 年代後半からの日本経済の失速により、こうした日本的経営は世界的に注目されなくなったが、その中心にある「人こそが経営資源であり、企業は株主だけのものではなく、地域社会を含めすべての利害関係者を幸せにするために存在すべき」という経営哲学・モラルは、依然として日本のみならず世界で通用するものである。 - 経済産業省
  • More specifically, CSR is understood to call for companies, in a way compatible with their pursuit of economic profits, to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, corporate philosophy and corporate governance, accountability and information disclosure, sincerity in attitudes toward customers, nurturing of and support for human resources, securing of fair conditions for competition, respect for human rights, consideration for the environment, contributions to local communities and so on.
    具体的には、経済的収益の追求と両立しつつ、法令遵守、企業理念とコーポレート・ガバナンス、説明責任と情報開示、顧客への誠実さ、人材への育成や支援、公正な競争条件の確保、人権尊重、環境への配慮、地域社会への貢献等を達成することが、CSRを果たすものであるととらえられている。 - 経済産業省
  • They were essentially a negative discussion of the great questions of philosophy and life, directed with consummate skill to the purpose of convincing any one who had merely adopted the commonplaces of received opinion, that he did not understand the subject—that he as yet attached no definite meaning to the doctrines he professed;
    この弁証法とは本質的に哲学や人生についての大問題についての否定的な討議なのですが、熟達した技巧でもって、広く受け入れられた意見の陳腐な言い回しをただ採用しただけの人に、自分が問題を理解していないということ、つまり、信じていると公言している教説に明確な意味をまだ与えていないということを納得するよう仕向けることなのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to promote comprehensively and systematically the policies for the establishment of a Sound Material-Cycle Society and thereby help ensure healthy and cultured living for both the present and future generations of the nation, through articulating the basic principles on the establishment of a Sound Material-Cycle Society, in conformity with the basic philosophy of the Environment Basic Act (Act No. 91 of 1993), clarifying the responsibilities of the State, local governments, business operators and citizens, and articulating fundamental matters for making policies for the formation of a Sound Material-Cycle society, including those for establishing the fundamental plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society.
    第一条 この法律は、環境基本法(平成五年法律第九十一号)の基本理念にのっとり、循環型社会の形成について、基本原則を定め、並びに国、地方公共団体、事業者及び国民の責務を明らかにするとともに、循環型社会形成推進基本計画の策定その他循環型社会の形成に関する施策の基本となる事項を定めることにより、循環型社会の形成に関する施策を総合的かつ計画的に推進し、もって現在及び将来の国民の健康で文化的な生活の確保に寄与することを目的とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • That same month, Masutatsu OYAMA, the founder of Kyokushin Kaikan, who, having become skeptical of traditional-style karate, was pursuing the realization of karate tournaments under direct-attack rules based on his own philosophy, generated a great buzz throughout the karate realm by hosting the first Open Tournament All Japan Karatedo Championships at Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium in Yoyogi, whereby contestants, who were prohibited from wearing any protective gear, fought with bare hands and bare feet under direct-attack rules (attacks to the face were prohibited, except with kicking).
    そして、同年同月、伝統派空手に疑問を抱き、独自の理論で直接打撃制の空手試合を模索していた極真会館創始者の大山倍達(おおやまますたつ)によって、防具を一切着用しない、素手、素足の直接打撃制(足技以外の顔面攻撃禁止制)による第1回オープントーナメント全日本空手道選手権大会が代々木の東京体育館で開催され空手界に一大旋風を巻き起こした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Rather, in the sense that, by taking Nao DEGUCHI as movement of Yin (passive) in the Principles of Yin and Yang, and Onizaburo DEGUCHI as movement of Yang (active), their cooperation complete Yin and Yang, and the will of the high-ranking deity nears completion, it is close to a belief of Oriental Philosophy, so even if the will of Onizaburo DEGUCHI is partly seen in Omoto Shinyu, it is natural to say that this doesn't directly make the credibility of Omoto Shinyu doubtful.
    むしろ、出口なおを陰陽論でいうところの陰の働き、出口王仁三郎を同じく陽の働きとして捉え、両者が協力して陰陽が完成され、高次の神の意志が完成に近づくとする点において、東洋哲学的信仰論に近いのであるから、大本神諭のなかに出口王仁三郎の意図がかいま見られるとしても、そのことですなわち大本神諭の信憑性を疑う、という向きは無いと述べて自然なはずである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The classification includes such items as literary art, chogi (ceremony at Imperial Court), Jingikan (Department of Divinities), Daijokan (Grand Council of State), the Setsuroku family (the family which produced the Regent and the Chief Adviser to the Emperor), the Kugyo family (kugyo means a Court noble), besso, achievements, teii (Chinese name of police), naiki (secretary of the Ministry of Central Affairs), kiden (biographical books), Onmyodo (yin-yang philosophy), rekido (the study of the calendar), tenmondo (astrology), ido (medical ethics), Buddhist service, Dazaifu (local government office in Kyushu region), foreign countries, miscellaneous writings, misfortunes, shokoku-zatsuji (miscellaneous matters of various districts), shokoku-kumon (official documents of various districts) and shokoku koka (merits and demerits of various districts), however, these items are about existing parts, therefore, it is unknown what kinds of classification were included in the missing nine volumes.
    分類は、文筆・朝儀・神祇官・太政官・摂籙家・公卿家・別奏・功労・廷尉・内記・紀伝・陰陽道・暦道・天文道・医道・仏事・太宰府・異国・雑文・凶事・諸国雑事・諸国公文・諸国功過の各項目であるが、これは現存する部分についてであり、失われた9巻にどのような分類が含まれていたのかは不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As internationalization and financial conglomeratization progresses, the necessity of strengthening partnerships with overseas regulatory authorities is increasing, and the movement towards the convergence of regulation and standards is accelerating. Taking this situation into consideration, the FSA will strive to adhere to the equal treatment principle of domestic and foreign financial institutions; make the Japanese financial system and financial markets universal based on a clear philosophy and rules; and at the same time play a leading role in international standard-setting activities regarding financial services, participating actively, not passively, from a strategic standpoint.
    . 国際化や金融コングロマリット化の進展に伴い、海外監督当局との連携強化の必要性が増すとともに、規制・基準の収斂の動きが加速している。こうした状況を踏まえ、内外無差別の原則を貫徹し、わが国の金融システム及び金融市場を明確な理念及びルールに基づいた普遍性のあるものにすると同時に、金融に関する国際的なルール作りに受身ではなく、戦略的見地から積極的に参加し、主導的な役割を果たすべく努力する。 - 金融庁
  • (2) In developing an audit plan, the auditor shall obtain information relating to the entity’s business activities, such as the general economic conditions, the industry in which the entity operates, the entity’s business and structure, management’s philosophy and policies, the structure of internal control, and the use of information technology(IT), then preliminarily assess the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements, which may result from business risks and other factors relating to the entity and its environment.
    2 監査人は、監査計画の策定に当たり、景気の動向、企業が属する産業の状況、企業の事業内容及び組織、経営者の経営理念、経営方針、内部統制の整備状況、情報技術の利用状況その他企業の経営活動に関わる情報を入手し、企業及び企業環境に内在する事業上のリスク等がもたらす財務諸表における重要な虚偽表示のリスクを暫定的に評価しなければならない。 - 金融庁
  • To cite some specific examples, the FSA has dealt with the problem of unpaid insurance benefits, which we talked about earlier, inappropriate business practices used by foreign exchange margin trading companies, and the issue of mutual aid associations operating without a license, as well as institutional issues, including a revision of the Money Lending Control Act. While dealing with these issues, the FSA has been striving to establish a framework for the protection of users based on a consistent philosophy regarding both matters of inspection and supervision and the institutional design. Also, it has been conducting inspection and supervision in ways to ensure the effectiveness of this framework.
    一部具体例を申し上げれば、先ほども話題となりました保険金の不払いや支払漏れの問題、悪徳な商法を含む外為証拠金取引業者への対応、無認可共済の問題への対応、さらには貸金業法の改正といった制度面を含む業者対応等々を行ってきているわけでありまして、その中で検査・監督と制度設計の両方を通じた一貫した整合性のある利用者保護の枠組みの整備と、その枠組みの実効性を確保するための検査・監督ということを行ってきているということでございます。 - 金融庁
  • In Japan too it has been held that with a view to introducing the CU system the 'Panel for the Prompt Supply of Effective and Safe Drugs' should consider, with continued adherence to the principle of government approval once the necessary domestic clinical trials have been conducted, such matters as the basic philosophy of this system (the scope of unapproved drugs to be covered and the target patients), the respective roles of the government, pharmaceutical companies and physicians, and the handling under medical insurance. (Fiscal 2007 ~ )
    我が国でも、「有効で安全な医薬品を迅速に提供するための検討会」において、国内で必要な治験を行った上で、国が承認するとの原則を堅持すべきであるとしつつ、CU制度の基本的考え方(対象とすべき未承認医薬品の範囲や対象者)、国・製薬企業・医師の役割分担、医療保険上の取扱い等について、CU制度の導入に向けて検討すべきとされた。(2007 年度~) - 厚生労働省
  • These points are based on the philosophy that, to deliver high quality drugs to patients, it is vital to value innovation fairly and also to secure adequate profits and research funding to expedite the development of innovative and high quality drugs. On the other hand, the health insurance system, which includes the current drug pricing system, serves as a financial guarantee of access to healthcare by the whole nation and it can also be argued that in terms of system sustainability there are natural limits to the burden it shoulders.
    こうした指摘は、患者に良質な医薬品を届けるには、イノベーションの価値が適切に評価され、さらに、革新的な良薬を速く開発するための十分な収益と研究開発原資の確保が不可欠であるという考えに基づくものである。また、一方で、現行の薬価制度を含む医療保険制度は、全国民の医療アクセスを経済面で保障する役割を果たしており、制度の持続可能性の観点からも、自ずと負担には限界があるとも言える。 - 厚生労働省
  • Thus, in the eighteenth century, when nearly all the instructed, and all those of the uninstructed who were led by them, were lost in admiration of what is called civilization, and of the marvels of modern science, literature, and philosophy, and while greatly overrating the amount of unlikeness between the men of modern and those of ancient times, indulged the belief that the whole of the difference was in their own favour; with what a salutary shock did the paradoxes of Rousseau explode like bombshells in the midst, dislocating the compact mass of one-sided opinion, and forcing its elements to recombine in a better form and with additional ingredients.
    こうして、十八世紀には、教育のある人のほとんど全員と、その人たちに指導された無教育な人のすべてが、文明とよばれるものや、近代の科学や文学、哲学に我を忘れ、近代人と古代人の違いをあまりに過大評価して、この相違の全体は自分たちに有利なのだ信じこむことにふけっていたのですが、有益な衝撃とともに、ルソーの逆説がそのど真中で爆弾のように破裂し、一面的な意見のぎっしりと固まった塊を解体し、その諸要素を、より優れた形式で、新しい成分を付け加えて、強引に再結合したのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • Anyway, we must accept that it will take time for the initiative toward better regulation to start producing results. Regarding the principles, for example, although the fact that the FSA agreed on them with financial service providers last month represents a major achievement, it does not mean we have achieved our goal. Building on this, we must aim to get all FSA employees to understand the purpose of the shared principles. Also, when enforcing laws, regulations and rules, we must try to make appropriate judgment by reflecting on their underlying philosophy, namely the principles.
    いずれにいたしましても、この「ベター・レギュレーション」の取組み、時間がかかることを覚悟すべきだと思っておりまして、例えば、プリンシプルに関しても、先月行われた金融サービス提供者とのこのプリンシプルの共有ということは一つの大きな成果ではありますが、これはゴールではなくて、今後これを基に共有されたプリンシプルの趣旨を職員一人一人がしっかりと理解するということを目指す必要があるわけでありますし、さまざまな法令やルールの運用にあたって、背後にある大きな理念、すなわちプリンシプルに立ち返った適切な判断を行うよう努力していく必要があるというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁
  • Having quoted the saying, "never invite suspicions needlessly," I find that idea to be quite natural as a course of action to gain higher trust and as a possible future issue. All in all, it’s common sense that an advisor is a high position in the FSA as a matter of course. What I consider constitutes a basic philosophy of conservatism is not to "help the weak and crush the strong," but rather to "help the weak and have the strong assume responsibility," which is an idea that the PNP supports. I believe that those in a position to lead others should exercise strict oversight that the public can feel satisfied with, be it in the capacity of a publicly-elected Diet member or Minister for Financial Services, in comprehensive consideration of ethics, morals, commonsense or, in some countries, religions, before law.
    今後の課題としてそんなことも当然、「瓜田に沓を納れず、李下に冠を正さず」といったわけでございますから、そこら辺はやっぱり世の中の常識と申しますか、信頼性の向上と申しますか、私はきちっと、顧問といえば当然金融庁の上の方ですが、国民新党も「弱きを助け強気をくじく」でなくて、「弱きを助け強きに責任を持たせる」というのが、私は保守の基本理念だと思いますから、上に立つ人はおのずと法律というものもございますが、同時に法律以前に倫理だとか、道徳だとか、一般の常識だとか、あるいは国によっては宗教だというのもあるわけですから、そんなことを総合的に勘案して、選挙で選ばれた国会議員として、金融庁の大臣としてきちっと国民の納得できることを、厳正な監督をやっていかねばならないというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁
  • Like Section 301 of the US Trade Act, the TBR is intended to promote the opening of foreign markets, but differs in some aspects. First, its scope is limited to trade practices for which international trade rules establish a right of action. Second, there is no rigid time frame between the initiation of an investigation and a determination, and the EU is bound by the findings of the dispute settlement procedures. The EU regime seems more consistent with the DSU. We can hardly say that this regime itself constitutes a “unilateral measure” prohibited by the DSU. Because the philosophy of this scheme is somewhat similar to our “rule-based criteria,” it has some positive aspects. Nevertheless, since its scope is not limited to violations of the WTO Agreements, and the organizations to which dispute cases are referred are not limited to the WTO, it could violate the WTO Agreements if improperly applied. We believe that its practical application in the future needs to be monitored.
    TBR は、外国市場開放の促進を意図している点で米国通商法301条と共通するものの、WTO協定をはじめとする国際通商ルールに基づき申立を行うことが出来るような相手国の貿易政策・措置を対象としており、また調査開始から措置決定までの期間が特定されない点、さらに上記のように国際的な紛争解決手続の結果に拘束されるなど、よりWTO整合的となっており、DSU で禁止されている「一方的措置」に直接該当するとは言い難く、「ルール志向」という本報告書の精神にも合致する点は、むしろ積極的に評価すべきであるとも言える。 - 経済産業省
  • Adoption of a multi-layered approach using FTAs and EPAs in particular allows (1)improved access to important markets, expanded trade and investment opportunities, and enjoyment of the benefits of economies of scale, (2) an improved competition environment due to expanded trade and the inflow of direct investment, consequently promoting domestic economic structural reform; and (3) expeditious creation of trade rules with countries sharing the same basic philosophy. This approach will enable Japan to build systems in areas where the WTO has yet to form rules, and will also boost Japan’s international weight in multilateral negotiations as a result of making “allies” of the countries party to such agreements.
    中でもFTAやEPAを活用した多層的なアプローチの採用は、①我が国にとって重要な市場へのアクセスが改善され、貿易・投資の機会が拡大し、規模の経済による利益を享受することを可能にするとともに、②貿易の拡大や直接投資の流入で競争環境が高まることにより、国内経済構造の改革が促進され、③さらには基本的な考え方を共有する国との間で通商ルールの策定を迅速に行うことにより、WTOにおいてルールが形成されていない分野での制度構築を先取りするとともに、これらの国との「仲間づくり」を通して多角的交渉における我が国の国際的発言力が向上することも期待できる。 - 経済産業省
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