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  • In 1236, Michiie KUJO (father of regent and Kamakura Shogun FUJIWARA no Yoritsune) vowed to build a large temple housing an approximately 15 meter tall statue of the Buddha Shakamuni on the site and the first character of the names of each of Nara's great temples, Todai-ji Temple and Kofuku-ji Temple, were combined to create the name 'Tofuku-ji Temple.'
    嘉禎2年(1236年)、九条道家(摂政・鎌倉将軍藤原頼経の父)は、この地に高さ5丈(約15メートル)の釈迦像を安置する大寺院を建立することを発願、寺名は奈良の東大寺、興福寺の二大寺から1字ずつ取って「東福寺」とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Founded during the Bunan era (1444-1448) in the mid Muromachi period in Tofuku-ji Temple's 129th year; the seated statue of the main deity of veneration, Fudo Myoo (Important Cultural Property), thought to have been created by Jocho's father Kosho is said to have been the central deity of the Godaido (hall dedicated to the five guardian kings) that was established by FUJIWARA no Michinaga in old Hossho-ji Temple in 1006.
    室町時代中期の文安年間(1444-1448)に東福寺第129世が開山した塔頭で、定朝の父・康尚の作といわれる本尊・不動明王坐像(重文)は、寛弘3年(1006年)に藤原道長が旧法性寺に建立した五大堂の中尊と伝える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Japan's Asuka period wooden Buddhas and giraku masks were almost without exception made from the wood of Japan's indigenous camphor tree and the fact that the Koryu-ji Temple statue is the only example in Japan of a piece made from red pine became the basis of the theory that it came from the Korean Peninsula.
    日本の飛鳥時代の木彫仏、伎楽面などの木造彫刻はほとんど例外なく日本特産のクスノキ材であるのに対し、広隆寺像は日本では他に例のないアカマツ材製である点も、本像を朝鮮半島からの渡来像であるとする説の根拠となってきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The statue is frequently referred to as 'The number one National Treasure' but it is simply the case that the National Treasure designation number assigned by the Minister of Education was 'Sculpture 1' and there were many other items that were also designated National Treasures on June 9, 1951.
    本像についてしばしば「国宝第1号」ということが喧伝されるが、それは文部大臣から交付された国宝指定書の番号が「彫刻第1号」になっているに過ぎず、本像と同じく1951年6月9日付けで国宝に指定された物件は他にも多数ある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Sanzen-in Temple is the oldest of the Three Monzeki Temples of the Tendai Sect and is said to originate from a temple named 'Enyu-bo' built in Toto Minamidani (a district located within Mt. Hiei) and dedicated to the principal image of a statue of Bhaisajyaguru carved by Saicho himself when he founded the Mt. Hiei Enryaku-ji Temple in 788.
    三千院は天台三門跡の中でも最も歴史が古く、最澄が延暦7年(788年)、比叡山延暦寺を開いた時に、東塔南谷(比叡山内の地区名)に自刻の薬師如来像を本尊とする「円融房」を開創したのがその起源という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The works of Jocho that were kept at temples including Hojo-ji Temple (the temple constructed by FUJIWARA no Michinaga) have all been lost and the statue at Byodo-in Temple that he created in his last years is extremely valuable as the only extant piece that can be definitively verified as his work.
    定朝が制作した法成寺(藤原道長が建立した寺)などの仏像はことごとく失われ、晩年の作品である平等院像は、彼の作風を具体的に知ることのできる唯一の遺品として、きわめて貴重なものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The vast Ingetsu-chi Pond covers one sixth of entire area of the garden which is also dotted with elegant works including the thirteen sceneries selected by Rai San yo; a large drawing room named 'Rofu-tei'; three teahouses named 'Sochin-kyo', 'Shukuen-tei' and 'Tairitsu-seki'; and a Jibutsu-do hall (personal Buddha statue hall) of the 21st high priest Gonnyo, named 'Onrin-do'.
    園内には、全敷地の6分の1を占める広大な印月池をはじめとする頼山陽撰の十三景が広がり、大書院の閬風亭や、漱枕居・縮遠亭・代笠席の3茶室、第21世厳如の持仏堂であった園林堂等、瀟洒な諸殿舎が点在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This name was derived from a dream that Emperor Godaigo had in which he saw a beam of light shining from the southeast where the wooden statue of Amitabha stolen from Kosho-ji Temple later appeared, and this miraculous event is also said to have been connected to the decision to relocate the temple to Shibutani in Kyoto from Yamashina.
    この寺号は、後醍醐天皇が東南の方向から一筋の光りが差し込むという夢を見たという場所に、興正寺の盗まれた阿弥陀如来の木像が出てきたという霊験に由来し、これを縁に山科より京都渋谷に寺基を移したとも言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to the 1195 last will and testament of TAIRA no Chikanori ("Toin buruiki" (categorized collection of court events and practices by the Toin family), in the same year he merged three Taira family related temples Byodo-ji Temple, Sonju-ji Temple and Goho-ji Temple, and constructed three Goken-do halls in Izumoji (a 'Goken-do hall' is a Buddha statue hall with a five bay long facade).
    建久6年(1195年)の平親範置文(『洞院部類記』)という史料によると、同年、平親範は平等寺、尊重寺、護法寺という平家ゆかりの3つの寺院を併合し、出雲路に五間堂3棟を建てたという(「五間堂」とは間口の柱間が5つある仏堂の意)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, the temple's collection Buddha statues dating from the Heian period, among which the standing statue of the Eleven-faced Kannon that represents the oldest style and appears to have been crafted during the 10th century indicates that the temple existed in the 10th century when Kuya is said to have visited.
    ただし、当寺には平安時代にさかのぼる仏像群が伝わり、もっとも古様な作風を示す十一面観音立像は10世紀にさかのぼる作と見られることから、空也が来山したと伝える10世紀頃には寺観が整っていたと見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1228 during the Kamakura period, the Kamo-gawa River flooded due to heavy rain, but the rain stopped and the floodwater subsided when the Nakahara (中原) clan who served as Bokashi (administration of the Kamo-gawa River) prayed to the Jizo statue for the rain to stop, and the temple was granted the name 'Chugen-ji Temple' (仲源寺, which are expressed in 'naka' (中) and 'hara' (原) added right-hand radical of each Chinese character, meaning 'human' (人) and 'water' (水) respectively) by the imperial court.
    鎌倉時代の1228年(安貞2年)鴨川が大雨で洪水となり、防鴨河使となった中原氏がこの地蔵尊に止雨を祈ったところ雨がやんで洪水も治まったことから、朝廷から「仲源寺」の寺号を下賜されたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This statue was once the original Buddhist identity of the Gion-sha Shrine (now Yasaka-jinja Shrine) kami and was housed within the Yakushi-do Hall of Kankei-ji Temple which stood within the grounds of the shrine but was moved to Dairen-ji Temple after Kankei-ji Temple was closed during the anti-Buddhist movement/separation of Buddhism and Shinto that took place during the Meiji period.
    この像はかつて祇園社(現・八坂神社)の本地仏であったもので、祇園社と同じ境内にあった観慶寺薬師堂に安置されていたが、明治の廃仏毀釈・神仏分離で観慶寺が廃絶した後、大蓮寺に移された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although this temple has become a Zen temple (a temple belonging to the Zen sect) of the Soto Sect after the early-modern times, it was originally a branch temple of Todai-ji Temple and deeply associated with Byodoin Temple and the FUJIWARA Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents), and has a group of Buddhist statues such as the Honzon standing statue of an Eleven-faced Kannon dating back to the Heian period.
    近世以降は曹洞宗の禅寺となっているが、元は東大寺の末寺であり、平等院や藤原摂関家ともゆかりの深い寺院で、本尊十一面観音立像をはじめ、平安時代にさかのぼる仏像群を有する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to temple legend, Domyo Shonin had a three-storied pagoda built on the west side of Mt. Hatsuse (the place known today as Motohase-dera Temple) in 686, and then, in 727, Tokudo Shonin founded the temple when he enshrined the statue of the Eleven-faced Kannon on the east side (where the present Hondo stands).
    寺伝によれば、天武朝の朱鳥元年(686年)、道明上人が初瀬山の西の丘(現在、本長谷寺と呼ばれている場所)に三重塔を建立、続いて神亀4年(727年)、徳道上人が東の丘(現在の本堂の地)に本尊十一面観音像を祀って開山したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A group of statues carved from ichiboku (one tree) called "a group of wooden Buddhas of the former Kodo Hall" created between the late Nara and early Heian periods and once temporarily placed in Kodo Hall, and a wooden statue of the seated Dainichi Nyorai (an important cultural property) once placed in Kon-do Hall are both stored and some of them are exhibited here.
    金堂にあった木造大日如来坐像(重文)のほか、「旧講堂木彫仏群」といわれる、もと講堂に仮安置されていた奈良時代末期~平安時代前期の一木彫仏像群が収蔵され、一部が展示されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is believed to have originally been a triad like the statues of Horyu-ji Temple's Shakyamuni triad; however, both side-attendants were lost and the statue itself was seriously damaged by fire caused by lightning, so that only the upper half of the face, the left ear, and the index, middle, and third fingers of the right hand are said to be original.
    当初は法隆寺釈迦三尊像と同様の三尊形式だったはずだが両脇侍像は失われ、釈迦像も鎌倉時代の建久7年(1196年)の落雷のための火災で甚大な損害を受けており当初の部分は顔の上半分、左耳、右手の第2・3・4指に残るのみだといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A travelogue "Shichidaiji Junrei Shiki (Private Journal of a Pilgrimage to the Seven Great Temples)" written by Chikamichi OE, who visited various temples in the southern capital (Nara), describes as follows: 'the principal image of Yakushi-ji Temple is an excellent work, but it is far behind from Shaka zo (statue of Buddha) of Daian-ji Temple.'
    平安時代末期の保延6年(1140年)に南都の諸寺を巡った大江親通の『七大寺巡礼私記』は、薬師寺の本尊像(現存、国宝)についての記述のなかで、「薬師寺の本尊像は優れた作だが、大安寺の釈迦像には及ばない」という趣旨のことを述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kamukata-ishi (stone god statue) - To the left facing the shinden, there is a stone approximately 1.5m tall with the engraving of a couple leaning happily close to each other, and the 'Kamukata-ishi' which enshrines four generations of emperors from Prince Otomo to Omi no Mifune and their corresponding empresses, beginning with Princess Tochi, is placed to the left of that stone.
    神像石--社殿の正面向かって左側に、男女が睦まじく肩を寄せあっている像が彫られた高さ1.5mぐらいの石があり、その左に「神像石(かむかたいし)」という、大友皇子・十市皇女から淡海三船までの4代とそれぞれの妃を祀った石が置かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There is a mystery in that there was no bones from the left hand found, also there was a statue of Kazunomiya and her left hand is hidden in an unnatural way, there is a legend that she lost her left hand for some reason, when she was alive.
    また、不思議な事に左手の手首から先の骨がいくら探しても見つからず、増上寺にある和宮の銅像も左手は不自然に隠れている事から、彼女が生前、何らかの理由で左手を欠損していたのではないかという説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) reported that he was a leading successor to the imperial throne together with Oshisaka no Hikohito no Oenomiko after the death of the Emperor Yomei, a powerful party supporting the Prince Anahobe regarded him as hostile, and he was cursed by NAKATOMI no Katsumi, a member of the party by making a statue of him in 587.
    用明天皇の崩御後押坂彦人大兄皇子と共に有力皇位継承権者であったと日本書紀等では記されているが、穴穂部皇子を推す勢力から敵視され、用明天皇2年(587年)にはその一派である中臣勝海に像を作り呪詛されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It's difficult to imagine it at present, but in a time when statues of the deceased were built to honor them (which is a Western custom) and many of statues were dressed up and majestic, the statue of Saigo was very ordinary, as his achievement was to serve country in the Meiji Restoration.
    今日では想像しにくいが、銅像を造って故人を顕彰するという西洋伝来の新しい文化がようやく定着した時期であり、その多くが正装したり威厳に満ちたものであったのに対し、西郷の銅像は明治維新の元勲のものとしては、あまりに庶民的に過ぎるものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • These huge statues are eight meters tall, and as a result of renovation carried out recently, documents were found inside the statues confirming that Unkei, Kaikei, Jokaku, and Tankei (Unkei's son) led many Buddhist statue sculptors specialized in carving smaller items to carve the whole thing in only two months, and it is also believed that Unkei was in charge of the entire production process.
    造高8メートルに及ぶこれらの巨像は、平成の解体修理の結果、像内納入文書から運慶、快慶、定覚、湛慶(運慶の子)が小仏師多数を率いてわずか2か月で造立したものであることがあらためて裏付けられ、運慶が制作の総指揮にあたったものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, a document found inside the Amida Nyorai standing statue (by Kaikei's disciple, Kokai) at Gokuraku-ji Temple, Joyo City, Kyoto Prefecture, mentioned that Kaikei was already dead in 1227, so this is the limit for his year of death.
    ただし、京都府城陽市・極楽寺の阿弥陀如来立像(快慶の弟子・行快の作)の胎内から発見された文書に嘉禄3年(1227年)の年紀と、この時点で快慶が故人であったことが記されており、この年が快慶死去の下限となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yoshihisa's is a rare case in that no portrait exists for him, a military commander of the Sengoku period, and that his countenance is unknown; however, there is a statue of depicting Yoshihisa's surrender, which was made several generation later, in the Taihei-ji Temple in Satsumasendai City, Kagoshima Prefecture.
    この時代の戦国武将には珍しく、義久本人の当時の肖像画は残存しておらず容貌に関しては不明であるが、鹿児島県薩摩川内市の泰平寺(薩摩川内市)には後世になってから作られた義久降伏の銅像がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When Jisho-Juei War broke out, her husband, Shigehira, fought battles in many places as shogun (commander in chief) of the Taira family's army; in 1180 he attacked Todai-ji Temple and set fire to the temple buildings and towers, burning down the great statue of Buddha (known as Nanto Yakiuchi (the Incident of Taira clan's army setting fire to the temples in Nanto)).
    治承・寿永の乱が起こると夫の重衡は平家の将軍として転戦し、その戦いの中で治承4年(1180年)に蜂起した興福寺、東大寺を攻撃して堂塔伽藍を焼き払い、東大寺盧舎那仏像を焼失させてしまう(南都焼討)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Unsai-ji Temple in Koromogawa Ward, Oshu City, is said to have been restored by Yoshitsune's lawful wife (Kitanokata), and in the temple a statue of Fudo Myoo (Acla, one of the Five Wisdom Kings), which was said to have been the guardian principle image of Kitanokata, and Yoshitsune and his wife's ihai (tablets with their posthumous names on them) had been enshrined, however, they were destroyed in the fire that broke out on August 6, 2008 in the temple.
    奥州市衣川区の雲際寺は義経の北の方(正妻)が再興したとされ、北の方の守り本尊に由来すると伝えられる不動明王と、義経夫妻の位牌が安置されていたが、平成20年(2008年)8月6日、同寺の火災により焼失した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A monument stands in his birthplace; bronze statues stand in front of Kagoshima Prefecture Police building and in Kirishima City, Kagoshima Prefecture (former Yokokawa-cho)--a fierce battle field for Betsudo Daisan ryodan led by KAWAJI; and a bronze statue--a work by the sculptor Seibo KITAMURA--stands in the police school run by Keishi-cho.
    生誕の地には記念碑が、鹿児島県警本部前と川路が率いた別働第3旅団の激戦地である鹿児島県霧島市(旧横川町)内には銅像が建っているほか、警視庁警察学校には彫塑家・北村西望の作となる立像が建てられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, the history of Shotenzan Kangi-in Temple (located in present-day Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture) relating to the foundation of Sanemori showed that he took over the estate of Nagainosho in Hatara County, Musashi Province (present-day Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture) after Sanemori's death, and donated to such Temple a statue of Eleven-faced Kannon and Mishotai shakujo gashira (a head of a priest's pewter staff considered as the principal object of worship).
    一方、実盛死後に武蔵国幡羅郡長井庄(現埼玉県熊谷市)を継ぎ、実盛創建に係る聖天山歓喜院(埼玉県熊谷市)に十一面観音と御正躰錫杖頭を寄進したことが同院の縁起に見える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • And, since the wording that Otari asked for "food for workers who lay the foundations" was found, it is speculated that he served as a administrative official in the organization that made images of Buddha not for Todaiji rushanabutsuzo (the statue of Birushana Buddha in Todai-ji Temple) in Todai-ji Temple or buildings concerning Daibutsu-den (the Great Buddha Hall).
    また、「礎を作るべき人の食料」などを請求している文言も見えるため、東大寺の東大寺盧舎那仏像以外の仏像や、大仏殿関係の建造物の一部をつくるような組織において事務官をしていたと推測される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Emperor Shomu, who was a deep believer in Buddhism, wanted to settle social unease based on the ideology of Chingokokka (keeping the nation tranquil by the reciting of Buddhist prayers and other Buddhist ceremonies) and issued in 741 an Imperial edict establishing Kokubunji (state-supported provincial temples) and, in 743, an Imperial edict for construction of Rushana daibutsu (a large statue of Buddha).
    かねてより厚く仏教を信仰していた聖武天皇は鎮護国家の思想により、社会の動揺をしずめようと考え、741年(天平13年)に国分寺建立の詔、743年(天平15年)には盧舎那大仏造立の詔を発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the inscription on the halo of the statue of Yakushi Nyorai (the Healing Buddha) in the Kon-do (golden hall) of Horyu-ji Temple, erected by Prince Shotoku in the beginning of the seventh century, it says 'Ike no be no omiya amenoshitashiroshimesu tenno' (Emperor Yomei) and 'Owarida no Omiya amenoshitashiroshimesu okimi tenno' (Emperor Suiko), and it can be assumed that the title 'amenoshitashiroshimesu' was used.
    7世紀初頭に聖徳太子が建立した法隆寺の金堂薬師如来像の光背銘に、「池邊大宮治天下天皇」(用明天皇)、「小治田大宮治天下大王天皇」(推古天皇)とあり、治天下大王(あめのしたしろしめすおおきみ)の称号が用いられていたことが推定される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to the "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), the introduction of Buddhism into Japan was spearheaded by SOGA no Iname, who enshrined a gilt bronze statue of Shakyamuni that had been presented, together with some sutras, to the Imperial court by King Seong of Baekje, in his house at Oharida and purified his house in Mukuhara, converting it into Kogen-ji Temple.
    当時仏教受容の先頭を切ったのは蘇我稲目であり、百済の聖王が日本の朝廷の伝えてきた金銅釈迦像・経典若干卷のうちの仏像を小墾田(おはりだ)の家に安置し、さらに向原(むくはら)の家を清めて向原寺(こうげんじ)とした(『日本書紀』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to Izumo YAMAKAMI, a priestess Ge-jugoinoge (Jugoinoge [Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade] given to persons outside Kyoto) OGA no Morime and Juhachiinoge (Junior Eighth Rank, Lower Grade) Kantsukasa no Tsukasa (chief priest) OGA no Tamaro visited Heijo-kyo (the capital of the Nara period) from Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine in 749 to dedicate the oracle which says the god would help the completion of the statue of Birushana Buddha in Toda-ji Temple.
    山上伊豆母によれば、天平感宝元年(749年)に宇佐八幡宮から祢宜の外従五位下・大神社女と主神司従八位下・大神田麻呂が建設中の東大寺盧舎那仏像を支援すると言う神託を奉じて平城京を訪れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, Gyoki and his religious community moved around various districts, performing both missionary and social works, and were involved in the construction of Todaiji-ji Temple rushanabutsuzo (the statue of Birushana Buddha), and therefore it is really conceivable that he possessed or was making in some way or other the maps to facilitate these activities.
    また、行基とその教団は諸国を移動して布教活動及び各種社会事業を行っており、後の東大寺盧舎那仏像建立にも関与していることから、当然こうした活動を円滑化するための地図を何らかの形で所持あるいは作成を行っていたことは十分考えられるのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Right after this order was issued the capital moved to Kuni-Kyo; and along with this transfer of the capital the construction of the statue of Birushana Buddha in Toda-ji Temple adversely affected the financial condition of the Imperial government; because of this weak financial condition, the rice tax, which was the source of local government, was sent to the capital and to supplement the lack of funds, fudokoku came to be taken out gradually.
    その直後に行われた恭仁京などの遷都計画、東大寺の東大寺盧舎那仏像の造営などで国家財政が悪化すると、地方財源である正税が中央に送られて消費され、これを補うために不動穀の取り崩しが行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to tradition, when Saicho, the founder of the Nihon Tendai sect, founded Tokko-ji Temple in 805 after arriving at the area following his studies in Tang (China), he endowed ancestors of the Yokooji family, who cooperated in the founding of the temple, with 法火 (hori no hi flame) and Bishamon-ten-zo (statue of Bishamon-ten (Vaisravana)) as a token of gratitude.
    伝承によれば、805年(延暦24年)、日本天台宗の開祖である最澄が唐での留学を終え、当地に上陸し、独鈷寺(新宮町立花口)を開基した際、協力した横大路家の先祖にお礼として法火(法理の火)と毘沙門天像を授けたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • From the description in the 'Rikkokushi' (the Six National Histories), the materials of the ancient history, and from the unearthed Paekche-type roof tiles and so on, Kikuchi-jo Castle is thought to have been constructed under the guidance of noblemen exiled from Paekche, therefore a bronze standing statue of Bosatsu (Bodhisattva) which is presumed to have been carried in by Paekche noblemen was excavated from the ruins.
    古代史の資料「六国史」の記述や百済系瓦の出土例などから、鞠智城は百済亡命貴族の指導で築城されたと考えられており、遺跡からは百済貴族が持ち込んだと推定される青銅製の菩薩立像も出土している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When and why it was made is a mystery; any theories, such as a marker of one of the four corners of the Kawahara-ji Temple's territory, a relic related to a kofun (tumulus) including Saruishi (Stone Monkey), or an unfinished product in the process of making a griffin statue in the era of Emperor Saimei, don't draw a conclusion.
    いつ、なんの目的で作られたかは謎で、川原寺の所領の四隅を示す石標、猿石を含めた古墳に関連する遺物、斉明天皇の時代にグリフィン像を造ろうとしたが加工途中で放棄されたものなど、いくつかの説がだされているが結論は出ていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A stone statue called Saruishi, which is placed in the adjoining tomb of Kibitsuhime Okimi, was dug out from the rice field (Koaza Ikeda) just to the south of Umeyama Tumulus in the Edo period and had been placed beside the tumulus since then, but in the early Meiji period it was moved to the present spot.
    隣接する吉備姫王墓に猿石と呼ばれる石像物が置かれているが、これは江戸時代に梅山古墳のすぐ南の田(小字池田)で掘り出されて古墳のかたわらに置かれていたもので、明治初期に現在の場所に移された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that the statue of Yakushi Nyorai (the Healing Buddha) made by Unkei, a sculptor of Buddhist statues, to the order of Motohira who intended to make it the honzon (a principal object of worship at a temple) of Motsu-ji Temple was so marvelous that the Emperor Toba attempted to arrogate it to make it the honzon of the temple he had built.
    毛越寺の本尊とするために薬師如来像を仏師・雲慶に発注したところあまりにも見事なものだったため、鳥羽天皇が横取りして自分が建立した寺院の本尊に使用せんとしたほどだったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To achieve a statue enabling to recognize a virtual sound source position at farther front and upper positions of the actual speaker positions for audiences through a circuit configuration capable of suppressing cost increase relatively ease at obtaining reproduced sound to sound signals from a speaker.
    スピーカから音声信号に応じた再生音を得るにあたり、聴取者が実際のスピーカの位置より前方かつ上方に仮想音源位置を認識できる状態を、比較的簡単でコストの嵩みを抑制できる回路構成をもって得ることができるものとなす。 - 特許庁
  • At least a plane part 2 is formed at the back surface of the statue of Buddha 1 made of wood, the part 2 extends from its shoulders through to a pedestal 3 and formed in rear of its arms, and the part 2 has an area in which a posthumous Buddhist name, a name before death, can be written.
    木製などで形成された仏像本体1の背面に少なくとも平面部2を設け、該平面部2が肩から台座3に渡ると共に腕よりも後方に形成され、且つ戒名,法名,俗名などが書き込まれる広さを有した構造と成す。 - 特許庁
  • From the viewpoint of a user's convenience, the power generation of the translucent solar cell is started in a state that the electronic apparatus is in a nonoperating state, and it is preferable that a state is shifted from the nonoperating state to the standby statue or from the nonoperating state to an operating state.
    さらに使用者の利便性の観点から、電子機器が非作動状態のときに透光性太陽電池の発電の開始すると、非作動状態から待機状態へ又は非作動状態から作動状態へと状態が移行するようにするのがよい。 - 特許庁
  • A lower part of the rotary table 2, namely, a base 1 are separated from the rotary table 2 causing only the liquid crystal plate 3 and the liquid crystal screen 6 is brought to front or back by the rotary table 2 without moving the statue body 5 and the base 1.
    回転台2の下部の部分、台1も回転台2とは切り離された構造とし、各種像本体5と台1は動くことなく、回転台2により、液晶板3と液晶画面6だけが必要に応じて正面に来たり、背面に行ったりする。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a data storage system capable of reproducing even a part, which can not be conventionally reproduced to internal structure of wooden works of art such as a Buddha statue or restoring its original figure.
    CTによる断層画像及び/又はCGによる3次元(立体)画像を調べることで、仏像等の木造美術品の内部構造まで、従来不可能であった部分まで再現でき、或いは当初の姿を復元し得るデータ保存システムを提供すること - 特許庁
  • When the local tourist association through consultative meetings campaigned to find sponsors for establishing 40yokai bronze statues (one million yen per statue),individual and corporate sponsors were attracted not only from the local community but also from a wider area. A sufficient number of sponsors was recruited in about a year.
    また、観光協会が主体となり、協議会形式で妖怪ブロンズ像の設置者を40体(1体100万円)分の枠で募集したところ、地元のみならず広域から、個人・法人の希望者が集まり、約1年で設置者の枠が全て埋まった。 - 経済産業省
  • but the mid-summer and midnight air was hot, sullen, and still, and no motion in the statue-like form itself, stirred even the folds of that raiment of very vapor which hung around it as the heavy marble hangs around the Niobe.
    夏も盛りの深夜の大気は熱っぽく、むっとして静まりかえり、婦人自らも彫像になったように身動き一つせず、霞がかかったような紗の掛け布でさえ、ナイオビの纏うずっしりと重い大理石の衣のように、ひらりとも揺れません。 - Edgar Allan Poe『約束』
  • In more recent times the expression of Fudo Myoo statues with heaven-and-earth eyes had become almost completely mainstream, but even after that the statues with normal eyes in the old style, with eyes that were open and had both canine teeth biting the bottom lip, were seen somewhat, such as the standing statue of Fudo Myoo with two youths in Ganjoju-in Temple, Shizuoka, made by Unkei.
    時代をさらに下ると、不動明王像は天地眼による表現がほぼ完全に主流となっていったが、天地眼の刻み方が一般的になっても、運慶の静岡・願成就院の不動明王・二童子立像など、一部には両目を見開き、牙が両方とも下を向いて咬んでいる古来の相に倣って刻まれた平常眼像が見受けられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Next to Honmonkaidan-no-Daigohonzon enshrined in Taiseki-ji Temple, Hoan-do, there is a kyuden (miniature shrine) enshrining a 3-sun statue of Nichiren called the First Buddha, which is made from a Japanese cinnamon and sculptured by Izumi-ko Nipposhi, when Honmonkaidan-no-Daigohonzon was established and there is a story (legend) that Nichiren saw this and commented that 'it looks similar.'
    大石寺奉安堂に安置の本門戒壇之大御本尊の横には宮殿(厨子)があり、最初仏と呼ばれるわずか三寸の日蓮の像が安置されているが、これは本門戒壇之大御本尊を建立されたときの楠樹で和泉公日法師が彫刻し、日蓮がこれを見た時に「よく似ている」と仰ったという逸話(伝説)が残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Accordingly, establishing an Amida-do Hall (temple hall having an enshrined image of Amitabha) called Joroku-do in Kyochi-bo, Mt. Koya, Jogyo put the hair of his departed father Yoritomo into the sitting statue of Amitabha which was enshrined in the hall for the repose of his soul, and furthermore, he held a religious service for the repose of the soul of the third Shogun MINAMOTO no Sanetomo, a half younger brother with the same father, by erecting a gorinto (gravestone composed of five pieces set one upon another).
    これを受けて貞暁は、高野山の経智坊に丈六堂という阿弥陀堂を建立、この中に安置した阿弥陀如来座像の胎内に父・頼朝の遺髪を納めて供養したほか、異母弟・三代将軍源実朝に対しても五輪塔を設営して追善を行なっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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